Top 20 Apps Similar to Army Counter Sniper Guide

U.S. Army Ranger Handbook 2
Wanting to learn skills taught to the U.S. Army Rangers, this appisfor you.
Army Bootcamp Study Guide 1.0
FREE! NO ADS! NO GIMMICKS! HelpYourselfPrepare for Army Basic Training! Please read entiredescription.First of all, we'd like to point out to you that this appisbased on the Soldier's Blue Book - The Guide for InitialEntryTraining Soldiers. That publication is available for free ontheInternet. HOWEVER, THIS APP IS MORE THAN JUST A SIMPLE E-BOOKAPPOR PDF placed the Soldier's Blue Book into itsrocksolid and proven M-Training System - the most advancedtrainingsystem available for mobile devices. What does this meantoyou?1. Your study and test progress is tracked for each lesson intheapp. You can view your study and test progress at a mereglance.E-book apps and pdf files do not track your study andtestprogress.2. Highly intuitive user interface that will not leaveyouwanting to pull your hair out.3. created over 200 questions to testyourknowledge! The questions are selected randomly. The questionsyousee in each test might be different, and/or presented inadifferent sequence each time you take a test.4. The source document was manually formatted for properdisplayon a mobile device. No need to pinch and zoom througheverypage.BOTTOM LINE - This app will help you become FAMILIAR with manyofthe topics you will be taught in Basic Training. Even yourdrillsergeants had to study the exact same information in this appwhenthey attended Drill Sergeant School.Specific topics include:1. Army Transition2. Army Values3. Basic Combat Training/OSUT4. AIT/OSUT5. Army Knowledge6. Warrior Tasks and Battle Drills7. Army Physical Readiness Training8. Standards of Conduct9. Army ResourcesFORCEREADINESS.COM HAS SEVERAL ARMY APPS TO HELP GET YOUSTARTEDIN YOUR NEW CAREER!keywords: US Army, Basic Training, Bootcamp, Boot Camp,DrillSergeant, ATN, IET
U.S. Army Echoes 3.3.3may23
Giving retirees access, knowledge, and information thepublicationprovides.
FM 23-10 Sniper Training 1.0
Michael Hart
The army manual FM 23-10 Sniper Training
Army Rifle Marksmanship Guide 1.0
Army Mountain Operations 1.0
Army Mountain OperationsThis Field Guide Manual - describes the tactics, techniques,andprocedures that the United States (US) Army uses to fightinmountainous regions. It is directly linked to doctrinalprinciplesfound in FM 3-0 and FM 3-100.40 and should be used inconjunctionwith them. It provides key information andconsiderations for commanders and staffs regarding howmountainsaffect personnel, equipment,and operations.It also assists them in planning, preparing, andexecutingoperations, battles,and engagements in a mountainous environment.Army units do not routinely train for operations in amountainousenvironment. Therefore, commanders and trainers at alllevels shoulduse this manual in conjunction with TC 90-6-1, ArmyTraining andEvaluation Program (ARTEP) mission training plans, andthe trainingprinciples in FM 7-0 and FM 7-10 when preparing toconductoperations in mountainous terrain.
Army Military Police Operation 1.0
Military Police Operations guide fromtheUnited States GovernmentThe Army depends on Military Police (MP) to maintain law,order,and discipline to provide security for Army personnel. Theyserveworldwide as the Army's law enforcement, security,anti-terrorismand force-protection specialists to handle crimescommitted on Armyinstallations and to support Army fighting forceson thebattlefield.Military Police Soldiers are recognized as lawenforcementprofessionals who receive some of the most advancedpolice trainingavailable.You will be trained to provide a wide range of diversesupportand challenged to adapt to any mission or environment.Thistraining is designed to transform a civilian into a Soldier andtoprovide the necessary expertise needed to be a MilitaryPoliceSoldier.
old Army Guide 1.5
Marlon Clark
This Army Guide is a straight-forwardandintuitive guide to the United States Army. Use this applicationtoexpand your knowledge, brush-up on the fundamentals or topreparefor a promotion/Soldier of the month board. The US Army hasmanyfacets to learn and remember. You can't be expected to know itall,but you can arm yourself with a thorough reference that cangiveyou a heads up. Focused on accurate information, thisArmyreference aims to be the most complete and thoroughguideavailable. Now available on iPhone too!This reference includes:CreedsArmy RegulationsField ManualsDA FormsBasic Training Smart CardGeneral OrdersArmy ValuesPhysical Readiness Training (PRT)Warrior Tasks and Battle DrillsUCMJCode of ConductArmy SongsAnd More...Whether you are new to the US Army or a seasoned Vet, thisguideis your multi-tool! New content is being added regularly.Goforward with a more confident grasp of these Army concepts and beaknowledgeable leader!Please feel free to suggest additional information or to informmeof errors! [email protected]: Bugle calls will not work on Android 4.4 and below(workingon a fix).
Army Survival Handbook – Offli 1.25
Free useful army survival handbook manual guide app thatworksoffline
Army Basic Training 1.1
This Army Basic Training app is areferencebook and guide for anyone about to enter the U.S. Army.All contentis unclassified for unlimited distribution. Content is ablend ofwhat you will see and experience at basic training as wellas tipson how to survive.Topics cover the three phases of Basic Training:Phase I Red Phase "Patriot"-Drill and Ceremony-Army Values-Physical Fitness Test-Chemical Defense-Combatives-Map Reading-Obstacle Courses-First Aid-Pugil Sticks-Gas Chamber-Basic Rifle MarksmanshipPhase II White Phase "Gunfighter"-M4/M16 Rifle-M203 Grenade Launcher-M240B Machine Gun-M2 Machine Gun-M249 SAW-M9 Pistol-BayonetsPhase III Blue Phase "Warrior"-Field Training-Urban Assault-Final Fitness Test-10K Foot March-15K Foot March-RecoveryAdditional reference material include:-Rank Guide-The Army Song-Soldiers Creed-Getting Smoked (of course)-Basic Smart Card
Army NCO Guide 1.5
The Army NCO Guide is running on itssecondyear of providing awesome content to the Soldiers and NCOs oftheU.S. Army.If this is your first Polemics app consider this fair warning.Ifyou've searched for other army apps on the app store you'veprobablyfound a lot of copy-pasted information from regulationsand manuals.Developers at Polemics take a different road tohelping Soldier's beArmy Strong. The Army must be politicallycorrect in all of itswriting. We give you the truth in reallanguage.Consider this a New School NCO Philosophy. This appblendscurrent experience you can use and quick reference materialfromthe manuals.Whats Inside:-Flashcards on NCO Topics-15 Smart CardsRisk Assesment MatrixSALUTE ReportLACE ReportCall for FireCBRNE 1 Report9 Line UXO/IED9 Line MEDEVACEvaluate a Casualty5 S' of EPW HandlingOCOKAGOTWAMETT-TCOPORD FormatSITREP Format-Counseling Tips-Suicide Prevention Literature-PMCS-NCOERs:SAMPLE BulletsDuty Descriptions-8 Step Training Model-Assessment of Training-7 Principles of Training-NCO Creed-TLPs-ASU Inspection Pictures-The Way of the Gun Philosophy
Army Urban Operations 1.0
United States Army Urban Operations FieldGuideThis manual provides the analytically tools for evaluatinganurban operation todetermine if the operation is necessary for overall missionsuccess.It also provides the means to understanding anddetermining theimpacts of the urbanenvironment on military operations and provides informationonmanaging,taking advantage of, and mitigating the effects of those impactsasappropriate.As such, this manual demonstrates how to apply thedoctrinalprinciples to this unique environment.Chapter 1 URBAN OUTLOOK 1-1The Prospect of Urban Operations 1-2Urban Perspective 1-2Historical Significance of Urban Areas in Warfare 1-3Modern Army Urban Operations 1-8Chapter 2 URBAN ENVIRONMENT 2-1A Complex Environment 2-2Urban Terrain 2-3Urban Society 2-14Urban Infrastructure 2-19Chapter 3 URBAN THREAT 3-1Asymmetry 3-2Weapons of Mass Destruction 3-2Threat Operational Principles 3-3Urban Threat Tactics 3-6Negative Effects of Urbanization 3-11Chapter 4 CONTEMPLATING URBAN OPERATIONS 4-1Necessity of Urban Operations 4-2Characteristics of Major Urban Operations 4-7Integration into Land Operations 4-10Chapter 5 FOUNDATIONS FOR URBAN OPERATIONS 5-1Urban Operational Framework 5-1Fundamentals of Urban Operations 5-12General Effects on Operations 5-16Chapter 6 URBAN OFFENSIVE OPERATIONS 6-1Purpose of Urban Offensive Operations 6-1Characteristics of Urban Offensive Operations 6-2Urban Offensive Operations and Battlefield Organization 6-6Forms and Types of Urban Offense 6-9Urban Offensive Considerations 6-15Chapter 7 URBAN DEFENSIVE OPERATIONS 7-1Purpose of Urban Defensive Operations 7-1Characteristics of Urban Defensive Operations 7-2Urban Defensive Operations and Battlefield Organization 7-5Types of Urban Defense 7-5Urban Defensive Considerations 7-10Chapter 8 URBAN STABILITY OPERATIONS AND SUPPORTOPERATIONS8-1Purpose of Urban Stability Operations and SupportOperations8-2Characteristics of Urban Stability Operations and SupportOperations8-2Urban Stability Operations, Support Operations, andBattlefieldOrganization 8-3Types and Forms of Stability Operations and SupportOperations8-4Considerations of Urban Stability Operations and SupportOperations8-6Chapter 9 URBAN COMBAT SERVICE SUPPORT 9-1Urban CSS Characteristics 9-2Logistics Preparation of the Theater 9-4CSS Functions 9-7General Engineer Support 9-26Civil-Military Operations 9-28Appendix A SIEGE OF BEIRUT: AN ILLUSTRATION OF THEFUNDAMENTALSOF URBAN OPERATIONS A-1Overall Strategic Situation A-1Israeli Military Position A-2PLO Military Position A-2Role of Civilians A-3Information Operations A-3
Military Ranks
This application is a reference guideformilitary ranks of many countries.Each rank is listed from lowest to highest in theirrespectivechains of command.Includes detailed information about each rank including:- Full rank titles- Proper way to be addressed- Images of Ranks worn on military uniforms- Abbreviations- NATO Codes- Pay Grades- Pay Per Month- Descriptions and responsibilitiesUPDATE: I'm sorry for the lack of updates over the last year.Theranks for the rest of the world will be coming out as soon asIfinish updating previous Skytrait Apps. If you would like tohelpcreate the database, email me at [email protected] andthatwould be awesome!======================================================================================Email: [email protected]: www.skytrait.comHearing from users is great! I'll make every attempt to respondtocomments on the Google Play page, but for a faster andmorepersonal approach feel free to email meIf you have any questions about this app, please first seetheSettings -> FAQ page in the app. If you still cannot findtheanswer to your question, go ahead and send me an email.=====================================================================================Facebook: - Required by Google Play Services. More informationonGoogle Play Service can be foundat - Determines if the device iscurrentlyconnected to a mobile data or WiFi source. Helpsconservedata.BILLING - Allows for a one time payment to remove all formsofadvertisement. Also used to collect donations.
Army Survival Manual FM3-05.70 3.0
the Army has several basic survivalkits,primarily for issue to aviators. There are kits for coldclimates,hot climates, and overwater. There is also an individualsurvivalkit with a general packet and medical packet. The cold,hot, andoverwater kits are in canvas carrying bags. These kits arenormallystowed in the helicopter's cargo and passenger area.An aviator's survival vest (SRU-21P), worn by helicoptercrews,also contains survival items.U.S. Army aviators flying fixed-wing aircraft equippedwithejection seats use the SRFU-31/P survival vest. Theindividualsurvival kits are stowed in the seat pan. Like all otherkits, therigid seat survival kit (RSSK) you use depends ontheenvironment.Items contained in the kits may be ordered separatelythroughsupply channels. All survival kits and vests are CommonTable ofAllowances 50-900 items and can be ordered by authorizedunits.Figures A-1 through A-6 describe the various survival kitsandtheir contents.Food packets.Snare wire.Smoke, illumination signals.Waterproof matchbox.Saw/knife blade.Wood matches.First aid kit.MC-1 magnetic compass.Pocket knife.Saw/knife/shovel handle.Frying pan.Illuminating candles.Compressed trioxane fuel.Signaling mirror.Survival fishing kit.Plastic spoon.Survival manual (AFM 64-5).Poncho.Insect headnet.Ejector snap.Attaching strap.Kit, outer case.Kit, inner case.Shovel.Water bag.Kit, packing list.Sleeping bag.Figure A-1. Cold Climate KitCanned drinking water.Waterproof matchbox.Plastic whistle.Smoke, illumination signals.Pocket knife.Signaling mirror.Plastic water bag.First aid kit.Sunburn-prevention cream.Plastic spoon.Food packets.Compression trioxane fuel.Fishing tackle kit.MC-1 magnetic compass.Snare wire.Frying pan.Wood matches.Insect headnet.Reversible sun hat.Tool kit.Kit, packing list.Tarpaulin.Survival manual (AFM 64-5).Kit, inner case.Kit, outer case.Attaching strap.Ejector snap.Figure A-2. Hot Climate KitKit, packing list.Raft boat paddle.Survival manual (AFM 64-5).Insect headnet.Reversible sun hat.Water storage bag.MC-1 magnetic compass.Boat bailer.Sponge.Sunburn-prevention cream.Wood matches.First aid kit.Plastic spoon.Pocket knife.Food packets.Fluorescent sea marker.Frying pan.Seawater desalter kit.Compressed trioxane fuel.Smoke, illumination signals.Signaling mirror.Fishing tackle kit.Waterproof matchbox.Raft repair kit.
Army Booby Traps Field Manual 1.0
Army Booby Trap Field Manual FM 5-31Learn the history of Booby traps formerly taught by theU.S.Army. As Booby traps are no longer in use by the Army duetointernational treaties.This guide is the complete and definitive guide to themosteffective and efficient booby traps as developed by theU.S.Army.The book is for educational purposes only; learn how tobothassemble, trigger, identify and remove booby traps inanyenvironment. This manual contains in depth guides on practicalandeffective disguises of booby traps, and has approximately100images for those that prefer learning visually.You should not try to create any device found in this book.
Army Leader Smart Cards 1.9
Army Leader Smart Cards is a free app for all Soldiers togettostandard information in a hurry. It is an introductoryappforSoldiers to see what kind of apps we produce(StructuredSelfDevelopment, WLC, NCO, Air Assault, etc). Allinformationisunclassified for unlimited distribution. Contentincludes:UniformStandards Manual Excerpts Risk Matrix TroopLeadingProceduresSALUTE Report SALT Report LACE Report Call forFire CBRNE1 Report9 Line MEDEVAC 9 Line UXO/IED Report Evaluate aCasualty 5S's ofHandling EPWs OCOKA METT-TC GOTWA OPORD FormatSuicidePreventionNew School Army Humor New School Army Philosophy
Army Cadence 1.62
Army Running Cadence'sC-130I Can RunSpiritSound OffSaw An Old LadyJodyNo SweatUp In The Mornin'Seven with Soundv1.62 Added Taps and ReveilleNext update will include more cadence's.*Check out my other apps for board preparation.
Army Survival Guide 1.7.3
Get the entire Army Survival Guide onyourphone. Whether you are an avid hunter or outdoors man, orpreppingfor the Apocalypse this app is for you. Great when you huntfishtrap hike camp or any survival situation.Guaranteed to make you a survivor.Access manual without a network connection.New Version has Bookmarks
Army Fitness 1.0
Greetings Warriors of the U.S. Army! Thisisappis first a workout companion. We call out the exerciseandcadence,you perform the reps (too easy!). Second this app istoteach you howthe new Army PRT system works with indepthreference. This app istargeted to the seasoned NCO that needstolearn the new system andthe young Specialist bucking to go toWLC.In March of 2010 the Army finally released TC 3-22.20thelongawaited revision to FM 21-20. Although badly needed wewerelittleprepared for the massive overhaul of the old PT system.We'vegot ahost of new exercises to learn, cadence structures, and athenewphilosophies of Progressive Readiness.Learn each of the new exercises with picturesanddescriptionsfrom the text. Once you have a good grasp ofthemechanics you canjump into the exercise drills. We'll calltheexercise and countthe cadence for you.Note, the workout sessions are designed from TC 3-22.20.Wedon'tknow your readiness or fitness level so participate atyourownrisk. Reference Chapter 5 of TC 3-22.20 for a detailed guideonhowto plan workout sessions with the new model.Good luck, (Drink Water!)
Army Comprehensive Doctrine 1.6.3
***This has been branded as an Official U.S. Army app*** TheArmyComprehensive Doctrine (ACD) App provides a versatiledoctrinereference for today's digitally connected Soldier. It isnot thesame old list of doctrine. It is how the Army thinksaboutformations. It is how the Army thinks about conductingoperations.It is instant access to Army Doctrine in the hands ofeverySoldier. The app was created in partnership between ArmyDoctrineProponency Division Combined Arms Doctrine Directorate andTRADOCProgram Office Mobile Team.