Top 36 Apps Similar to Virtual CDU 747

Virtual CDU 777 1.4
This is the best app for Flight Simulator lovers.
Virtual CDU 737 1.10
Virtual CDU for the 737
PmdgSim: Boeing 737 Checklist and Procedures 1.3
PmdgSim App provides you with all Boeing737NGSeries(800,900,BBJ2,BBJ3) checklists and procedures.Procedureswillprovide you with exactly what you need to fly theaircraftfromcold and dark state to shutdown and secure, italsocontainsadditional hints and information, and checklists willhelpyou tomake sure you didn't forget any mandatory task topreventanyprospective failure during flight. Procedures provided intheappare : • Preflight & Aft Overhead • OverheadPreparation•Forward Panel & Pedestal • Before Pushback / ReadyForPushback• Engine Start • After Engine Start • Taxi • ClearedIntoPosition• Takeoff • After Takeoff • Climb • Cruise •InitialDescent •Final Approach / Landing • After Landing / Taxi •Shutdown/ SecureChecklists provided in the app are : • Preflight •BeforeStart •Before Taxi • Before Takeoff • After Takeoff • Descent•Approach •Landing • Shutdown • Secure The app also has a NightModeto reducethe brightness of your screen and ensure your eyesdon'thurt, soit's very convenient for you during the night.Thoseprocedureswere designed for PMDG 737 NGX and iFly 737NG, butyoucan use itwith other aircraft. PmdgSim App is considered touseonly forFlight Simulator. Do Not Use It ForRealFlight.---------------------------------------------------------We'realwaysexcited to hear from you! If you have anyfeedback,questions, orconcerns, please email usat:[email protected]://
737 Handbook 2.1.0
Petr Smejkal
An interactive technical guide
FlyBy E6B 1.64
FlyBy E6B is an essential flight computer application forallpilots.
FSi C172 1.4.0
FSi C172 is the ultimate instrument panel for yourfavoriteflightsimulator. It allows you to completely hide thecockpit oftheMicrosoft Flight Simulator, Prepar3D or X-Plane so youcanenjoyboth beautiful instruments and scenery. IMPORTANT - thisappisintended for Microsoft Flight Simulator X (FSX), Prepar3DorX-Plane users and is not usable on its own. You willneedtheAndroid device and the computer running the simulator to beonthesame network. The instrument panel is themed after CessnaC172,butwill work with any aircraft you wish to fly. The apphasthefollowing instruments and functions: AirspeedIndicatorAttitudeIndicator with adjustable reference bars Altimeterwithadjustablepressure setting Turn coordinator Heading indicatorwithadjustableheading bug and correction for drift VerticalSpeedIndicatorTachometer with hour meter Course DeviationIndicatorwithGlideslope Indicator and adjustable OmniBearingSelector(connected to NAV1 receiver) Course DeviationIndicatorwithadjustable Omni Bearing Selector (connected toNAV2receiver)Automatic Direction Finder with adjustableheadingVacuumgauge/Ammeter Fuel Quantity Indicator ExhaustGasTemperatureIndicator with adjustable reference needle/FuelFlowIndicator OilTemperature/Pressure gauge Clock/ThermometerMagneticcompassAnnunciator panel with test and dim switch Togglebuttonsfor GPSand Radio stack (show/hide these panels on the PCscreen)Flapsindicator and control lever Day and night themesAutomaticserverdiscovery through Bonjour services FSi Server isrequiredtoestablish the connection between Flight Simulator andyourdevice.It can be downloaded free at
B737 MRG 8.0
Boeing 737 Management Reference Guide by Captain Pat BOONE
Holding Pattern Trainer 1.2.0
IFR Holding Pattern Trainer, tutorial and calculator
E6B Pathfinder - Flight CX2 2.0
A simple, useful and easy to use flight computer for studentsandprofessions
A320 Virtual Walk-around 1.1.3
Peter Yang
Airbus A320 virtual walk-around training (tablet version)
CockpitAid 1.12
Bill Stockton
Real-time compass with artificial horizon displaying heading,rolland pitch
Cessna 172 Checklist 1.1
Finally: a comprehensive C172 checklist, made withbeautifulmaterial design.
Flight Computer Pro 1.6
An easy and intuitive simulation of the E6B slide ruler usedbyaircraft pilots.
Airbus A320 Pilot Knowledge 4.2.1
👨‍✈️ "THE tool for effortless learning!" "A great way to learnthefacts!"👩‍✈️
Aviation Dictionary Pro 1.9.2-pro
Simple. Clean. Aviation. Works offline. No Ads.
Aviaze 1.16.1
If you are a pilot, you are in training or you just like to flyandsurf the clouds with your own aircraft Fly Fun, Fly Safeanddownload AVIAZE! AVIAZE is the social network for lightaircraftpilots. Use AVIAZE to log your flights and navigate andpost yourflights in your timeline. A General Aviation platformwhere you canshare your flights, thoughts, pictures and cometogether with acommunity of passionate aviators like you. More thanjust an airnavigation tool with airspace information, airports,runways andwaypoints, AVIAZE turns your smartphone into a flighttracker and aconnected Flight Data Recorder to monitor, log andbroadcast inreal time all flight parameters along your flightroute. AVIAZEgathers information from all your device’s sensors toplot allflight parameters. Just like an airliner performance tool,monitorAltitude, Ground Speed, G forces and RPMs estimations toanalyzeall inflight events. Monitor the accuracy of yourapproaches, thesoftness of your landings, the perfection in themaneuvers youexecute, debrief your flights and make every flighthour count toimprove your skills. MAIN FEATURES: - Navigationmoving map andairspace information - Share a link with friends andfamily tofollow your flight in real time - Logbook with automaticblock,flight and engine start/stop times detection plus fulltracking -Detects take off and landings automatically - Performancegraphs(Altitude, Speed, Engine RPMs estimation and Gs) - FlightDataRecorder - Option to post flights in the timeline and sharethemwith followers - Follow and meet other pilots, like and commentontheir flights or post - Get points on every flight andpositionyourself as a high ranked pilot - Beat challenges and earnbadgesWHO IS AVIAZE MENT FOR? Any aviation lover, but especiallyfocusedon General Aviation, ULMs, gliders, paramotors, paraglidersandUFOs pilots. A worried flight instructor? a cocky group offriends?a concerned mommy? Let them know where you are at any time.AVIAZEallows you to share your flight in real time viaWhatsapp,Instagram, Facebook, Twitter... How does it work? Easy!Start aflight, click on “share” and send them the link that willopen theAVIAZE map on their smartphone browser to follow yourairnavigation wherever you go. WHAT’S NEXT? Much more is coming,somake sure you invite your pilot friends to share with themflights,adventures, knowledge or anything aircraft related inthisexpanding community of general aviation pilots. Every flight isamission, every pilot has a goal. Safety is always first but,webelieve that flying has to be fun as well. In every flight youwillearn points that will allow you to go to the next level andfacenew challenges. To start with, beat the 6 first challengeswhileimproving your flying skills, share it with AVIAZE community,getlikes and new challenges will come. Ready to have a goodtime?Welcome to theclub!------------------------------------------------ Terms ofservice:
Aviation W&B Calculator 2.3.1
Designed by pilots for pilots. Our main goal is to provide youwitha quick and professional way to calculate your aircraft weightandbalance. Note: - This is a 1 month free trial version, which attheend of the trial period you will be offered with subscriptionplansfor your convenience. - Users of the old app (green logo),pleasebe aware that if you choose to install this update, your datawillbe lost and you will be moved to subscription model.Highlights: -Live chat support in-app - Data auto-sync betweendevices - Enjoy agrowing +100 templates library - iPad landscape& portraitsupport - Metric/US/Mixed units support - Variablefuel arm support- Variable maximum weights support - Savepre-defined weight items- Auto fuel tops on click - Combinedstations maximum weight -Summary to meet part 135 requirements -Export and print summary asPDF - Build your own aircraft templates- Professional load sheetsummary - Complex envelope support -Custom station weight units -Unlimited amount of stations Units: US- lbs, Gal, in, qt, ftMetric - Kg, l, m, cm, mm Moment - /100,/1000 Fuel: - Avgas,Mogas, Jet A, Jet A-1 Limitations (all exist inour roadmap): - CGmeasured in length and not %MAC - Helicopterslateral calculations- Up to one variable fuel loading table - Nogliders We do our bestto improve our app from update to update, ifyou have anysuggestions please let us know and we will consideradding them infuture updates. We believe in a quick andprofessional customerservice, contact us via the chat in the appand we will replywithin one business day. Term of Use: https://www.AviationWB.comFacebook:
Aviation Checklist 2.03
Aviation Checklist has been developed basedonprevious work by Yeno Android Software to suit the needs oftheaviation pilot. It allows you to have your favoriteplanes’checklists in a phone or android table.The graphical interface is very simple and easy to read intheplane. The checklists are organized in four levels. No other appinthe market has four levels, needed in aviation.Of course beside aviation, the app can be used for anyotherpurpose where organization in four levels is needed as well asaneasy transfer between phone and personal computer. YenoChecklistXML files are also compatible.The first level is “Aircrafts”. You may have items like“Cessna 172”“Beech Baron”Etc.The second level is “Checklist Groups”. For each aircraft youmayhave items like:“Normal Procedures”“Emergency Procedures”“Performance”“Reference”Etc.The third level is “Checklists”. For each “Checklist Group”oprocedure you may have items like:“Preflight Inspection”“Before Starting”“Before Take-off”“Take-off”Etc.Finally the fourth level “Tasks” may have items like:“Gear Down”“Flaps as Required”“Propeller Full Forward”Etc.Even though the user-friendly interface of the program allows youtodirectly create your checklists in the phone or tablet, foryourconvenience, you may download this desktop application program allows you to create or modify the checklistsfasterat your windows-based home computer (Apple and Linux appswillfollow shortly).You can transfer your checklists between your computer andyourphone or tablet simply copying the database file(“AvChecklist.db”)or exporting and importing to an XML file.Previous Yeno Checklist’s XML files are also compatible.You can also upload and download checklists from the internettoeasily share checklists between users or to transferyourchecklists between the home computer and your Androiddevice.As a pilot you may be interested in checking out ourotherapplication “Qrouting” in the “Android Market”QRouting is a complete Flight Planning Software forAviation.It covers all the aspects of Flight Planning:- Weight and Balance- Fuel management- Operational Flight Plan- Flying the route with moving map with aeronautical charts- It downloads Aviation Weather Information Metar and Taf,- It downloads Aviation NOTAMPlease, visit: www.qrouting.comTo report errors, make any enhancement suggestions or getquickand friendly support, please send us an email [email protected] SoftwareBased on Yeno Software under Apache version 2.0 license
ECAM Reset 1.4.1M
Cave Club
ECAM Reset PRO app (with SEARCH option)- procedure is usedwhenacomputer/system does not operate correctly onA320familyairplanes. ECAM Fault msg or SYS can be used forsearchresetprocedure in app. In application, You will find:ConfigurationofA/C (prior reset), circuit breakers and/or pushbuttons toreset,time needed for SYS to reset, AMM reference forsign off inALB(ATL), and MEL reference for A/C dispatch. NOTE:SEARCH fieldisadded in app, to speed up process, and find answerforcertainproblem. Use it like a professional and preventaircraftdelay. Itis important to quickly solve problem, systemerrors andfaults,and You can do it with this app. The linemaintenance(base)personnel and pilots can use it, with caution,followingAirbus andoperator’s manuals. MCC support and approval ifrequired.ECAMReset app is intent to be reference guide andtrainingsupportonly, NOT substitutes to manufacture and operator’smanuals.Use itwith caution, on own risk. NOTE: MMEL reference isused inapp.Approved operator’s MEL MUST be used for aircraftdispatch.SomeMEL may require maintenance and/or operational action.Itisimportant to perform maintenance action for requiredMEL,beforeA/C dispatch. MEL can be different from the one in app,andit isdifferent from one to other operator. It is not the sameMELforA/C in American Airlines and Saudi Arabian AirlinesorIndiGo.Aeroflot, EasyJet, Volaris or Wizz air, no meterwhatcompany - useonly approved documentation, information in appareonly forreference. AMM reference, for sign off in AircraftLogBook, isused in app. Check and use ONLY updated AMM, ofrelatedaircrafteffectivity for sign off. Make special attention toputbackaircraft to configuration before this app is used,orNORMALconfiguration. (HYD power OFF or ON, SYS or computer P/BOFFor ON…) In some cases there is possibility that you will findsomeCB’sfor reset that are not applicable on specific aircraft.Themainreason is that this app is made for A320 family aircraft,andthereare small difference for system CB’s between A/C. In thiscaseYoushould use CB’s, from the list, that are present andignoreothersfrom list in app. For example, that situation is withCIDSresetprocedure. In additional, in some cases after reset,systemwillonly change used channel, FAULT will not be present onECAMbutstill exist. For example, after reset ECAM FAULT :”BRAKESN/WSMINOR FAULT” with A/SKID-NWS switch reset (on LandingGearcontrolpanel), SYS will change to other channel (BSCU Channel).Inthiscase, You can dispatch aircraft, but It is goodpractice,insituation like this, to fill in Aircraft Log Book thatresetisperformed. It is important to perform troubleshooting andcheckwhysome error occur. In some cases, when there is a realproblemwithsystem, this app will not fix it, but You can use itforFASTfixing spurious message and when SYS is temporary U/Sduetovarious reasons. This is stand alone application, You willNOTneedinternet connection to use it. You can update app withnewoptionssoon. If You found some bug or have idea how to makeitbetter,please feel free to contact us via email. Thanks Cave Club
Flight Logbook 1.5.1
Designed by Pilots for Pilots
Airbus WIN 1.7.0
Airbus Group
The application for instructors to boost your flightoperationsandtraining standards. The objective of theAirbusWorldwideInstructor News application (Airbus WIN) is toprovideInstructors,and largely speaking all pilots, withinformation fromthe AirbusFlight Operations and Training Standardsdepartment. Theaccess isfree, with no authentication. You will findvideos,presentations,and articles that deal with flight operationsandtraining topicsthat Airbus considers necessary to highlight.Youcan read media,or download them for a laterconsultation.Information is posted ona periodic basis and ismaintained up todate. The information isdisplayed in a structuresimilar to theAirbus flight operationsmanuals (FCOM/FCTM). Newinformation ishighlighted in the mainpage, with links to therelevant media. Youwill also have thepossibility to search forinformation on specificsubjects, orrelevant to a specific Airbusaircraft via the “search”function.Any suggestion on the content ofthe application iswelcome. Youhave a dedicated “Suggestions” formfor that. However,technicalquestions should always be submitted via“Tech Request”tool, thededicated channel available for AirbusOperators. Finally,pleasealways keep in mind that the operationaldocumentation isthereference. Enjoy navigating through Airbus WINand learning asmuchas you can to boost your flight operations andtrainingstandards!
Nav Trainer Pro for Pilots 3.4.1
Practice & improve your instrument navigation skills onyourmobile device
ECAM Resets +
A Reference For Resetting A320 Avionics Systems, Alpha Params&Abbreviations.
Airplane Descent Calculator LT 1.3.2
Luis Alvarez
Airplane Descent Calculator Pro $3,99 Suppose you are at10.000feetand need to descend to 2.000 feet. Where do you beginyourdescent?Airplane Descent Calculator Lite allows you tocalculatethedistance in which the plane should begin the descent togettargetaltitude, for a specific descent rate (vertical speed)andgroundspeed (horizontal speed). Many times during anaircraftflight, trueground speed differs from precomputed groundspeed,so, during theflight is necessary to calculate how far weneed tobegin thedescent. To avoid needing to go down at 3.000feet/minutein aCessna 150, to descend from the current altitude torunwayaltitude.This App is Free, has No Ads, and not specialpermissionsneeded.You can also check Airplane Descent CalculatorPro whichallows to:- Calculate the distance to begin the descentfor aspecific descentrate - Calculate the descent rate to getaspecific altitude fromyour current distance - Automaticallygetcurrent altitude andground speed from GPS NOTE: ApplicationNOTcertified for RealFlight. If you use it, it is at your ownrisk!!!
E6BX E6B Flight Computer 2.4.5
Essential aviation tools for pilots of all experience levels.
ATC Connect 2.35.8364-df8968c78
ATC Connect brings hands on insight to WWT’s ATC ecosystem.
IFR Flight Simulator 1.3.2
Improve your IFR skills - Holdings & Intercepts -ScreeningPreparation
SkyGuru. Your inflight guide 1.2.0
SkyGuru Inc.
Flying with SkyGuru is just like flying next to anexperiencedpilot!
Prepware ATP 1.35.3
An aviator’s preparation, study and test tool for FAAKnowledgeExams.
FlightWinds 1.2
Graphical wind component calculator for pilots
E6B Pathfinder - Flight Computer
A simple, useful and easy to use flight computer for studentsandprofessions
ATSim, ATC Communication Simul 1.10b
ATSim helps air traffic controllers gain proficiency inradiocommunications.
Aircraft Status 3.1
Aircraft ATA Chapters Summary , Warning Reset Procedures &QuickCB locations
Jetcraft 2.0.6
This app offers convenient access to Jetcraft's completeaircraftinventory.
Naviator 4.2.2
Naviator is an aviation moving map GPS app made by pilots,forpilots.
Navigraph Charts
Professional and updated aeronautical IFR charts forflightsimulation.