Top 20 Apps Similar to Dietas Fitness y Suplementos

Female Fitness - Gym Workouts 2.3.7
Female Fitness - is a brand new application on Google Play
Women Workout: Home Gym Cardio 3.1.4
Women Workout is your home gym fitness app for toning andcardioworkouts.
Fitness Femenino Guía 1.0
Fitness Femenino Guía es laaplicaciónquenecesitas como mujer para complementar tuentrenamiento ygananciasde forma sencilla cambiando una serie dehábitos en turutinadiaria.Descubre como acercarte a tus objetivos de manera fácilyrápido,esto se vuelve una tarea sencilla cuando tienesnuestraaplicaciónde tu parte con la información que te ayudará.¿Quieres tener un cuerpo saludable y desarrollado?Encontrastelaapp indicada para conseguir esa forma tan buscada.¡Consigue resultados serios!Con nuestra nueva aplicación Fitness Femenino Guíapodrásteneruna amplia base de datos para cumplir con tusobjetivosincluyendomas de 600 artículos.Detalles:- Gym y Mujeres Guía Básica- Mejora tu salud con el sexo- Principales Nutrientes para la Mujer- Incremento de Músculos en la Mujer- Tonifica los músculos- Subir de peso tips si eres Flaca- Las mujeres y el gimnasio 7 mitos- Ejercicios efectivos de gluteos- Consejos- Dietas- Rutinas- Técnicas¡Que esperas, comienza hoy!Female Fitness Guideistheapplication you need as a woman to complement yourtrainingandprofits simply by changing a number of habits inyourdailyroutine.Find out how to approach your goals quick and easy way,itbecomesa simple task when you have our application from youwithinformationthat will help.You want to have a healthy body and developed? Youfindtheindicated app to get that much sought form.Get serious results!With our new app Female Fitness Guide will haveacomprehensivedatabase to meet your objectives including morethan600 items.Details:- Gym and Women Basic Guide- Improve your health with sex- Key Nutrients for Women- Increase Muscle in Women- It tones the muscles- Gaining weight tips if you're skinny- Women and gym 7 Myths- Effective butt exercises- Tips- Diets- Routines- TechnicalLet you wait, start today!
Zumba Go 0.0.2
By downloading Zumba Go, you'll haveaccesstothe best videos of Zumba Fitness. Free Zumba classes,fullroutinesof good quality for all levels.Dancing Zumba Fitness has many health benefits.Zumbaexercisesare designed for both men and women. It is easy tohave agood planand toned belly with Zumba.Enjoy Zumba at home or in the gym. Best Zumbaroutinesavailablefor mobile and tablet devices. Ponte Zumba dancewithhits, Latin,Spanish and reggaeton music.Our classes have been chosen by the best experts,dancersandcoaches to be able to motivate and lose weight now.We will soon be adding to the new application featuresandrelatedinformation.You can help us improve the application. If youhavesuggestionsor find mistakes wrote [email protected] content provided in this application is available inthepublicdomain. This application is a guide that providesanorganized wayto explore the videos of a related category.BailaBaila does nothave the intellectual property of the videos orthesongs anddownload is not allowed.
Squat Challenge 30 Day Workout 1.0.6
30 Day Squat Challenge to get perfect legs and butt.Fitnessworkouts at home.
GYMG Fitness para ellas lite 1.0
Gym para ellas es una aplicación exclusivamente para chicas yestapensada para las aficionadas al fitness. En estaaplicaciónencontrarás gran cantidad de información que te ayudará alogrartus objetivos.La aplicación consta de las siguientes seccionesRutinas:12 rutinas diversas que te ayudarán a planificar tu trabajosemanal,según el tiempo del que dispongas así como de tuobjetivo.Consejos:Encontraras distintos consejos y preguntas frecuentesrespondidasque te ayudaran a conseguir tu objetivoNutrición:Gym para ellas ayudará a apoyar tu trabajo en el gimnasioconconsejos de nutrición y dietas según tu objetivo.Gymforthem is an application exclusively for girls and is designedforamateur to fitness. In this application you will find lotsofinformation that will help you achieve your goals.The application consists of the following sectionsRoutines:12 different routines that will help you plan your workweek,according to the time you have available and your target.Tips:You will find various tips and frequently asked questionsansweredthat will help you to achieve your goalNutrition:Gym to help them support your work in the gym with nutritiontipsand diets according to your goal.
Cómo Aumentar Masa Muscular 3.0
Gato Apps
Learn to know how quickly Increase Muscle Mass correctly
sports supplements
IP Komarov
sports supplements for the gym and other sports guide
Dieta Musculacion Fitness 32.0.0
La mejor y más completa app sobredietas,recetas y alimentación fitness. Disfruta de consejos,vídeos,suplementos, recetas, dietas para ganar masa muscular,dietasdefinición. ¿Buscas nuevas recetas gratis?¿Ganarmúsculo?¿Perderpeso?...¿Aburrido/a de siempre lo mismo? Esta es tuapp. Paracumplir la normativa de las autoridades de protección dedatoscomunicamos:En este sítio se usan identificadores de dispositivoparapersonalizar el contenido y los anuncios, con el fin deofreceranuncios de medios y para analizar el tráfico. Ademáscompartimosesos identificadores y otra información del dispositivoconpartners de medios sociales de publicidad y análisis web.Másdetalles en: best andmostcomprehensive app on diet, nutrition and fitness recipes.Enjoytips, videos, supplements, recipes, diets to gain musclemass,diets definition. Looking for new free recipes? Muscle?Loseweight? ... Bored / a of always the same? This is your app.Tocomply with the rules of the data protectionauthoritiescommunicate:On this site device identifiers are used to personalize contentandads, in order to provide media ads and to analyze traffic. Wealsoshare those identifiers and other device information withpartnerssocial media advertising and web analytics. More detailsat:
Abdomen plano para mujeres 1.3
★★★★★ Abdomen plano para mujeres ★★★★★ Tener un abdomenatractivo,bien definido, es algo que la mayoría de nosotrasdesearíamos y másaun cuando llega la primavera para ir a laplaya,ir piscina y lucirnuestros trajes de baño. Por desagracia muypocos pueden lograrlo.Aquí podrás lograr tener el abdomen plano óel abdomen marcado quesiempre has querido. En esta aplicaciónpodrás encontrar lainformación correcta más vídeo instructivo.Siguiendo este plan notenemos duda de que lograras tus objetivos.Aquí desmentimos variascreencias erróneas, entre las cuales estaque es necesario comermucho menos (incorrecto) y una de las maspopulares es quenecesitamos realizar miles de abdominales porsesión lo cualtambién es incorrecto. En esta aplicaciónencontraras: ★ Ejerciciosabdominales para mujeres. En realidad loshombres también puedenrealizaros obteniendo muy buenos resultados,pero este plan estapensado para mujeres. ★ Recetas muy fáciles deseguir, sin ningúntipo de sacrificio, sin dejar de comer, alalcance de todas paraeliminar el exceso de grasa. Incluso ofrecemosuna alternativa queni siquiera es un plan de alimentación, siendoun simplecomplemento pero muy efectivo completamente gratis. Tedamos labienvenida, y esperamos que nos compartas tus resultados.
Dietas 3.4
CMR Paradise
Recopilación de las mejores dietas. Ahora con más de 80 dietas!Además incorporamos 3 calculadoras para que puedas ircontrolandotu peso.Calculadoras:- Índice de Masa Corporal- Índice Cintura-Cadera- Consumo de Calorías DiariasTodas las mejores dietas que puedes encontrar las tienes enunasola aplicación. También permite compartir cualquier dieta.Lista de dietas:- Dieta Anti Celulitis- Dieta del Astronauta- Dieta para Bajar 8 Kilos- Dieta de las Pastas- Dieta de Frutas- Dieta de la Manzana Estricta- Dieta de la Manzana Moderada- Dieta de La Pizza- Dieta Relámpago.- Dieta de 900 calorías- Dieta de 1000 calorías- Dieta de 1200 calorías- Dieta de 1500 calorías- Dieta del Té- Dieta del Bocadillo- Dieta para Mujer embarazada- Dieta Japonesa- Dieta Atkins- Dieta Colette Lefort- Dieta Miami- Dieta de los 7 kilos- Dieta del Pan y la mantequilla- Dieta Cronodieta- Dieta de Sopa de tomates- Dieta Quemagrasas- Dieta Verde- Dieta Verde II- Dieta Macrobiótica- Dieta de la Fuerza Aérea- Dieta Anti Estrés- Dieta de las Proteínas- Dieta para Ansiosos- Dieta Budista- Dieta de la Col- Dieta Carrera- Dieta Stillman- Dieta del Atún- Dieta Sin Tiempo- Dieta Tarnower- Dieta de 3 días- Dieta Adele- Dieta de Verduras- Dieta Natural- Dieta de la Zona- Dieta Vegetariana- Dieta de la Clínica Mayo- Dieta Anti-Resaca- Dieta del Melocotón- Dieta Special K- Dieta de la Sopa Mágica- Dieta de arroz, pollo y manzana- Dieta de la Avena- Dieta del Atún- Dieta del Tomate- Dieta del Bikini- Dieta Taoísta- Dieta Okinawa- Dieta de la Fibra- Dieta de las Hierbas- Dieta Cuidado del Cabello- Dieta de la Gelatina- Dieta Aumentar Kilos- Dieta para Engordar- Dieta rica en Fibras (Laxante)- Dieta para las Adictas a las Dietas- Dieta Feliz- Dieta Antifracaso- Dieta Estricta en Carbohidratos- Dieta Gaylord-Hauser- Dieta sin Hambre- Dieta Balanceada- Dieta Beverly Hills- Dieta de Emergencia- Dieta del Doctor Graschinsky- Dieta Exprés del Verano- Dieta Rajástica- Dieta del Dr. Terry Shintani- Dieta Diurética- Dieta de la Descomposición- Dieta para bajar 10 kilos- Dieta para dolores menstruales- Dieta NaturistaLas dietas que aquí se detallan son con finesinformativos.consultar con su médicoantes de realizar cualquier cambio significativo a sudieta,especialmente si ustedtiene problemas de salud crónicos. No deje de consultar sumédicopara tener unaopinión más acertada acerca de su situación.La empresa CMR Paradise no se responsabiliza de la aplicaciónquelos usuarios hagan de su contenido.Compilation of the best diets. Now with over 80 diets!Also incorporate three calculators so you can be controllingyourweight.Calculators:- Body Mass Index- Waist-Hip Index- Daily Calorie ConsumptionAll the best diets that you can find in one application. Italsoallows sharing any diet.List of diets:- Anti Cellulite Diet- Diet Astronaut- Diet to Lose 8 Kilos- Diet Pasta- Diet Fruit- Strict Diet Apple- Apple Diet Moderate- Diet Pizza- Diet Lightning.- 900 calories diet- 1000 Calorie Diet- Diet of 1200 calories- Diet of 1500 calories- Diet Tea- Diet Sandwich- Diet for Pregnant Women- Japanese Diet- Atkins Diet- Diet Colette Lefort- Diet Miami- Diet 7 kilos- Diet Bread and butter- Diet cronodieta- Tomato Soup Diet- Diet Fat Burner- Diet Green- Diet Green II- Macrobiotic Diet- Air Force Diet- Anti Stress Diet- Protein Diet- Eager Diet- Diet Buddhist- Diet Col- Diet Carrera- Stillman Diet- Tuna Diet- Diet Timeless- Diet Tarnower- Diet 3 days- Diet Adele- Vegetable Diet- Natural Diet- Zone Diet- Vegetarian Diet- Mayo Clinic Diet- Diet Anti-Hangover- Diet Peach- Special K Diet- Magic Soup Diet- Diet rice, chicken and apple- Diet Oatmeal- Tuna Diet- Diet Tomato- Diet Bikini- Diet Taoist- Okinawa Diet- Fiber Diet- Diet Herbs- Diet Hair Care- Diet Gelatin- Diet Increase Kilos- Diet for Gaining weight- Diet rich in fibers (laxative)- Addicted to Diet for Diets- Happy Diet- Diet Antifracaso- Strict Carb Diet- Gaylord Hauser Diet- Diet Without Hunger- Balanced Diet- Beverly Hills Diet- Emergency Diet- Diet Doctor Graschinsky- Diet Express Summer- Diet Rajástica- Diet Dr. Terry Shintani- Diuretic Diet- Diet Decomposition- Diet to lose 10 kilos- Diet for Menstrual Cramps- Diet NaturistDiets detailed herein are for informational purposes.consultwith your doctorbefore making any significant changes to your diet, especiallyifyouhave chronic health problems. Be sure to consult your doctorforamore accurate opinion about your situation.The company CMR Paradise is not responsible for application userstomake their content.
Diet fit plan 2.5.0
Imc, somatotype, calories... all in one calculators.
Perfect Workout - Free Fitness 1.1.5
Your PERSONAL FITNESS TRAINER that helps you workoutanytime,anywhere.
Dieta para ganar músculo 1.1
Diet to increase muscle mass super efeciciente
Dietista Personal 2.11
Calculate your BMI and ideal weight and access a set ofpersonalizeddiets.
Gym Workouts for Women 1.7
💪 Our Gym WorkoutsandFitnessExerciseapplication has over 100 🎥 videoexercisesmovements, aswell asfive specialized workouts to help yourealizeyour fitnessgoals.Our exercises and workouts cover all the majormusclegroupsincludinglegs, arms, back, butt, abdominals,shoulders, andchestmuscles.Whether you are looking for a wholebody home workoutorjust to honein on one body part, such as legs,to workout atthegym, then this isthe total fitness app for you! Avideo comeswitheach exercise toshow you the appropriate form fortheexercise.So, when at the gym,you will know how to usethedumbbell,barbell, or any other equipmentthe right way!Thesemeasuresensure you are getting the most fromyour workouts andnotinjuringyourself. One such measure includesstretchingactivitiesbecausewe know that stretching prior to aworkout canreduce thepotentialfor injury significantly. When you’renotinjured you cantonemuscles, burn fat, and lose weight.In addition, you can customize your workout to tailorittoyourenvironment with our app. You have no moreexcusestostartachieving your fitness goals right now! You candownloadourappand get started with a few simple steps,workingtowardsthatperfect beach body or bikini body you want.Yourimaginationandnot that of the gym or fitness club you may beamember ofonlylimit you.HOMEPAGE: worked alongside fitness experts to designthisapplication.Thatmeans that the exercises and fitness programsyouarereceiving arethe cream of the crop. We tailored ourprogramstohelp you get themost out of our app at the gym,fitnessclub,home, or on the road.We offer exercises that aresuitableforevery need. For example, wehave exercises for legs,arms,chest,back, shoulders, abdominals,and butt, which willbuildmusclemass, in turn burning fat. Besidesthese, we alsohaveactivitiesthat use different equipment such asa dumbbell orbarbellas wellas specific stretches for thoselooking to gainflexibility.Youcan start at your own comfort levelor work with whatis inyourgym, fitness club or workoutenvironment. So, it doesnotmatterwhat type of equipment you haveavailable to you, as wewillhelpyou meet your needs and get thefitness results youdesire.Our gym exercises and workouts cover the gameteoftheequipmentyou can use for legs, chest, arms, back,shoulders,abs,or yourbutt. From a dumbbell to a barbell, you canchooseyourweapon ofchoice. Whether you want to work your abdominalsorchest,you cando it in the manner that is best for you. Thishighlevelofcustomization means you will have every opportunitytoloseweight,tone muscles, or burn fat with no barriers.The custom gym exercise and workout programs willhelpwomentargetareas of importance. The programs arewelldesigned,comprehensive anduse bodyweight, dumbbells, barbells,andotherequipment. They helpwith weight loss, toning muscles,andburningfat. Also, they willcontribute to strengthening musclesandhelpyou with stretching tobecome flexible. Using Women'sGym-Exercises and Workout Routines islike having yourownpersonaltrainer!Our wide range of gym exercises and workoutsfortheirpotentialuses will help you lose weight, time muscles, orburnfat.Also, wecater to the particular needs of women, sowehavedifferentworkout programs available for every femalefitnessneed.Moreover,our application is flexible in when and howyou useit andwascreated with the help of industry experts. We willbeyourgo-tofitness companion for all of your workout needsasyourfitnessneeds grow and change. Bikini body, beach body, orjusttotonemuscles, burn fat, or lose weight.73a9bef2ca
Fitness Exercise Free App 3.0.1
Do you feel like doing fitness exercises? Want to lose weightwithdaily exercise and very little effort? This is your app!FitnessExercise Free App is a completely free application withwhich youcan check exercises to do at home, like tabata. You canwork yourlegs, butt, abs ... the best way to have a body 10! Loseweight bythe easy way. With a simple daily exercise and a goodworkoutroutine. Forget about expensive diets to lose weight! Starttheworkout today with this video selection to start losingweight,getting in shape and training. This free application allowsyou toview videos about training and exercise different body parts...Learn that workouts are best for shaping their buttocks, armsandlegs, or improve your cardio endurance, yoga or tabata. Youwillhave a free Daily Workouts. This application contains routinesfastand effective for men and women that guide you through thebestdialy tabata workout you can do in the comfort of your ownhomedaily exercise. These proven exercises, demonstrated by acertifiedpersonal trainer, are directed to the main muscles.Spending justminutes a day can strengthen and tone your body. Thisapp has avariety of exercises to do at home, fitness style, tabata,workingto lose weight legs, arms, buttocks, abs, cardio, etc. OnlyFitnessExercise Free App offers slimming exercises for doing athome, mostwatched and effective in recent times. Other categoriesinclude: *Exercises for Legs and Butt * Strengthen and make Abs(Abdominals)* Cardio * Yoga * Tabata Enough of expensive weightloss diets.Instead of making diets to lose weight, check out theseexercisesto do at home. With only seven 7 minutes a day will beenough! It'sfree and you can share videos legs, butt, abs, yoga,cardio,fitness and more. In addition, only with Fitness ExerciseFree Appyou can comfortably watch the latest videos ... Some of themostsignificant features of this application are: ✔ Youtubevideoplayer. View and enjoy the videos of exercises to do at homemoreeffective on Internet, with which you can lose weight andloseweight without dieting. ✔ Share videos! You can share thevideosthat you like for different media / social networks. ✔Navigationside menu. Enjoy the different categories offered by thesidenavigation menu. ✔ 100% Free app without in-app purchases ofanykind. No need to spend money to laugh. ✔ Create own lists.Adddaily exercise videos that you like to favorites list byclickingthe star. ✔ The best content from fitness for android.Having ahealthy life is possible with only seven 7 minutes a day!stopdiets and do your daily exercise routine to lose weight. Thedialyworkout are categorized to make it easier and more convenienttofind the most suitable to your needs (either legs tabatabuttocks,arms abs yoga cardio). Moreover, as we care for the user,we offerready to interact with you. Fitness Exercise Free Appoffers videosto share them. DISCLAIMER: All images of thisapplication andresources are owned or obtained from sources free ofCopyRightswhich allows use and distribute their images. All imagesarelicensed CC (CreativeComoons) All video content are public andarehosted on YouTube. Only is allowed the viewing and sharing ofthecontent, but the app does not allow to download.
Fitness Meal Planner
Simplify your fitness or bodybuildingmealplanning process with Fitness Meal Planner. Fitness MealPlannerautomatically calculates your macro needs and builds a mealplan inseconds to complement your workout!Leave the planning to us, download the Fitness Meal Planner Appandstart eating right and seeing results.In Short:• Enter basic info and fitness goals and receive a meal plan• Select the number of meals per day between 3 and 8• Set diet type and food restrictions• Have at your fingertips what you need to eat and how much ofit,always• Choose to eat what you like, substitute the rest• Tap in to our growing collection of diverse fitness mealsandtheir recipes• Edit meal times and select whether to receive reminders atmealtime• Get your weekly shopping list according to your meal plan• Have your own caloric goal and macro ratios? No Problem, Set itinthe advanced section• Want to add your own food? Sure thing! add food items andwe'llcalculate the meal plan with them for you!Download the Fitness Meal Planner!WANT THE ADS FREE VERSION? download FITNESS MEAL PLANNER-ESSENCE: us on Twitter: Facebook: out our blog and leave acomment:http://fitnessmealplanner.comFeel free to contact [email protected]
Dieta Vitamenu - O que comer? 8.5.0
Control your daily calories. Food reeducation for healthanddisposition.
My Diet Coach - Pro
It's not only one of a kind, easy to usedietdiary and calorie calculator. It's also your virtual palwhichmotivates and encourages you at the right momentsMy Diet Coach - Win the mental game of dieting !!My Diet Coach will help you to:> Stay on track - With the user-friendly diet planner, mealandexercise journal, calorie counter, custom reminders for everydiaryevent, challenges tracker, BMI calculator and BMRcalculator.> Get motivated - With the motivational photos aid, yourgoalreminder, virtual rewards and tips.> Overcome weight loss difficulties - With tips and remindersforevery type of challenge and by logging repetitive difficultiesinyour diet journal.> Record and view your weight loss progress - With the Proweightchart!> Curb your next food craving with the "Food cravingspanicbutton".Press Reviews:"My Diet Coach Pro is one of the better dieting apps I’vecheckedout...""Packed with tons of helpful features, this app was wellthought-outby the developers and is truly your very own personaldiet coach"-AppadviceUser Reviews:"LOVE IT!!! I used to (try to) use Weight Watchers mobile buttheirfood database was horrible and their app NEVER worked properly...This is so much better and for such a low price it's ano-brainer.Buy this app and start losing weight!"New! - Notifications with voice replies for AndroidWear(Watch):1. Voice notifications for tracking water consumption2. Voice notifications for calorie counting3. Actionable notifications for Android WearDetailed Description:Diet Planner and Calendar:> Personalize your diet plan - define your own meals,exercises,and other events once and reuse them without having tore-enter allthe details.> One diary for exercises, meals and other events...> Set reminders that will remind you to plan and journal.> Calories calculator for hundreds of types of exerciseandthousands of foods.> Barcode scanner for US foods> Track carbs, fats and protein for US foods> Planning makes it easy to journal – just check offrecurringmeals and exercises in the journal diary.> Expect the unexpected - if you know you suffer fromemotionaleating, hunger, or mindless eating at certain times - addit toyour diary and be prepared.> Add other weight-loss-related tasks like cooking,findinghealthy recipes, drink water, preparing healthy grocerylists,measuring your weight and more...*** Diet Journal and Logging> Account for everything you eat and do during the day –journalyour meals and exercises.> Calorie calculator for hundreds of types of exerciseandthousands of foods (including major fast food chains). New:Searchonline over 1,000,000 of foods (powered by FatSecret)> Calorie counter - View calories consumed and burnedagainstyour daily calorie goals.> Integrated reminders to journal your meals and exercises.Thetiming of the reminders is flexible and can be set up howeveryoulike.> Flexible and easy-to-use.> Drink water button - track your water consumption> Take photos of food eatenWeight and body measurements Tracker> Record your weight loss progress and body measurements(Neck,waist, hips, upper arm, bust)> View your weight loss chart and graphs.> Use your weight chart as a motivational aid – set areminderthat shows your weight chart.> Weigh in reminderOther Features:> Easy to use challenges tracker> Get virtual rewards for "doing the right thing"> Tips for every type of challenge – tips forweight-loss,health, and fitness.> Increase your motivation and become more active withextensivediet reminders: Set reminders for your goal, motivationalphotos,make a healthy grocery list, cook healthy meals, create adiet planand more...> Motivational aids - photos and virtual rewards- will maketheapp your best diet assistant.> Create and adjust your weight loss profile.