Top 19 Apps Similar to 吉祥八字正式版

論八字(實用) C8W_P_20220904_2330
On the character (utility) (Calc8Words), professional andefficient,the program is small. Can quickly exhaust variouscharacter posterof the disk.
八字命理篇 1.2.5
The Chapter of Bazi, is a bazicalculatorthatcan calculate your four pillars, their elements, whenyourluckperiods (5 year interval), your personality, and alsodetailsonelements as well as ten god details.I'm still working on bringing more to the table whichwouldbeincluding yearly luck periods, the levels of the elementsyouhave(including the calculations of combinations), as well asothermoredetailed information regarding your life.The Reason Behind Bazi Calculation:If you view life as a 100-meter sprint, a person who hasamorefortunate life gets a head start and they would only havetosprintfor 90 meters on a perfectly paved track; others who arenotasfortunate might have run on uneven roads filled withpotholes.Willfortunate people win all the time? Not always. Mostoftenthewinner is the one who has the most passionate heartandovercomesall the unevenness of the path throughout the race.Then why do we still care about our fortune?In life, rarely anybody will live on either extremesonthefortunate scale. There will always up and downs. The keyisknowingwhen your good luck and bad luck periods are. Withthisknowledge,you will be pursue your goals during your good timesandstand backto avoid risks during your bad time. This is whyyoushould learnabout Bazi. It is based on the numbers that youwereborn with thathelps you to find out more about yourself andyourlife. It helpsyou to find the best timing for hitting allyourgoals in life.Would you like to live a strategic life?
Ba Zi Fortune 1.0.27
Walter Choy
Ba Zi Fortune telling
BaZi Astrology 1.1.2
This App provides you an easy way to explore BaZi and assists youtobetter understand yourself, your lover, friends, family or evenyourboss. BaZi is a Chinese study of a person’s fate or destinythat hasbeen around for more than a thousand year. Those who donotunderstand BaZi are either confused about it, or claim that itispure superstition. However, BaZi, similar to astrology, tellsoneabout his or her personality, way of thinking, and mostsuitableoccupations. However, BaZi also shows one’s destiny,currentsituation in life, and provides much more details about apersonthan Western astrology. To know a person’s EXTERNALpersonality,check out the 10 Heavenly Stems. To know a person’sINTERNALpersonality, check out the 12 Earthly Branches. To know aperson’sGENERAL characteristics and qualities, check out the 10Gods inBaZi. Note:BaZi’s Earthly Branches and Zodiac Animals isdifferent.
八字合婚-八字算命,生辰八字姻緣配對,合八字 3.5.0
Enter your partner’s birthday, use the time of birth toperformZiwei marriage and Bazi analysis, assess the depth of fate,predictthe development of your marriage and love, answer yourconcernsabout pre- and post-marriage, help you choose the rightperson, andtell you after marriage Ways to maintain happiness.
中華算命 1.2.4
**大中華地區最專業的算命應用**在中華算命中,可以全方位分析您的性格,名字蘊含的天機,愛情,事業等等,讓你可以更好的掌握自己的人生,獲得更加完美的愛情姻緣。***生辰八字***采用大中華地區最傳統,最準備的八字排盤,根據您的姓名,出生日期,性別來做分析。詳細解密出你的生辰八字,愛情財運,命書詳解,運勢詳批。對自己的八字命理,愛情運勢,財富運勢有詳細了解。大中華地區算命應用首創命書詳解,對你的骨重,命書作最詳盡的分析。運勢詳批更是對你未來12年的每年大運進行詳細批述,讓你更加全面的掌控自己的未來運勢。***姓名解密***姓名,蘊涵了人的精、氣、神傳達著天地之玄機。姓名解密綜合了八字和姓名五格、三才配置、81數理來解析姓名。詳細解密你的三才五格,以及姓名對你基礎運,成功運,人際關系,性格等等的影響。***中華起名***中華起名通過人性別、姓氏、生辰八字、補救五行、數理搭配、五個的吉兇搭配和五行搭配等大中華地區傳統命理和知識來起名。獨創的基於中華命理的起名法,深入理解個性化需求;獨創的綜合五行、生肖、五格的取名法,完美滿足傳統取名的要求;更有時尚的詩詞文化典籍幫助你起名;以及全方位的美名解析,做最專業的起名應用!**大中華地區最專業的算命應用**** GreaterChina'smostprofessional fortune-telling application **In Chinese fortune-telling, you can analyze the full rangeofyourcharacter, contains the names secret, love, career, etc.,soyou canbetter control their own life, to obtain a moreperfectlovemarriage.*** *** BirthdatesGreater China using the most traditional character rowplatepreparedaccording to your name, date of birth, gender, dotheanalysis.Details decrypt your birthday horoscopes, love ofwealth,life booksexplain, in detail fortune batch. Theirhoroscopesnumerology, LOVE,wealth fortune detailed understanding.GreaterChina's firstapplication fortune telling books explain,your bonemass, orderedthe book for the most thorough analysis.Moredetailed batch offortune for you in the next 12 years, theannualGrand Canal batchdescribed in detail, make you morecomprehensivecontrol of yourfuture fortune.*** *** Name decryptionName, implies human essence, gas, God of heaven andearthconveymystery. Name decrypted combination of character andnamefivegrid, Sancai configuration, 81 to resolve themathematicalname.Detailed decrypting your Sancai five grid, and thename onyourbasic transportation, successfuloperation,relationships,character and so on.*** *** China namedChinese man named by gender, surname, date of birth,remedialfiveelements, mathematical mix of good and bad with fiveand thefiveelements with traditional numerology and knowledge totheGreaterChina region named. Chinese numerology based on theoriginalmethodof naming, in-depth understanding of individualneeds;integratedoriginal five elements, zodiac, named the fivegridmethod, perfectname to meet the traditional requirements;morecultural fashionpoetry books to help you named; and thewholeorientationreputation analysis, to do the mostprofessionalnamedapplication!** Greater China's most professionalfortune-tellingapplication**
科技八字 1.2
科技八字是一個專業且免費的八字算命軟體,依據輸入的西元時間排出八字,並且提供日元、五行、天干合化、地支(刑、沖、破、害、合、會)、空亡、吉凶星等基本命盤及流年、大運、小兒觀煞、命盤增刪、命盤分享、命盤註記等功能。對程式或八字命盤有任何問題歡迎來信([email protected])指教。PS.使用時必須要網路連線,無網路則無法使用。支援App2SD功能支援語系 : 繁體中文,簡体中文
洪铟八字算命 13.0.4
紫微八字运势 名人滴天髓 1.0
Cindy Lin
想要知道 2016每日財運好壞? 職場中誰會搶了你的風采?商场犹如战场,你是不是开疆拓土的战将人物 ?可敬的對手和同事們又有哪些值的學習的地方?只要輸入他們的生日, 你將一目瞭然 !還有戀情幸福小偏方,突破困境的秘方, 職場運勢,工作潛能 等著你來探索奧妙的易經命理世界 !!探索您命格之中最具有影响力的五行能量︰金、木、水、火、土五行 。命学四书 指的是《滴天髓》、《三命通会》、《穷通定义 鉴》和《子平真诠》。这四本书梳理了历代命学脉络,是对后世产生深远影响的四柱命理集大成之作。所有变化都与天地相应,不管是旺运、还是行倒霉运、都有先天之“命”的预兆。人们的事业、工作、生活、婚姻等方面都能从命理学中找到解释。格局人物形象:五行能量会对您的性格、家庭、事业、行运等,都产生深远影响。再運用四柱推断的重要依据︰神煞 , 來探索學習名人敬天图强的五行气象 ,成功难道只有一种模式吗?什么样的八字会成功?什么样的八字注定怀才不遇?强人型的人才俨然是现在的社会主流,身弱的格局也有大富大贵之命。紫微封神榜:以紫微精论每日职场运势, 以确定您的成功方向、开发您的成功潜能,宇宙有一个阴阳相吸的定理,强的领导者会吸引弱的跟随者,而弱的领导者会吸引强的拥护者。學會抓住趋势 ,成為理智中道的社会中坚人士。爱情白皮书:爱情狂喜狂悲,有温馨惆怅,有轰轰烈烈可歌可泣的许多可能。情路走得蜿蜒矛盾,欢喜时觉得悲伤,悲伤时又觉甜蜜。 只是要将幸福据为己有,卻得背负极端沉重。单身族爱情燃点低,容易被轻轻拨动心弦,重新找回感动。
紫微大师-算命八字占卜领导品牌,紫薇斗数预测专家 8.5.0
Not everyone is lucky enough to meet Master Ziwei’s advice,everysecond is being blessed by a user... Are you the next luckyone?There are detailed explanations on love, marriage, career,work,making money, financial management, pregnancy, buying a house,andbuying a car!
八字排盘 1.62
南方周易程序系列之:八字排盘,最传统、准确、详实的八字排盘软件。十几年周易类软件编程经验的体现,了解命运的基本窗口从此开始。程序内容有,排出八字、大运,找出神煞、胎元、命宫、岁运并临、最佳婚配等信息。还有:小运、终身卦、称骨论命、流年神煞、重大关口、大运流年干支、串宫压运等内容。Southern Bookoftheprogram series: character row disk, the mosttraditional,accurate,detailed character row disk software. Book often yearsofexperience in software programming classes reflect,tounderstandthe fate of the basic window began.Program content, discharge horoscopes, Grand Canal, tofindoutShensha, Fetus, palace life, age and clinical bestmarriageandother information. There are: small operation, lifelongGua,calledbone on life, fleeting Shensha major barrier, fleetingLunarGrandCanal, string Palace pressure transport and so on.
八字合婚-戀愛愛情八字配對,交友相親參考秘笈 2.3.1
所謂合婚,就是把男女雙方八字配在一起,對雙方八字之間的五行是否和諧,自伏羲画卦始,数千年来中国先哲们对“预卜未来”这一命题进行了不懈的探索和求证,对于如何使婚姻幸福美满这一命题,聪明的先贤早已发明了八字合婚之学,使后人受益良多,并延用至今。并由此推导出以后两人的​​婚姻生活吉凶,并对此提出合理化建议,防患不幸的婚姻于未燃之际,从而提高婚姻质量。命格里“子,午,卯,酉”是地支中代表“正南,正北,正東,正西”四個方向的,當“四象交會” 桃花會盛開,此時求感情最好,因此人們把愛情稱作“桃花運”。如果求桃花運化解感情阻礙需用“赤鱬鱗,黃金,法體鹽,靛藍晶”製作石碑護身符。女士要帶橘子石手鍊,男士要帶紅竹石飾品。在結印冊按照生日上添加結印:農曆3到5月出生添加“千與香穗,橘梗,葉影”3個結印。農曆6到8月出生添加“九虹錦聲,九葉鈴蓮,竹內古河”3個結印。農曆9到11月出生添加“冰蝶,菊葵,石田佐吉”3個結印。農曆12到2月出生添加“八重冰梅,竹雀,千葉藤”3個結印。飾品和石碑護身符與結印配合可以強化四象之氣從而有幸福的感情。自伏羲畫卦始,數千年來中國先哲們對“預卜未來”這一命題進行了不懈的探索和求證,對於如何使婚姻幸福美滿這一命題,聰明的先賢早已發明了八  八字合婚之學,使後人受益良多,並延用至今。“呂氏春秋”盡數篇寫了“今世上卜巫禱祠,故疾病癒來”古代算命師發現算命後很多人都出現被算者得病、災難連連的情況。這是因為算命是窺探天機,所以需要付出相應的代價遭到天罰。根據《序卦傳》緩解和化解算命後災難方法是女士佩戴藍絨晶、橘子石或石碑護身符(石碑護身符是由“橘子石、雲海石、影子石、橘子石”以上4種製作而成的)。上面3個物品同時佩戴任何兩種都可以化解,男士佩戴紅竹石、影子石、石碑護身符(石碑護身符是有影子石、紅竹石製作而成)三者選2種佩戴才可以  八字是人的出生時間,它記錄了人在出生時那一刻五行之氣的狀態。五行之氣又是一種無形的生物氣場。世間萬物均有氣場,包括植物、動物乃至一個物體。對於人而言,每個人的氣場五行之氣強弱及均衡度不盡相同把男女雙方八字配對吉凶雙方所行的大運、流年有無嚴重的不好和沖克等問題詳加研究,由此推導出以後兩人的婚姻生活吉凶,並對此提出合理化建議,防患不幸的婚姻於未燃之際,從而提高婚姻品質。【我們在這裡等您! 】【靈接觸】命理測算幫您分析運勢,助您一帆風順! :【臉書】每日新鮮命理諮詢為您洞悉運程,助您順順利利! :【郵箱】您寶貴的建議、意見都歡迎告知我們,我們將盡一切可能改善! :[email protected] so-calleddivination,is the character with both men and women together, ofthe fiveelements of character between the two sides isharmonious,Gua start from Fuxi painting, several thousand years ofChinesesages "foretell the future," the proposition madeunremittingexploration and confirmation, for how to make themarriage happythis proposition, the wise sages had invented thescience ofcharacter divination , so that future generationsbenefited, andcontinue to use today. And thus derive life aftertheir marriagegood and bad, and put forward reasonable suggestions,unhappymarriage to hedge against the unburned occasion, therebyimprovingthe quality of marriage.Life Gerry "son, Kenneth, mao, unitary" is the EarthlyBranchesrepresenting the four directions, "south, north, east, duewest,"and when the "four images and Fair"Peach blossoms, this time seeking the best feelings, sothepeople that love called "peach." If the peach seeking todefuseemotions hinder required "red Ru scales, gold, body salts,indigocrystal" Make stone amulet. Ms. To bring orange stonebracelet, menwant to take the red stone jewelry. In colorectalvolume added inaccordance with colorectal birthday: lunar calendarin March to MayAdd born "Thousand and sweet spic, orange stems,leaves Shadow" 3mudra. Lunar calendar June through August to addthe "nine rainbowbrocade sound, nine lotus leaf bell, TakeuchiFurukawa" 3colorectal birth. Lunar 9-11 was born to add "IceButterfly,chrysanthemum sunflower, Ishida Sakichi" 3 mudra. Lunar12-2 wasborn to add "eight heavy ice plum, bamboo finch, Chibavine" 3mudra. Jewelry and stone amulets and colorectal with fourimages ofthe gas can thus strengthen feelings of happiness.Gua start from Fuxi painting, several thousand years ofChinesesages "foretell the future," the proposition madeunremittingexploration and confirmation, for how to make themarriage happythis proposition, the wise sages had inventedeightCharacter divination of science, so that futuregenerationsbenefited, and continue to use today."Lu" give all the articles written "present and BU witchprayershrine, so the disease Yulai" ancient fortune-teller foundaftertelling a lot of people who appear to be ill considered,thesituation is a disaster again and again. This is because tellingasecret spy, so they need to pay for that was a fine day.Accordingto later "Xu Gua Chuan" disaster mitigation and resolvefortuneMiss Fang Fashi wearing blue velvet crystal, orange stone orstoneamulet (amulet stone by the "orange stone, clouds stone,shadowstone, orange stone" made of more than four kinds ). Theabovethree items while wearing any two can be resolved, the menwear ared stone, shadow stone, stone amulets (stone amulet isshadowstone, red stone made) the three selected two kinds of wearbeforethey canCharacter is a person's birth time, it records the state atthetime of birth that moment five elements of air. Five elementsofair is an invisible field of biogas.All things have a gas field, including plants, animals and evenanobject. For the people,Everyone gas field fiveThe strength and balance of the gas lines are not thesamedegreeThe pair both men and women of good and bad characterBoth sides of the line the Grand Canal, fleeting presence orabsenceof serious issues such as good and red gram detailedstudy,Thus deduced after their marriage life good and bad, and putforwardreasonable suggestions, hedge against Inter unhappymarriage ofunburned,Thereby improving the quality of marriage.[We are here waiting for you! ][Ling] Numerology Calculation contacts to help you analyzefortuneto help you smooth sailing! : Http: //[Facebook] Numerology advice for your daily fresh insight intotheleg, to help you smoothly! :Https://[Mail] your valuable suggestions, comments are welcome to informus,we will do everything possible to improve! : [email protected]
紫微 CZW_20230820_2330
Ziwei CalcZiWei Ziwei is a professional software from the chart.
易爻 CY_20231102_2330
Professional divination software combining the Plum BlossomEasyNumber and the Six-Yao Principle
塔羅TAROT個性分析 version.11
【塔羅TAROT個性分析】是一款便利實用的個性解析應用軟體,透過塔羅牌生命靈數數字了解個人擁有本性、內在、外在天賦數字的正負面個性分析,40歲前後運勢數字,並說明個人主要性格、愛情緣分、人際關係等個性分析,畫面簡單易看,可儲存分析結果做為日後查詢使用。在塔羅TAROT個性分析中提供八個分析結果:- 本性數字:代表你的主要性格,也就是基本性格。- 內在數字,代表你的內心反應,也就是說只要經過思考或判斷都會顯現出數字包含的個性反應。- 外在數字,代表你的作風及給別人的感受,這個數字會給人的第一印象。- 40歲前運勢:這個數字會影響40歲前主要性格與運勢。- 40歲後運勢:這個數字會影響40歲後主要性格與運勢。- 主要性格:以內外數字進行說明個人性格。- 愛情緣分:以內外在數字說明面對愛情態度。- 人際關係:以內外在數字說明人際關係特性= 特色=讓你容易的瞭解自己的優缺點、天生性格的正負面和思考習慣、待人處事特性 ……讓你輕易洞悉他人的心理動機、思考行為和情感反應 ……讓你成為最好的父母、朋友,瞭解家人及友人的情感需求、個性天賦和性格問題 ……讓你成為最好的主管和領導者,容易瞭解員工、激勵員工、選擇員工……
BaZi 1.4.1
Q&L Soft
Ba Zi means Eight Characters in Chinese.Theseeight characters are translated from our birth information(Year,Month, Day and Hour) into four pairs of distinctChineseCharacters. Four pairs make Eight Characters and each pairis knownas pillar, hence sometimes it is know as "Four Pillar ofDestiny".Through just this eight characters, the potential, themysteries,the ups and downs of life are revealed. By decoding aperson's BaZi, we can unlock and reveal everything there is to knowabout aperson's life and destiny.To know what's in store for you at the time of your birth,youneed to first plot your Bazi chart. Unfortunately, decodingsecretsof Heaven from your Destiny Code is not easy. This BaZi Appis tohelp Ba Zi beginners and Ba Zi enthusiasts to easily plot theBa Zichart and the Luck cycles without referring to the TenThousandsYear Calendar.Features:1. Store, Backup and Restore Profiles2. Show profiles summary3. Plot Ba Zi Charts4. Plot Luck Cycles5. Show Annual, Monthly and Daily Pillars.6. Include Ten Gods(十神) reference for each Day Master.7. Include 12 Growth and Birth Phase based on Day Master foreachEarthly Branch in the Ba Zi Chart.8. Build for Android phones and tablets.9. Mini Tung Shu to quickly check on pillars for current, pastandfuture dates.10. Reference section for beginner.Keywords : Ba Zi, Chinese Astrology,zodiac, Four PillarsofDestiny, Fortune Telling, birth chart, BaZi Calculator, 八字,生辰八字,四柱命理學, 天干, 地支
吉祥易經卜卦正式版 1.6
卜卦的真諦  易經占卜是一門高深的學問,絕非兒戲。簡單的說,占卜的過程與原理有如『攝影取象』,利用人天交感的作用,取徵應顯於卦象。對於所得卦象的解釋更有其深厚的學理支持,應用之妙純乎一心,套句賣軟片的廣告辭:『它抓得住我!』來形容,一點也不誇張。在分析上的用途,主要是在問事上藉由卦象來指點迷津,使我們了解所占問題的癥結與目前所處的態勢,解析事理與推演將來可能演變形成的態勢。  有人說,問卜須心誠則靈,當然心誠則意專,其機遇性就非兒戲了。或占卜後,不當一回事,以為是不可靠的,那就占卜不靈了。占問時,由於信仰不同或派別不同,或可不拘形式或取數方法,但至少要明確知曉所要占問何事,因此請參考「五何」即「何人」、「何物」、「何時」、「何地」、「-何事」的方式來占問。本套軟件是以金錢卦之原理來設計,操作模式完全跟命理老師幫您親自問卜一樣,在解釋上也很符合問事者所想了解的事,這是一套非常方便且實用的命理顧問寶典。本-套軟件:可問未來運勢、所求願望、未來事業、戀愛結果、家庭相處、考試表現、有無商機、訴訟結果、建康狀況、整體總論。每項解釋都針對您的選項來解答,而不會用深奧的古文來答,絕對能反應您心中的疑惑。==========================================卜卦的真谛  易经占卜是一门高深的学问,绝非儿戏。简单的说,占卜的过程与原理有如『摄影取象』,利用人天交感的作用,取征应显于卦象。对于所得卦象的解释更有其深厚-的学理支持,应用之妙纯乎一心,套句卖胶卷的广告辞:『它抓得住我!』来形容,一点也不夸张。在分析上的用途,主要是在问事上藉由卦象来指点迷津,使我们了解所占问题-的症结与目前所处的态势,解析事理与推演将来可能演变形成的态势。  有人说,问卜须心诚则灵,当然心诚则意专,其机遇性就非儿戏了。或占卜后,不当一回事,以为是不可靠的,那就占卜不灵了。占问时,由于信仰不同或派别不同,或可不拘形式或取数方法,但至少要明确知晓所要占问何事,因此请参考「五何」即「何人」、「何物」、「何时」、「何地」、「-何事」的方式来占问。本套软件是以金钱卦之原理来设计,操作模式完全跟命理老师帮您亲自问卜一样,在解释上也很符合问事者所想了解的事,这是一套非常方便且实用的命理顾问宝典。本套软件:可问未来运势、所求愿望、未来事业、恋爱结果、家庭相处、考试表现有无商机、诉讼结果、建康状况、整体总论。每项解释都针对您的选项来解答,而不会用深奥的古文来答,绝对能反应您心中的疑惑。
Destiny Calculator (Ba Zi) 1.0
The 八字秤骨 (ba zi chen gu) is a famous methodsoffortune telling from Tang Dynasty. The accuracy was very highthatthe method was applied widely until now.This approach believe that the birthdate and birthtime ofpersoncan be use to determine the luck of person's life whichincludesgood or bad fortune, rise and fall of honor, good health orbadhealth and ultimately the destiny of a person.The birth year, month, day and time of each persondeterminetheir own weight of fortune. The weight has specificprovisions offortune. The minimum weight is 2.2 and maximum weightis 7.2.Person that born with 7.2 of fortune weight is destined torule anempire with millions of people.
八字測算-事業 愛情 健康算命分析 2.0.1
四柱八字預測來源於實踐,服務於生活,實踐證實,人的命運是可知和可預測的,通過人的出生時間來預測人的一生之命運運動軌跡,為我們科學的揭示。“四柱八字”預測學是中華民族廣大人民千年以來對命運自然運動規律的總結和智慧的結晶,是中國命理學中最重大的發明,經歷了中國幾千年的驗證,和歷代無數預測學家不斷努力反復實踐考證之後,才得到的重要資料和寶貴經驗,也可說是中國幾千年來極重要的文明縮影.軟件特點:專業的:1.事業分析2.命造簡批3.日月時命理4.財運分析5.日干心性6.健康分析7.愛情分析8.性格分析【我們在這裡等您! 】【靈接觸】命理測算幫您分析運勢,助您一帆風順! :【臉書】每日新鮮命理諮詢為您洞悉運程,助您順順利利! :【郵箱】您寶貴的建議、意見都歡迎告知我們,我們將盡一切可能改善! :[email protected] comes from practice and service in life,practiceconfirmed that the fate of people is known and predictable,by hisbirth time to predict the fate of a person's life trajectoryforour science reveals. "Character poster" predictions isthecrystallization of the wisdom of the summary and the Chinesenationsince the majority of the people on the fate of thenaturalmovement of the millennium, is the Chinese numerology is themostimportant invention of the Chinese thousands of yearsexperiencevalidation, and countless ancient scientists predictimportantinformation and valuable experience after repeatedpractice ofcontinuous efforts to research, only obtained, it can besaid thatChina thousands of years of a very important civilizationinminiature.Software features:Professional:1. cause analysis2. Mingzaojianpi3. When the moon and Spirituality4. Wealth analysis5. day dry Mind6. Health Analysis7. Analysis of Love8. Character Analysis[We are here waiting for you! ][Ling] Numerology Calculation contacts to help you analyzefortuneto help you smooth sailing! : Http: //[Facebook] Numerology advice for your daily fresh insight intotheleg, to help you smoothly! :Https://[Mail] your valuable suggestions, comments are welcome to informus,we will do everything possible to improve!:[email protected]