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吉祥數字論吉凶 1.5
在我們日常生活中,有很多數字都與我們息息相關,如:電話、門牌、手機、身份證字號、車牌號碼、銀行帳號、提款密碼、信用卡號、駕照號碼、及各種有數字之證件,您可知-道這此號碼隱藏著吉凶嗎?  一組好的號碼,可為我們帶來好運;(香港一組車牌—KX—1388用台幣280萬標出1388的諧音是一生發發,一組手機號碼09xx-228888也用-台幣30萬標出)為什麼有人願意用高價購買幸運號碼呢?經本軟體查出是上上籤,果然有人願意出高價。  一組不佳的號碼,使我們行運不順。(波蘭總統座機TU-154墜機100多人罹難(機號是下下籤),還有太多不佳的車牌都發生死亡車禍,您難到不想知道您-身邊的所有號碼吉凶嗎?。這一套數字論吉凶軟體收集10,000組數字組合,用中國易經64卦理論,將其分類成上吉、次吉、中中、次平、多變五種組合,讓您幾秒中便能知道吉凶,本籤詩全以白話解釋讓您一看就懂,輸入號碼後,-馬上分析所輸入號碼,三年內之運勢及第四年~第二十年的運勢,只要您少看一場電影就可擁有這一套傳家【查號寶典】。 ,  當您日後要申請手機、買車或申辦金融帳號時,就可用這套軟體來選號,既方便又能得到最佳的數字組合,恭喜您!您可以用這套軟體去印證您的朋友或自己身邊的所有證件號碼,您將發現其準確度相當高。  本軟體另一種功能就是能隨意用數字來卜卦,諸如:問財運、身體、合夥、疾病、運勢、夫妻、子女、房舍、外出、工作、事業、父母或其它事件等等,均可用【靈-感式】之卜卦功能,預知吉凶,卜卦之用意是要讓我們能對某一件模稜兩可或不知如何處理之事情,藉由潛意識指引一條明確的方向,讓我們進退有據。* 本套軟體提供數字吉凶靈動之原理及各籤詩的解釋。* 本軟體也提供數字吉凶之影片教學,讓您知道數字吉凶之原理及數字凶數化解之方法。記得以後要申請任何手機、電話或任何證件時,要用這套軟體挑選一組最吉數的號碼喔~建議您一定要擁有這套數字寶鑑。*本軟件FREE版只提供卜卦功能 數字論斷吉凶則需要購買專業版才可使用 謝謝In our daily life, thereare many numbers are closely related to us, such as: telephonenumbers, cell phone, identification number, license plate number,bank account number, ATM passwords, credit card numbers, driver'slicense number, and a variety of digital documents, you seen-This number is the hidden track which good and bad it?A good set of numbers, can bring us good luck; (Hong Kong aplate-KX-1388 NT $ 2.8 million mark by 1388 homonym Hair lifetime,a group of phone numbers 09xx-228888 also use -NT $ 300,000 mark) why someone willing to buy expensive luckynumbers? Identified by the software is easy draw, and sure enoughit was willing to pay.A group of poor numbers, so we lucky ring true. (TU-154 Polishpresidential plane crash killed 100 people (machine number is lowerunder the sign), there are too many bad car accident deaths havetaken place in the license plate, you do not want to know aboutyour hard to -All good and bad numbers around it? .This set of figures on the good and bad software to collect 10,000 sets of numbers combined with the Chinese I Ching hexagram 64theory, be classified into the guitar, second guitar, middle, andsecondary levels, changing five combinations, allowing you a fewseconds will be able to know the good and bad, the whole poemsigned vernacular interpretation allows you to understand at aglance, enter the number, the -Immediately analyze the input numbers, fortune and third withinthree years - the second decade of the fortune, as long as youwatch a movie can have less of a pass on this book [DQ]. ,When you want to apply for future mobile phone, car or sponsorfinancial account, you can use this software to random selection,convenient and can get the best combination of numbers,congratulations!You can use this software to confirm your friends or yourselfaround all identification numbers, you will find that its accuracyis quite high.Another feature of this software is the ability to freelydivination by numbers, such as: Q wealth, health, partnership,disease, fortune, husband and wife, children, house, go out, work,career, parents, or other events, etc., are available [ Ling-Sense of style] of divination function to predict the fortunes ofdivination intention is to make us able to do a thing, or do notknow how to deal with the ambiguity of, with a clear directionsubconscious guidance, let us sound basis.* This set of agile software provides digital and bad poetry toexplain the principles of each sign.* This software also offers video tutorials digital good and bad,to let you know the theory and methods to resolve the number ofgood and bad of fierce digit number.I remember in the future to apply for any cell phone, phone, orany documents, use this software pick a few numbers most guitar Oh~We recommend that you have to have a set of digitalTreasures.* FREE version of the software features digital divination onlygood and bad judgment will need to purchase the professionalversion before use Thank you
吉祥數字論吉凶正式版 1.5
在我們日常生活中,有很多數字都與我們息息相關,如:電話、門牌、手機、身份證字號、車牌號碼、銀行帳號、提款密碼、信用卡號、駕照號碼、及各種有數字之證件,您可知-道這此號碼隱藏著吉凶嗎?  一組好的號碼,可為我們帶來好運;(香港一組車牌—KX—1388用台幣280萬標出1388的諧音是一生發發,一組手機號碼09xx-228888也用-台幣30萬標出)為什麼有人願意用高價購買幸運號碼呢?經本軟體查出是上上籤,果然有人願意出高價。  一組不佳的號碼,使我們行運不順。(波蘭總統座機TU-154墜機100多人罹難(機號是下下籤),還有太多不佳的車牌都發生死亡車禍,您難到不想知道您-身邊的所有號碼吉凶嗎?。這一套數字論吉凶軟體收集10,000組數字組合,用中國易經64卦理論,將其分類成上吉、次吉、中中、次平、多變五種組合,讓您幾秒中便能知道吉凶,本籤詩全以白話解釋讓您一看就懂,輸入號碼後,-馬上分析所輸入號碼,三年內之運勢及第四年~第二十年的運勢,只要您少看一場電影就可擁有這一套傳家【查號寶典】。 ,  當您日後要申請手機、買車或申辦金融帳號時,就可用這套軟體來選號,既方便又能得到最佳的數字組合,恭喜您!您可以用這套軟體去印證您的朋友或自己身邊的所有證件號碼,您將發現其準確度相當高。  本軟體另一種功能就是能隨意用數字來卜卦,諸如:問財運、身體、合夥、疾病、運勢、夫妻、子女、房舍、外出、工作、事業、父母或其它事件等等,均可用【靈-感式】之卜卦功能,預知吉凶,卜卦之用意是要讓我們能對某一件模稜兩可或不知如何處理之事情,藉由潛意識指引一條明確的方向,讓我們進退有據。* 本套軟體提供數字吉凶靈動之原理及各籤詩的解釋。* 本軟體也提供數字吉凶之影片教學,讓您知道數字吉凶之原理及數字凶數化解之方法。記得以後要申請任何手機、電話或任何證件時,要用這套軟體挑選一組最吉數的號碼喔~建議您一定要擁有這套數字寶鑑。
吉祥八字正式版 1.0.5
本八字軟體是由台灣命理八字暢銷作者黃恆堉老師所設計,含四柱,神煞,大運,流年,流月,流日等命盤基本資料顯示,一目了然,喜用神及忌神認定很明確,可記錄數千萬筆資料,除提供一些基本資料外,還提供大運,-流年,流月,流日之的時勢分析,及財運分析可作為投資或工作之參考。我們常聽人講:「三分天註定,七分靠打拼」這句流行歌詞,言之有理,對鼓舞人生向上有正面的效果。唯古人又云:「一命、二運、三風水、四積德、五讀書」,似乎透露命運對人生-的影響力是不可容忽略的。  人一生的發展,有許多不確定的因素及難以捉摸的變數在操控著,有智慧的人,會去掌握命運來破除這些障礙以挑戰未來,開創自我生命的新契機,八字命理就是掌-握命運的最佳媒介之一。  在工作領域或企業界,乃至於公私機關,應如何善用命理之特性來輔助管理與經營。需知八字命運乃天命因果之所在,宿世習氣之所染,對於我們所遭遇的一切好壞-、吉凶、得失、順逆等都應坦然面對,不可怨天尤人,並積極改造自己不良的習性和觀念。當處在好的命運時,可盡情發揮所長;如遇到命運不佳時,應針對自己先天命格上的缺-失,設法突破改造。孫子兵法說:知己知彼,百戰百勝",科技時代資訊發達生存競爭非勝即敗,人生旅途戰場,只有認清自己,瞭解別人,才能創造美好人生。  速食文化是現代產物,想學一門新學問,可藉由電腦資訊的輔助 ,不必花很多時間精力 ,便可事半功倍,何樂而不為呢!本軟體將呈獻給想知道自己運勢的人,只要你相信命運,其他複雜的命運演變過程都交給電腦處理,至於想進一步高深研究的朋友,可參考其它命理書籍。運勢的運用就是本軟體主要功能,不要羨慕別人榮華富貴,只要你知道把握時機,運用自己,知運造命,將來成功就是你的。軟體功能如下八字命盤排盤、早晚子設定、神煞、星座、喜用神、忌神、空亡、血型、格局等資料顯示白話論斷的部分有十年大運各大運旺衰分析、以上五年及下五年各別論斷每年運氣旺衰分析、以上半年及下半年各別論斷每月運氣旺衰分析、以上半月及下半月各別論斷每日運氣旺衰分析、以上半日及下半日各別論斷祝福每一位好朋友,感恩大家
吉祥羅盤 1.6
吉祥專業三元羅盤,不僅是專業級堪輿師的最佳數位助理,也是一般民眾生活中最方便實用的風水諮詢電子書之一。此版羅盤的學理兼具了三元派、龍門八局與玄空派的秘傳理氣-基礎。而「龍門八局」堪輿學術又稱為「三天水法」、「三朋法」或「乾坤國寶」,歷經明朝一代國師劉伯溫仙師而發揚光大,於清末民初則由贛州風水名師楊藏華先生於台灣地區傳授宏揚,歷年來因之而發富發貴的有德東家為數不少,台灣早期許多大家族、政商名流的祖厝、祖墳亦多為此派三元地理師所主庚建造。為方便您的查詢-,我們在羅盤中已加入了詳細的龍門八局各局之彩色圖盤與專業說明,將可協助您迅速判別各卦位的相對吉凶與理氣變化,進而提升現場論斷的準確性與專業水準。Auspicious professionalternary compass, not only the best professional-grade digitalassistant division geomancy, feng shui consultation book is alsoone of the general public living in the most convenient andpractical. This version combines theoretical compass ternary camp,eight innings and Xuan Kong Dragon faction secret qi -Foundation. And "Dragon Baju" geomancy academic also called "threedays Water Act", "three friends Act" or "heaven and earthtreasures", after the Ming generation MND Bowen Immortal andflourish, in the late Qing Dynasty from Ganzhou feng shui teacherMr. Yang Canghua Hongyang teach in Taiwan, over the years lendshair Fufa large number of expensive virtuous club, many of Taiwan'searly large family, political and business elite of the ancestralhome, the graves are found to do this geographical division of themain faction of ternary Geng construction . In order to facilitateyour query -We have been joined in the compass detailed color map disc andprofessional description of each bureau's goal eight innings, willhelp you quickly determine the relative change in the good and badwith each Gua qi, and thus enhance the accuracy and professionalismof the site thesis.
吉祥易經卜卦正式版 1.6
卜卦的真諦  易經占卜是一門高深的學問,絕非兒戲。簡單的說,占卜的過程與原理有如『攝影取象』,利用人天交感的作用,取徵應顯於卦象。對於所得卦象的解釋更有其深厚的學理支持,應用之妙純乎一心,套句賣軟片的廣告辭:『它抓得住我!』來形容,一點也不誇張。在分析上的用途,主要是在問事上藉由卦象來指點迷津,使我們了解所占問題的癥結與目前所處的態勢,解析事理與推演將來可能演變形成的態勢。  有人說,問卜須心誠則靈,當然心誠則意專,其機遇性就非兒戲了。或占卜後,不當一回事,以為是不可靠的,那就占卜不靈了。占問時,由於信仰不同或派別不同,或可不拘形式或取數方法,但至少要明確知曉所要占問何事,因此請參考「五何」即「何人」、「何物」、「何時」、「何地」、「-何事」的方式來占問。本套軟件是以金錢卦之原理來設計,操作模式完全跟命理老師幫您親自問卜一樣,在解釋上也很符合問事者所想了解的事,這是一套非常方便且實用的命理顧問寶典。本-套軟件:可問未來運勢、所求願望、未來事業、戀愛結果、家庭相處、考試表現、有無商機、訴訟結果、建康狀況、整體總論。每項解釋都針對您的選項來解答,而不會用深奧的古文來答,絕對能反應您心中的疑惑。==========================================卜卦的真谛  易经占卜是一门高深的学问,绝非儿戏。简单的说,占卜的过程与原理有如『摄影取象』,利用人天交感的作用,取征应显于卦象。对于所得卦象的解释更有其深厚-的学理支持,应用之妙纯乎一心,套句卖胶卷的广告辞:『它抓得住我!』来形容,一点也不夸张。在分析上的用途,主要是在问事上藉由卦象来指点迷津,使我们了解所占问题-的症结与目前所处的态势,解析事理与推演将来可能演变形成的态势。  有人说,问卜须心诚则灵,当然心诚则意专,其机遇性就非儿戏了。或占卜后,不当一回事,以为是不可靠的,那就占卜不灵了。占问时,由于信仰不同或派别不同,或可不拘形式或取数方法,但至少要明确知晓所要占问何事,因此请参考「五何」即「何人」、「何物」、「何时」、「何地」、「-何事」的方式来占问。本套软件是以金钱卦之原理来设计,操作模式完全跟命理老师帮您亲自问卜一样,在解释上也很符合问事者所想了解的事,这是一套非常方便且实用的命理顾问宝典。本套软件:可问未来运势、所求愿望、未来事业、恋爱结果、家庭相处、考试表现有无商机、诉讼结果、建康状况、整体总论。每项解释都针对您的选项来解答,而不会用深奥的古文来答,绝对能反应您心中的疑惑。
吉祥斗數正式版 1.0.8
吉祥星座論命正式版 1.4
吉祥前世今生正式版 1.0.2

論「事業宮、兄弟宮、朋友宮」:由出生月所算出的「前世今生」代表的是第三世,比出生年更接近今生,對應到此世影響的是「事業宮、兄弟宮、朋友宮」,主宰的是青年期,16~ 32 歲的行運。
論「夫妻宮」:由出生日所算出的前世今生代表的是第二世,更接近今生了,越接近今生,影響性格的力量越大,對應到此世影響的是「夫妻宮」,代表中年期,主宰著33~ 48歲的中年造化;也是夫妻間相處的情形。5、時柱:所代表的就是第一世。
論「命宮」:由出生時所算出的「前世今生」代表的是前一世。最接近今生了,越接近今生,影響性格的力量越大,所以我們稱之為「命宮」,為性格總論,代表晚年的榮枯,以及48歲以後的行運。更可看出與子女後嗣的對待情形。6、命盤解說,全採白話文新註,分析項目有個性、前運、 中運、晚運、兄弟運、子女運、夫妻運、富貴貧賤、智慧愚癡,解釋的很清楚。7、繁、簡体切換,操作方便,有存檔,刪除功能本中心已開發紫微、八字、奇門遁甲、數字吉凶、星座、姓名學、易經卜卦、羅盤、三元玄空等軟体歡迎下載
吉祥玄空論斷正式版 1.0.4
吉祥羅盤正式版 1.6
吉祥易經卜卦 1.6
卜卦的真諦  易經占卜是一門高深的學問,絕非兒戲。簡單的說,占卜的過程與原理有如『攝影取象』,利用人天交感的作用,取徵應顯於卦象。對於所得卦象的解釋更有其深厚的學理支持,應用之妙純乎一心,套句賣軟片的廣告辭:『它抓得住我!』來形容,一點也不誇張。在分析上的用途,主要是在問事上藉由卦象來指點迷津,使我們了解所占問題的癥結與目前所處的態勢,解析事理與推演將來可能演變形成的態勢。  有人說,問卜須心誠則靈,當然心誠則意專,其機遇性就非兒戲了。或占卜後,不當一回事,以為是不可靠的,那就占卜不靈了。占問時,由於信仰不同或派別不同,或可不拘形式或取數方法,但至少要明確知曉所要占問何事,因此請參考「五何」即「何人」、「何物」、「何時」、「何地」、「-何事」的方式來占問。本套軟件是以金錢卦之原理來設計,操作模式完全跟命理老師幫您親自問卜一樣,在解釋上也很符合問事者所想了解的事,這是一套非常方便且實用的命理顧問寶典。本-套軟件:可問未來運勢、所求願望、未來事業、戀愛結果、家庭相處、考試表現、有無商機、訴訟結果、建康狀況、整體總論。每項解釋都針對您的選項來解答,而不會用深奧的古文來答,絕對能反應您心中的疑惑。==========================================卜卦的真谛  易经占卜是一门高深的学问,绝非儿戏。简单的说,占卜的过程与原理有如『摄影取象』,利用人天交感的作用,取征应显于卦象。对于所得卦象的解释更有其深厚-的学理支持,应用之妙纯乎一心,套句卖胶卷的广告辞:『它抓得住我!』来形容,一点也不夸张。在分析上的用途,主要是在问事上藉由卦象来指点迷津,使我们了解所占问题-的症结与目前所处的态势,解析事理与推演将来可能演变形成的态势。  有人说,问卜须心诚则灵,当然心诚则意专,其机遇性就非儿戏了。或占卜后,不当一回事,以为是不可靠的,那就占卜不灵了。占问时,由于信仰不同或派别不同,或可不拘形式或取数方法,但至少要明确知晓所要占问何事,因此请参考「五何」即「何人」、「何物」、「何时」、「何地」、「-何事」的方式来占问。本套软件是以金钱卦之原理来设计,操作模式完全跟命理老师帮您亲自问卜一样,在解释上也很符合问事者所想了解的事,这是一套非常方便且实用的命理顾问宝典。本套软件:可问未来运势、所求愿望、未来事业、恋爱结果、家庭相处、考试表现有无商机、诉讼结果、建康状况、整体总论。每项解释都针对您的选项来解答,而不会用深奥的古文来答,绝对能反应您心中的疑惑。
吉祥星座論命 1.4
華人流行八字,紫微論命,西洋則流行星座,塔羅論命,雙方論斷各有優缺點本軟体以西洋星座之論點作基礎,詳細解說一個人的特點及性格,只要輸入出生年月日就可掌握一個人的特質,當了解後,日後要如何跟哪一類型的人互動,就能駕輕就熟,所以這套軟件就叫知己知彼,百戰百勝軟体。共有七個單元由生日談靈動數當人出生時已註定他的性格及命運,但我認為生辰八字只佔40%(命),然而有60%(運)是可以創造及改變的,由占星術的角度讓我們來探討一下,從0~9每個數字所代表的意義及現象都不一樣。您想知道您的靈動數字是幾號嗎?。由生日談個性由占星學角度探討;可以以一個人的出生日子來分析個人這輩子的行為模式,以及各類事務的感覺及心願和目標,您想知道嗎。由星座談個性人家都說談星座很準但星座只有12組,比較無法發揮到淋漓盡致的地步,但是既然很多人都在談,不妨我們也來談一談你的個性,我的個性就像…………,好像真的很-準耶由星座來談個人特質人家都說一個人的特質很不容易改變,請您來對應您個人特質及朋友的個人特質各星座間互動話術在人跟人的交往互動中如果能事先了解一個人的特性,那在人際互動上就會覺得很討人喜歡,學會這些話術,與朋友相處就會有很多很多話題了。情人速配指數藉由軟体可以檢驗,兩位情人在星座上的速配度,有很詳盡的解說跟建議。星座論婚姻速配度人家都說男人以事業為重,女人以婚姻為重,您相信這個論調嗎?不管男人,女人婚姻不佳者,下場皆不是很完美,所以就婚姻的角度來分析您們兩的配對結果,是吉是-凶,一看就知。本軟体內含星座論斷電子書128頁,相當具參考價值Chinese popularcharacter,Ziwei on life, popular with Western horoscope, tarot onlife,advantages and disadvantages of both thesesThe software for the constellation of Western arguments asabasis, a detailed explanation of the characteristicsandpersonality of a person, just enter birthThe date can grasp a person's character, when understood inthefuture how to interact with what type of person, you can verymuchat home, so the software is called know ourselvesvictorioussoftware. A total of seven unitsSmart talk about the number of birthdayWhen a person is born has doomed his character and fate, butIthink birthdates only 40% (life), whereas 60% (operation) canbecreated and changed by the astrological point of view allows ustoexplore, from significance of the phenomenon of 0 to 9 andeachnumber represents not the same. You want to know what yournumbersare numbers a few clever it? .Talk about the birthday personalityExplore the astrological point of view; may be a person'sbirthdate to analyze the behavior of individuals in this life, andallkinds of feelings and wishes affairs and goals, you wanttoknow.Talk about the personality constellationThey say talk is very accurate but ConstellationConstellationonly 12 groups can not compare to the fullest point,but since alot of people are talking about, we might have to talkabout yourpersonality, my personality is like ............, likereally-Quasi-yeahTalk about the personal qualities of the constellationThey say a person's traits is not easy to change,pleasecorrespond to your friend's personal qualities andpersonalqualitiesThe interaction between the various constellations,thensurgeryIn short remote interactive communication in advance if youcanunderstand a person's identity, and that the socialinteractionwill feel very pleasant, learn these words surgery,along withmany, many friends will have a topic.Valentine Match IndexWith the software can be tested, the two lovers in the matchofthe constellation, there is a very detailed explanation withtheproposal.On Marriage Compatibility Horoscope degreeThey say the men to the cause, as the most important womaninmarriage, do you believe this argument? Regardless of men, womeninpoor marriage, fate are not perfect, so the marriage of viewtoanalyze the results that you have paired the two is the guitaris-Fierce, see at a glance.The software includes a constellation assertion e 128,aconsiderable reference value
吉祥八字試用版 1.0.7
試用版生日部份只開放1930年01月01日之前的人才能排盤及論斷。本八字軟體是由台灣命理八字暢銷作者黃恆堉老師所設計,含四柱,神煞,大運,流年,流月,流日等命盤基本資料顯示,一目了然,喜用神及忌神認定很明確,可記錄數千萬筆資料,除提供一些基本資料外,還提供大運,-流年,流月,流日之的時勢分析,及財運分析可作為投資或工作之參考。我們常聽人講:「三分天註定,七分靠打拼」這句流行歌詞,言之有理,對鼓舞人生向上有正面的效果。唯古人又云:「一命、二運、三風水、四積德、五讀書」,似乎透露命運對人生-的影響力是不可容忽略的。  人一生的發展,有許多不確定的因素及難以捉摸的變數在操控著,有智慧的人,會去掌握命運來破除這些障礙以挑戰未來,開創自我生命的新契機,八字命理就是掌-握命運的最佳媒介之一。  在工作領域或企業界,乃至於公私機關,應如何善用命理之特性來輔助管理與經營。需知八字命運乃天命因果之所在,宿世習氣之所染,對於我們所遭遇的一切好壞-、吉凶、得失、順逆等都應坦然面對,不可怨天尤人,並積極改造自己不良的習性和觀念。當處在好的命運時,可盡情發揮所長;如遇到命運不佳時,應針對自己先天命格上的缺-失,設法突破改造。孫子兵法說:知己知彼,百戰百勝",科技時代資訊發達生存競爭非勝即敗,人生旅途戰場,只有認清自己,瞭解別人,才能創造美好人生。  速食文化是現代產物,想學一門新學問,可藉由電腦資訊的輔助 ,不必花很多時間精力 ,便可事半功倍,何樂而不為呢!本軟體將呈獻給想知道自己運勢的人,只要你相信命運,其他複雜的命運演變過程都交給電腦處理,至於想進一步高深研究的朋友,可參考其它命理書籍。運勢的運用就是本軟體主要功能,不要羨慕別人榮華富貴,只要你知道把握時機,運用自己,知運造命,將來成功就是你的。軟體功能如下八字命盤排盤、早晚子設定、神煞、星座、喜用神、忌神、空亡、血型、格局等資料顯示白話論斷的部分有十年大運各大運旺衰分析、以上五年及下五年各別論斷每年運氣旺衰分析、以上半年及下半年各別論斷每月運氣旺衰分析、以上半月及下半月各別論斷每日運氣旺衰分析、以上半日及下半日各別論斷祝福每一位好朋友,感恩大家Trial birthday partonlyopen January 1, 1930 before the person can discharge trayandjudgment.The character of the software was designed by Taiwannumerologyhoroscopes selling author Huang Heng Yu-teacher, chart,basicinformation including a four-poster, Shensha, GrandCanal,fleeting, streaming month, streaming and Japan show a glance,hiGod and a jealous God finds very clear, tens of millions ofrecordsdocument, in addition to providing some basic information,but alsoprovide the Grand Canal, -Fleeting, streaming month, flow analysis of the current situationofthe date, and Wealth analysis can be used as a referenceinvestmentor work.We often hear people say:"One-third of the heavens, seven by the hard" phrase pop lyrics,isjustified, for inspiration in life have a positive effectupward.Only the ancients Yun: "One life, two transport, three fengshui,four Jide, five reading" seems to disclose the fate of life-Yung's influence can not be ignored.Development of human life, there are many uncertain factorsandvariables in the manipulation of the elusive andintelligentpeople, will go to control their destiny to get rid ofthesebarriers to future challenges, and create new opportunitiesforself-life, numerology is the palm -One of the best medium grip of fate.In the field of work or business, even in public andprivateinstitutions, how they should make good use of thecharacteristicsof numerology to assist management and operations.Notes horoscopesfate lies are causal destiny, Sushi habits of thedye, for all thegood and bad that we encountered -, Good and bad, pros and cons, good times or bad, etc. shouldbecomfortable with, can not complain, and actively transformtheirbad habits and ideas. When in good fate, can enjoy theirtalents;such as ill-fated encounter should lack for their owndestiny firstgrid -Lost, trying to break through the transformation.Sun Tzu said: kill the mutant, "the era of advancedinformationtechnology to survive competition from non-wins thatdefeat, thejourney of life battlefield, only recognize themselves,understandothers, to create a better life.Fast-food culture is a modern product, want to learn a newscience,computer information can be assisted, do not spend a lot oftimeand effort, you can do more with less, why not do it!The software will show a dedicated person who wanted to knowtheirfortune, as long as you believe in fate, the fate of theevolutionof other complex computer processing are given, as afriend wouldlike to further advanced studies, numerology can referto otherbooks.The use of fortune is the main function of the software, do notenvyothers wealth and status, as long as you know grasp theopportunityto use their own, made known to transport life, futuresuccess isyours.Software features are as followsCharacter chart row plate, sooner or later the child isset,Shensha, constellations, hi God, a jealous God, void, bloodtype,pattern and other informationPart of the vernacular thesis hasWang Yun decades Grand Canal major decline analysis, over thenextfive years and the respective conclusionsWang bad luck annual analysis to the respective first andsecondhalf thesisWang bad luck monthly analysis of more than half and the secondhalfof individual judgmentWang bad luck day analysis, more than half-day andhalf-dayindividual judgment underBless every one friend, thanks everyone
吉祥玄空論斷試用版 1.0.7
試用版只開放羅盤功能。簡体、繁体適用,不管要買屋賣屋、租屋,有很多人會請老師看陽宅,以目前看屋行情從NT3000~20萬元都有。筆者也研究了許多派陽宅學,諸如:形家、八宅明鏡、紫白飛星、三元玄空、乾坤國寶,其中以三元玄空獲得最高評價。如果擁有本套軟件,你一輩子將可用本軟件來診斷陽宅好壞,且可為想購屋者找到最佳的房子,且能避免買到不好的房子。本套軟件可幫助陽宅大師們在幫人規劃陽宅時,是一套非常好用的輔助工具。本軟件完整功能有:羅盤定位系統,分自動與手動。從一運~九運之玄空排盤功能,分九宮與八卦盤,也可自動定位出騎線、兼線座雙山之顯示及吉凶解說。各大運盤是旺局或敗局,有沒有打劫,有沒有三般卦,城門在那一山,有無反伏吟等等。可輸入大門、爐灶、房間等座向或度數,軟件即可判斷吉凶。1,三元玄空大運之向運表。2,本宅各方位簡述與佈局。3,本宅各方位九星組合剋應。4,本宅各方位開運制煞法。5,六十四卦大門吉凶說明。6,玄空陽宅爐灶吉凶論斷。7,房間玄空方位現象解說。8,玄空法找出八運好陽宅。9,玄空法找出八運壞陽宅。10,玄空法找出九運好陽宅。11,玄空法找出九運壞陽宅。這是一套非常人性化的陽宅規劃工具,值得典藏。本中心已開發紫微、八字、奇門遁甲、數字吉凶、星座、姓名學、易經卜卦、羅盤、前世今生等軟体歡迎下載The trial version isonlyopen to the compass function.Simplified, Traditional applies, regardless of the buyhousesselling flats to rent, there are a lot of people asked theteacherto see Yangzhai, have to currently Kanwu Quotes from NT 3000~ 20million. I also study the many faction Yangzhai learn, suchas:house-shaped, eight-house mirror, Zibai METEOR the threeyuanXuankong, heaven and earth national treasure, which threeyuanXuankong received the highest rating.If you have the software, your life will be available thesoftwarediagnostic Yangzhai good or bad, and homebuyers may want tofindthe best house, and can avoid buying a bad house.The software can help the mansion gurus in the help peopleplanningmansion, is a very useful auxiliary tool.The full functionality of the software:Compass positioning system, automatic and manual.Points the Jiugong and gossip disk from the one shipped to theNinthNational Games Xuankong row disk function, automaticpositioningMountain ride line of line seat dual display and goodand badcommentary.Major op disk Wang Bureau or defeat, not robbery, not threelikeGua, the gates in that mountain, with or withoutanti-voltsYin.Seat to enter the door, stove, room or degree, the softwarecandetermine good and bad.1 of three yuan Xuankong Dayun to Win Table.2, this house parties bit briefly layout.3, this house parties bit Jiuxing combination grams.4, this house parties-bit open transport system evil.5, the Hexagrams door good and bad instructions.6, the Xuan Kong mansion stove good and bad thesis.7, commentary phenomenon of room Xuankong orientation.8, Xuankong method to identify good EIGHT Yangzhai.9, Xuankong method to find EIGHT bad Yangzhai.10, Xuankong method identify the National Games goodYangzhai.11, Xuan Kong law identify the National Games bad Yangzhai.This the Yang Zhai planning tool is a very humane, worthyofcollection.The center has developed Ziwei, horoscopes, MiracleFighters,digital good and bad, constellations, the name of science,I Chingdivination, compass, Past and Present software welcometodownload
吉祥紫微 1.0.10
這套紫微斗數軟体,可排出紫微盤(操作簡單),流年,流月,流日之財運論斷,桃花論斷,整體運勢論斷,相當實用。多年來,聽到很多人說:【論命】八字比較難學,反觀紫微斗數,比較好學,因為紫微十二宮,較淺顯易懂,但坊間斗數的書很多,有論星性,有論四化,看來都不錯。但總覺得要背的似乎多了一點,資料整理稍嫌複雜,在論斷上似乎比較不容易一下子就能找到答案。於是我就用寫電腦程式的方式來寫出,論流年,流月,流日之財運,桃花,以及整體運勢論斷,不用學一下子就可找到答案,讓您輕鬆入門。作者繼多本著作熱賣後,應眾多讀者要求,能不能出版一本深入淺出,且論斷功能更廣泛的紫微斗數工具書。且又強調不能寫的太深奧,要很容易懂,又要很好學,又能馬上會批紫微斗數的參考書。讓想學紫微斗數的人看完了自然就會論紫微斗數,這實在是一大難題。但是有了前幾本的經驗後,於是著手整理這一本很實用的紫微斗數書,來與讀者分享,希望對有興趣學紫微斗數的朋友,不會因為紫微斗數難學而放棄。要學會批紫微斗數流年,可能需要學習一段時間,但最重要的關鍵點就是當您需要從紫微斗數命盤中,了解什麼事,怎麼看,從那裏看時,該到那裏找到論斷的資料,這可就不是那麼容易。如今有了這本書,所有的問題都可迎刃而解,您想要了解的部份,都能在這本書找到資料,因為本書分類的很有系統,很好瞭解,讓您在學習紫微斗數的過程中,可縮短學習時間,因為時間就是金錢,不是嗎?(取自這年頭每個人都需要懂紫微一書)。吉祥坊易經開運中心介紹感謝您使用本中心研發軟體,我們已開發完成(iphone)八字、紫微、三元羅盤、數字論吉凶、奇門求財、姓名學、易經卜卦、星座算命等軟体、後續正在開發、測字、觀音籤、八宅明鏡、紫白飛星、三元玄空、乾坤國寶等…陽宅論吉凶軟件,每一套都花費很多時間來整理,想出最簡單的操作方式,提供最正確的答案,提供給有興趣者研究.This Astrologysoftware,can be discharged Ziwei plate (simple), astrology, currentmonth,day of judgment wealth flows, peach conclusion, theoverallconclusion fortune, quite practical.Over the years, I heard many people say: [on life] charactermoredifficult to learn, Astrology contrast, relatively easy tolearn,because Ziwei zodiac, representing easy to understand, but afew ofthe many books printing bucket, some commentators Star ,there hasbeen on four modernizations, it seems good. But alwaysseem to feelthe need to back a little more, data compilation is abitcomplicated, the judge suddenly seem less likely to be able tofindthe answer. So I wrote a computer program used to write theway, onthe fleeting, streaming month, wealth flows date, peach, andtheoverall fortune judgment, do not learn all of a sudden you canfindthe answer, so you can easily get started.Following the author of several books hot, many readers shouldberequired to publish a layman can not, and the broaderargumentfunction Astrology tool. And because they emphasize notwrite tooesoteric, it is easy to understand, but also a very goodschool,but also to immediately grant astrology reference book. Letpeoplewho want to learn Astrology on Astrology watching naturally,thisis really a big problem. But with the experience of the firstfew,then right to start finishing this very practical astrologybooksto share with readers, and I hope to have friends interestedinlearning Astrology, Astrology is not difficult because learntogive up.To learn batch Astrology fleeting, it may take some timetolearn, but the most important key point is that when you needtoorder the disk from Astrology to understand what happened,how,when looking from there, to where to find the thesisofinformation, and this may not be so easy. Now, with this book,allthe problems can be solved, some of you want to know, you canfindthe information in this book, because the book isusefulclassification system, well understood, allowing you tolearnAstrology of process, you can shorten the learning time,becausetime is money, is not it? (taken from these days everyoneneeds tounderstand Ziwei a book).Frank Ching lucky lucky Center IntroductionThank you for using the software R & D center, we havedeveloped(iphone) character, Ziwei, ternary compass, numbers onthe good andbad, for the fiscal legend, the name of science, IChing divination,fortune-telling and other softwareconstellations, the follow-up isbeing developed, tellers, Guanyinsign, eight house mirror, Zibaimeteor, ternary Xuan Kong,treasures, etc. ... mansion on theuniverse of good and badsoftware, each set to spend a lot of timeto sort out the mostsimple mode of operation, providing the mostcorrect answers,available to those interested in research.
吉祥姓名論斷 1.7
這套姓名論斷軟体,是坊間姓名論斷學派中,論斷最貼切的一派,可排出姓名格局,此派叫陽宅形家姓名學,此一學派是依據陽宅學論斷原理,利用個人的姓名,拆成青龍邊、白虎邊、明堂、及後山等四格。然後依據這四格論斷命運的轉變。經過長時間的印證,確實有其參考價值。特別提出來與讀者探討與分享。陽宅形家姓名學各格代表意義主格運解說:主格運:管大環境、在家庭中的風格、腦中思想、內在性格傾向、主客觀意識形態副格運解說:副格運:管夫妻關係、戀愛運及家運、做事過程、人生規劃、脾氣性格外格運解說:外在的人際關係、行動力、行為表現總格運解說:最終的本質、整體的表現、一生財運總歸納任何人的名字輸入進去就可以論出以上之特質,不用學一下子就可找到答案,讓您輕鬆入門。本軟体免費版只開放姓名格局排盤,論斷姓名吉凶則需購買專業版,酌收台幣300元開發費,特此聲明。吉祥坊易經開運中心介紹感謝您使用本中心研發軟體,我們正開發或已開發(android)八字、紫微、三元專業羅盤、數字論吉凶、奇門求財、姓名學、易經卜卦、星座算命、前世今生、八宅明鏡、紫白飛星、三元玄空、乾坤國寶等…陽宅論吉凶軟件,每一套都花費很多時間來整理,想出最簡單的操作方式,提供最正確的答案,提供給有興趣者研究,有需要者請到吉祥坊易經開運中心瞭解我們也已開發完成iphone手機軟件也已開發完成命理PC版開館軟件感恩您~謝謝您~吉祥坊祝福您如要了解本中心更多的軟件資訊。請上網吉祥坊)吉祥坊)電話:04-24521393Email:[email protected] assertionsoftwarename, the name is anecdotal assertion school, the judgemostappropriate school, the name of the pattern can be discharged,thispie-shaped mansion house called the name of science, thisschool isbased on the assertion mansion school principle, the useofpersonal names, split into Dragon side, white tiger side, hall,andafter a four-frame mountain. Then based on these four cellfatechange thesis. After lengthy proof, does have its referencevalue.Special mention to explore and share with readers.Shaped mansion house each cell represents the name ofsciencesignificanceNominative shipped Commentary:Nominative transport: tube environment, in the family style,brainthinking, inner disposition, objective andsubjectiveideologyVice-grid operation Commentary:Vice-cell transport: Tube marital relationship, love andfamilyfortune transportation, work process, life planning,badcharacterTransported outside the cell Commentary:External relationships, mobility, behaviorTotal grid operation Commentary:The final nature of the overall performance of a lifetimetotalwealth inductionEnter the name of any person can go out on theabovecharacteristics, all of a sudden you can not learn to findtheanswers, so you can easily get started.The free version of the software is only open row patternnameplate, the name of good and bad judgment will need topurchaseProfessional Edition, charge a NT300 yuan development costs, are hereby acknowledged.Frank Ching lucky lucky Center IntroductionThank you for using the software R & D center, IThey are developing or have developed (android) character,Ziwei, three professional compass, digital on the good andbad, For the fiscal legend, the name of science, IChingdivination,Constellation fortune, past lives, eight house mirror,Zibai meteor, ternary Xuan Kong, heaven and earth treasuresEtc. ... mansion on the good and bad software, each setSpend a lot of time to sort out the most simpleSingle mode of operation, providing the most correct answersCase studies available to those who are interested, there isaneedTo those who goLucky lucky Square Center for the Book of ChangesWe have also developed mobile phone software iphoneNumerology has also developed software for PC Opening~ ~ Thank you for your Thanksgiving Square bless you goodluckTo learn more software information on this center.Please visit: (auspicious Square) (auspicious Square)Tel :04 -24,521,393Email: [email protected]
數字論吉凶 1.0
Cell phone number judgment, identity card number judgment
山向奇門 1.0
Compass, layout of Yangzhai, Qimen Dunjia, Yazhai Mingjing,QiankunNational Treasure
手機號論斷 1.0
Numbers are good and bad