Top 24 Apps Similar to Vegan Life

Just Vegan - вегетарианство и 1.0
Application for vegans and vegetarians. Recipes, videos, newsandmore
vanilla bean
Discover vegan restaurants with information on organic,gluten-freeand raw food
VeGuide - Go Vegan the Easy Wa 2.0.0
Everything you need to start your vegan journey.
Vegan Recipes | Diet-Health 1.1.2
Eat a healthy diet with our vegan recipes, some of which are raw.
EatMorePlants – Vegan Recipes 2.0.6
100+ delicious, whole-food, plant-based, vegan recipes andweeklymeal plans.
Vegetarian and vegan recipes 8.3.5
Vegetarian and vegan recipes. Typical vegetarian dishes ofItaliancuisine
isVe? - Product Scanner 1.0.9
Quickly identify Vegan and Vegetarian products.
Vegamecum - Vegan recipes
Easy and healthy vegan recipes for the new omnivores
Easy Vegetarian 3.6
Here you’ll find everything you need for a successfulvegetariandiet- loads of quick vegetarian and vegan recipes, easyto useshoppinglists and lots of helpful vegetarian information atyourfingertips.The Easy Vegetarian App was created by, namely Kat, Dave and Hauke. Overtimewe’ve builtup a great resource of quick and nutritious veganandvegetarianrecipes. Our goal: making the switch to thevegetariandiet as easyas possible. We think recipes should beenjoyable andnot a constantsource of worry or second guessing. So,of course,we needed an appwith easy vegetarian recipes too! EASYVEGETARIANAPP FEATURES -Almost 200 Vegan and Vegetarian Recipes -more addedevery week -Many high protein recipes - Nutritioninformation witheach recipe -Shopping List – add ingredients fromany vegetarianrecipe or addingredients manually - Smart IngredientSorting –your ingredients onthe shopping list are divided byrecipe. -Favorites Section - saveyour fave vegetarian recipes inone handylist - Read offline -available only for the recipes youvisitedbefore - The Veggie Guide- we answer all importantquestionsaround the vegetarian diet - Manymore features on theirway ALMOST200 VEGAN AND VEGETARIAN RECIPES!You can choose fromclose to 200vegan and vegetarian recipes, moreadded every week.Most of themare done in much less than 30 minutesand are verynutritious. Bestof all, we love high protein recipes,so you’llfind many of thoseas well. If you're already a seasonedvegetarianwe’re confidentthat we can surprise you with a couple ofcreativevegetarianrecipes you haven’t come across yet. That beingsaid, wework witha team of professional chefs to develop vegetarianrecipesthat areexciting, easy and come out great. This is what ourrecipeswillhelp you with in a nutshell: - easily make thetransition frommeatto meat-free - get all the nutrients you need(yep,especiallyprotein and other essentials) - make vegetariancookingas easyeffortless as possible without sacrificing the tasteABOUTTHEVEGETARIAN DIET The vegetarian diet excludes theconsumptionofmeat (also poultry and fish) as well as anyby-products ofanimalslaughter like rennet and gelatin. The vegandiet goes onestepfurther and removes all animal products from themenu, meaningmeatand also dairy, eggs and honey. Roughly half ofour recipesarevegan, the rest includes dairy and/or eggs. GOINGVEGETARIANISCOMPLETELY SAFE AND HEALTHY The American DieteticAssociationsaysan appropriately planned vegetarian diet includingvegan dietsarehealthful, nutritionally adequate, and may providehealthbenefitsin the prevention and treatment of certain diseases.Withthatopinion, they’re in line with Harvard Medical School aswell.Wekeep a close eye to their guidelines when developingourvegetarianrecipes. That doesn’t mean there are no “naughtyrecipes”on ourapp, but our focus is mostly on the healthy side. THEVEGGIEGUIDEINCLUDES: - Why Become a Vegetarian? - What GoingVegetarianCan DoFor You - Proteins - Fats (Omega 3 vs Omega 6) -Vitamin B12- Iron- Is a Vegetarian Diet Healthier Than a DietIncluding Meat -Howto Make a Gradual Switch to a Vegetarian Diet -How toAnnounceGoing Vegetarian - Losing Weight on a Vegetarian DietThecurrentversion of the EASY VEGETARIAN App is just the beginningandwe’remore than happy to receive feature requests. Oh, and ifyouhaveany cool easy vegetarian recipe ideas you think weshouldcreate,we’re all ears! For any (recipe) ideas and feedbackpleasesend anemail to [email protected] - Thank you! A bigthankyou toMartin, our talented developer! The Easy Vegetarian Appwouldstillbe only wishful thinking without your help. Curious whatelsewe’reup to? Make sure you check us out at hurrythefoodup.comformoredelicious vegetarian recipes, meal plans and articlesallaroundthe vegetarian diet.
Veganized - Vegan Recipes, Nut 4.3.2
Easy Cookbook, plan meals, follow nutrients intake, createshoppinglists, share
Health Bar 1.0.15
Anna Schürrle und Nancy Tabillion GbR
The HEALTH BAR App provides more than 60 healthyandmainlyplant-based recipes created by Anna Schürrle. The recipesarefreeof refined sugar, palm oil, contain manygluten-freealternativesand are free of artificial additives. Theapp is easyto use andhelps in achieving a healthier lifestyle. Thefocus is onhealthyrecipes that are quick and easy to prepare. Thepurchase ofthe appis one-time and not linked to a subscription. Theintegratedsearchfunction for ingredients and an integrated shop arethehighlightsof the HEALTH BAR App. In our in-app-store you havetheopportunityto expand your digital recipebook with variousrecipebundlesthrough one-time in-app purchases that meet yourindividualneedsand wishes. New recipe bundles are added to the shopon aweeklybasis to expand your digital HEALTH BAR at any time.Youcanactivate these recipe bundles with a one-time in-apppurchasesothat you can cook your favorite recipes straightaway.Otherpersonalities such as André Schürrle, JelenaMarija,SofiaTsakiridou, The Tasty K, Nadia Damaso and Júlia MunizRobinsonalsooffer self-created recipe bundles.
abillion: Vegan & Sustainable 4.49.0
Live more sustainably with abillion's vegan, plant-basedrecipes& products
BePretty 2.20.4
¡Reservar una cita en cualquier centro de belleza nunca habíasidotan fácil y cómodo! Con nuestra aplicación gratuita ponemos atudisposición más de 700 centros y 10.000 tratamientos debelleza,salud y bienestar en Chile y Colombia. ¡Infinidad dealternativasde belleza en tu bolsillo!   Encuentra los mejoressalones debelleza o descubre los más cercanos a ti, navega en sulista deservicios y precios, accede a su agenda y reserva tu citaen uninstante.   ¡Recuerda activar las notificaciones pararecibirpromociones, regalos y sorpresas exclusivas!    ¿POR QUÉBEPRETTY MEJORARÁ TU VIDA?   A partir de este momento,todocambia... Olvídate de llamar por teléfono para reservar tucita.Ahora puedes hacerlo 24/7 y disfrutar todos los beneficiosdeBePretty:   - Encuentra los centros de belleza másexclusivosde tu ciudad - Descubre los más cercanos a ti gracias alatecnología de geolocalización - Accede a su carta deservicios,precios y profesionales disponibles - Compara centros yelige elque más te acomode - Ahorra tiempo y dinero reservando tucita debelleza en sólo 3 clicks - Ahorra dinero con promocionesydescuentos - Disfruta exclusivos regalos y ¡muchas sorpresas más!-Conoce comentarios y valoraciones de otros clientes, 100% reales-Mantén un registro de tus próximas reservas - Te recordaremostuscitas, a través de la app y del mail, para que no te olvides   ¡SIGAMOS HABLANDO! Para cualquier pregunta ocomentarioescríbenos a [email protected], ¡estaremos encantados deayudarte!  Si estás en Chile, dale a “Me gusta” enFacebook: Síguenos y twitter: @bepretty_chile Visita Si estás en Colombia, dale a “Me gusta” enFacebook: Síguenos y twitter: @BePrettyco Visita nuestra web:bepretty.coBePretty es compatible con Android 4.4 y siguientes. Relájate con BePretty y disfruta ¡Una hora para ti!
21-Day Vegan Kickstart 4.0.2
21-Days of easy-to-make recipes with beautiful photos.
Foody - Food & Symptom Tracker 1.3.1
Understand your symptoms you experience from foods by keepingtrackof them.
Kids am Tisch - Das praktische 19.1
The magazine is published six times a year.
homodea 2023.0.1033241224
homodea GmbH
Nice that you're here. Welcome to the homodea app.
Forks Plant-Based Meal Planner 1.4.2
A FREE vegan meal planner that's custom built for yourplant-basedlifestyle.
Fivesec Health: Vegan recipes 1.41
Vegan app with 500+ easy & healthy vegan recipes for aplantbased diet
My Little Plastic Footprint
One App Activating Millions! Fun way to learn and reduceyourplastic footprint.
Itchy - Psoriasis & Atopic Eczema 3.0
Itchy AB
Itchy is the ultimate eczema companion made for patients,bypatientsItchy is your guide to managing your Psoriasis orAtopicDermatitisin a smarter way. Everything you need to handleyourcondition, rightin your pocket. Our algorithm createspersonalizedlong-termtreatment plans tailored to your degree ofpsoriasis oratopicdermatitis, and helps you keep track of it allso you canfocus onliving your life. Follow our verified treatmentplans thatcovers alltreatment forms for Psoriasis and AtopicDermatitis:Emollients,Cortisone creams, Systemic treatments,Biologicalmedicines, Buckyand UVB. Share your #itchyjourney to getfeaturedon our channels!Itchy is free for everyone. Download todayand getsmart about yourcondition. WHAT YOU'LL GET: • Digitaltreatmentplans that tells youwhat to do, and when to do it •Access to ourunique community. Talk,listen and share with otherslike you •Dozens of verified treatmentschedules • Understand andreflect onyour triggers • Review yourmedicines and treatments •Use ourphoto documentation to evaluateyour progress •Verifiedde-escalation plans for cortisone products •Easily trackyourdaily to-dos Itchy is built in accordance with thecareandtreatment methodology currently available for eczemacare,andadapted to specialist guidelines and recommendationsavailableforPsoriasis & Atopic Dermatitis. Have questions,issues,orfeedback on the app? Feel free to contact usatFacebook, Instagram@[email protected] so we can continue to get better!Read thetermsand conditions here: Readtheprivacypolicy here:
ProVeg Veggie Challenge 3.1.0
More plants. Less meat. Take the 30-day Veggie Challenge!
Panic Diary: A anxiety tracker 2.6.2
Anxiety and mood tracker. Evaluate your panic & anxietyattacks.Anxiety relief!
Positive Affirmationen: Selbst 1.3
Affirmations and relaxing music for more self-loveandself-confidence