Top 22 Games Similar to Judo Dictionary

Judo Throws Vol. 2 1.3
Note: Video encoding is not compatiblewithSamsung Galaxy (and Galaxy Tab) devices. Until this issueisresolved Galaxy users should not download this app.103MB video will be downloaded to your SD card.Judo Throws Vol. 2 is the 2nd in the series from JudoSenseiBrent Goodall & Tauasa Timoteo. They are 3rddegree(Sandan)Judo black belts as well as being World Masters andNationalchamp.Covers 24 techniques which can be used in Judo, BJJ or MMA.v1.3 Picture Fix.
Judo Reference 7.0.2
A comprehensive reference for all your Judo needs.
International Judo Federation 1.0
Official app of InternationalJudoFederation
Judo App 1.6.5
Abstract from the italian book "Judo Tecnico", by Donato Di Pierro
Scoreboard Judo 1.12.10
7 peace
Scoreboard app for judo
Nage No Kata 1.10
Learn the Nage-No-Kata. With videos, technique descriptions andmatdiagrams.
BJJ Roadmap by Stephan Kesting 1.0
THE FASTEST WAY TO LEARN BRAZILIAN JIU-JITSU! Do youwantlearnBrazilian Jiu-Jitsu the right way? Then grab the BJJRoadmapappand let the pieces of the puzzle immediately startcomingtogetherfor you. BJJ is the most effective grappling systemin theworld,but it can be very confusing for your first couple ofyearsoftraining. But BJJ can, and should, make sense! The BJJRoadmapappis the perfect tool for getting Brazilian Jiu-Jitsuright,rightfrom the start. - Master the sense of overwhelm soyoucanconfidently navigate your way among the differenttechniquesandsubmissions in BJJ - Learn exactly how thedifferentgroundpositions fit together so that you never feel loston the matagain- Find out what exactly you should do next to getbetteratgrappling - Discover the missing components you need togetyourtechniques to work in a real life sparring situationUsinghighquality video instruction this app will give youthestrategies,tactics, techniques and training methods you need togetgood atBJJ as fast as possible. WHAT YOU'LL GET IN THE FREESECTIONOF THEAPP - A complete overview of the major BJJ positionsand howtheyfit together - A detailed breakdown of the Closed Guard,OpenGuardand Half Guard positions - Guard sweeps that take youfromthebottom to the top - Guard passes you can use to cutyourwaythrough your opponent's defences - How to avoid themostcommonmistakes made on the top and the bottom WHAT YOU'LL GETINTHE PAIDSECTION OF THE APP - Four more positions to round outyourBJJgame, including Side Mount, Knee Mount, Rear Mount andtheTurtlePosition - Advanced details to take your game to thenextlevelquickly and easily. - The best transitions to improveyourpositionso you can keep your opponent continually on thedefensive.-Effective escapes you can use even if your opponent isbiggerthanyou - Overviews of the most common, most effectivesubmissionsfromeach position - How to avoid the mistakes that canlead toinjuryor months of wasted time and effort as you do thewrong thingagainand again. This app covers a complete system forlearning BJJ.Itstarts with the Roadmap concept so that you get thecompletebigpicture of the art of Brazilian Jiu-jitsu (along withtheconcepts,techniques and strategies used by almost everyadvancedplayer). Iwant you to know the ‘why, where, when, who andwhat’ ofeverythingyou learn in BJJ, which is why in this app wecover: -Why certaintechniques work better than others. - Where yourarmsand legs MUSTbe to avoid giving your opponent an easysubmission!f- When is thebest time for trying specific moves? - Whois bestsuited forcertain positions and submissions? - What thecriticaltake-homedetails are, without which your technique justwon’t work!Many BJJstudents never end up learning the fundamentalsof the artproperlybecause these basics are so ‘obvious’ to theirinstructorsthatthey don’t bother to pass them on to their students.But iftheconcepts, strategies and tactics of BJJ get laid out foryou inaclear, concise and interesting manner (instead of youhavingtofigure it all out through trial and error) then yourskillswillliterally jump to a new level overnight. ABOUTSTEPHANKESTINGStephan Kesting is a BJJ black belt and an instructorinCombatSubmission Wrestling. In addition to hisgrapplingcertificationshe also has a Black Belt in Kajukenbo Karateand is acertifiedInstructor in Dan Inosanto’s Filipino MartialArts,Majaphait Silatand Jun Fan JKD. With his series ofbest-sellingapps, DVDs, andinstructional programs he has helpedtens ofthousands of martialartists lift the level of theirgrappling game.
Judo Throws Vol. 1 1.1
Note: Video encoding is not compatiblewithSamsung Galaxy (and Galaxy Tab) devices. Until this issueisresolved Galaxy users should not download this app.75MB of encrypted video will be downloaded to your SD card.Judo Throws Vol. 1 is the 1st in the series from JudoSenseiBrent Goodall and Tauasa Timoteo. They are 3rd degree(Sandan)Judoblack belts in addition to being National champions.Covers 17 devastating throws which can be used in Judo,BJJorMMA.
fJudoTraining 0.2.2
Subdivision of JudoGo Kyo tecniquesImmobilization tecniques (osae komi waza)Arm bar tecniques (kansetsu waza)Strangling tecniques (shime waza)Techniques to strike (atemi waza)
alljudo 4.04.00
alljudo est la première application consacréeàl’actualité du judo. Retrouvez quotidiennement le meilleur dujudo :actualités, interviews, réactions, photos et videos.Vous trouverez dans cette application :- Toute l’actualité du judo français et international, des clubsetdes champions.- La liste et les profils des meilleurs judokas français.- des fiches présentant les principaux clubs français.- La liste des structures d’entraînement fédérales et touteslesinformations pratiques pour les contacter.- Le calendrier des grandes compétitions nationalesetinternationales.Téléchargez l’application dès maintenant pour avoir le meilleurdujudo en exclusivité partout avec vous.Avec alljudo vivez l’actualité heure par heure et gardez toujoursunoeil sur les tatamis.alljudo is thefirstdevoted to news judo application. Find the best day of judonews,interviews, reactions, photos and videos.You will find in this application:- All news from French and international judo clubsandchampions.- The list and profiles of the best French judokas.- Sheets with the main French clubs.- The list of federal training and practical information tocontactstructures.- The schedule of major national andinternationalcompetitions.Download the application now to get the best of judoexclusivelywith you.With alljudo live the news hour by hour and always keep an eyeonthe tatami.
JudoHD 1.0.94
The complete judo kyu examination program explains. The handyJudoDojo.
Judo Reference (Paid) 7.0.2
A comprehensive reference for all your Judo needs.
Judo Scoreboard 1.5
The best judo score app onAndroidplatform.Everything you need to referee a judo match.Easy, beautiful and a lot of settings.You have to DRAG the scores up or down, you should nottap!!!For start/stop time tap on time.In the options menu you can change all the time and manyothersettings!This is our first application, please if there are errorsorproblems please contact us via email and we will try to correct(ifyou can specify your device model).We are two judoka :) help us and we will try to offer thebestservice.
Judoinside - free 1.0.35
Judo Inside
The first judo tactics to analyseyouropponent. Browse judoka profiles containing results, medalbalancesand year overviews. The fastest who’s who in judo.JudoInside is the world’s largest collection of judoresults,profiles and events. Get the latest news tweets, getmedaloverviews of over 90,000 judoka around the globe.- Works on iPhone, iPad and Android- Over 90,000 judoka online- Over 350,000 results- Over 9,000 historic events- Judo database ,Judo Information,Judo databank
iBudokan Judo All 2.0
iBudokan Judo app features more than 100 techniques filmedfrommultiple angles.
The White Belt Bible 1.0
The white belt is more than just a rank, it's a mindset. Inthisapp, Roy Dean explores techniques from three of the mostsuccessfulschools of jiu jitsu in the modern era: Kodokan Judo,AikikaiAikido, and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Theory and technique arebalancedwith montages of live application, rank demonstrations, andlessonsfrom masters of the gentle art. Designed to inspire,entertain, andopen the minds of beginners to the world of jiujitsu, The WhiteBelt Bible lays the foundation for a lifetime oflearning, and isthe perfect companion to the best selling Blue BeltRequirements.Volume 1: Tying Your Belt Kodokan Judo JujutsuExamples AikikaiAikido Seibukan Nidan Brazilian Jiu Jitsu White toBlack Volume 2:Creswell Blue Brodeur Purple Wright Martell BrownDean 2nd DegreeBlack Lessons from a Champion Jiu Jitsu in LondonBJJ Weekly
BJJ Flow (Brazilian Jiu Jitsu) 1.10
A free training resource for BJJ athletes everywhere. #1 onAndroid.
Judo Lomme 1.0
Avec cette applicationvousretrouverezdifférentes informations sur le club :- Les dernières news- Les horaires des cours selon les grades- Les programmes de passage de grade avecdémonstrationsdestechniques- Le calendrier officiel du comité nord de JudoL'application vous alertera dès qu'une nouvelle newsserapubliéepar le clubWith thisapplicationyouwill find various information about the club:- Latest news- Lesson times by rank- The grade crossing programs with technical demonstrations- The official calendar of northern Judo committeeThe application will alert you when a new news willbepublishedby the club
Judoinside 1.0.35
Judo Inside
The first judo tactics to analyseyouropponent. Browse judoka profiles containing results, medalbalancesand year overviews. The fastest who’s who in judo.JudoInside is the world’s largest collection of judoresults,profiles and events. Get the latest news tweets, getmedaloverviews of over 100,000 judoka around the globe.- Works on iPhone, iPad and Android- Over 100,000 judoka online- Over 400,000 results- Over 10,000 historic events- Judo database ,Judo Information,Judo databank
Judo Ryu Ichidai 6.631
De officiële app van Judo Ryu Ichidai uit Nijmegen.
Interval Timer+ HIIT Training 1.05
It is an application that was upgradedwaspreviously released the " interval timer HIIT Training andFitness!”Upgrade item①Up to 20, it can be freely set each timer"Setting item"・Timer icon・Timer title・Exercise time , break time , preparation time・Background color of time of each・Sound , voiceTimer that you set , you can make and or change the orderfreelyrespectively .Multiple timers are continuous playback in the order in whichtheywere set .②View a chart of the timers completedYou can each time and average number of rounds that timercompletedof the day , to see charts and tables.While looking at the result of the training , let's level up!③Renewal of each screen designWhen you sideways timer screen, to display increased timer time,and improved visibility .Font is using such as Helvetica, and design is alsobeenimproved.※font selection features of the previous version hasbeenremoved.****************************Simple version is hereインターバルタイマー シンプルver****************************This app is an interval timer to be repeated by the time youareset, such as sports and study and training, practice andabreak!Are you studying or sports or training efficiently?It is said that the concentration of human can keeping generally30or 60 minutes.At the longest 90 minutes.Whenever your concentration is cut, your motivation is cut, andworkefficiency will become more and more evil.How to recover the power of concentration, it is to take abreakright out.Taking an appropriate interval by using this timer, let'sincreaseefficiency for exercise or training or fitness andstudy!Use・Strength training, Exercise, Fitness・Boxing, Wrestling, Judo・Study or work・Play games, etc.Feature・Character is large, excellent visibility!・You can design to your liking by changing the background!・Timer sound can be set for each timer each!The timer will continue to operate even when you turn off thescreenwith power button during the self-timer countdown.The 4.0 android version onward has been able tooperationcheck.But the 2.0 android version does not work correctly.the 2.0 android version please use in the state in which to turnonthe screen.※There is the terminal of 4.0 android version does notworkdepending on the circumstances.
FFJudo 2.0.8
L'application officielle de laFédérationFrançaise de Judo.Dans cette première version, vous disposez de vos licences delaFfjudo.Vous pouvez également renouveler votre licence pour lasaisonprochaine, ou même prendre une nouvelle licence d'uneautrediscipline.Pour les personnes non licenciées, vous pouvez égalementcréerune nouvelle licence depuis l'application.The officialapplicationof the French Judo Federation.In this first version, you have your licenses of Ffjudo.You can also renew your license for next season, or even take anewlicense from another discipline.For unlicensed people, you can also create a new license fromtheapplication.