Top 50 Apps Similar to Dr. Lex-Diagnosis Simulator

Lenus eHealth 1.12.0
Partner to leading coaches
DC3 App 1.1.6
Easy access to DC3 information, contacts, tools, media, guidesanddocuments.
InSimu Patient - Diagnose Virt 7.0.0
Practice real-world diagnostic decision-making on virtual patients.
My Work in Progress - Gym Log
A smart, customizable, no-nonsense gym workout log designed forgymrats.
Intensity - Powerlifting Log 2.3.3
A progression based workout tracking app designed forstrengthtraining.
Medical records 1.2.2
Electronic medical card. Rest assured, your medical recordsarealways with you.
Micromedex Drug Interactions 5.0.2
Provides access to the industry’s most trusted drugreferenceinformation.
Diseases & Disorders: Nursing
240+ disorders. Nursing diagnoses - outcomes &interventions.Patient Ed.
CommonPass 1.7.1
CommonPass is a free app that helps you share yourhealthstatussecurely, so you can get back to travel, work, schoolandlife. Getwhere you want to go by using CommonPass to presentyourlab orvaccination results. How it works: Download thefreeCommonPass appto your smartphone, and use it to access yourtestand vaccinationrecords from authorized providers. Withyourconsent, thatinformation can be used to validate your healthstatuswithoutrevealing any other underlying personalhealthinformation.CommonPass generates a secure QR code for you toshowwhen youtravel or access certain locations and events. Yourhealthrecordsare stored securely and privately on your phone,entirelyunderyour control. CommonPass now supports SMART HealthCardvaccinationrecords from Walmart, Sam’s Club, Louisiana,California,and UCSDHealth. CommonPass is a service of The CommonsProjectFoundation.The Commons Project Foundation is supporting theeffortsof anumber of countries, such as Aruba, and US states, suchastheState of Hawaii, and others, to help enable a safe returntotravelaround the world.
Appointik - Clinic Management 1.1.57
Medical practice management app for Clinics and Practitioners
QuickEM 5.6
Bill Dirkes
Emergency medicine differential diagnoses, tests, treatmentsbychief complaint.
NCLEX® Test Pro 2022 2.0.2
With NCLEX® Test Pro, you can study with our questions andpracticetest
Logo Mobile Sales
Manage your field sales operations with Mobile Sales withmaximumefficiency.
Arise Online Classes
Connect with Arise Online Classes in an efficient andtransparentmanner
IBM Micromedex Pediatrics
Evidence-based, fully referenced pediatric-specific druginformation
IATI Agent 3.0.0
IATI Agent is a simple, reliable and solid Mobile TravelApplicationfor agents
ENAGIC • MOBI 3.4.5112
Get Enagic's official app to manage your entire Enagicbusiness!From prospecting, to education, to demos, to sales, thisapp putsEnagic magic in your pocket! • Manage your contacts (SMS,Call,Notes, etc) • Manage your Sales / Orders • Get notified whenordersship & track them! • Access your demo video library •Sendpre-written Kangen Water information to your contacts • Stay uptodate on the latest Enagic News The Order Management system ofthisapp is the shining star. The easiest and fastest way to bookyoursales! Pre-fill your order forms with customer info fromyourcontacts database, then save for later, or send it off toyourcustomer who can simply click to pay and sign! Receivenotificationwhen your orders are placed, when they are shipped, andtrack themall from the app! The app will also track any and allorders madethrough your EWS websites!
Speedoc - Care Comes to You 4.33.0
24/7 Healthcare. At Home.
GoAudits Inspection & Auditing 2.7.9
Paperless inspections & audits with digital checklists,reportsand dashboards
Health Passport Worldwide
ROQU Group
Designed to protect society, businesses, and jobs.
NCLEX RN Q&A Tutoring Saunders 4.7.1
6000+ Questions with Rationale, Study Material
Sanford Guide 6.4.6
Provides clinicians with infectious disease informationandtreatment guidelines
Tebcan - book a doctor 2.1.7
Tebcan LLC
Book Online with the best doctors in the MENA region
Anesthesiologist 3.1
Anesthesiologist is designed to help quickly calculate adultandpediatric anesthesia related information. Usefulforanesthesiologists, CRNA, ER and critical care physicians, aswellas medical students, residents, and fellows. Drug dosing andairwaymanagement information is calculated on the basis of patientweightand age. The app is a work in progress; please see "What'snew" forupdates about included information. Airway: Mask sizeLaryngoscopeblade size Endotracheal tube size Laryngeal mask airway(LMA) sizeand ETT it will admit Drugs including IM and rapidsequenceinduction dosing: Succinylcholine RocuroniumCisatracuriumVecuronium Propofol Etomidate Ketamine ThiopentalFentanylHydromorphone Morphine Ketorolac AcetaminophenOndansetronDexamethasone Metoclopramide Epinephrine AmiodaronePhenylephrineEphedrine Midazolam Clonidine Glycopyrrolate AtropineNeostigmineCefazolin Ceftriaxone Ampicillin Cefoxitin ClindamycinGentamicinVancomycin Infusions: Remifentanil Propofol DopamineDobutamineEpinephrine Isoproterenol Norepinephrine MilrinonePhenylephrineVasopressin Nitroglycerin Nitroprusside EsmololObstetric drugs:Magnesium Oxytocin Methergine Carboprost (Hemabate)TerbutalineCopyright 2011 Vikas Shah. Disclaimer and warning: Thisapplicationwas written solely to be used as a helpful adjunctforprofessionally trained physicians and practitionersotherwiseexperienced in airway management and drug administrationanddosing. The data is provided for informational purposes only andinno way should be construed as professional medical advice. Ifyoudon't know the drug, its side effects, and its pitfalls, don'tuseit! Care has been taken that no errors in calculation havebeenmade, but all calculations must be verified by the user.Drugdosing given here is based on published doses, but in allcasesdrugs should be administered on a case by case basis andtitratedto effect for the individual patient. In no case haveindividualpatient differences been taken into account, andconditionsincluding but not limited to renal disease, hepaticdysfunction,cardiovascular disease, pulmonary disease, metabolicdiseases andmitochondrial diseases may impact dosing or safety inthe usecertain drugs. Neither the name of the copyright owner northe nameof this project may be used to endorse or promote productsderivedfrom this software without specific prior writtenpermission. Thissoftware is provided by the copyright holder "asis" and anyexpress or implied warranties, including, but notlimited to, theimplied warranties of merchantability and fitnessfor a particularpurpose are disclaimed. In no event shall thecopyright owner beliable for any direct, indirect, incidental,special, exemplary, orconsequential damages (including, but notlimited to, procurementof substitute goods or services; loss ofuse, data, or profits; orbusiness interruption) however caused andon any theory ofliability, whether in contract, strict liability,or tort(including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way outof theuse of this software, even if advised of the possibility ofsuchdamage. In places where such liabilities cannot be waivedordisclaimed, liability shall not exceed the retail cost oftheapplication to the user of the application. Use of this appimpliesagreement to these terms and conditons. If you do not agreewiththese terms and conditions, delete this applicaton fromyourdevice.
Prognosis : Your Diagnosis 6.0.8
Improve your diagnostic skill by solving realistic clinicalcasestudies
Nurse's Pocket Drug Guide 2015 11.3.580
Up-to-the-minute data on 1400 of the most commonlyprescribedmedications!
I.V. Drug Handbook 11.3.580
Guide with information on 350 drugs and practical advice ondrugadministration.
Blockpass User-Controlled Identity 4.9.0
Blockpass provides users with a solution for self-sovereignidentitywhile limiting hacking risks. Following recent data breachscandals,it is evident that centralization of personal user datashould beavoided wherever possible. Blockpass provides analternativesolution for centralized data storage that will havetwo majorbenefits to consumers: 1. Users are in control of theiridentity andonly they can decide who accesses it 2. No centralizedserver storessensitive personal data When a user submits identitydetails anddocuments to Blockpass for verification, a copy isstored locallyand encrypted with a password on the user’s mobiledevice. The useris the only person who holds the password todecrypt it. AfterBlockpass receives the data and hashes it, it iscompletely erasedfrom the Blockpass servers. From that pointforward, user data onlyexists on the mobile phone of the user andnowhere else until he orshe decides to share it with third-partyservice providers,e-merchants and financial services, giving theuser complete controlover their personal data. As user’s data isdestroyed once verified,if hackers manage to breach the Blockpassservers, they will findonly unreadable data that has no value tothem, whatsoever.
Symptomate – Symptom checker 2.6.1
Check your symptoms and find out what could be causing them.
Dello+ PRO 4.5.0
A mobile app for doctors, labs and pharmacies to chat directlywithpatients
BoardVitals Medical Exam Prep 1.2.0
Prepare for your medical exams with board-style cases andpracticequestions.
VIDAL Mobile
*** Le 21/01/14, VIDAL Mobile a reçu le prixdela meilleure application dans la catégorie outils transversauxpourles professionnels de santé. + d’infos***Vous êtes amené à rechercher de l’information sur lemédicament,dans la pratique quotidienne ou lors de vos déplacements?Bienvenue dans VIDAL Mobile, portail d’information sur lemédicamentpour le praticien nomade et l’étudiant.VIDAL Mobile fonctionne sans connexion Internet****************************************FONCTIONNALITÉSSur abonnement (payant) :- Monographies VIDAL• Une fiche d’information pour + de 11 000 médicaments et 4000produits de parapharmacie• Contenu conforme aux informations officielles et auxréférentielspublics• Recherche par nom commercial, substance,indication,laboratoire• Historique et favoris- VIDAL Recos• 175 stratégies thérapeutiques validées appuyées de gradesderecommandation• 240 arbres décisionnels commentés• Rédigées par plus de 90 experts sous la direction deCharlesCaulin, professeur émérite de thérapeutique• Précieux dans le cadre de la FMC et de l’EPP, cetouvrages’adresse à tout professionnel de santéGratuitement :- Interactions médicamenteuses :• Ajout de spécialités dans une ordonnance virtuelle : rechercheparnom commercial ou par substance• Analyse des interactions médicamenteuses de laprescriptionvirtuelle• Recherche d’alternatives thérapeutiques en casd’interaction- Actualité hebdomadaire du médicament- Reco du mois : une recommandation en accès libre chaquemois- Informations relatives à la contraception orale- Liste indicative des spécialités pharmaceutiquesfrançaisescontenant des produits dopants- Lexique des maladies rares pour lesquelles il existedesmédicaments spécifiques- Adresses des centres régionaux de pharmacovigilance- Informations sur le médicament et la conduite automobile- Reco Vaccinations, reprenant les recommandationsofficielles****************************************ABONNEMENTUn abonnement de 12 mois est requis pour consulter lesMonographies(29,99€) et les VIDAL Recos (19,99€) et bénéficier deleurs mises àjour mensuelles. Hors abonnement, seules les listes derésultatssont accessibles.Abonnez-vous directement depuis l’application :- Téléchargez les Monographies ou les VIDAL Recos survotresmartphone (par connexion WIFI – rubrique abonnement)- Abonnement annuel à 29,99€ (Monographies) ou 19,99€(VIDALRecos)- Le montant de l’abonnement est débité sur votre compteGoogleautomatiquement à la confirmation de l’abonnement- L’abonnement est automatiquement reconduit sauf si cetteoptionest désactivée au moins 24 heures avant la fin de la périodeencours. Aucune résiliation n’est possible pendant la périodeactiveen cours- L’abonnement et son renouvellement peuvent être gérés à partirdevotre compte dans La procédure est décritesurnotre FAQ.****************************************CONDITIONS D'USAGE & AUTHENTIFICATIONL’usage de VIDAL Mobile est destiné aux professionnels desantéhabilités à prescrire ou à dispenser des médicaments ou àlesutiliser dans l’exercice de leur art. Nous vous remercions debienvouloir vous authentifier avant d’accéder àl’application.L’utilisation de VIDAL Mobile ne dispense pas le professionneldesanté de vérifier les informations disponibles auprès desautoritésou de toutes autres sources officielles. VIDAL Mobile neremplacepas la décision du prescripteur, seul juge desthérapeutiques àenvisager.*** On 01/21/14,VIDALMobile received the prize for the best application in thecategorycross-cutting tools for health professionals. Moreinformationabout ***You are required to seek information on the drug in dailypracticeor while traveling?Welcome to Mobile VIDAL, information portal on medicine forthepractitioner and student nomad.VIDAL Mobile works without an Internet connection****************************************FEATURESBy subscription (paid):- Monographs VIDAL    • An information sheet for + 11 0004000drugs and drugstore products    • Content accordance with theofficialinformation and public repositories    • Search by product name,substance,indication, laboratory    • History and favorites- VIDAL Recos    • 175 validated therapeuticstrategiessupported recommendation grades    • 240 decision trees commented    • Written by more than 90 experts underthedirection of Charles Caulin, emeritus professoroftherapeutic    • Precious part of CME and EPP, this bookisfor any health professionalFree :- Drugs interactions :    • Adding specialties in a virtualorder:search by business name or substance    • drug interactions Analysis ofvirtualprescription    • Search of therapeutic alternativeswheninteracting- Drug Weekly News- Reco month: free access each month recommendation- Information on oral contraception- Indicative list of French pharmaceutical specialtiescontainingdoping- Glossary of rare diseases for which there are specificdrugs- Addresses of regional pharmacovigilance centers- The medicinal information and driving- Reco Vaccinations, resuming official recommendations****************************************SUBSCRIPTIONA 12-month subscription is required to view the Monographs (€29.99)and VIDAL Recos (€ 19.99) and benefit from their monthlyupdates.Outside subscription only lists results areavailable.Subscribe directly from the application:- Download VIDAL monographs or Recos on your smartphone (via WIFI-heading subscription)- Annual subscription € 29.99 (Monographs) or € 19.99(VIDALRecos)- The subscription fee is charged to your Google accounttoautomatically confirm the subscription- The subscription is automatically renewed unless this optionisturned off at least 24 hours before the end of the period.Notermination is possible in the current active period- Subscription and renewal can be managed from your The procedure is described in the FAQ.****************************************TERMS OF USE & AUTHENTICATIONThe use of Mobile VIDAL is intended for healthprofessionalsauthorized to prescribe or dispense drugs or use themin theexercise of their art. Thank you kindly authenticatebeforeaccessing the application.Using VIDAL Mobile does not relieve the health professionaltoverify the information available to the authorities or anyotherofficial sources. VIDAL Mobile does not replace the decisionof theprescriber, sole judge of therapeutics to consider.
Clinical Sense 6.0.8
Sharpen your clinical skills by exploring realisticinteractivescenarios
Mosby's Nursing Drug Reference
Over 5,000 trade & generic name drugs
Workout Planner & Gym Trainer 2.50.0
Achieve your fitness goals with a personalized workout trackerandgym trainer.
IV Infusion Calculator 1.5
iMedical Apps
IV infusion calculator for IV fluid, dosage, drug, & dripratefor nursing
DoD Safe Helpline 3.4.4
Access tools for short- and long-term effects of sexual assaultinthe military.
NCLEX-RN Exam 2021 2.0.0
Spurry Inc.
NCLEX is a nationwide examination for the licensing of nursesintheUnited States and Canada since 1982 and 2015,respectively.TheNCLEX-RN® exam is organized according to theClientNeedsframework. There are four major categories andeightsubcategories:Management of Care, Safety and InfectionControl,Health Promotionand Maintenance, Psychosocial Integrity,Basic Careand Comfort,Pharmacological and Parenteral Therapies,Reduction ofRiskPotential and Physiological Adaptation. The NCLEXis designedtotest knowledge, skills and abilities essential to thesafeandeffective practice of nursing at the entry level. TheNCLEX-RN®isa variable length, computerized, adaptive test. TheNCLEX isnotoffered in paper-and-pencil or oral examinationformats.TheNCLEX-RN examination can be anywhere from 75 to 265items. Oftheseitems, 15 are pretest items that are not scored.Regardless ofthenumber of items administered, the time limit forthisexaminationis six hours. The NCLEX-RN® exam is pass/fail,whichmeans there isno numerical score. The test will continue untilithas 95%confidence that you are able to answer 50% ofquestionscorrectly.This means that you need to answer the mediumdifficultyquestionscorrectly at least 50% of the time to pass. Thisapp alsocontainsover 2,500 practice questions you will be asked intheactual exam.- 2,500+ Real Exam Questions - 55 PracticeTests,includingsection-specific practice tests - 6 Full-LengthExams -Getimmediate feedback for correct or incorrect answers -FullandDetailed Explanations - learn as you practice - Dark Mode-allowsyou to study anywhere, anytime - Progress Metrics - youcankeeptrack of your results and score trends - Track PastTestResults -Individual tests will be listed with pass or fail andyourmark -Review Errors - Review all your mistakes so you don'trepeatthemin the real test - You can track how many questions youhavedonecorrectly, incorrectly, and get a final passing orfailingscorebased on official passing grades - Take a practice testandsee ifyou can score well enough to pass the actual test -Helpfulhintsand tips let you know how you can improve your score-Sendquestions feedback directly from the app
Endress+Hauser SmartBlue
SmartBlue - the configuration tool by Endress+Hauser
Patient Journey 2023.5.0
Information about your treatment in an efficient manner.
Opioid Calculator 2.9
Tool for the calculation of total oral Morphine EquivalentDailyDose (oMEDD).
CNE: Certified Nurse Educator 6.30.5598
★★★★★ Pass your CNE Exam with nearly 350 questions &practicetests
Medication Reminder & Tracker 9.6
Take, track & refill your pills with this easyreliablemedication reminder app!
Cardio Ex: Coronary & Peripher 2.7.1
Cardiology reimaged as a video game: hone skills, earn points,havefun
FBI FitTest 3.1
Aspiring agent? Fitness enthusiast? Check out the FBI’sPhysicalFitness Test
NCLEX RN | Mastery 8.04.6340
Pass the NCLEX RN or triple your money back! 3000+ nursing examprepquestions.
DrugDoses 6.6
More than 2,500 pediatric dosages at your fingertip!
PMP Certification Exam 2020 2.0.0
Spurry Inc.
Globally recognized and demanded, ProjectManagementProfessional(PMP®) certification, administered by theProjectManagementInstitute (PMI®), demonstrates to employers,clients andcolleaguesthat a project manager possesses projectmanagementknowledge,experience and skills to bring projects tosuccessfulcompletion.The PMP Certification Exam is comprised of200multiple-choicequestions. Of the 200 questions, 25 areconsideredpretestquestions. Pretest questions do not affect thescore and areusedin examinations as an effective and legitimate wayto testthevalidity of future examination questions. Allquestionsarerandomly placed throughout the examination. The exam isbasedonthe Project Management Institute's "A Guide totheProjectManagement Body of Knowledge – Sixth Edition" (PMBOK®Guide,6thEdition). Our tests cover all 10 Knowledge Areas and49Processesin the official guide. Center-based testing (CBT) isthestandardmethod of administration for PMI examinations.Paper-basedtesting(PBT) is available under limited circumstances(refer totheExamination Administration section in this handbookformoredetails). The allotted time to completethecenter-basedexamination is four hours. This app contains over1,600practicequestions you will be asked in the PMP CertificationExam.- Take apractice test and see if you can score well enough topasstheactual test - Based on real test questions - Practice testsetsforall 10 Knowledge Areas from the PMBOK Guide, 6th Edition -Learnasyou practice with our full explanations feature - You cantrackhowmany questions you have done correctly, incorrectly, andgetafinal passing or failing score based on official passinggrades-Progress metrics feature to keep track of your resultsandscoretrends - Helpful hints and tips let you know how youcanimproveyour score - Option to review all your mistakes so youdon'trepeatthem in the real test - Track Past Test Results -Individualtestswill be listed with pass or fail and your mark -Sendquestionsfeedback directly from the app - Get immediatefeedbackfor corrector incorrect answers - Dark mode allows you tostudy inthe dark