Top 18 Apps Similar to US Air Force Aircrew Survival

Air Force Military History 1.1
Air Force History will enhance yourknowledgeof events and people since the beginning of the UnitedStates AirForce. You will get a new historical insight every day.Impressyour boss with your vast knowledge of Air Force andmilitaryHistory. This is an excellent resource for PME! Can youstump yourinstructor! Your feedback is welcome, so don't forget torate thisAPP!
Survival Guide 2.3
Survival Tips, Hints and Techniques right to your device!
Survival 1
SURVIVAL: A “proven” comprehensivesurvivalmanual with concise explanations, pictures, anddetailedillustrations; this is an essential book for anyone. Thecontent ofthis manual is unmatched in depth; knowledge is drawnfrom hundredsof years, thousands of man hours, and first handoperationalexperience. If you are a trainer, this is the cornerstone on whichto build a training program. Learning life savingskills willreduce fear of the unknown and give you self-confidence.Psychologyis a key ingredient in having the will to survive and isessential.Increase your chances of survival by planning,preparation, andpractice. Survivors have related feelings of apathyandhelplessness because they could not medically treat themselves.Oneperson with a fair amount of basic medical knowledge can makeadifference in the lives of many. Three essentials ofsurvival:water, food, and shelter-are prioritized according to theestimateof the actual situation. In some areas, your need forshelter maytake precedence over your need for food and possiblyeven your needfor water. For example, prolonged exposure to coldcan causeexcessive fatigue and weakness (exhaustion). Fire craftteaches youthe ability to start a fire; you can cook, preservefood, providewarmth, purify water, sterilize bandages, signal forrescue, andproduce tools & weapons. We can live for weekswithout food,but it may take days or weeks to determine what issafe to eat andto trap animals in the area. Plants can provide youwith medicines,chemicals for poisoning fish, preserving animalhides. Smalleranimals actually present more of a threat to you thanlargeanimals. To compensate for their size, nature has given manysmallanimals weapons such as fangs and stingers to defendthemselves.Each year, a few people are bitten/attacked by sharks,alligators,and bears. However, each year more victims die frombites byrelatively small venomous snakes. Even more victims diefromallergic reactions to bee stings. Imagine being in asurvivalsituation without any weapons, tools, or equipment. Youwouldprobably feel helpless, but with the proper knowledge andskills,you can easily improvise needed items. In a survivalsituation, youmay have to cross a water obstacle. It may be in theform of ariver, a lake, a bog, or quicksand. Whatever the obstacle,you needto know how to cross it safely. If you are not proficientin usinga map and compass, you must take the steps to gain thisskill.There are several methods by which you can determinedirection byusing the sun and the stars. Nuclear, chemical, andbiological(NBC) man-made hazards have become potential realities inmoderntimes. The potential of these hazards intensifies theproblems ofsurvival because of the serious dangers posed by eitherradioactivefallout or contamination. If you are subjected to any oftheeffects of nuclear, chemical, or biological event, thesurvivalprocedures recommended in this book may save yourlife.
Army Survival Guide 1.7.3
Get the entire Army Survival Guide onyourphone. Whether you are an avid hunter or outdoors man, orpreppingfor the Apocalypse this app is for you. Great when you huntfishtrap hike camp or any survival situation.Guaranteed to make you a survivor.Access manual without a network connection.New Version has Bookmarks
Survival Manual Guide US Army 1.0
Survival Manual Guide US Army FM 21-76 Preface It may be inatemperate, tropical, arctic, or subarctic region. You expecttohave all your personal equipment and your unit members withyouwherever you go. However, there is no guarantee it will be so.Youcould find yourself alone in a remote area— possiblyenemyterritory—with little or no personal gear. This manualprovidesinformation and describes basic techniques that will enableyou tosurvive and return alive should you find yourself in suchasituation. If you are a trainer, use this information as a baseonwhich to build survival training. You know the areas to whichyourunit is likely to deploy, the means by which it will travel,andthe territory through which it will travel. Read what thismanualsays about survival in those particular areas and find outall youcan about those areas. Read other books on survival. Developasurvival-training program that will enable your to meetanysurvival situation they may face. It can make thedifferencebetween life and death. INTRODUCTION Survival ActionsPattern forSurvival PSYCHOLOGY OF SURVIVAL A Look at Stress NaturalReactionsPreparing Yourself SURVIVAL PLANNING AND SURVIVAL KITSImportanceof Planning Survival Kits BASIC SURVIVAL MEDICINERequirements forMaintenance of Health Medical EmergenciesLifesaving Steps Bone andJoint Injury Bites and Stings WoundsEnvironmental Injuries HerbalMedicines SHELTERS PrimaryShelter—Uniform Shelter Site SelectionTypes of Shelters WATERPROCUREMENT Water Sources StillConstruction Water PurificationWater Filtration Devices Chapter 7FIRECRAFT Basic Fire PrinciplesSite Selection and Preparation FireMaterial Selection How to Builda Fire How to Light a Fire Chapter8 FOOD PROCUREMENT Animals forFood Traps and Snares KillingDevices Fishing Devices Cooking andStorage of Fish and GameSURVIVAL USE OF PLANTS Edibility of PlantsPlants for MedicineMiscellaneous Uses of Plants POISONOUS PLANTSHow Plants Poison AllAbout Plants Rules for Avoiding PoisonousPlants Contact DermatitisIngestion Poisoning DANGEROUS ANIMALSInsects and Arachnids LeechesBats Venomous Snakes Snake-Free AreasDangerous Lizards Dangers inRivers Dangers in Bays and EstuariesSaltwater Dangers OtherDangerous Sea Creatures FIELD-EXPEDIENTWEAPONS, TOOLS, ANDEQUIPMENT Staffs Clubs Edged Weapons OtherExpedient WeaponsCordage and Lashing Rucksack Construction Clothingand InsulationCooking and Eating Utensils DESERT SURVIVAL TerrainEnvironmentalFactors Need for Water Heat Casualties PrecautionsDesert HazardsTROPICAL SURVIVAL Tropical Weather Jungle TypesTravel ThroughJungle Areas Immediate Considerations WaterProcurement FoodPoisonous Plants Chapter 15 COLD WEATHER SURVIVALCold Regions andLocations Windchill Basic Principles of ColdWeather SurvivalHygiene Medical Aspects Cold Injuries Shelters FireWater FoodTravel Weather Signs SEA SURVIVAL The Open Sea SeashoresEXPEDIENTWATER CROSSINGS Rivers and Streams Rapids Rafts FlotationDevicesOther Water Obstacles
U. S. Marine Corps Survival 2
U.S. Marine Corps Summer SurvivalCourse,Training and Skills: U.S. Marine Corps Summer SurvivalCourse,Training and Skills is an excellent manual for anyone whomightfind themselves in a survival situation. Table of Contents:1.Requirements for Survival, 2. Survival Kit, 3. WaterProcurement,4. Expedient Shelters & Fires, 5. Core Values &MountainLeadership Challenges, 6. Signaling & Recovery, 7.SurvivalNavigation, 8. Survival Traps & Snares, 9. SurvivalUses ofGame, 10. Expedient Tools, Weapons and Equipment, 11.Foraging forPlants & Insects for Survival Uses, 12. SurvivalFishing, 13.Tracking, 14. Survival Medicine, 15. Mountain Weather,16. Intro toEvasion, Appendixes: A. Evasion plan of Action, B.Survival QuickReference Check List, C. Animal Habits, D. TacticalConsiderations.ABOUT the AUTHOR: The United States Department of Defense(DOD)is the federal department charged with coordination andsupervisingall agencies and functions of the government relatingdirectly tonational security and the military. The DOD isheadquartered at thePentagon in Arlington, Virginia.The Military Departments at the Pentagon publishes some of theverybest manuals, handbooks and guidebooks on a wide range oftopics;teaching skills, tactics and techniques.The content of these manuals are unmatched in depth,considerthat some this knowledge is drawn from hundreds of years,thousandsof man hours, and first hand operational experience. Alsomaterialin most of these manuals has been shared with otherMilitaryBranches providing even greater depth of subjectmatter.Military Manuals from the Department of Defense are uneditedbyoutside individuals and or companies, this ensures theinformationis complete, current, and accurate as the militaryintended.Listed below you will see some of the major departmentsorcomponents of the Department of Defense. Here you will find justafew book titles of the many sponsored works fromeachdepartment.Department of the Air Force: U.S. Air Force Aircrew Survival;AirForce Handbook; USAF Military Working Dog Program; USAFWeaponsHandling Manual; Airport Signs and Markings; UnexplodedOrdnanceBooby-traps UXO Recognition and Reporting Chart.Department of the Army: US Army Survival Manual FM21-76;Survival Skills U.S. Army / Special Operations,Tactics,Techniques, and Skills Guide; Ranger Handbook; SpecialForcesMedical Handbook; Military Mountaineering; BoobytrapsArmyInstruction Manual; Explosives and Demolitions; GuerrillaWarfare;Army Hand to Hand Combat; U.S. Army Special ForcesHandbook;Survival Evasion and Recovery; Military First Aid.Department of the Navy: Seabee Combat Handbook; Manual ofNavalPreventive Medicine; USN Diving Manual; U.S. Navy SealPatrolLeaders Handbook; Performance Maintenance During ContinuousFlightOperations.United States Marine Corps: USMC 5.56MM, M16A2 TechnicalManual;U.S. Marine Corp M40A1 Sniper Rifle 7.62MM; U.S. MarineGuidebook;Close Combat Hand to Hand Fighting Marine Corps; BoobyTraps CloseCombat Urban; Counterinsurgency; USMC Land Navigation;Scouting andPatrolling; Combat Water Survival; Map Reading; SniperCounterSniper.
World Military Ranks & Units 1.14
Are you a soldier or just interestedinmilitaries? Check military ranks in USA, Polish and Germanarmies.You can also check some army divisions and get someinformationabout them.More armies ranks and units will come soon.You can support us by sending some BitCoinsto:1645GssNfJaQkxEYVrfd5s95KQMgNkpFAaFull list of currently featured ranks.United States:* Air Force* Army* Coast Guard* Marine Corps* NavyPoland* Land Forces* Navy* Special Forces* Air Forces* Police* Fire department* Jail ServiceGermany* Heer* Luftwaffe* NavyUnited Kingdom:* British Army* Royal Air ForceRussian Federation* Сухопутные войска Российской Федерации (RussianGroundForces)* Военно-воздушные cилы России (Russian Air Force)* Военно-морской Флот Российской Федерации (Russian Navy)Italy* Esercito Italiano (Italian Army)* Marina Militare (Italian Navy)* Aeronautica Militare (Italian Air Force)* Guardia di Finanza* Arma dei Carabinieri* Polizia di Stato* Polizia Penitenziaria* Corpo Forestale dello StatoIsrael* Israel Defence Forces (צְבָא הַהֲגָנָה לְיִשְׂרָאֵל)North Korea (Democratic People's Republic of Korea)* Korean People's Army Ground Force (조선인민군 육군)3rd Reich* SS* Wehrmacht* LuftwaffeChanges:1.01 - new units added to US and Polish Armiers1.02 - 3rd Reich ranks added (SS, Wehrmacht)1.03 - Italian ranks added (Army, Navy)1.04 - Italian ranks added (Air Force)1.05 - North Korea Ground Force added1.06 - Israel Defence Forces added1.07 - Russian Armed Forces1.08 - Polish Police, Fire Department, Jail Service and MarshalofPoland
USMC Winter Survival Handbook 2.0
MARINESTHE FEW.THE PROUD."One of the most important tenets of cold weather operationsisthat strong and consistent leadership is essential to survivalandto minimize injuries."-FMFM 7-21 "Tactical Fundamentals for Cold Weather Warfighting"SurvivalASPECTS OF LEADERSHIP. When dealing with leadership challengesina survival situation, the foremost weapon a leader must employishis vigilance: a leader's attention should be focused onensuringall Marines of the unit are contributing to the overallsuccess ofthe situation.a. Cohesion. As a leader, you must ensure that all members oftheteam are working towards the survivability of the unit. You cannotallow individuals or small groups to formulate their own goalsorplan of action.b. Self-Worth. A Marine without self-worth is a Marine whodoesnot value living. Leadership is a critical; factor inbuildingself-worth. Tasks must be found for each Marine in whichbest suitstheir situation while attempting to receive positiveresults.(i.e., A man with a broken leg can monitor the fire, A manwith abroken arm can still procure water for the unit). This willmakeeach and every Marine feel useful and not a burden to theothermembers, regardless of their individual situation.c. Natural Reactions to Stress. Leadership must quicklyidentifynatural reactions to signs of stress his Marines may bedisplaying(i.e., Fear, Anxiety, Guilt, Depression). Failure torecognizethese signs early will result in injuries, illness, ordeath whichwill reduce the units combat effectiveness. Correctiveaction mustbe taken immediately4d. Will to Survive. The will to survive is a mind-set thatmustbe instilled and reinforced within all Marines. Without thewill tosurvive, Marines will not succeed. The following tools canaid todevelop this mind-set.(1) The Code of Conduct.(2) Pledge of Allegiance.(3) Faith in America.(4) Patriotic Songs(5) Spiritual Faith.Download the complementary USMC Summer Survival Manual Here:
outdoor Survival Guide 4.0
Lars Konarek
Der hochwertige outdoor Survival- undBushcraftGuide! Mit lebensnotwendigen Tipps zum Überleben in derWildnis. DieERSTE deutsche Survival App für Dein Smartphone vonSurvivalprofiLars Konarek, bekannt aus Rundfunk & TV.Features:* Anleitung Feuer bohren, Zundermaterialien, Tipps&Tricks* Wassergewinnung, Wasser aufbereiten* essbare Pflanzen, essbare Wurzeln uvm.* Survivalprioritäten werden behandelt* Herstellung von Werkzeugen, Schnüren, Gefäßen usw.* Survival Erste Hilfe mit Heilpflanzenteil* Survival Psychologie* wichtige outdoor Orientierungstipps* Messertipps und -Techniken* viele Bilder* Videoverlinkung Youtubekanal Lars KonarekDie App wird immer wieder erweitert und verbessert! HoleDirjetzt den Survival- / Bushcraft Guide auf DeinAndroidSmartphone.Mehr Informationen über Survival Guide Lars Konarek auf:http://www.larskonarek.deFacebook: Sie auch auf Twitter: Survival App, Überlebenstraining, Bushcraft,Natur,Outdoor, Wildnis, Survival Guide, pflanzen, Notfall,Deutsch,Tipps, Tricks, Überleben, Guide,Sport,survivaltipps,lexikon,ratgeber,german,Kräuter,Krise,Schweiz,Swiss,Trekking,Krisenvorsorge,wandern,trekkingThe high-qualityoutdoorSurvival and Bushcraft Guide! With essential tips forsurviving inthe wild. The FIRST German Survival app for yoursmartphoneSurvival professional Lars Konarek, known from radio andTV.Features:* Instructions drill fire, tinder materials, tips &tricks* Water production, and water treatment* Edible plants, edible roots and more.* Survival priorities are treated* Manufacturing of tools, cords, vessels, etc.* Survival and First Aid with medicinal plants of* Survival Psychology* Important tips outdoor orientation* Blade tips and techniques* Lots of pictures* Video link Youtube channel Lars KonarekThe app is constantly expanded and improved! Get now theSurvival/ Bushcraft Guide on your Android smartphone.More information about Survival Guide Lars Konarek on:http://www.larskonarek.deFacebook: on Twitter: -------Tags: Survival app, survival training, Bushcraft, Nature,Outdoors,Wilderness Survival Guide, plants, emergency, German,Tips, Tricks,Survival Guide, Sports, survival tips, encyclopedia,counselor,German, herbs, Crisis, Switzerland, Swiss, Trekking,emergencypreparedness, hiking, trekking
Survival Kit 2.5.1
Luca Beretta
Survival Manual, how to survive in extreme conditions
U.S. Survival Tools Pro 1.0 1.5
★ Be prepared for the Zombie Apocalypse and when the SHTF.Knowledge= SURVIVAL!
U.S.A.F.Handbook 2.0
Bob Ibanez
Today, we are a force unmatched byanyonein the world, seasoned by over 16 years of continuous combatoperations. We are the leaders in Global Vigilance, GlobalReach, Global Power, and most importantly, highly skilled andmotivated Airmen.Our Airmen are the most important piece to execute our Air,Space, and Cyberspace power and the key to the success of theTotal Force. From the front lines of the Global War onTerrortoHomeland Defense and humanitarian missions, our Total Forceaccomplish amazing tasks everyday amidst the stressful situa-tions in which they are deployed—everyday, everywhere.This handbook highlights the tools and capabilitiesthatempow-er our Airmen, both on the ground and in the air tobesuccess-ful in their warfighting endeavors and the defense ofthenation.The systems and equipment highlighted in the following pagesshowcase the technological lengths to which we will gotoensurethat we will now and in the future continue to be the world’smost capable Air Force as we fly and fight in Air, Space, andCyberspace.This handbook is a tool just like the equipment listedwithinitspages. Use it as the resource for which it was intendedandto-gether we will continue to focus on winning the Global War onTerror and ensuring the safety and security of ourgreatnationand its citizens.The Official U.S.A.F. Handbook 326 pagesWhen you purchase this handbook you also will get the pdfsentto your e-mail.
Knots Guide 2.2
Knots Guide is a SIMPLE quick reference collectionofdifferentknots. - 92 knots. - 10 categories: Bend,Binding,Climbing,Decorative, Fishing, Hitch, Looping, Running,Stopper,Whipping. -Click knot image to get a zoomed in view of theknot.Note1: Adsupported! For ad free version buy Knots Guide Pro
USMC Summer Survival Manual 37.0
USMC Summer Survival ManualCreated using iAppThat.comUNITED STATES MARINE CORPSMountain Warfare Training CenterBridgeport, CA. 93517-5001SUMMER 2002 SURVIVAL COURSE HANDBOOKTABLE OF CONTENTSCHAP. CONTENTS1. REQUIREMENTS FOR SURVIVAL2. SURVIVAL KIT3. WATER PROCUREMENT4. EXPEDIENT SHELTERS & FIRES5. CORE VALUES & MOUNTAIN LEADERSHIP CHALLENGES6. SIGNALING & RECOVERY7. SURVIVAL NAVIGATION8. SURVIVAL TRAPS & SNARES9. SURVIVAL USES OF GAME10. EXPEDIENT TOOLS, WEAPONS AND EQUIPMENT11. FORAGING FOR PLANTS & INSECTS FOR SURVIVAL USES12. SURVIVAL FISHING13. TRACKING14. SURVIVAL MEDICINE15. MOUNTAIN WEATHER16. INTRO TO EVASIONAPPENDIXESA EVASION PLAN OF ACTION (EPA)B PME VIDEO “THE EDGE”C SURVIVAL QUICK REFERENCE CHECK LISTD ANIMAL HABITSE TACTICAL CONSIDERATIONSF GRADING STANDARDSPOSITIVE LEADERSHIP AND THE RIGHT ATTITUDE.Leadership must be by example. At first, harsh andunfamiliarconditions tend to be frightening. Marines will findthemselves upagainst many challenges they have never met before andtheenvironment will constantly remind them that they can becomeacasualty if they make mistakes. Aggressive leadership,whichconsistently meets and overcomes the challenges of theenvironment,is essential to mission accomplishment. There will betwo enemiesto contend with: the enemy soldier and the environmentitself. Thefirst step towards defeating these enemies is gettingyour Marinesin the right mental attitude. The leader must maintaina positiveattitude towards the mission, his Marines, and theequipment theyhave to carry out the job. You can be defeatedpsychologically, ifyou are not aware of the symptoms of a poorlymotivated unit.a. Core Values applied in a survival situation. Core valuearevery applicable to leadership in a surviv al situation. Intheabsence of constant adherence to our core values,subordinateMarines may suffer the consequences of injury and inextreme cases,DEATH.b. Honor. Honor is integrity, responsibility, andaccountability.Without honor in this type of environment,decisions are made withinaccurate and/or misleading information.Dishonorable actions orintentions ultimately lead to betweenMarines will erode, dependability willbecome unimportant, and theresulting consequences to energyconservation will greatly affect aunit’s cohesion and ability toaccomplish its mission.c. Courage. Courage is doing the right thing for therightreason. Courage in this type of environment for small unitleadersto take charge of their unit. The added stress and pressureinducedin mountainous terrain makes the tough decisions eventougher tomake: courageous leaders take that extra step. Trust andconfidencein leadership is built upon thorough training to ensuretheir menare capable of overcoming the fear and uncertainty ofenemy and theharsh environment.
Outdoor Survival Skills 2.0
Outdoor survival- what is it aboutThe Law of the Jungle…Survival of the Fittest…everyone hasheardthese expressions, but have you ever taken the time to examinewhatthey really mean?Nowadays, most of us seem to be happy with just watching abunchof contestants on television competing to one up each other inaso-called reality wilderness survival show. Unfortunately, theonly“survival skill” these people seem to know is how to stabeachother in the back so they are eliminated fromthecompetition.With all of our technological advances and creature comforts,wehave been lulled into a false sense of security, thinking wewillnever have to deal with struggling to survive.Seriously, when was the last time you prepared an entiremealfrom scratch, without using the microwave? Better yet, when wasthelast time you spent some time with your family, or even justbyyourself, without watching television? If we think that wewillalways be safe, we really do need to snap out of it! Just lookatsome of the horrendous storms and “natural” disasters thathaveoccurred just this past decade.Remember the tsunami that caused such devastation and lossinThailand back in 2004? Or how about Hurricane Katrina andwhathappened down in New Orleans, Louisiana? If you were there,wouldyou know what you would need to do to survive? Evenmoreimportantly, could you actually do what you would have to inorderto come through such an ordeal? Why should we be bothered tolearnhow to build a fire without matches, or how to obtain safewater todrink when all we have to do is get up and go into thekitchen foreither?The answer is simple: natural disasters can strike at anytimeand deprive people of electricity and everything else they takeforgranted and assume will always be around to get them througheachday.** We specialize in building Page flipping, and PagescrollingAndroid book apps. And we will convert your book into anandroidapp...Visit developer website for more info:
Army Survival Manual FM3-05.70 3.0
the Army has several basic survivalkits,primarily for issue to aviators. There are kits for coldclimates,hot climates, and overwater. There is also an individualsurvivalkit with a general packet and medical packet. The cold,hot, andoverwater kits are in canvas carrying bags. These kits arenormallystowed in the helicopter's cargo and passenger area.An aviator's survival vest (SRU-21P), worn by helicoptercrews,also contains survival items.U.S. Army aviators flying fixed-wing aircraft equippedwithejection seats use the SRFU-31/P survival vest. Theindividualsurvival kits are stowed in the seat pan. Like all otherkits, therigid seat survival kit (RSSK) you use depends ontheenvironment.Items contained in the kits may be ordered separatelythroughsupply channels. All survival kits and vests are CommonTable ofAllowances 50-900 items and can be ordered by authorizedunits.Figures A-1 through A-6 describe the various survival kitsandtheir contents.Food packets.Snare wire.Smoke, illumination signals.Waterproof matchbox.Saw/knife blade.Wood matches.First aid kit.MC-1 magnetic compass.Pocket knife.Saw/knife/shovel handle.Frying pan.Illuminating candles.Compressed trioxane fuel.Signaling mirror.Survival fishing kit.Plastic spoon.Survival manual (AFM 64-5).Poncho.Insect headnet.Ejector snap.Attaching strap.Kit, outer case.Kit, inner case.Shovel.Water bag.Kit, packing list.Sleeping bag.Figure A-1. Cold Climate KitCanned drinking water.Waterproof matchbox.Plastic whistle.Smoke, illumination signals.Pocket knife.Signaling mirror.Plastic water bag.First aid kit.Sunburn-prevention cream.Plastic spoon.Food packets.Compression trioxane fuel.Fishing tackle kit.MC-1 magnetic compass.Snare wire.Frying pan.Wood matches.Insect headnet.Reversible sun hat.Tool kit.Kit, packing list.Tarpaulin.Survival manual (AFM 64-5).Kit, inner case.Kit, outer case.Attaching strap.Ejector snap.Figure A-2. Hot Climate KitKit, packing list.Raft boat paddle.Survival manual (AFM 64-5).Insect headnet.Reversible sun hat.Water storage bag.MC-1 magnetic compass.Boat bailer.Sponge.Sunburn-prevention cream.Wood matches.First aid kit.Plastic spoon.Pocket knife.Food packets.Fluorescent sea marker.Frying pan.Seawater desalter kit.Compressed trioxane fuel.Smoke, illumination signals.Signaling mirror.Fishing tackle kit.Waterproof matchbox.Raft repair kit.
Army Survival Handbook – Offli 1.25
Free useful army survival handbook manual guide app thatworksoffline
Visual Survival Guide 3.7
*****Get 300 apps for only$9.99viaGoLearningBus Library | Limited Time Offer*****WAGmob has completed 5 years and we are running alimitedtimeoffer via which you can access all 300 qualityappsviaGoLearningBus Library. GoLearningBus providers 1.Schoolbus(K-12), 2. College Bus, 3. Professional Bus and 4.Languagesbuswith more than 50 languages.GoLearningBus app provides:1. Snack sized tutorials.2. Bite sized flashcards to memorize key concepts.3. Simple and easy quizzes for self-assessment.GoLearningBus brings you a simple, crisp and to-the-pointappfor"Visual Survival Guide".You have limited access to the content provided. Forfullaccessto the content, please login and purchase thisapplication.Thisapp provides a quick summary of essential conceptsinVisualSurvival Guide by following snack sized chapters:Environmental Injuries,Signaling Techniques,Introduction,Venomous Snakes and Lizards,Field Expedient Direction Finding,Sea Survival,Tropical Survival,Food Procurement,Bones and Joint Injury,Firecraft & How to Build Fire,Basic Survival Medicine,Types of Shelters,Psychology of Survival,Planning and Survival Kits,Dangerous Insects and Arachnids,Expedient Water Crossings,Cold Weather Survival,Desert Survival,How to Light a Fire,Medical Emergencies,Water Procurement,Ropes and Knots."GoLearningBus Library" covers following:A) School BusGrade 3-5Grade 6-8High School: Grade 9-12College Entrance TestsLanguagesB) College BusEngineering CollegeMedical CollegeBusiness CollegeLaw CollegeLanguagesC) Professional BusProfessional Programming,Professional Design,Professional Languages,Professional Software and Tools.D) Language BusMore than 50 languages including German, French,Korean,Mandarin,Arabic, Hindi, Italian and much more.This app will access your personal information likefirstname,last name, and Email id.Why GoLearningBus apps:1) Beautifully simple, Amazingly easy, Massiveselectionofapps.2) Enjoyable, Entertaining and Exciting apps.3) An incredible value for money. Lifetime of free updates!To understand our privacy policypleasevisit visit us at or write [email protected] for any query and your valuable feedback.