Top 18 Apps Similar to Peggy McColl Wealth Meditation

Law of Attraction Timer 1.0
Brand New Ideas
Inspired by the powerful process offeredbyEsther and Jerry Hicks in the teachings of Abraham, the LawofAttraction timer is designed to help you use the Law ofAttractionto easily attract everything you want in your life.The timer leverages the power of the pure undiluted positivethoughtprocess.The Law of Attraction timer is optimized to help you entertheVortex easily. The Law of Attraction timer has amesmerizingwhirling vortex that expands every 17 seconds to helpfocus you onyour pure thought.Several choices of graphics and sounds are offered so you canchoosewhat feels best to you. The Law of Attraction timer is veryeasy touse and comes with instructions to help you get the mostfromit.Amazingly, it takes just 68 seconds to put this processinmotion.Invest 68 seconds now and get the Law of Attraction workingbehindthe scenes to bring you everything you want.
Abraham-Hicks Meditations 1 1.9
Getting into the Vortex Guided Meditations Audio and Users Guide
Rhonda Byrne Daily(Unofficial) 1.4
Rhonda Byrne Says: “Be grateful for whatyouhave now. As you begin to think about all the things in yourlifeyou are grateful for, you will be amazed at the neverendingthoughts that come back to you of more things to be gratefulfor.You have to make a start, and then the law of attractionwillreceive those grateful thoughts and give you more just likethem”Rhonda Byrne is an Australian television writer andproducer,best known for her New Thought works, The Secret—a bookand a filmby the same name. In 2007, Byrne was listed among TimeMagazine'slist of 100 people who shape the world. Rhonda haswritten threemore bestselling books since, which together form TheSecret BookSeries: The Power in 2009, The Magic in 2010, and Heroin 2013.Rhonda Byrne Daily brings the wisdom of Rhonda Byrne to you inaform of Mobile App, wake up every day, with Rhonda's lawsofAttraction, starting today.The app has some nice features:- Share daily quote on social network & using othermessagingtools- Listen to background music, to create a serene environment- Set an alarm to receive daily quote notification- Add Quotes to your favorites- Copy the quote to Clipboard- In app purchase (to make the application Ad free)- Look at other Dailypedia AppsDownload Now & enjoy daily bliss!
hey universe... 1.0.8
hey universe
Become a manifestation machine andputtheuniverse to work for you! Thehey universe. mobile app has been created toenhanceyourlaw-of-attractionand manifestation practices, powers, and focus.Inputcustomaffirmations,requests, and words of gratitude or selectfrompopularmanifestationsprovided then set reminders at the frequency, date, andtimeyouprefer.Share with your friends via facebook, twitter, or text andhavethemsupportyour manifestation journey!Research shows that by keeping your manifestations,goals,anddesirestop-of-mind you are far more likely to succeed. Atheyuniverse.ourmission is helping you help yourself to your dreams. Whilewetrulybelieve"sometimes all you need to do is ask!", we alsorecognizesomedesires takea little more attention and nurturing which is why wehavecreatedthis appand other fine products: magnets, sticky notes,journals,jewelry,and more- all designed to help you keep your attention onyourintention.Happy Manifesting!Keywords:Manifestation, affirmations, law ofattraction,intentions,Abraham-hicks, miracles, goals
14 Seconds 1.1.2
Dominic Knight's "14 Seconds" App is medicine for your mind.“Giveme 14 Seconds to Harness and Unlock The Power ofYourSuper-Conscious Mind” This is the only app GUARANTEED (ORYOURMONEY BACK!) To create behavioural change in your life, ifappliedcorrectly. The app works like a powerful tonic for your mindandwill help you manifest your goals by activating the LawofAttraction in these key areas of your life -money andcareer,weight loss, productivity, boosts of happiness and much muchmore.In his recent best-selling book “Pushing To The Front”,Dominicnotes how he observed a "pattern" after helping thousandsofclients achieve powerful positive change in their lives."Thepeople who successfully achieved life-changing resultsafterrepeatedly concentrating for 14 seconds or more on their goalordesire, for at least 2-3 times every day’. This causesthefrequency of that vibration you were thinking about stillresonateseven when your attention is no longer on it, what thatmeans is ifyou can intensify a good feeling, think about a Goal orfocus on aweight loss objective you will find yourself feeling anddoingthings that help you achieve that gaol automatically evenwithoutthinking about it!” said Dominic. Dominic Knight - the UK'sleadinghypnotherapist, NLP practitioner and therapist. Dominic is abestselling author and has been featured on CBS, Fox, NBC, as wellasin The Times, Cosmopolitan, The Guardian, USA Today,GlamourMagazine and many other national and internationalpublications.Dominic has used this technique to facilitate successfor many ofhis clients - many of whom are celebrities,politicians,professional athletes and top level executives fromcompanies suchas IBM, JP Morgan, HSBC and The Royal College ofSurgeons. Theconcept is simple, but powerful - if you focus onsomething for 14seconds or more, 2-3 times per day forapproximately 21 days,you'll experience substantial behaviouralchange. In the audioscontained in this app, Dominic will guide youthrough short (1-2minute) sound clips, through which he willempower you to achievethe change in behaviour that you need tocreate success andhappiness in your life. So, how does it work?Need motivation?Listen to the "Achieve More / Don't Procrastinate"audio. Want tolose weight and get rid of food cravings? Listeningto the "WeightLoss / Beat Cravings" audio will help you on your wayto success.Want more confidence? Dominic's "Unshakeable Confidence"audio willgive you the boost you need. Want more happiness in yourlife? Tunein to the "Feel Happiness" audio for lasting impact. Needmore selfesteem? Listen to the "Enhance Self Esteem" audio. Thecatch? Thisapp works like medicine for your mind. Therefore, FORTHIS TO WORK,YOU MUST LISTEN TO THE AUDIOS 2-3 TIMES PER DAY (asyou wake up andbefore you go to sleep is perfect) FOR APPROXIMATELY21 DAYS.FEATURES: - Numerous short sound clips that you can listentoquickly and easily to help you change your behaviour. - Theabilityto focus on beating procrastination and achieving weightloss,happiness, self-confidence, self-esteem and more. - Optionalaudiobackground music with embedded "Alpha Waves" - audio waveswhichhave a proven effect on your brain - thus enhancing yourability tomake the change you want! - A Guarantee from DominicKnighthimself, that if you do not experience any change, he willgive youyour money back. Get the app and start making the changeyou wantnow!
Empowerment Audio Amulet! 0.64.13397.20029
Leigh Spusta
AUDIO AMULET - INCREASED POSITIVE ENERGYCombining the power of intention, the law ofattraction,brainwave audio entrainment, metaphysical principles,and hypnoticmodalities - all to bring in the positive changes youdesire,quickly and at full-strength!"... Now this is truly amazing, I feel better, thinkmoreclearly, and my life is going more smoothly, just easier,sinceusing the amulet. Thanks Leigh!"Carol O. - Phoenix, AZIntroducing the "Audio Amulet" Series! Brought to youbyinternationally recognized brainwave audio expert, LeighSpusta.These programs combine powerful brainwave entrainmentandentrancing soundscapes with specifically placed words andphrasesto "charge" the recording with the desired intention. Thisisfurther enhanced by the use of carefully crafted visual"amulets"or symbolic reference images, in accord with sacredgeometry andmetaphysics, that are specifically tuned to theintention.This "Audio Amulet" is charged and tuned for "IncreasedPositiveEnergy", which gives this program a general application -we canall use increased positive energy...Both the visual and audio parts of this program are chargedandaligned with the intention of bringing INCREASEDPOSITIVEENERGY.First, focus on the amulet image for 1-5 minutes with asustainedfocus on having acquired the increase, say to yourselfwhile gazingat the amulet something like "I am enjoying myincreased positiveenergy, my mind, body, emotions, and my life areshowing thebenefits." Then, simply press the image to beginrelaxing andlistening to the audio amulet for 5 - 20 minutes.During this timeyou can simply relax and take in the blissful,peacefulreinforcement through this very enjoyable track, and youcan alsoclose your eyes and visualize and imagine what it looksand feelslike to have this increased positive energy during thistime. Forbest results, use the "Audio Amulet" 1 - 5 times per day.You willnotice a shift after the first session, and the longerterm resultsare achieved by consistant daily use."What a great app, easy to use and actuallyquiteeffective."Glenn P. - Los Angeles, CA"...Whoa, I can't wait to try the other amulets, this isreallygreat!"Jennifer Z. - New York City, NYLook for our other "Audio Amulets" for these intentions-enhanced luck, greater prosperity, strong confidence, moneymagnet,dream weaver, and more....Leigh Spusta is a behavioral scientist, hypnotherapist,andCertified Therapeutic Imagery Facilitator specializing in theuseof sound frequencies to produce deep, relaxing trance states.Hehas worked with several therapists in Los Angeles, producingavariety of therapeutic audio cds. Leigh combines his talents asamusician and his knowledge of hypnosis and related states, inaneffort to pioneer new approaches in creating rich,resonantsound-scapes for greater efficacy in healing andmeditativeproducts. Leigh is the developer of the proprietaryPsimatiXtherapeutic approaches and technologies.Brainwave Entrainment / Binaural Beats / Isochronic Tones/Monaural Beats / Vibro-acoustics / Hemispheric Synchronization/Alpha State / Theta State / Delta State / Relaxation / Hypnosis/Hypnotic Music / Meditation / Stress Reduction / Tension Release/Chakra Alignment - Attunement - Balancing / Harmony /SchumannResonance / Frequency / Mind Audio / Trance / Healing /Therapy
Law Of Attraction Bible 1.0
“Today… Change Your Life And Live YourDreamsUsing The Ultimate Law Of The Universe!”Discover The Secrets Of Attracting Your Desire And GetEverythingYou’ve Ever Dreamt Of!"Here's The Good News!"Anybody – Regardless of their circumstances can equipthemselveswith these information.But before we go into that, ask yourself, have you ever facedanyof these problems in your life?Do not understand law of attractionUnable to control your thoughts and emotionsConfuse about law of attractionHere’s What You'll Learn:History of the Law of AttractionHow the Law of Attraction worksHow people tend to misuse the Law of AttractionClearing out the clutter in your mindBeing very clear about what you wantAnd more"Let Me Shed Some Light On Some Things That May Be OnYourMind!"Will this help me in understanding law of attraction?Absolutely! The information in this book have been puttogetherto make you understand the law of attraction.Will I be able to put these information to practice easily?Most definitely! The strategies and techniques have beenmappedout clearly in this guide so that anyone can start usingit.
Money Magnetics 2.2
Is the Law of Attraction not working foryou?Are you frustrated because you seem to push money away orneverseem to have enough? Are you ready to get unstuck in the areaofmoney? Are you one of the new entrepreneurs struggling to takeyourbusiness to the next level?The Money Magnetics App is right for you if you are:• Ready to earn money at your full potential• Done struggling with debt• Over worrying because your savings account is empty• Fed up with sabotaging your efforts to earn more money andgetahead• Ready to take your business to the next level• Willing to make the shift from repelling money to become amoneymagnet that draws the resources you need to fund your dreamsandvisionsThe Money Magnetics app gives you 90 days of focus on yourmoneyinner game: the most important game in town if you want toshifthow you are manifesting money. You will learn how to:• Create safety and security without money• Access creativity and live in possibility• Draw on your true source of power to act with confidence• Create balance and move from heart-centered wisdom• Speak with clarity to attract the people and resources you needtomake your dreams happen• Receive intuitive wisdom and guidance from your higher self• Work from passion and enthusiasm• Focus in the present where all possibilities exist• Live and work in the flow of authentic self-expression
The 12 Universal Laws 1.0
Heard of The Law of Attraction? Well, this app revealsinformationonThe 12 Universal Laws, where The Law of Attraction isonly butoneLaw out of this list, Download to read these laws andsee iftheycan't help you in your day to day life. Keep an openmind, andwhoknows what might happen...
Law of Attraction Meditation- Health, Wealth, Love 1.3.2
Welcome to the Law of Attraction Meditations app. Thefourrelaxingmeditation session in this app are designedspecifically tohelpyou improve areas in your life such as levels ofhappiness,wealth,health and to find love. Your app also includesGratitude,WishList and Vision board sections to aid you in makingthe most oftheLaw of Attraction. Please remember to join ourfreeFacebooksupport group to share your Love, Wealth, HappinessandHealthsuccess stories with other users. This in turn willhelpbringabout their realisation. You can find the Facebookgroupbyclicking on any of the Facebook tabs in this app. Tousethemediations it is important to find a comfortable placetorelaxwhere you won’t be disturbed for at least twenty fiveminutesorso, and please note that you must not use thismediationtrackwhilst driving, or operating machinery or while doinganythingthatrequires your full attention. This App Features: *HealthMediation(Free)
 * Wealth Meditation (Upgrade) *
HappinessMeditation(Upgrade) * 
Love Mediation (Upgrade) * VisionBoard *Wish List
 *Full LOA Instructions to make the most ofyourmediations * Pleasenote that although this app is rated at 4+agegroup, it is notrecommended for anyone under the age of 16.
Revolutionary AFFIRMATION MEDITATIONS for Love, Health,Success& Self-Esteem
Аffirmations for Happy 116.0
You will change your life for better with "Аffirmations for Happy"!
law of attraction app & secret 3.0
The law of attraction app & the gratitude journal areperfectguide to happiness
The Law of Attraction 1.0
The Law of Attraction is an eBook app thatwillhelp you understand how the Law of Attraction works and how touseit on purpose.Once you learn how to use the Law of Attraction effectively,youcan change your life and attract all the things you want.Install this free app and share it with your friends.
Unique Daily Affirmations 2.3.1
A creative affirmation tool that helps you succeed in yourendeavors
Art Of Affirmation Daily 3.1
Wake up daily to the Art Of making Affirmations a reality inyourlife!!!
Attract Money Affirmations 5.0
All new for 2016!!!Positive affirmations and quotes that are useful whenattemptingto manifest money. These quotes are rooted in the LawofAttraction, and are specifically geared to help you improveyourfinancial outlook.** Ad supported version.
The Law of Attraction Hypnosis 1.0.5
**Over 2 million downloads sold**Take charge of your life, get motivated, and create yourownopportunities for success with the help of hypnosis.“AchieveSuccess” gives you all of the benefits of a hypnosissession in thepalm of your hand. Get moving and create your ownsuccess andhappiness!With the new “Achieve Success Hypnosis ” app from ErickBrown,you can listen any time of day to inspire yourself and starttakingaction. It’s easy and relaxing, and hypnosis is proven togivelasting results.

Hypnotherapy helps increase your motivation and focusonachieving your goals by accessing the subconscious mind. Bytappinginto your unconscious mind, you can accomplish thepersonaldevelopment you’ve been wanting.Powerful suggestions for deep relaxation and positive changewillbe received by your mind, removing limiting beliefs andself-doubt,and increasing your focus, self-esteem, and drive forsuccess.

This app features:

* Soothing, therapeutic hypnotherapy tracks fromworld-renownedhypnotherapist Erick Brown* High quality, state of the art recordings 
* Hypnosis instructions that can be opted out of once youhavelearned how hypnosis works
* Your choice of a short or long hypnosis induction
* Your choice of one of eight different soothingbackgroundanimations and sounds to enhance your hypnosisexperience*Two volume bars to adjust the hypnosis audio and backgroundaudioseparately for a more user-friendly experience
* Each session can be customized with the option to listen tothehypnosis track up to 11 times* Customizable wake or sleep endings:
- The option to wake you up when the program has finished
- A built-in alarm clock to wake up at a particular time 
- Program the app to allow you to remain asleep aftercompletinghypnosis 
*In-app store with multiple applications for purchase, fromweightloss to attracting love