Top 5 Games Similar to Oodlins Parents

Illumine - Childcare App 426s
Childcare & Preschool Management software for Daycare&Preschools
FamJam Chores & Goals for kids 1.13.1
A fun, kid-friendly way to manage chores, responsibilities,behaviorand goals
Coachbit - Homework Tracker & Pomodoro Timer 0.18.6
Coachbit gives students the tools they need to succeed in school.•Manage homework, assignments, study time & more with thedailyagenda • Stay focused with the pomodoro timer,scientificallyproven to increase concentration • Create and learnwith flashcardsin any subject • Stay accountable for your progresswith help fromyour personal coach STUDY ANYWHERE Create and saveflashcards forany school subject - use them to study anywhere,anytime. Keeptrack of your learning progress in each subject as youcyclethrough cards. DEVELOP KEY HABITS Good habits are thebuildingblocks for success. Coachbit helps you build themthroughrepetition and accountability from a third party - yourcoach. Thehomework tracker keeps all of your school work &assignments inone place, letting you know what’s due when. Yourcoach will beable to chat with you to ensure you’re on track toreach youracademic goals. STAY FOCUSED Use the pomodoro timer whenstudyingto stay focused and be as productive as possible. Thepomodorotimer breaks long periods of work into smaller intervals tokeepyou in the zone. ----------------------FEATURES--------------------- Pomodoro timer - great for test orexam prepand studying Homework tracker lets you manage all of yourschoolwork Create & quiz yourself with flash cards on math,science(chemistry, physics, biology ), language, geography,psychology,computer science & more Perfect for elementary, highschool,middle school, college or university Avoid cramming bybuildingpositive, long-lasting study habits with help from yourcoachSetting up life-long habits can be tough, having someone tohelpkeep you accountable is crucial. Get the 1-on-1 support youneedfrom your dedicated coach. Use the flashcards & focus timertolearn and retain more knowledge from less time spentstudying.Excel at school and be the best student you can be -Download nowfor free
Dojo (formerly WalkUp) 3.5.4
Restaurant bookings & walk-ins