Top 18 Games Similar to Bowling

Straiker Bowling Score 1.8
-- Price 12.95 // LAUNCH OFFER 2.95 --(hurryup!, we don't know how long we can keep it this way!) --Disclaimer: Straiker bowling tracker is an app to track yourREALLIFE bowling scores.--"The road to a better average starts with a deepunderstandingof your game."--We are a passionate group of bowlers and developers thatwantedto do a powerful app to start to track our bowling resultsandlearn from them.So we talked with several players and coaches in order toseewhat stats you should see in each moment, making you focus onthemost important ones instead of overloading you withnumbers.Moreover, we worked really hard to get a beautiful and simple touseapp, testing it with players to be sure that each step isasintuitive as possibleThe result of this effort is Straiker Bowling Score Tracker:- Define for each event: Bowling Alley and Oil Pattern- Track your games pin by pin, by frame score or just byFinalScore- And change the ball that you use easily in a shot byshotbasis- After each game you will see a brief summary with yourbowlingstats, with not too many numbers because you are in themiddle of aseries and we don't want you to lose focus!- At the end of the series you will see a summary with abeautifulvisual representation of each frame- And if you need more stats, with just one more tap you will seeacomplete set of stats for this series, including avisualrepresentations of the missed combinations.- Manage easily your arsenal (balls), bowling alley list andoilpattern list- And if you want to go deeper in the stats, use the filter togetthe complete set of stats just for the selected sample.We started this app listening our fellow bowling players andwewill keep doing that SO:If you find a bug or something doesn't work as it should be,pleasewrite us ([email protected])and wewilltry to solve it as fast as possible.And of course, if you have any suggestion, idea, spare ballthatyou will not use or anything else, let us know at [email protected] hope that you will enjoy this app and that you will improveyourstats!
Bowling Scorer 1.12
BowlingScorer can record your bowing score easily and analyzebymany graphs.
Collection of Islami Children Stories that inspire 1.1
A Korma of Penjegal Prayer   After performing thepilgrimage,Ibrahim bin Adham intended to make a pilgrimage to themosque ofAqsa. For provisions on the trip, he bought 1 kg of datesfrom oldtraders near the mosque of Haram. After the dates wereweighed andwrapped, Ibrahim saw a date lying near the scale.Assuming thedates were part of what he bought, Ibrahim picked themup and atethem. After that he immediately left for Al Aqsa. 4Months later,Ibrahim arrived at Al Aqsa. As usual, he likes tochoose a place ofworship in a room under the dome of Sakhra. Heprayed and prayedfervently. Suddenly he heard the conversationbetween two angelsabout him. "That, Ibrahim bin Adham, worshipexpert who is zuhudand the one whose prayer is always granted byGOD SWT," said oneangel. "But now no longer. His prayer wasrejected because 4 monthsago he ate a palm that fell from the tableof an old merchant nearthe mosque, haram," answered the otherangel. Ibrahim bin Adham wasshocked, he was shocked, so for thepast 4 months his worship,prayer, prayers and possibly other deedswere not accepted by GODSWT, eating a date which is not his right."Astaghfirullahaladzhim" ibrahim berighighar. He immediately packedup to departagain to Mecca to meet an old trader selling dates. Toask for adate that has been swallowed. As soon as he arrived inMecca hewent straight to the date seller's place, but he did notfind theold merchant but a young boy. "4 months ago I bought datesherefrom an old trader. Where is he now?" asked Ibrahim. "I diedamonth ago, I now continue to work on trading dates" repliedtheyoung man. "Innalillahi wa innailaihi roji'un, then to whom amIasking for the restoration?" Then Ibrahim narrated the eventsheexperienced, the young man listened intently. "Well, that's howitwas," said Ibrahim, after telling him, "You, as the parent'sheir,would you justify a date belonging to your father who Ialready atewithout his permission?" "For me it is not a problem.Inshallah Iam lawful. But somehow with my brothers there are 11people. I donot dare to name them because they have inheritancerights withme." "Where is your brother's address? Let me meet themone byone." After receiving the address, Ibrahim bin Adham went tomeet.To be far apart, finally it was finished. All agreed to lightup adate palm belonging to their father, which was consumed byIbrahim.4 months later, Ibrahim bin adham was under the dome ofSakhra.Suddenly he heard two angels who had heard again chatting."That'sthe ibrahim bin adham whose prayer was refused because ofeating adate belonging to someone else." "O, no ... now my prayeris overagain, he has received the inheritance from the heir of theownerof the date. Myself and Ibrahim's soul have now been clearedfromthe dirt of a date which is unclean because it belongs tosomeoneelse. Now he is free." "Therefore, be careful with the foodthatenters our body, is it legal? It's better to leave if in doubt... fiture: - Walk offline / without internet connection -smallfile size -can be used in various versions of Android
McCorvey's Bowling World 6.0
PopNet Media
The official McCorvey's Pro Shop app forallyour bowling needs. Order new bowling equiptment, watchbowlinglesson videos, and more.
Bowling Night 1.0.10
Tom Wickert
Personal bowling stats - log your games and monitor your stats.
Pin Street Bowling Centers 1.399
We are a small chain ofcustomer-focused,family-owned bowling businesses in New Jersey, NewYork, andFlorida. We are on a first-name basis with most of ourcustomersand strive to create custom experiences. Whether it isopeningearly for large groups or catering events for specificdietaryneeds, we give all our customers individualizedattention.
City Bowling Köln 1.3
Dude oder Dudette, blutiger AnfängeroderProfi: Bei uns ist jeder herzlich willkommen.Egal ob Sie vorab die Preise und Öffnungszeichen checken,eineoder mehrere Bahnen von unterwegs reservieren oder unsvorabvirtuell besuchen wollen: Das und einiges mehr bietet Ihnenunserezeitgemäße App!Wir freuen uns auf Ihren Besuch!Ihr City Bowling Köln TeamDude or Dudette,beginneror professional: With us, everyone is welcome.Whether you advance prices and opening sign check, reserve oneormore tracks on the go or want to visit in advance virtually us:Thisand much more offers our contemporary App!We look forward to your visit!Your City Bowling Cologne Team
Bowling Stats 1.0
Lenny Domzalski
- Store your scores and statistics for allofyour bowling events whether it's just casual bowling orleagueplay!- Keep running statistics- Graph your scores and running statistics- Share scores and stats with friends via email or textmessage(bragging rights!)
Central Ohio USBC BA 5.0.2
Welcome to the Central Ohio USBC Bowling Association MobileApp.Share the good news of all your bowling successes. Of coursehighgames are great, but first time events are also worthmentioning sofeel free to submit. Let fellow bowlers know aboutupcoming events.
My Bowling Scoreboard Pro
Peter Ho
Record bowling score/pin location, show pin statistics, exporttoCSV files
Bowling Score Book 1.5.1
This app is an app that manages to register the data ofbowlingscore.
PinPal 3.2
Jeff Stuart
PinPal is a bowling scorekeepingapplicationdesigned to provide bowlers with detailed statistics tohelpimprove their average.PinPal keeps track of leagues, tournaments, and openbowling,allowing bowlers to view their average, as well as manyotherstatistics.PinPal also lets you keep track of what ball you used foreveryframe, so you can see which balls you do better with.PinPal puts tons of useful stats right at your fingertips.Everwondered what spares you leave the most, and how often you areableto pick it up? Well now you can find out!Scores can be entered either by selecting all the pinsyouknocked down or entering the scores you get for each ball. Also,ifyou don't want to take the time to enter each frame, you canjustenter the final score for the game.Any questions, comments, concerns, complaints,compliments,suggestions, or feedback of any other sort can bedirected [email protected]
Tenpin Bowling Analyser 1.2.0
This app can be used to collect andanalysedatafrom leagues, tournaments, social games, or eventrainingsessions!Key Features:- Allows creation of leagues / tournaments / data-setsthatorganisesyour data into groups, each of which canbeanalysedindividually.- Both frame-by-frame data entry and total-score dataentryareaccepted. In fact, you can mix these two approachesdependingonwhich is more convenient!- Will provide you with statistics about your spares asyouleavethem!- For all games that are entered frame-by-frame, you cangobackand see exactly what pins you left, and when. Forscore-onlygames,you can view your scores, and some data aboutthem.- Allows you to view all your game scores foranyleague,tournament, or data-set in one place, showing youaveragesandtotals.- You can analyse all your games, or only specificleagues/tournaments / data-sets in one place, showingyouthingsincluding:+ Average, minimum, and maximum score+ Standard deviation, and the range of scores you areexpectedtobowl within+ The percentage of times you get a strike+ The percentage of times you get a 9, 8, 7, ..., 0+ For *every* spare combination: the number of times youhaveleftit, the number of times you have spared it, and yourspareratepercentage+ The pin combinations that you spare the least+ The pin combinations that cost you the most- Partially entered games can be saved and later restored.- And many more features lie within!NOTE: THIS IS NOT A TENPIN BOWLING GAME, THIS ISANALYTICALANDSTATISTICAL SOFTWARE.If you have any feature requests or questions, feelwelcometoemail the developers at [email protected].
Strike Out Stats
Written by an Avid Bowler, this Bowlingappwill track stats that will help improve your game!Keep track of your bowling stats by adding games frame byframe,roll by roll! Enter Bowling Pins you left per shot to seewhatspares you leave, how often you leave them, and how often youpickthem up!League Play! Organize your bowling games into the leagues youplayin so you can see how you are performing in each league!Tournament Games! Default tournament modes are singles, doubles,orteam. But you can add any other type of tournament that yourollin. Tournaments allow you to enter different types of games forthesame day of a tournament.Enter game specific details so you can track stats by BowlingBall,Bowling League, Bowling Alley, Oil Pattern, etc!-If you don't feel like adding bowling games pin by pin, you canaddonly game score.-Backup / Restore bowler information! On the first page ofStrikeout Stats tap Menu -> Import/Export Database.-Import scores from trial. NOTE: Must export the database fromthedemo version first. After exporting from the demo, you canthenimport that database into the full version.-Edit Tenth Frame - Once your game is over you can edit any framebytapping the frame number above that frame.
5 Pin Bowling Companion 3.2.0
Joseph Roque
Track 5 pin bowling scores frame-by-frame, along with a medleyofstatistics!
Strike Zone Bowl Huntington WV 1.399
Strike Zone Bowling Center is located intheEastern Heights Shopping Center in Huntington, West Virginia.It'smore fun than you think!! We offer league bowling, parties,youthprograms, a full-service pro shop, and more. Come and bowlwith ustoday!
Club de Padel Los Boliches 4.0.0
DISFRUTA DEL PÁDEL EN UN ENTORNO INMEJORABLEBienvenido al Club de Pádel Los Boliches, el único clubdelaCostadel Sol en primera línea de playa. Ponemos asudisposicióncuatropistas de pádel con las mejores calidades,zonasexteriores,terrazas,snack-bar, tienda, electro-fitness y fisioterapia ymasajes,yporsupuesto, el personal más cualificado para atenderle ydarleelmejorservicio.El Club de Pádel Los Boliches pone a su disposición 4pistasdepádel de alta calidad, dos con moqueta en color azul ylasotrasdos en color verde.En nuestras instalaciones no sólo podrá disfrutar jugandoalpádelsino que además podrá tomar un delicioso snack ennuestraterraza ohacer uso del bar-cafetería donde le ofrecemosdesayunos,omidas ycenas.Si necesita material deportivo, puede visitarnuestratienda,donde encontrará palas, paleteros, textil, calzado,pelotasy otrosartículos al mejor precio.¿Quiere aprender a jugar al pádel o mejorar su juego? Nolodude,póngase en contacto con nuestro equipo técnicodeprofesionales,ellos le aconsejarán y asesorarán en función desusnecesidades.Leofrecemos tanto clases individuales como en grupos reducidos(máx.4personas), a cualquier nivel y, sobre todo, a unospreciosmuycompetitivos y asequibles para cualquier bolsillo.¿Conoces el entrenamiento personalizado conelectroestimulaciónmuscular? Ponemos a su servicio el ElectroFitness, elcualmediante la tecnología EMS llevamos directamentelaestimulacióneléctrica a los músculos, haciendo que los músculossecontraigan yse relajen de la misma manera que sihiciéramosdeporte.Y por último, también disponemos de un servicio defisioterapiaymasajes, dirigido a todas aquellas personas que pornecesidad,saludo bienestar, requieran de este servicio.Técnicasderehabilitación,masaje, tratamientos específicos y principalmente unmantenimientoymejora de la salud músculo-esquelética.ENJOY THE PADDLEinlovelysurroundingsWelcome to Los Boliches Paddle Club, the only clubintheCostaSun on the beach. We offer fourpaddle with the best quality, outdoor areas, terraces,snack bar, shop, electro-fitness and physiotherapyandmassages,andOf course, more qualified staff to assist you and giveyouthebestservice.The Paddle Club Los Boliches offers 4 paddle courtsqualitytwocarpeted in blue and two green.In our facilities you can enjoy not only playing paddlebutalsoto a delicious snack on our terrace or make useofthebar-cafeteria where we offer breakfast and dinner omidas.If you need sports equipment, you can visit our store,whereyouwill find shovels, paleteros, textiles, footwear, ballsandotheritems at the best price.Want to learn to play paddle tennis or improve your game?Donothesitate to contact our technical team, they will adviseandofferadvice based on their needs. YouWe offer both individual lessons and small groups (max. 4),atalllevels and especially at very competitive and affordablepricesforevery pocket.Do you know of personalized training withelectromusclestimulation? We offer you the Electro Fitness, whichbyEMStechnology we directly electrical stimulation tothemuscles,causing the muscles to contract and relax in the samewaythat ifwe made sport.And finally, we also have a physiotherapy serviceandmassageaimed at all those people that need health orwelfare,require thisservice. Rehabilitation techniques,massage specific treatments and mainly maintenance andimprovementofmusculoskeletal health.
Scoreboard Volleyball 1.12.10
7 peace
Scoreboard app for volleyball or badminton