Top 37 Games Similar to Crossfit Games Leaderboard

Crossfit News Crossfit 1.8
Escify Apps
The best source of news and tips about Crossfit
WODster - functional workouts! 1.7.27
WODster - create, find and track your workouts!
30 Day Fitness Challenge 2.0.21
Take 30 day challenge at Home to improve health withscientificworkouts.
Crossfit Pamplona 5.01.07
Nubapp Ltd.
With this app you can view the agenda of the box and sign the WODs
360 CFT 1.0.6
El CrossFit es un tipo de entrenamientodeejercicios funcionales, constantemente variados, ejecutados aaltaintensidad. El entrenamiento se basa en el incremento de lasdiezcapacidades físicas más reconocidas, tales comoresistenciacardiovascular y respiratoria, resistencia muscular,fuerza,flexibilidad, potencia, velocidad, agilidad,psicomotricidad,equilibrio, y precisión.Con 360 CFT APP podrás ver los principales ejercicios deestetipo de entrenamiento e incluso seguir una rutina de trabajoiguala la que llevarías en un box. No importa si eres iniciado oyasabes muy bien cómo funciona el mundo del CrossFit, sea cual seatuperfil podrás aprender y mejorar para hacer losejercicioscorrectamente y con mayor seguridad.Si tu intención es ponerte en forma y tener un cuerpo mássano,está claro que lo buscas está al alcance de tu mano con 360CFTAPP.¡¡No esperes más a ponerte en forma con 360 CFT APP!!CrossFit is a typeoftraining constantly varied, functional executed at highintensityexercises. The training is based on the increase of theten mostrecognized physical abilities such as cardiovascularandrespiratory endurance, muscular endurance, strength,flexibility,power, speed, agility, motor skills, balance, andaccuracy.CFT 360 APP will see the main exercises of this type oftrainingand even follow a routine job like the one you bring alongon abox. No matter if you are started or you know very well howtheworld of CrossFit works, whatever your profile will learnandimprove to do the exercises correctly and withgreatersecurity.If your intention is to get fit and have a healthy body, itisclear that it is looking at your fingertips with 360 CFT APP.Do not wait to get in shape with 360 CFT APP !!
WODBook - Your WOD Tracker
WODBook is the best application you can gettokeep track of your daily workouts.We took the task of logging your WODs and created aninsanelybeautiful experience, making it the best FitnessApplication in theAndroid Market.With our latest version we are rising the bar for the WODloggingapplications once again. With the new WODBook you can haveaccessto your Box right at your fingertips at any time. This isthedefinitive tool for enhancing your Box community spirit. Shareyouractivity with your Box members and compare your results withtheworld. Fitness competition has never got better.If you are one of those people who can not get enough, weareincluding the Pro version for you, adding the followingspecialfeatures:- theWOD Machine:This is the ultimate workout generator tool! This is not arandomWOD generator or a WODs database, this is a smart anddynamicsystem which will learn from your logs and RMs to generateWODsspecially for you!Fully customizable, scalable and with a deck of cards modeincluded,theWOD Machine is the most complete and powerful workoutgeneratortool available in the market!If you are traveling, or can not make it to your Box, or justforthe fun, theWOD Machine is for you!- Search your Activity by exercise:This is the best way to analyze your past workouts. ImproveyourWODs programming by analyzing your past by exercise.- Have access to Public Daily WODs:You can have access to all of the Daily WODs posted by anyBoxworking with WODBook.- Search Daily WODs by exercise:Public Daily WODs gets even more interesting when you can doasearch by exercise.- 1 Rep Max Calculator:We are including 7 different formulas for helping you calculatetheRMs. for your personal records. Brzycki, Epley, Lander,Lombardi,Mayhew et al., O’Conner et al., Whaten, choose the onewhich worksbest for you.- Fully customizable Tabata, Stations and EMOM timers. With themostcomplete collection of timers we got you all covered.- Attach photos to your results, when creating Daily WODs,orBenchmark WODs.- Unlimited Box creations: Create as many Boxes as you want,usethis feature to create different training groups orevencompetition leaderboards.Get WODBook and start tracking your workouts today!Full list of features:- See your Box Activity, compare your results with yourBoxmembers.- theWOD Machine - Smart WOD generator and Deck of cards.- Daily WODs Whiteboard.- Get WOD feeds from your Box.- Get Daily WODs from all the Boxes working with WODBook.- Join your Box or create your own if it doesn't exist.- Track your daily WODs by adding them to your WOD Calendar.- Enter results and notes for your tracked WODs.- Attach photos to your results.- Share your results with your Box, or use Facebook, TwitterorGoogle+- Keep track of your favorite WODs.- Keep track of your benchmark WODs.- Search your activity by exercise.- Search Daily WODs by exercise.- Manage your personal records.- User Profile - Total finished WODs, Favorite WODs, BenchmarkWODsand data analysis .- Get scales of your personal records.- Visualize your personal records progress history.- 1 Rep Max calculations for your records - including 7differentformulas- Track your results for the benchmark WODs ( Girls, Heroes,TravelWODs, Opens ).- Instructional videos for some of the best benchmark WODsandexercises.- Create your own benchmark WODs and share them to your Box.- Your data will be synced in real time across all ofyourdevices.- Track and visualize each of your benchmark WODs history.- Training Timers are included ( StopWatch, Amrap, Tabata,Stations,EMOM ).Note: WODBook is not authorized or endorsed by CrossFit Inc.
Reebok CrossFit Poznań 1.1.1
Oficjalna aplikacja Reebok CrossFit Poznań-największego boxa CrossFitowego w Polsce. Dzięki aplikacjibędzieszzawsze na bieżąco z wydarzeniami z życia klubu, zmianami wgrafikuzajęć oraz aktualnymi promocjami. Aplikacja ułatwiafunkcjonowaniew naszym boxie, znajdziesz w niej opisy zajęć,trenerów, możliwośćwłączenia interesujących Cię powiadomień orazbezpośrednieprzekierowanie na stronę z zapisami na zajęcia.W ramach aplikacji znajdują się na bieżącoaktualizowanezakładki:1. Nadchodzące wydarzenia2. Śledzenie Twoich postępów3. Grafik zajęć4. Opisy zajęć i trenerówThe officialapplicationReebok CrossFit Poznan - the biggest box CrossFitowegoin Poland.With this application you'll always be up to date withevents inthe life of the club, changes in the schedule of classesandcurrent promotions. The application facilitates operation inourfirst box and see the descriptions of classes, coaches, theabilityto integrate your interest notifications and directredirected tothe page with the provisions of the classes.As part of the application are constantly updated tabs:1. Upcoming events2. Track your progress3. Schedule of classes4. The descriptions of classes and trainers
WOD Log 20.2.11
The best app to track your WODs, Log PRs, & CalculateAthleticLevel!
CrossFit Heerlen 3.5.0
Clubapp members of CrossFit Heerlen
CrossFit Alkmaar
Schrijf je in voor jouwCrossFitAlkmaarlessen,houd je trainingprogressies bij en volgjetrainingbuddies.Bestel traininggear en voedingsupplementenbinnenenkeleseconden!Register foryourAlkmaarCrossFit classes, keep your workout progressions andtofollow yourtraining buddies. Order workout gear andnutritionalsupplements inSeconds!
Thenics 5.2.3
Learn impressive Calisthenic skills with step by step progressions
WOD Roulette 4.8.1
Generates random workouts for free (AMRAP, RFT, girls, heroes,Openetc)
WODS Generator 19.0.0
apps tienda
Train with the WOD Cross Fitness generator, you will have thebestwods
Reebok Crossfit Mokotów 1.2.3
Aplikacja CrossFit Mokotów zostałastworzonadla Ciebie.Dzięki niej będziesz mógł jednym dotknięciem ekranu swojegotelefonuzapisać się na zajęcia.Otrzymasz wszystkie najważniejsze newsy z życiaCrossFitMokotów.Łatwo i szybko skontaktujesz się bezpośrednio z recepcją boxa,Myrównież będziemy mogli szybko odpowiedzieć. Odpowiedz wyświetlisięna Twoim smartphonie.Z poziomu telefonu zapłacisz ratę członkostwa w CrossFit Mokotów.CrossFit Mokotów od 2012 roku tworzy najsprawniejszychludziświata:)ApplicationCrossFitMokotów has been created for you.Thanks to it you'll be able to one touch of the screen of yourphoneto sign up for classes.You will receive all the important news from the life ofCrossFitMokotów.Quickly and easily in direct contact with the reception box, wealsowill be able to quickly respond. Reply will be displayed onyoursmartphone.From a pay phone installment membership of the CrossFit Mokotów.CrossFit Mokotów from 2012 creates fittest people in theworld:)
WOD Timer 3.0.3
A simple interval timer/clock for various timed workouts.
Ultimate Full Body Workouts 2.0.0
The ultimate home workout app for muscle building and weight loss.
Tabata Timer: Interval Timer 5.2.4
The most customizable HIIT interval timer for workouts at homeandat the gym!
SugarWOD 7.0.0
#1 workout app for athletes, coaches, affiliates and boxes.
CrossFit Aukan 01e
Características* Reserva de clases* Historial Abonos* WOD (Work Of Day)characteristics* Booking class* History Fertilizers* WOD (Work Of Day)
Workout Timer 7.41
MedNotes Plus
Workout Round Timer for interval training, Boxing, HIIT,Tabata,MMA,...
WOD Magazine 7.7.5
Magzter Inc.
Let us tell you all about – WOD Magazine, a magazine fortheAustralian CrossFit community! The global CrossFit community hasawonderful voice, we hear about amazing and trulyinspirationalstories every day through various social mediaoutlets, print andvideo but most of these stories have a distinctlyAmerican focus.The idea behind WOD Magazine was born from apersonal desire toread, listen and watch more about AustralianCrossFit whether itwas highlighting the very best Aussie athletesas they competelocally and abroad or showcasing the life changingstories ofCrossFitters from local boxes around the country. Betweenthemagazine, its social media pages and our website we hope tohelpbuild a unique community to enable Australian CrossFitters tohavea voice of their own to deliver Australian stories oftriumph,opinion pieces, training programming advice and mentalinsightsfrom top level athletes. In the coming issues we will bringyouadvice on what to expect at your next competition, theCrossFitOpen, what to look out for at the regionals in either aspectatoror competitors perspective and what to expect at TheCrossFit Gamesand much, much more. If you feel like you havesomething to say, orare just interested in joining in theconversation shoot us anemail at [email protected], follow uson Facebook, Twitterand Instagram and make sure to sign up to ournewsletter on ourwebsite to make sure you are kept up to date withnews from us andour sponsors.
CFT059 - Crossfit Team 059 3.1
Mumble SRL
Movimenti funzionali. Alta intensità. Costantementevariati.CrossFit è un programma di allenamento volto a migliorarelacompetenza fisica in ognuna delle dieci categorie delfitness.Resistenza cardiovascolare. Resistenza al lattato.Forza.Flessibilità. Potenza. Velocità. Coordinazione.Agilità.Equilibrio. Precisione. Come facciamo tutto questo alnostro boxCrossFit Team 059? Ci alleniamo in classi, o mini gruppi,che vannodalle 10 alle 20 persone. Verrai sempre seguito da uno odue deinostri Coaches certificati CrossFit. Riscaldamentoiniziale,mobilità articolare, tecnica, una sessione di forza(dinamica -massima - esplosiva), W.O.D. (workout of the day),stretching. Inquesto modo ogni giorno imparerai, o migliorerai, latecnica divari esercizi e la metterai in pratica nel workout of theday, chesarà diverso ogni giorno, ed infine allungherai i tuoimuscoli perprevenire gli infortuni. - Prenota le tue lezioni - IW.O.D.giornalieri sempre disponibili! - Rimani aggiornato sullenews delbox - Contatta il box
CrossFit 41100 1.3
Applicazione ufficiale del box CrossFit41100aModenaOfficialapplicationofCrossFit box 41100 in Modena
Kingbull CrossFit 4.0.0
The first and only CrossFit box in eastern Paraguay.
Nike Training Club: Fitness 6.49.0
Nike, Inc.
Elevate your health and wellness journey with NTC.Workouts,mindfulness & more.
Freeletics Bodyweight 6.41.0
Freeletics Bodyweight is the mosteffectivefitness training program, adapted to your schedule, yourfitnesslevel and your goals, whether you want to lose weight,buildmuscle, or simply get in better shape.➝ 5-30 minute workouts based on bodyweight only.➝ No equipment. Your body is your only tool. Workoutanywhere, anytime.➝ More than 900 workout variations, covering all yourmusclegroups for continuous and fast progression.➝ Adapted to all fitness levels, from beginners toadvancedathletes.➝ State-of-the-art tutorial videos forperfectexecution.Join a community of 20 million users, who will supportyouthrough each of your workouts thanks to the social feed.Besides the free version, you can get “The Coach”,yourpersonal digital trainer, and a 100% personalized training planinthe App:➝ Fitness test to assess your initial fitness level.➝ Define your goals: Lose weight, build muscle, or simplygetin better shape.➝ Choose your availability: 2, 3, 4 or 5 workoutsperweek.➝ Get your weekly workout plan, perfectly adapted toyourfitness level and your schedule.➝ The Coach analyzes your performance after each workout,toguarantee your constant and fast progression.➝ See and feel significant results in just a fewweeks.➝ Enjoy the “2x2” option: Switch your workout to “2x2”mode,so that you only need 2 by 2 meters of space to train.Furthermore, should you decide to subscribe to the Coach, youwillalso get access to all Freeletics Training Coaches -BodyWeight,Running and Gym, without any additional subscriptionfee.That’s right. 1 subscription, 3 differentTrainingCoaches! In order to use your other Coaches, download the FreeleticsRunningand Freeletics Gym app on the Google Play Store.Freeletics Bodyweight is not just another fitness app. We haveonegoal: to help you become the best version of yourself.Physicallyand mentally.This is your chance to unleash your full potential. To becomethebest version of yourself. Download the App and start trainingforfree.Information on using the App and regardingthesubscriptionThe download and usage of Freeletics Bodyweight is free ofcharge.Get your training plan and further features with the Coach,whichis available in the app with a subscription. Thesubscriptionautomatically renews if it is not cancelled within 24hours beforethe end of the current subscription period. Youraccount will becharged for the next subscription period up to 24hours prior tothe current subscription expiring. It is not possibleto cancel anexisting in-app subscription. You can disable theautomatic renewalfunction at any time by adjusting your Google Playaccountsettings.Do you have any further questions about our app? Send us anemail:[email protected]: Prolonged usage of GPS can impair the durability ofarechargeable battery.
CrossFit TWP
97 Display
This App provides users with quick andeasyaccess to the CrossFit TWP members only page, one touchdirectionsto school locations, easy to view Facebook information,eventupdates, school contact details, a simple refer a friend page,andmore.
A TIMER app for doing CROSSFIT
WODBOX -Fit,Health,Exercise
WODBOX provides athletes with the abilitytoView Workouts, Track Performance, and Execute Workouts in amoderninterface designed and built by crossfit athletes forcrossfitAthletes. Whether you spend 5 days a week at your localbox,workout at home, or serve in the military, WODBOX is foryou.Note: WODBOX is not authorized or endorsed by Crossfit Inc.FROM OUR USERS- “Best app on my phone”- “Great app, I tried everything else out there and this is thebest…”- “Love the app and the WODs! 5 star app!”- “Solid app. Best of its kind”- “Helps keep all your WODS organized.”- “MY LIFESAVER...I go to WODBOX whenever my coach is unavailableorduring holidays (when the box closes). It is also my lifelinewhen Itravel.”Great features that come with WODBOX- WOD from top boxes around the world- View hero, ladies, and games WODs- Stopwatch & Countdown timer- Abbreviations, movement descriptions and videosUpgrade WODBOX To meet your needs, by adding thisgreatfeatures!- Generated WODs based on your available equipment- Tabata timer- Unlimited journal entries- Unlimited baseline records- Sharing on social networks- View WOD history from top boxes- Add your own box via RSS- 1 Rep Max calculator- Create your own list of favorite WODS- Coming Soon (View your data from the web and syncacrossdevices)FIND WORKOUTS(WODs)As athletes ourselves, the WODBOX Team wanted a way to quicklyfinda workout to execute. We wanted some form of randomness, someformof prescription, and some form of direct selection. Thus,wecreated the following ways to find your workout: Genius, TheWODFeed and The Hopper.Genius will generate workouts based on the equipment youhaveavailable. Our home users and users that are on-the-go findthisparticularly useful since they don’t always have all theequipmentone may find in an affiliate. There is NO NETWORKCONNECTIONREQUIRED for Genius to work, and the weapons list isgrowingconstantly based on user feedback.The WOD Feed provides direct, tailored access some of theworld’spremier affiliates. The list is constantly growing so ourathletescan access more and more WOD sources over time.The Heros provides access to the various Heroes, Ladies,2007-2013Reebok CrossFit Games and exclusive Fan Tribute WODs. Thehopper isboth a reference for enthusiasts of the sport and randomselectionmechanism for those looking to test themselves against oneof thefamous workouts.Box feed provides daily WODs from top gyms around thecountry(including CLE, Lackland, Independence, Endurance, MolonLabe andSPC)One spin of the Hero Hopper and within a few seconds your WODfateis determined!Genius - Your weapons, your mission, your Victory.- Gives you custom WODs based upon your equipment- Unlimited WODs on demand on your phone, anytime, anywhere(nonetwork connection required)TRACK PERFORMANCELog WOD, results, ratings, PR, and scaling information inthejournalTrack baseline movements(Squats, Cleans, Push Ups, Thrusters,Fran,and other Named WODs)EXECUTE WORKOUTSUse the Countdown, Stopwatch, or Tabata Timer duringyourWorkoutBecome a hero, start today with WODBOXChat with us and our users onFacebook.
WildFox CrossFit 01e
Características* Reserva de clases* Historial Abonos* WOD (Work Of Day)characteristics* Booking class* History Fertilizers* WOD (Work Of Day)
CrossFit 7 Kamp 3.5.0
Clubapp voor leden van CrossFit 7 Kamp!
The WOD Generator 4.3.0
Workout generator with over 10,000 WODs: Full definitions,warm-ups,timer & log
Tabata Timer for HIIT 26.0.7
Simple Vision
A Tabata Timer help you to do Tabata Training.
CrossFit Arnhem 3.5.0
Clubapp voor leden van CrossFit Arnhem!
Coach's Eye
The perfect video app for form review, swing analysis or anysportsactivity!
Workout Planner & Gym Trainer 2.50.0
Achieve your fitness goals with a personalized workout trackerandgym trainer.
StayFit workout trainer
Street Workout, CrossFit, and Bodybuilding workouts andtrainingprograms...