Top 13 Apps Similar to Spain Yacht Charter

Northern Spain - Travel Guide 21.2.20
Travel Northern Spain:Galicia,Asturias,Cantabria, Basque Country, Navarre, La Rioja.Includingthe Way ofSt. James and the prehistoric cave paintings(MobiTravel)MobileReference guides help you get the most out ofyourvacation.The guides are available for most destinationsworldwideand alwaysinclude FREE offline GPS maps. Over 3millionMobileReference TravelGuides have been downloaded.The world’s most popular electronic guides developedforyoursmartphone have the following features:✔ Street level GPS map covers Galicia, Asturias,Cantabria,BasqueCountry, Navarre, and La Rioja✔ GPS map loads to your smartphone memory - no networkaccessneededonce the app is downloaded.✔ GPS map displays your location along with nearbysightsandattractions.✔ MobileReference guides use vector-based maps so theyloadquicklyand are easy to zoom and scroll.✔ Unlike other travel guides, GPS coordinates forattractionshavebeen verified by users on the ground.✔ Attraction articles can be accessed from both an alphabeticalandacategorical index.✔ Top 10 attractions article features sights that novisitorshouldmiss.✔ Articles include tips on what to do and seeinyourdestination.✔ Articles can be added to a list of favorites.✔ Phrasebooks include list of common words and phrases.✔ The top restaurants have been individuallyselectedbyMobileReference editors. These restaurants are marked bya starinthe EAT chapter and are plotted on the GPS map✔ Listen to articles on the go with Text-To-Speech✔ No ads✔ No roaming chargesMobileReference Travel Guides providedetailed,practicalinformation about attractions, landmarks,transportation,culturalvenues, dining, lodging, history and muchmore. They areindexedalphabetically and by category, making iteasier toaccessindividual articles. Attractions can be viewed on anofflineGPSmap along with your current location so that you caneasilyfindattractions near you as you explore the city.TABLE OF CONTENTS:Essentials: Spanish Phrasebook | Galician Phrasebook | Staysafe|Stay healthy | Respect | Contact | Units Conversion |DrivinginEurope1. Maps: Spain | Railways | The Way of St. James |Galicia|Santiago de Compostela | A Coruña | Vigo | Asturias |Oviedo|Gijon | Cantabria | Santander | Basque Country | Bilbao|Pamplona| Vitoria-Gasteiz | Aragon | Zaragoza2. Galicia: Santiago de Compostela | Corunna | Ferrol |Lugo|Viveiro | Ourense | Verín | Pontevedra | Cíes Islands |Vigo3. Asturias: Oviedo | Gijon | Avilés | Caveswithprehistoricpaintings4. Cantabria: Santander | Altamira Cave | Santillana delMar|Picos de Europa National Park | Contabria caveswithprehistoricpaintings5. Basque Country, Navarre, La Rioja: Bilbao | Pamplona|SanSebastian | Vitoria-Gasteiz | Natural Parks6. Aragon: Zaragoza | Huesca | Teruel | Monasterio dePiedra|Alhama de Aragon | Grutas de Cristal Caves7. Spain: Itinerary: Spain in 3 weeks | Top 20 Things toDoinSpain | History | Geography | Culture | Talk | Get in |Regions|Cities | Buy | Spanish cuisine8. The Way of St. James: Overview | Map | ItineraryThis app is part of the MobileReference Spain series.Thecompleteseries includes:- Barcelona and Catalonia- Madrid and Central Spain: Castile-La Mancha,Castile-LeonandExtremadura- Andalusia- North of Spain: Galicia, Asturias, Cantabria,BasqueCountry,Navarre, La Rioja, and Aragon- Eastern Spain: Murcia, Valencia- Balearic Islands- Canary IslandsDownload these free guides to cover the entire map of Spain.-MobileReference®. Free maps for worldwide destinations™.
Spain Travel Guide 4.4.1
Triposo Inc
A complete guide to Spain that works offline.Features:- Spain In Depth: the background info that you need to havebeforeyou go.- A country map highlighting all the cities andnationalparks.- Complete city guides for the most important destinations,withsights, restaurants, things to do and a city map.- Mini guides for less important destinations.- Phrasebooks for Catalan, Basque, Galician and Spanish.About Triposo:We make great, interactive travel guides.To make our guides we use the content that is freely available.Opencontent sites like Wikitravel, Wikipedia, World66 andOpenstreetmapare among the best resources for any traveler. Ourmission is tomake that content relevant for you. So we mix andmash and annotate- and we distill great, relevant travel guidesout of it.We like open content. In fact some of us were involvedinWorld66, one of the first open content travel guides on theweb.Triposo's travel guides are very much a re-mix of open contentoutthere.Currently we're using content from: Wikipedia,Wikitravel,World66, Open Streetmaps, DMOZ and ChefmozWe're big fans of these projects. If you stumble acrosssomeinaccurate information in this guide, we would appreciate
✈ Spain Travel Guide Offline 2.3.3
Spain Travel Guide – Explore Madrid, Barcelona and more!Touristinfo and maps
1a Yachtcharter GmbH 1.1
Urlaubsplanung für unterwegs: Yachten suchen und chartern warniesoeinfach! Für Ihren Yachtcharter Urlaub finden SieIhreperfekteYacht im Mittelmeer, an der Ostsee oder in derKaribikunter denmehr als 3000 Yachten in unserem Angebot. Als einederführendendeutschen Charter-Agenturen bieten wir IhnenmitdieserSmartphone-App die Möglichkeit, unser komplettes AngebotfreinachIhren Wünschen, Bedürfnissen und Vorlieben zufiltern,eineMerkliste zu erstellen und dann - ohne weitere Umwege -direktüberdie App eine unverbindliche Anfrage für Ihre Traumyachtan unszustellen. Features: - Yachtsuche nach zahlreichenKategorien(Typ,Standort, Größe, Ausstattung…) - Yachtdarstellungenmit vielDetail- Preise und Konditionen, Extras und Zusatzkostendirekt aufeinenBlick - Viele Yachten mit Live-Verfügbarkeit-PersönlicheFavoriten-/ Merkliste kann unabhängig von IhrerAnfragegespeichertwerden und später auf dem Desktop oder Tabletgeöffnetwerden -Unabhängiges, kundengestütztes Bewertungssystem derYachtenundVeranstalter - Unverbindliche Anfrage direkt an1aYachtchartersenden, ganz bequem gleich mehrere Yachten beiunsanfragenÜbersicht über unser Angebot: Wir bietenSegelyachten,Katamarane,Motoryachten der Werften Jeanneau,Beneteau, Hanse,Bavaria, Elanund Dufour (uvm) in Kroatien, Italien,Slowenien,Griechenland,Frankreich, Spanien, Dänemark, Schweden,Polen,Deutschland, derTürkei und in der Karibik.
Guia Dos Mares La Manga Ads 2.02
A paradise between two seas.La Manga del Mar Menor, a privileged environment insoutheastSpain, a coastal strip of 21 km in length, 3.7 km2, bathedby twoseas and 44 km of beaches, is without any doubt a verypeculiarplace, both that even for the people of La Manga it isdifficult toknow all the services it offers, not to mention themore than200,000 people that summer can brings there.Bars, restaurants, water sports, ice cream, sailingschools,pubs, boat rentals, boat tour and a long list ofservices.With Guía Dos Mares La Manga you will have all thatinformationin your pocket:Database with over 700 references.Geo, because we know how difficult it is to find an address inLaManga.Services listed by category.Database´s update system.Smart search, directly type what you want to find (beer,surfing,etc ...).Services proximity search using GPS location.
Yacht Charter Book 2.0 offersanastoundingvariety of more than 8500 vessels worldwide. Luxurymotorboats,sailing yachts, catamarans from top tiermanufacturerswithfantastic sailing performance, overall design, andcomfort. Andforthose looking for something with more flairandvogue, offers an exclusive bookingopportunityofmega-yachts in the Mediterranean and Caribbean is an intuitive andstraight-forwardservicethat guarantees the best chartering fee inthe business. Westriveto make booking a seamless and hassle freeexperience.Our central office is located in London, Englandwithadditionaloffices in France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Russia,CroatiaandLatvia amounting to 8 en is registered in the Companies House(UK)underthe name of YACHT CHARTER BOOK LTD and has theregistrationnumber09238453Our team consists of highly trained professionalswhofluentlyspeak 5 languages and are able to assist our customersinamultitude of languages: English, Spanish, German,FrenchandRussian.We aim to provide you with the best,hassle-freecharteringexperience no matter the budget. With ourmeticulous careandpersonalized approach to all of your mostdemanding needs, wehopeto meet your expectations and hopefullyleave you with amostmemorable and carefree sailing experience.
alquilar en españa, 8
With our app quickly and easily borrow allaboutandhire of any kindFollowing the motto , why buy when you can rent.We offer a service that no matter where they are in Spain,youalwaysget everything shown in your area. Looking for a car torentamotorbike to rent an apartment or house , tools,trailers,computers, mobile home, need help in certain cases,electricians,painters , etc. Planning a big event , itneedutensils, tables,chairs, or a band you want to spend a niceweekendin a differentcity , through our app you get all High Lightsin thecatering andevent display area .The other special feature of our app is that they also getalltopoffers appear in your area, such as a lunch menu with agreatprice,events and many more.This applies to the whole of Spain, no matter whatprovinceyoureside or want to go .We are a young company , and strive to provide you with asquicklyaspossible in all regions and in all categoriesprovider.If you have questions or comments to us , then contacts you,weare always there for you .They support our young team , and give our app a rating.
Country Facts Spain 1.1
Country Facts Spain provides a simple andeasyway to learn about Spain. The app is full of interestingcountryfacts that will teach you about Spainish culture,geography,history, people and more. All the country facts andimages werecarefully selected and reviewed for accuracy andrelevancy.Who is this app for:★ Tourists traveling to Spain★ Parents educating their kids about Spain★ Individuals interested in learning about SpainFeatures:★ Spain fact categories like: culture, people and history★ Lots of fun images of SpainSample Spain country fact:"Spain is the number one country in regards to organ donation intheworld."
Spain Travel & Trip 1.0
Spain trip guide travel &holidaysadvisorfor touristsThis app is created to providing themostcomprehensiveinformation about traveling to other countries.Withour guide Youwill up-to-date with current informationabout:weather, "best timeto travel" , currencies rates,accommodation,embassies andconsulates.In our mobile guide you can find free and easy to usetoolwithforeign exchange rates, currency conversion, pricesandadditionalfeatures like accommodation and car hire.This free, mobile currency exchange rates calculatorhelpsyouconvert 73 currencies among others: US dollar, euro,yen,Chinesewon, Russian ruble.Ready to work OFFLINE - without incurring roaming charges!Additionally, before you start your journey, you cancheckactualprices of:- food- restaurants- local transport and taxi- fuel- accommodationApp present detailed weather forecast per 3 hour periodsfor6days, daily weather for 12 days and 30 days longtermweatherforecast basedon archive data.App shows detailed current weather with information about:- conditions- min & max temperature at night, evening and morning- humidity- pressure- wind speed- clouds cover- sunrise and sunset- length of the dayAccurate and local forecasts for locations worldwide, nowcanworkoffline in your device. Best app for traveler andmountainhikers!App can work in offline mode, weather forecast canbeviewedoffline, after data is cached. You can use this weatherappwithoutdata roaming and hidden costs!Our app is the best place where you can findinformationaboutembassies via country name such as:- address and map- telephone or email- nearby accommodationWe provide actual information about general visarequirementsoffully internationally recognized countries.
Ecotourist in Spain 1.2
Ecotourism in Spain is amultiplattformapplication, both in English and Spanish. It waspromoted byTUREBE(Ecotourism Club manager in Spain), with theintention ofgiving a knowing Ecotourism in Spain and its protectedareas,nature, hiking, and rural environment.In particular, three pilot focused on this kind of tourism:National and Natural Park of Sierra Nevada (Granada-Almería)Biosphere Reserve Muniellos - Fuentes del Narcea (Asturias)Geopark Villuercas, Ibores, Jara (Caceres)You can meet the natural and cultural values ​​of theseprotectedareas.We also want you tu fun while you know these destinations,andtherefore there is a game with different challenges you can do,inorder to get awards consisting of ecotourism experiences. Areyougoing to miss it?
Barcelona Travel Guide Spain 2.3.9
The Barcelona Travel Guide - Spain creates customitinerariesinBarcelona based on your preferences! The guidecalculates thebestroutes, suggests places for you to visit,considers schedulesofplaces, helps you to find hotels, restaurants,museums,palaces,castles, bike, weather, nightlife, tours, maps andoutlets.ExploreBarcelona - Spain as if you were a local! Features:★ TheBarcelonaTravel Guide creates itineraries for your tripsinseconds, basedon your preferences! You can change and adapt itasyou wish ★Explore attractions, outlets, restaurantsfood,attractions,hotels, nightlife, maps, hostels and city toursinBarcelona -Spain ★ Nativoo Barcelona Travel Guide learnsyourpreferences, youcan also set a quick profile to help theguidesuggest the bestroutes and places for you.
Hotel Oasis in Cordoba, Spain 3.0
King Code
Hotel Oasis is one of the best in Cordoba near theMosque-Cathedral.Best price.
Alhambra Palace Granada Spain 30.1
The Alhambra commonly known as AlhambraPalaceis a magnificent historical palace & fortress complexlocatedin Granada Spain. Guiddoo World presents the best AlhambraGuidefor your trip to the historic Alhambra in Granada Spain onyoursmartphone. The Smart Travel App provides a detailed Visual&Textual Alhambra Guide Tour, A Google Maps powered GranadaMaps toreach the Alhambra Palace, Listings of Tours, TicketsandActivities in and near The Alhambra Palace, Granada Spain andothertraveler tools like Currency Convertor, Weather Widget, etc.toenhance your trip to the Alhambra Palace in Granada Spain.The Guiddoo Alhambra Tour Guide is the Highest Rated (★★★★★)TourGuide for The Alhambra Palace on Google PlayAbout Guiddoo World Tour Guides:Featured extensively across news media channels likeCNBC,Bloomberg, Times of India, Technode China, Khaleej Times, TechinAsia, The National and various other places, Guiddoo Tour Guidesisnot your “Regular City Guides” which tell you the Top 10 thingsina City but Guiddoo Provides you an indepth Visual Tour ofthese“Top 10” places in a city along with Hotels, Restaurants,Shoppingand a variety of tools needed during your Trip.About The Alhambra Tour Guide:Planning and reaching Granada to visit The Alhambra can beadifficult task to perform however The Alhambra Granada TourGuidehelps travelers do this with great ease by offeringAlhambraTickets, Alhambra Personal Tours and Packages, HotelsandRestaurants around Alhambra along with a lot of otherusefulinformation.What does it offer you?• Complete Interactive step-by-step tour guide• Key attractions in Audio Visual Tour Guide Format• Listings of Tours, Tickets and Activities in and near TheAlhambraPalace• Trivia and History for The Alhambra Palace• Tourist information like Alhambra Opening and ClosingTimes,Directions, Places of Interest like Hotels and Restaurantsand alot more.Know all about the Alhambra even before you arrive at this placeaswell as use it as a travel tool while visiting Granada.Thisquintessential Guiddoo Alhambra Granada Tour Guide will proveto beyour perfect partner when you visit this iconic monumentinGranada.