Top 50 Apps Similar to Edible mushroom - Photos

Book of Mushrooms 4.4
A nice collection of all major fungi species.
Mushroom Identify - Automatic 2.82
Automatically identify species from photo, save where youfoundmushrooms
Myco - Mushroom Guide 1.4.0
Myco contains information about 300+ types of mushrooms.
Picture Mushroom - Mushroom ID 2.9.18
Identify mushroom & fungi by photo, mushroom guide forhunting& foraging
Book of Mushrooms PRO 4.4
A nice collection of all major fungi species.
BioGuide - World Field Guide 0.5.5
Find out more about animals, plants, fungi around you.Photos,facts, sounds.
Shroomify - USA Mushroom ID 1.4
Mushroom Hunting Guide to the USA. Learn to identify common fungi
MushtoolPro - Mushroom
Mushtool is an application for all the mushroom finders.
Myco pro - Mushroom Guide 1.4.0
Myco pro contains information about 300+ types of mushrooms.
Грибы 1.4.0
VT Labs
Reference book containing descriptions of the most famous edibleandpoisonous mushrooms
ShroomID - Identify Mushrooms! 2.25.1
Mushroom identification app created by professionalmushroomscientists
Лекарственные растения 1.4.1
VT Labs
Reference containing descriptions of the most well-knownmedicinalplants
iKnow Mushrooms 2 PRO
The ultimate FIELD GUIDE to MUSHROOMS, all in the palm of yourhand!They grow in large numbers in forests and fields. Millionsofthem are hiding in the protective thicket and many withstandaneager collector. The common mushroom, dearly loved treasure inmanykitchens. But once it's found, fundamental doubts replacetheinitial euphoria. What kind of mushroom is this actually? Isitedible, perhaps toxic, even hallucinogenic?Finally, you have the option to identify species without thehelpof a heavy book. You get a comprehensive library full offacts,figures, and images. Learn where to find mushrooms, look upif theyare edible. Find inspiration and experience nature in awhole newway.CONTENT* 300 species - 2000 images* Extensive description of the species* Species names in 11 languages* Scientific identification* Online Mushroom Consultation* Quiz gameSEARCH AND IDENTIFY SPECIES BY* APPEARANCE AND SCENT- size, color, hat, gills, stem, etc.* EDIBILITY AND TASTE- toxic, edible, allergen, etc.* FRUIT BODY TYPE- belly mushrooms, gilled mushrooms, truffle, etc.* HABITAT- deciduous or coniferous forest floor, etc.* FAMILY- Agaricaceae, Boletaceae, Clathraceae, etc.* MEDICINAL BENEFIT AND POISON- antibiotic, Psilocybin, Muscarin, etc.QUIZ GAME* Guess species from pictures* Learn to distinguish different speciesNATURE MOBILE on YouTube: NATURE MOBILEThe mission of NATURE MOBILE is to present exciting topicsfromnature and other areas to a wide audience of interestedpeople,enthusiasts, and experts in an attractive way. You are anauthor orphotographer, you have fascinating ideas or content,please contactus at [email protected] OUT MORE APPS BY NATURE MOBILETopics: mushroom hunting, collect, fungi, grow,funghi,collecting, growing, identification, vegetables, trees,plants,recipes, vegetarian, vegan, cooking, collecting
Nature - Europe 44
Over 1200 plant and animal species of Europe.
Mushrooms app 106
Mushroom recognition application with complex guide and key.
Pilze 123 2.98
The most extensive mushroom encyclopedia with 3,700+ mushroomsWithsimple fungal determination 🍄
Грибы, Ягоды, Травы 2.1.6
Mushrooms, berries and herbs. Directory Navigator 3 in 1.
Herbalist. The witch doctor. F 4.79
Travnik (Witch Doctor) - directory of herbs and herbs.Folkremedies.
Nature - North America 44
Over 1200 plant and animal species of North America.
FlowerChecker+, plant identify
This app provides plantidentificationservice. You simply take a picture of an unknownplant (ormoss, lichen and even fungi) and get it identified byinternationalteam of experts.The installation includes three prepaididentifications,each other for: 1 USD / 0.7 EUR. We useGoogle's in-apppurchase. The reason is the identification processis notcomputer-based, it requires human involvement. Anyway, if wecan'tidentify your plant, you don't spend anything.Our team will respond as soon as possible, but theidentificationusually takes minutes or hours. In average, we manageto solve morethan 95% plant requests.The app is add-free.
Flora Incognita 3.6.72
Plant identification with automatic image recognition
Nature My - Europe 44
Over 2500 plant and animal species of Europe.
Agrobase -weed,disease,insects 1.3.1
Crop protection products, insects, pests, diseases, weed identifier
Medicinal Plants & Herbs Guide
Anna Voronich
Encyclopedia for herbalist: dictionary herbology, naturalmedicine& remedies
The Plantae: Identify plant
Instantly identify your observations of plants!
Edible Plant Guide 1.0
Over 2,500 beautiful images covering over 950 plants and 377healthconditions!
Всё о растениях – Флорист-X 1.8.165
Это официальное приложениесайта, а сайт Флорист-X – один изсамыхпосещаемых сайтов про садоводство и цветоводство, на которомможноузнать почти все про комнатные цветы, огородные и садовыерастения– их посадку, выращивание и уход.База растений регулярно пополняется!На данный момент в приложении уже более 500 статей:– 148 материалов про комнатные цветы и уход за ними;– 203 статья про садовые цветы и растения;– 77 публикаций о выращивании огородных растений;– 58 статей о посадке и уходе за плодово-ягодными растениями,атакже проблемы, которые возникают при их выращивании, и как сэтимипроблемами бороться.Основная особенность справочника – вся текстовая информациядоступнаОФФЛАЙН!Есть календарь работ садовода-огородника на каждый день!!!Особенности нашего приложения:– добавлен лунный посевной календарь садовода-огородника!– приложение полностью двуязычное – на русском и украинскомязыках.Язык выбирается в зависимости от настроек телефона, но еговсегдаможно изменить в настройках приложения;– удобная категоризация – 4 основных раздела, в каждом изкоторыхесть подразделы, которые облегчают поиск информации онужномкомнатном или садовом растении;– у каждой статьи есть содержание, поэтому перейти кинтересующемувас вопросу можно в одно нажатие;– «Избранное» – чтобы не искать каждый раз статьи о цветах,которыечаще всего просматриваете, просто добавьте их в «Избранное».Послеэтого их всегда можно будет открыть всего в два клика;– «Блокнот» – статья интересная, но большая, а вам необходиматолькочасть информации? Выделите нужный текст и нажмите кнопку«Вблокнот»! Всё, теперь всего в два нажатия можно найтинужнуюзаметку. Кстати, в блокноте можно создавать произвольныезаписи,редактировать их или удалять;– если забыли, как называется садовое или комнатное растение,нопомните, к какому семейству оно относится – всоответствующемразделе можно найти растения по названиюсемейства;– увеличивайте или уменьшайте шрифт, чтобы ваши глаза не уставалиотчтения. Это можно сделать в настройках приложения.– некоторые растения имеют не одно название (например,хоста,которую также называют функия). Мы постарались учесть это,так чтоможно найти нужное растение по любому его названию.– главное изображение растения и все тексты доступны оффлайн,чтобынужная информация всегда была под рукой независимо отналичияинтернета. Доступ к интернету необходим только дляотображениядополнительных изображений. Если проблем с интернетом небывает,можно установить галочку, чтобы фотографииподгружалисьавтоматически при открытии статьи.Мы рады, если нужная информация нашлась. Если нет – напишите нам,мыобязательно ее добавим в ближайшие 1-2 обновления приложения.Вприложении в разделе «О программе» можно найти контакты для связиснами.У нас еще много идей, которые мы будем обязательнореализовывать.Сообщайте о ваших пожеланиях в отзывах, не забывайтеоцениватьприложение – каждый ваш отзыв и оценка очень важны длянас!This is theofficial application site, and the siteFlorist-X -one of the most visited sites for horticulture andfloriculture,where you can find out almost everything about indoorplants,vegetable and garden plants - their planting, cultivationandmaintenance.Base plant is regularly updated!At this point in the application for more than 500 articles:- 148 materials about indoor plants and care for them;- 203 article about garden flowers and plants;- 77 publications on the cultivation of garden plants;- 58 articles on planting and caring for fruit plants, as wellasthe problems that arise when they are grown, and how to dealwiththese problems. The main feature of the directory - the entire text informationisavailable online!There is a calendar of works gardener every day !!! Features of our application:- Added the lunar planting calendar gardener!- the application is completely bilingual - Russian andUkrainianlanguages. Language is selected depending on your phonesettings,but it can always be changed in the applicationsettings;- easy categorization - 4 main sections, each of whichhassub-sections that facilitate the search for information aboutthedesired indoor or garden plants;- each article is the content, so go to your issue, you can withasingle click;- "Favorites" - not to search every time the article aboutthecolors that are most viewed, simply add them to your"Favorites".After that they can always be opened just twoclicks;- "Notepad" - an interesting article, but much, and you needonlypart of the information? Select the text and click on"Thenotebook"! All are now just two clicks you can find the rightnote.By the way, in a notebook, you can create any record, editordelete;- if you forgot the name of garden or houseplant, but remembertowhat family it belongs - in the relevant section of the plantcanbe found on the name of the family;- increase or decrease the font so that your eyes do not gettiredfrom reading. This can be done in the applicationsettings.- some plants have more than one name (for example,hostfunctionality is also called). We have tried to take thisintoaccount, so that we can find the right plant for any ofitsname.- the main image of the plant and all texts are accessibleofflineto the right information is always at hand, regardless oftheavailability of the Internet. Internet access is only requiredtodisplay additional images. If problems with the Internet is notthecase, you can set the check mark to images loadedautomaticallywhen you open the article. We are glad if the right information was found. If not - writetous, we will add it in the next 1-2 application updates. Intheapplication, in the "About", you can find contacts tocommunicatewith us. We still have a lot of ideas that we are definitely goingtoimplement. Communicate about your wishes in a review, do notforgetto assess the application - each of your review and appraisalisvery important to us!
Reference book of fruit trees
All you want to know about of Reference book of fruit trees!
Seek by iNaturalist 2.15.6
Identify plants and animals
Карманный доктор первой помощи 3.9
Manual on first aid from a physician, scientist, teacherChaytsevaVG
Nature My - North America 44
Over 2500 plant and animal species of North America.
iNaturalist 1.29.2
Observe and identify plants and animals with your friends
Orthoptera 2.0.0
Garzotto GmbH
Determine and discover the Switzerland and Germany, thelocustsintuitive.
Minerals guide
Anna Voronich
All you want to know about of Minerals!
Picture Bird - Bird Identifier 2.9.22
Identify bird by photo or sound (song and call)
Ornithopedia Europe 1.3.6
All 1144 birds of Europe with sounds,images,video and much more
Audubon Bird Guide 6.6.7
Identify over 800 bird species
Hunter's guide "Bandolier"
Application for amateurs and professional hunters.Interactiveguide.
OrnitO 5.18 Erythrura regia
Birding field guide covering all the birds of the world, can beusedoffline.
Mom´s Botanicals 1.3.1
Mom´s Botanicals - Herbs as a delicacy and medicine
Wild flowers 3.1.1
Wild flowers allows you to identify 1771 wild flowers ofWesternEurope.
NaturaList 0.223
NaturaList allow you to quickly record all yournaturalisticobservations
Nature My - South America 44
Over 2500 plant and animal species of South America.
Picture Insect: Bug Identifier 2.8.20
Instantly identify insects, spiders, pests, butterflies and more
iForest - Trees and shrubs 6.1
Garzotto GmbH
Plant book for the most important kinds of trees and bushesinCentral Europe
Медицинская Справочник
Russian free medical dictionary with easy and functional interface.
Энциклопедия эфирных масел 2.31
Handy guide to aromatherapy is always at hand.Descriptions,recipes, tips.
Plantum - Plant Identifier 3.0.2
Take care of plants with reminders, diagnose them with ourplantidentifier!
GoBird - Guide to Nearby Birds 1.4.4
Discover and identify birds around you, anywhere in the world.
eBird by Cornell Lab 2.8.5
eBird Mobile makes it easy to record thebirdsyou see in the field, and seamlessly link these observationswitheBird--a global online database of bird records used byhundreds ofthousands of birders around the world. This freeresource makes iteasy to keep track of what you see, while makingyour data openlyavailable for scientific research, education, andconservation.eBird Mobile is the only app that passes informationdirectly fromthe Android device to your eBird account on theweb.Features- Enter bird observations from any location around the world.- Full global taxonomy based on The Clements Checklist of Birdsofthe World.- Common names available in local languages (e.g., Portuguesenamesin Brazil or in Portugal).- Checklists customized for your location and time of year,showingmost likely species based on eBird data.- Rare species flagged during data entry and on thechecklist.- "Record as you go" functionality for incremental list keepingandcounting while birding.- GPS enabled location plotting to ensure accuracy.- Map tools that enable selecting from hundreds of thousandsofeBird "Hotspots."- Full offline functionality, enabling use in places with limitedorno Internet connection.- Entire app translated to Bulgarian, Danish, German,Spanish,French, Croatian, Khmer, Norwegian, Dutch, Polish,Portuguese,Serbian, Swedish, Thai, Turkish, Chinese (Simplified),and Chinese(Traditional).