Top 23 Apps Similar to Shema - The Jewish App

Brochos - Jewish Blessings 1.0.3
A reference database of Brochos to say on Food and otherimportantthings
Bedtime Shema: Jewish Children 1.3.0
The Bedtime Shema app is a fun and interactive learning aidforJewish children.
BetaMidrash 2.01
We've teamed up with Sefaria to buildastate-of-the-art app for learning Torah. Since we will no longerbeupdating BetaMidrash, please download the new Sefaria appat all the latest texts, translations and features!-----BetaMidrash is revolutionizing the mobile Torah learningexperienceand has one of largest libraries of Torah and Jewishtexts on amobile device, with tens of thousands of Englishtranslations, andhalf a million connections between the texts. Witha user friendlydesign, easy jumping between connected sources, andadvancedsearching to help you find what you're looking for quickly,it isthe best places to study Torah on the go.Our library is from, with slightmodifications.Sefaria is breaking grounds in the world of digitizedJewish texts.It is an open source library, so if you want to addtranslations orbooks, the power is in your hands. They check theaccuracy of thecontent, making have the most accurate Talmud textfreely availableon the internet, using the Vilna shas as thestandard. One of thethings that makes Sefaria so unique is that alltheir texts arecopyright free and open for anyone to use for anypurpose.BetaMidrash isn't part of the Sefaria project, butSefaria'sopenness enables us to use the Torah.BetaMidrash contains millions of Jewish texts, and hundredsofthousands of connections between them. BetaMidrash contains oneof(if not the) largest libraries of Jewish texts available onamobile device also containing many many translations includingfulltranslation of Tanach and Mishna. Some of the textsinclude:Tanach (Torah, Neviim, Kesuvim)Commentaries include: Rashi, Ramban, Eban Ezra, Rashbam,Radak,Sforno... (many more)MishnahToseftaTamludMidrashHalakhahKabbalahTefillah (Siddur for Ashkenaz, Edot HaMizrach, and Sefard)PhilosophyChasidutMussarResponsaPlus many many more!!תנך - תורה, נביאים, כתוביםרש''י, רמב"ן, עבן עזרא, רשב"ם, רד"ק, ספורנו...והרבה עודמשנהתוספתאתלמודמדרשהלכהקבלהתפילה - אשכנז, ספרד, עדת המזרחמחשבהחסידותמוסרשו"תועוד!BetaMidrash is created and owned by JoshHerzberg,[email protected], and NoahSantacruz,[email protected] any bugs, problems, or suggestions please feel free toemailus. If you enjoy BetaMidrash, don't forget to rate it on theplaystore. You can also help support the project by going toourwebsite, also created
Bíblia Israelita completa 4.5
Conheça o projeto da Bíblia Israelita. A Bíblia Israelita Muitosnosperguntam se a Bíblia Israelita é uma tradução direta dascopiasmanuscritas, nossa resposta a essa pergunta é: Não, a BIJN(BíbliaIsraelita Versão Judaica Nazarena) não é uma tradução, masumacompilação de vários manuscritos e versões de bíblias jáexistentes.A Base da BIJN Usamos como base para as compilações ecorreções, aversão livre de direitos autorais em português,publicada pelocoautor Jacobus op den Akker. Usamos essa versão emportuguês como abase da BIJN, de forma proposital já que milhõesde brasileiros usama versão de JFA. Nós acreditamos que nem tudofoi mal traduzido épor esse motivo que começamos um trabalhosilencioso de correçõesbaseado nesses manuscritos: codexalexandrinus, codex vaticanus,codex sinaiticus, Codex SyrusCuretonianus, Peshita em inglês,Pergaminhos do mar morto,Matityahu de Shem Tov, Matityahu de DuTillet. Usamos tambémalgumas versões para consulta, são elas:Bíblia de Jerusalém,Bíblia King James 1611, Bíblia Reina Valéria,Bíblia do Peregrino,Bíblia Almeida Corrigida e Fiel. Os autores daBIJN Não usamos apalavra “autor”, mas usamos a palavra“colaboradores”, essa é aprimeira versão onde centenas de pessoasparticiparam contribuindocom suas descobertas e enviando para oe-mail:[email protected] e o coordenador geral é MarcosSantos.Nosso foco não é em quem fez as correções, mas em suaveracidade. Oúnico autor é o Criador, dele é a fonte de todasabedoria. Oslivros nazarenos Atualmente conhecido como “novotestamento”. Estácontida na BIJN. Esses livros, que sãoconsiderados históricos efazem parte dos israelitas nazarenos apósa vinda do Ungido. Apesardesses livros estarem na BIJN os mesmosnão estão em pé deigualdade com o tanach nas formulaçõesdoutrinarias. A base dascorreções. A base de nossas correções é atoráh. O que estivercontra a toráh foi considerado profano e usamoscomo referência oconceito que o Eterno não se contradiz em suaspróprias palavras.Assim qualquer escrito que tenha o adjetivo de“Sagrada Escritura”,não pode entrar em contradição com o restante.Os originais Nãoexiste nada de original escrito pelos profetas, oque existem sãocopias das copias dos originais. É por esse motivoque existemtantas versões de bíblias. Esse projeto tem a Toráh comobase e porisso não erraremos o caminho. A torá e os profetas(tanach) a Lei oTestemunho são o mapa para chegarmos em umacorreção mais justa.Uma bíblia perfeita nesse mundo atual nuncaexistirá, mas teremosuma que nos leva a toráh de forma mais próximada perfeição.
Complete Jewish Bible 2.0
Holy Bibles
This app provides the Complete JewishBibletranslation into English by David H. Stern. The besttranslationfor Jews and non-Jews.Enjoy this unique Bible Version with names and key terms inoriginalHebrew and presented in easy-to-read Englishtransliterations.David H. Stern was an American professor and writer whotranslatedthe Holy Bible into English. His translation waspublished in 1998and consists of a revision of the Old Testament(Tanakh) andoriginal Jewish New Testament (B'rit Hadashah).His purpose was to make a Jewish Bible close to the originalJewishcontext and culture and in easy and modern English.Download this Bible, different from all other Bibles, aversionfully Jewish in style and presentation.The CJB includes the Old and New Testament and uses Hebrew namesforpeople or places.Read the Complete Jewish Bible free online, search and readyourfavorite verses, all in your phone or tablet Android.The Old Testament contains 39 books (Genesis, Exodus,Leviticus,Numbers,Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1 Samuel, 2Samuel, 1Kings, 2 Kings, 1 Chronicles, 2 Chronicles, Ezra,Nehemiah, Esther,Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song ofSolomon, Isaiah,Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel, Daniel, Hosea,Joel, Amos,Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah,Haggai,Zechariah, Malachi)The New Testament contains 27 books (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John,TheActs, Romans, 1 Corinthians, 2 Corinthians, Galatians,Ephesians,Philippians, Colossians, 1 Thessalonians, 2Thessalonians, 1Timothy, 2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon, Hebrews,James, 1 Peter, 2Peter, 1 John, 2 John, 3 John, Jude,Revelation)
Shema Israel 0.1
In terms of content, the verse is acalltoIsrael to recognize the divinity of the Lord and accepttheburdenof his reign, when he was the God of Israel, and asasingle(perception monotheism). Sources said that Moses inhisaddress tothe people of Israel before his death. The Talmudpointsout thatthe verse is said even before that by the sons ofJacob,Jacobbefore he died:Simon said Lakish: "And Jacob called his sons and saidpooledandtell you - ask Jacob to find the right end to hissonsanddisappeared from calling. Said: "God forbid that thereisnothingwrong in my bed, like Abraham and Ishmael came fromIsaacpain Esauout of it? ' His sons told him: 'Hear, O Israel: theLordour God,the Lord is One. Just as there is only one heart, butthatno onein our hearts. " At the same time opened Jacob andsaid:'Welcomethe glory of His kingdom forever and ever.- Babylonian Talmud, Tractate Page Nu CAAppears in the Torah verse "Hear O Israel" with thelettersayinof "Audio" and daled of "one" increased (incapitalletters).Following that is printed at the samearrangements.According tothe Babylonian Talmud (Tractate Berachot,page XIII EA)isimportant to extend and precise pronunciation of theword"one",especially with d, in order not to imply that the GodofIsrael isGod then (following the replacement of the letter Daletr). Theverse is perceived, ever since the Talmud, especiallyShema,andtherefore tend to extend it in particular and more directthantheother portions.The verse "Hear O Israel" signifies sometimes themostbasicknowledge that every Jew should know. Thus, for example,showsanorganization Yad L'Achim Jewish children that growwiththeirfather in the Arab village of Arab children who do notknowsay,"Hear O Israel". [1] In 2001, the Shas party outbigadvertisingcampaign to introduce recognition verse O Israel,therabbi OvadiaYosef dreamed Messiah said he does not come tothatmillionchildren who do not know the "Shema Israel". [2]Rebbe Kalibo Rabbi Menachem Mendel Taub amended the saying"HearOIsrael" at the end of every prayer in memory ofHolocaustvictims, aswell as encouraging saying "Hear O Israel"incommemoration ofHolocaust victims at the end of ralliesReligiousCommunity. Even thename of the institute memorial toHolocaustvictims initiated earth "see Kalibo is the "ShemaIsrael", as thename of the encyclopedia outby the Institute whichwere collectedstories of faith and devotionof those whodied.terms
Sefaria 6.0.4
A Living Library of Jewish Texts
Jewish Bible in English Jewish bible in English free 15.0
Welcome to the app to read and listen to the Jewish Bible.
Diccionario Hebreo Bíblico 11.0.0
Historia,Cursos de Hebreo, Cursos dehebreopara niños, Diccionarios hebreo español, Vocabulariohebreoespañol, Glosarios hebreo español, Bilbias....El Tanaj(delacrónimo en hebreo תַּנַךְ tanakh) es el conjunto de los 24librosde la Biblia .Los libros en el Tanaj se agrupan en tres conjuntos: la LeyoInstrucción (Torá), los Profetas (Nevi'im) y losEscritos(Ketuvim). Moshé recibió la Torá en el Monte Sinai en elaño 2448de la creación del mundo (1313 a.e.c.).La Torá que el Creador le entregó al pueblo de Israel,estabaescrita de manera tal que además de poder estudiarse medianteunentendimiento literal del texto, también era posible llegaraniveles más profundos de comprensión mediante otrossistemasinterpretativos de las escrituras que no contradecíanlaliteralidad del texto, sino que complementaban el entendimientodelmismo. Y así enseñaron Nuestros Sabios: "Setenta facetas tienelaTorá", y todas ellas son verdaderas y provienen de la mismafuente:el Creador del universo.Cada uno de estos sistemas interpretativos de la Torá poseereglaspropias y a ellos se los llama generalmente el "Pardés", pueslapalabra pardés (huerto) está formada por las cuatroletrasiniciales de los cuatro caminos interpretativos y deentendimientode la Torá.El hebreo es una lengua semítica de la familiaafroasiáticahablada por seis millones de personas en Israel y poralgunascomunidades judías repartidas por el mundo. El hebreo es,junto conel árabe, una de las dos lenguas oficiales de Israel.Incluimos también la posibilidad de leer los descubrimientosdeQumrán :- Libro de Enoc- Testamento de los 12 Patriarcas- El Libro de los JubileosDentro de la sección "Más Apps Bíblicas Gratis" podrásencontraraplicaciones de ayuda como:Temas bíblicos para predicar , Diccionario Teológico ,DiccionarioHebreo , Geografía e Historia Bíblica , Música Cristiana, TeologíaBíblica , Oraciones , El Evangelio del día , BíbliaInfantilIlustrada , Los Salmos , Bíblia Infantil , RecursosCatólicos ,Matrimonio Cristiano , Radios Cristianas , HimnarioAdventista .. yalgunas más.Para cumplir la normativa de las autoridades de protección dedatoscomunicamos:En este sítio se usan identificadores de dispositivoparapersonalizar el contenido y los anuncios, con el fin deofreceranuncios de medios y para analizar el tráfico. Ademáscompartimosesos identificadores y otra información del dispositivoconpartners de medios sociales de publicidad y análisis web.Másdetalles en:, Hebrewcourses,courses for children Hebrew, Spanish Hebrew Dictionaries,HebrewSpanish vocabulary, Spanish Hebrew Glossaries, Bilbias ....TheTanakh (the Hebrew acronym תַּנַךְ tanakh) is the set of the24books of the Bible.The books in the Tanakh are grouped into three sets: the LaworInstruction (Torah), the Prophets (nevi'im) and theWritings(Ketuvim). Moshe received the Torah at Mount Sinai in theyear 2448of the creation of the world (1313 a.e.c.).The Torah that the Creator gave to the people of Israel,waswritten so that besides being able to be studied by aliteralunderstanding of the text, it was also possible to reachdeeperlevels of understanding by other interpretive systems scriptsthatdid not contradict the letter of the text, but complementedtheunderstanding of it. And Our Sages taught: "Seventy facets havetheTorah," and all of them are true and come from the same source:theCreator of the universe.Each of these interpretive systems Torah has its own rules andtheyare generally called the "Pardes" because the word Pardes(orchard)is formed by the first four letters of the fourinterpretive pathsand understanding of the Torah.Hebrew is a Semitic language of the Afro-Asiatic family spokenbysix million people in Israel and some Jewish communitiesscatteredthroughout the world. Hebrew is, along with Arabic, oneof the twoofficial languages ​​of Israel. We also include the ability to read the discoveriesofQumran:- Book of Enoch- Testament of the 12 Patriarchs- The Book of JubileesWithin the "More Free Bible Apps" section you can findhelperapplications such as:Biblical themes to preach, Theological Dictionary,HebrewDictionary, Geography and Biblical History, ChristianMusic,Biblical Theology, Prayers, The Gospel of the day, BibleChildren'sIllustrated, The Psalms, Bible Children, CatholicResources,Christian Marriage, Radio Christian, Adventist Hymnal ..and somemore.To comply with the rules of the data protectionauthoritiescommunicate:On this site device identifiers are used to personalize contentandads, in order to provide media ads and to analyze traffic. Wealsoshare those identifiers and other device information withpartnerssocial media advertising and web analytics. More detailsat:
Jewish Books - Braslev
OKtm Websites
* Free With ads* Hebrew Text *Books from Rebbe Nachman of Braslev (Uman):Likutei Moharan A, B and Sefer HamidotKeywords: Hebrew, Jew, Breslav, Braslav, Torah, bible,Israel
iTorah 1.22
Crowded Road
NEW! The best selling iPhone & iPadTorah(Bible) app with English is finally available for Android!----------------------------------ENGLISH TRANSLATION WITH INTERLINEAR & SYNCHRONIZATION● A complete English translation of the Torah is fullyintegratedinto iTorah.● View English translation in full page, dual-window andinterlinearmodes.● English search included.HD PRINT, VOWELS & EVEN A TIKKUN!iTorah Android Edition was created with beautiful typographyandcrisp print. We've even included vowels and trop for thehebrewtext so it's easier to read (requires OS 3.2+).INTEGRATED CLASSIC COMMENTARIES WITH INTERLINEARThousands and thousands of Hebrew comments & insights,viewablein both interlinear or synchronized dual-windows, by theforemostcommentators of the Torah.● Rashi● Ramban (Nachmanides)● Ibn Ezra● Seforno● Ohr HaChaim● Targum Onkelos (requires OS 3.2+)● Targum Yonasan (requires OS 3.2+)TIKKUN / SEFER TORAH SCROLL VIEWSee the text as it appears in a real Sefer Torah Scroll!INTEGRATED AUDIO LECTURES/SHIURIM● Audio shiurim/lectures let you follow along inside the text,lookat the integrated commentaries and listen to the audio all atthesame time!● Inspiring lectures based on textual analysis and insightsfromtraditional Rabbinic commentaries.● Delivered by Rabbi Dovid Grossman, a founder of the YeshivaGedolaof Los Angeles.THE PARSHA● Jump to the weekly Parsha (Torah portion) with asingleclick.● Parsha mode - pages are divided by the weekly Aliya.● Audio lectures are divided up based on the Parsha.● See the Parsha, aliya by aliya in the original text withTikkunmode.BROWSE, SEARCH & BOOKMARK● Browse by book (sefer), parsha, chapter or jump to aspecificpage, anywhere.● Comprehensive keyword search across the entire Torah● Bookmark any chapter or specific aliya within a Parsha.
OKtm English Torah
OKtm Websites
עכשיו במחירי מבצע בישראל* English Text* Fully revised. New interface.Offline full English (Israelites) Torah book!(Hebrew text version also available)Features:- Change font, color and font size- English and Hebrew menus- Bookmarks- Send chapter to email- Toggle Full screen- Context menu (long press text).and more.Includes:Bereshit-GenesisShemot-ExodusVayyiqra-LeviticusBemidbar-NumbersDevarim-Deuteronomy
Torah, Tehilim, Hebrew-English 1.0.4
Lennox Lewis
Hebrew Bible, Five Books of Moses
Jewish Prayers
OKtm Websites
(English text) Prayers is a pack of the essential JewishTefillotand Segulot. Can change Font size and color! Includes: -The TenCommandments - Tefilat Hamazon - Meein Shalosh - TefilasHaderech -Ethics Of The Fathers - Shir Hasirim - Tikun Klali -VariousBlessings - Nishmat - Prayer For Sustenance - IgeretHa’ramban -Tefilat HaShlah Hakadosh Keywords: Hebrew, Torah,Tefilah, Jew,Israel
Tanakh, Torah, Tehilim, Hebrew 1.0.7
Lennox Lewis
Hebrew Bible, Five Books of Moses (with Hebrew audio)
Torah (Pentateuch) 1Chapter 1.4
Torah (Pentateuch) - this applicationrandomlychooses one chapter of daily wisdom for you from thefollowing holybooks:Bereishit - GenesisShemot - ExodusVayikra - LeviticusBamidbar - NumbersDevarim - DeuteronomyIncluded localizations are English & German.The Torah (/ˈtɔːrəˌˈtoʊrə/; Hebrew: תּוֹרָה‎,"instruction,teaching") is the central reference of the religiousJudaictradition. It has a range of meanings. It can mostspecificallymean the first five books of the twenty-four books ofthe Tanakh(Pentateuch), and it usually includes the rabbiniccommentaries(perushim). The term "Torah" means instruction andoffers a way oflife for those who follow it; it can mean thecontinued narrativefrom Book of Genesis to the end of the Tanakh,and it can even meanthe totality of Jewish teaching, culture andpractice. Common toall these meanings, Torah consists of thefoundational narrative ofJewish peoplehood: their call into beingby God, their trials andtribulations, and their covenant with theirGod, which involvesfollowing a way of life embodied in a set ofmoral and religiousobligations and civil laws (halakha).In rabbinic literature the word "Torah" denotes both the fivebooks(Hebrew: תורה שבכתב‎‎ "Torah that is written") and the OralTorah(תורה שבעל פה, "Torah that is spoken"). The Oral Torahconsists ofinterpretations and amplifications which according torabbinictradition have been handed down from generation togeneration andare now embodied in the Talmud and Midrash. Accordingto rabbinictradition, all of the teachings found in the Torah, bothwrittenand oral, were given by God through the prophet Moses, someatMount Sinai and others at the Tabernacle, and all theteachingswere written down by Moses, which resulted in the Torah wehavetoday. According to the Midrash, the Torah was created prior tothecreation of the world, and was used as the blueprintforCreation.The majority of Biblical scholars believe that the writtenbookswere a product of the Babylonian captivity (c. 600 BCE), basedonearlier written and oral traditions, which could only havearisenfrom separate communities within ancient Israel, and that itwascompleted by the period of Achaemenid rule (c. 400 BCE). The1979discovery of fragments of the Hebrew Bible (Priestly Blessingfromthe Book of Numbers) at Ketef Hinnom dating to the late 7thcenturyBCE, and thus to before the Babylonian captivity, is theoldestevidence of elements of the Torah which were current beforetheBabylonian exile.Traditionally, the words of the Torah are written on a scroll byascribe (sofer) in Hebrew. A Torah portion is read publicly atleastonce every three days in the presence of a congregation.Readingthe Torah publicly is one of the bases for Jewishcommunallife.The reason for reading of the Torah, is that the Torah consistsofsomething that was given to us by God to read. It wasfurthermoredesignated so that His holy light should be transmittedto usthrough such reading . . .. On certain special days, it isalsoappropriate that special portions be read, relating to theconceptsof those days. In this way, the special holy light of thesedays isstrengthened through the power of the Torah, which is thestrongestpower that we have.The Torah was given to us to read, to study, and to explore. Sothatwe maximize our spiritual benefit from this reading, it wasordainedthat we read the Torah every week and on special days. Onthesespecial days, our spiritual benefit is increased: we receivenotonly the holiness that comes from the reading of the Torah, butalsothat from the holiday itself.
Tanakh, Parallel Hebrew-French 1.0.4
Lennox Lewis
Hebrew Bible (Tana"kh): Torah - Nevi'im - Ketuvim
Five Books of Moses Torah book 9.0.0
Pentateuch (Hebrew. חֲמִשָּׁה חֻמְשֵׁיתּוֹרָה- Hamish humshey Torah or Hebrew. חֻמָּשׁ - Chumash), theso-calledLaw of Moses - the first five books of the canonicalJewish andChristian Bible: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, NumbersandDeuteronomy. Pentateuch forms the first part of the JewishTanakh -Torah. The word "Torah" is a literal translation from Greek-πεντάτευχος from πεντε - «Five" and τευχος - «that book."The book of Genesis tells the story of Creation and the formationofthe Jews as a family;• Exodus has a prologue and an epilogue, separating it fromotherbooks and tells of the Exodus from Egypt, the giving of theTorahon Mount Sinai and the construction of the tabernacle - thatis,the design of the sons of Israel as the Jewish people;• The book of Leviticus is devoted mainly priestly legislationandthe temple service;• Book of Numbers tells the story of the Jews wandering inthedesert after the Exodus from Egypt;• Deuteronomy is Moses' deathbed speech, in which he repeatsthecontents of other books.
Rambam en français 4
Michné torah traduit en français
Hebrew Bible + nikud תנך מנוקד 4.1.1
YO Apps
The Hebrew Bible with nikud! with original texts and hebrew fontandnarrating
Sidur KTS 4.0.1
Este siddur para principiantes “KolTuvSefarad” es un esfuerzo que responde a la necesidad patente enelmundo de habla hispana de un siddur que le permita a laspersonasque apenas comienzan a rezar de manera regular SIN UNMINYÁNcumplir sus obligaciones halájicas mínimas. Concentrándose enlasáreas obligatorias de la oración diaria de la mañana y de latarde,éste permite una mayor concentración en el verdaderopropósito dela oración judía que es el servicio del corazón hechocon propiaintención y dedicación.En español, hebreo y transliteración al españolThis siddur forBeginners"Kol Tuv Sefarad" is an effort that responds to the needevident inthe Spanish-speaking world a siddur that allows peoplewho are justbeginning to pray regularly WITHOUT A Halachic Minyanmeet itsminimum obligations. Concentrating on the core areas ofdailyprayer in the morning and evening, it permits greaterconcentrationon the real purpose of the Jewish prayer service isthe heart madewith own intent and dedication.In Spanish, Hebrew and Spanish transliteration
Space Grunts 1.7.3
A unique mix of turn-based sci-fi roguelike and arcadeactionshooter
Antiquities of the Jews 4.3
Read "Antiquities of the Jews" byFlaviusJosephus!Once you install this app, you can read it by 1-clickwithoutconnecting network.You can also check your "Reading Score" from the menu.