Top 5 Apps Similar to Career App

CareerBuilder: Job Search 5.21.0
Find jobs, build a resume, compare salaries, and guest apply fromasmartphone.
Career Guide 1.0
Career Guide helps you find a careerbymatching your interests, skills, and knowledge with theinterest,skill, and knowledge characteristics of over 1000differentoccupations. Start by taking an interests quiz that willclassifyyour interests into distinct categories. Then identifyyourknowledge, skills, and other qualifications (such as yoursalaryrequirements) to see what career options are a best fit foryou.Pick a career target to reveal knowledge and skill gapsbetweenyour target and your current job. And see what jobopportunitiesexist for the career you've chosen.How does this workThe careers and the career characteristics in this app are basedonversion 16.0 of the Occupational Information Network(O*NET)database. The interest quiz is based on questions andinterestclassifications in the O*NET Interest Profiler. O*NET isdevelopedunder the sponsorship of the US Department ofLabor/Employment andTraining Administration (USDOL/ETA) through agrant to the NorthCarolina Employment Security Commission. This appuses theinformation publicly provided by these organizations but isnotendorsed by them in any way.Version 16.0 of the O*NET database contains over 1000occupationsand related characteristics. Although this database isquiteextensive, there are some minor gaps in characteristics forsome ofthe careers. Where there are gaps, we have taken data fromsimilarcareers and averaged their characteristics to fill in thegaps. Foreach career listed, values for each interest, skill, andknowledgecharacteristic were taken from the O*NET database andwerenormalized across the reported values for that characteristic.Thisnormalization resulted in scores ranging from 1 to 100 foreachcharacteristic for each occupation.To match careers to characteristics, eachoccupation'scharacteristic profile is compared to thecharacteristics specifiedand the overall % match is calculated. Aperfect match would resultin an overall score of 100%. Occupationswith the highestcharacteristic match are listed first.Qualifiers are treated differently. They are criteria thatmustbe met for an occupation to be displayed. So, for example,ifsalaries "Over $50,000" is selected, no occupations with asalarylower than $50,000 will display.
msf Career App 1.2
'This app is brought to you by CareerGuidancewing of Muslim Student Federation (MSF). Our Career Guideapp givesan overview of the higher studies options available inKerala. Thisapp will help students completing their highersecondary educationto find appropriate courses and the bestcolleges in Kerala. Wetake this opportunity to congratulate you onclearing your examsand good luck for your search to find the roadto your dreams. Wehope to hear your success stories in thefuture...!!!'
Career App.tizer 1.0
The Career App.tizer is acareerexplorationtool aimed at high school learners! As the namesuggestsit aims toget high school learners to start exploringdifferentcourses andcareers offered by the University of Pretoria(UP). TheCareerApp.tizer will introduce learners to their careerinterestswith anonline career interest survey; map their intereststocoursesoffered by UP and link courses to careers. Inadditionlearners canexplore additional careers on goStudy SouthAfrica.Learners arealso able to enter their high school subjectresults,which areconverted into the Admission Point Score used byUP.Thisinformation is subsequently paired with the requirementsofcoursesand gives prospective students an indication ofwhethertheyqualify for the course or not. The app was developed bystafffromthe Department for Education Innovation together withstudentsfromthe Department of Informatics at UP with funding fromTheKresgeFoundation: Siyaphumelela programme.
Taker's Club 2.1
Kushal Trehan
Taker’s Club app has beenspecificallydesignedby keeping in mind the basic daily requirementsof itsusers. It hasbeen designed to provide you easy access to alltheinformation thatthe user is looking for from TakersClub.Here are some of the key areas that the TakersClub appprovideyoudirect access to:-News-Events-Activities-Career Guidance-Learning Room-Chat-Membership-About TakersClub