Top 4 Apps Similar to Surveying Engineering

Surveyor Techniques 1.0
The Surveying Techniques app helpssolvesomecommon problems in surveying techniques.Some problems such as:- Forward problem- Inverse problem- Intersection- Resection- Angle intersection- Triangle area- Polygon areaTo be continue...Please send us your problems in order to add [email protected]: +84984380003
Surveying 1.5
Serveying: Instead of giving us a lower rating, please mail usyourqueries, issues or suggestions. I will be happy to solve themforyou. The App is designed for quick learning, revisions,referencesat the time of exams and interviews. This app cover mostof relatedtopics and Detailed explanation with all the basicstopics. Be aprofessional with this app. Updates will be going onFeatures : *Chapter wise complete Topics * Rich UI Layout *Comfortable ReadMode * Important Exam Topics * Very simple UserInterface * CoverMost Of Topics * One click get related All Book *Mobile OptimizedContent * Mobile Optimized Images This app willuseful for quickreference. The revision of all concepts can befinished withinSeveral hour using this app. If u Want any moretopic informationplease tell us.and give us valuable Rating AndSuggestion So we canconsider it for Future Updates.
Civil Engineering Reference 8.9
Civil engineering is arguably theoldestengineering discipline. It deals with the built environmentand canbe dated to the first time someone placed a roof over his orherhead or laid a tree trunk across a river to make it easier togetacross.The built environment encompasses much of what definesmoderncivilization. Buildings and bridges are often thefirstconstructions that come to mind, as they are the mostconspicuouscreations of structural engineering, one of civilengineering'smajor sub-disciplines. Roads, railroads, subwaysystems, andairports are designed by transportation engineers,another categoryof civil engineering. And then there are the lessvisible creationsof civil engineers. Every time you open a waterfaucet, you expectwater to come out, without thinking that civilengineers made itpossible. New York City has one of the world’smost impressivewater supply systems, receiving billions of gallonsof high-qualitywater from the Catskills over one hundred milesaway. Similarly,not many people seem to worry about what happens tothe water afterit has served its purposes. The old civilengineering discipline ofsanitary engineering has evolved intomodern environmentalengineering of such significance that mostacademic departmentshave changed their names to civil andenvironmentalengineering.These few examples illustrate that civil engineers do a lotmorethan design buildings and bridges. They can be found intheaerospace industry, designing jetliners and space stations; intheautomotive industry, perfecting the load-carrying capacity ofachassis and improving the crashworthiness of bumpers and doors;andthey can be found in the ship building industry, thepowerindustry, and many other industries wherever constructedfacilitiesare involved. And they plan and oversee the constructionof thesefacilities as construction managers.Civil engineering is an exciting profession because at the endofthe day you can see the results of your work, whether this isacompleted bridge, a high-rise building, a subway station, orahydroelectric dam.Please look at the Web pages of our individual faculty memberstolearn more about their special interests as examples of whatcivilengineering and engineering mechanics is and can beabout.Civil engineering is a professional engineering disciplinethatdeals with the design, construction, and maintenance ofthephysical and naturally built environment, including workslikeroads, bridges, canals, dams, and buildings. Civil engineeringisthe second-oldest engineering discipline aftermilitaryengineering, and it is defined to distinguishnon-militaryengineering from military engineering. It istraditionally brokeninto several sub-disciplines includingarchitectural engineering,environmental engineering, geotechnicalengineering, geophysics,geodesy, control engineering, structuralengineering, earthquakeengineering, transportation engineering,earth science, atmosphericsciences, forensic engineering, municipalor urban engineering,water resources engineering, materialsengineering, offshoreengineering, aerospace engineering, quantitysurveying, coastalengineering, surveying, and constructionengineering. Civilengineering takes place in the public sector frommunicipal throughto national governments, and in the private sectorfrom individualhomeowners through to international companies
Learn Agricultural Engineering 2.1.5
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