Top 7 Apps Similar to Rahul Gandhi Whatsapp Stickers

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BondEvalue 2.18
"Download Now! Enjoy the app's premium features FREEwithnoobligation for 15 days" The BondEvalue App is a great newwaytomonitor your Bond Portfolio. It is your one stopbondportfoliomanagement App which allows you to check the realtradingprices ofbonds, get new issue alerts, search for bonds thatsuityourpreferences. MANAGE YOUR PORTFOLIO: Create and manage yourownbondPortfolio by selecting bonds based on your preferencesofcountry,sector and credit risk (using our simplified 3 pointscale)Monitoryour daily Portfolio performance by tracking the realtimegains orlosses made by the individual bonds present intheportfolio.Switch between the bond’s daily price and investedamountchangessimply by clicking the daily price. Click on issuername toviewthe complete details of the bond like: • Buy andSellPrices/Yields• Historical Price and Yield Graphs • Industrytype •Credit Risk •Country of Risk • Amount Issued • AmountOutstanding •Issue Date •Maturity Date • Next Call Date • Liquidity• Guarantor• Yield toCall • Yield to Maturity WATCH LIST: Keeptrack of thebonds youmay wish to keep an eye on so that you cantrade when thetiming issuitable for you. You can also set Alerts onbond pricesaccordingto your requirement which are triggered whenyour setlevels arebreached. SEARCH AND ADD: Search for the bondsthat youwish to addto your Portfolio or Watchlist. Use criterialike yieldrange,maturity range, sector type, issuer and country ofRisk. Thebondscan also be searched based on if they are callableorperpetual.INSTANT NEW ISSUES UPDATES: Keep a track of thelatestissued bondssimply by clicking on the new issues tab to viewthelist of the 10most recent issues bonds. Also, get notifiedforlatest issues onyour phone through the in-App notifications.LIVECHAT: Speak withour fixed income specialists to answeryourqueries. SUBSCRIPTIONPLANS: Currently two subscription plansareavailable, BASIC andPREMIUM. The BASIC and PREMIUMsubscriptionplans allows the userto add a maximum of 10 bonds and50 bonds eachin the portfolio andwatchlist sections of the Apprespectively.Once a user chooses tosubscribe to any of the twoavailable plans,they will be charged aprice according to theircountry (price willbe shown in the appbefore the user confirms thepayment). The keyfeatures of theBondEvalue App’s In-App purchasesare: 1. Thesubscription planscurrently available are non-renewalmonthlysubscription planswhich can be purchased using googleIn-AppPurchases. 2. The BASIC(US$19) plans allows 10 bonds each tobeadded to ones portfolioand watchlist sections whileallowingunlimited bonds to besearched using the search criteria. 3.ThePREMIUM (US$49) plansallows 50 bonds each to be added toonesportfolio and watchlistsections while allowing unlimited bondstobe searched using thesearch criteria. In case you are unabletosearch any particularbond that you are interested in, youcanprovide us the details andwe will be happy to add it to thesystem.
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