Top 20 Apps Similar to Radio Muslim

Namazi - Shqip 4.2
Dardan Bala
Namazi është aplikacion i cili jujapnjohuri se si të falemi , se cila është koha e duhur që duhett'judrejtohem Allahut. Gjithashtu në këtë aplikacion ju mundësohettëorientoheni ka kibla me anë të busulles , dhe njëkohesish mundtashfletoni librin e madherishem Kurani prandajë ku do që jenimundta keni këtë .Shpresojmë të jeni të kënaqur me këtë aplikacion por gjithashtuneshpresojmë që ju të mos nguroni për çfarë do kërkese dhe deshireqëju e keni ta shprehni , ne jemi për plotësimin dhe përmbushjenekërkesave tuaja andaj na kontaktoni në [email protected].
Takvimi - Drite e Zemres 2.3
Ju kerkojm falje per kete update te vonuar
Namazi PRO - Shqip 2.0
Ne kete program ju paraqesim Namazin ne gjuhen shqipe, me njedizajnte lehte
Autoshkolla 3.1
Driver Exam
Provimet për patentë shofer të kategorisë B.
Shenjat e Trafikut 2.1
Clanbird Apps
Nga ky aplikacion mund ti mësoni shenjatetrafikut, të mësoni disa rregulla bazë të trafikut si dhetëtestoni njohurit e juaja dhe miqve tuaj rreth shenjave tëtrafikut.Suksese
Everything Islam 2.8
Halal Apps
Everything Islam is an Islamic app providing you withqualitycontent.
apps bilal
one of the best Ethiopian Muslim online radio Amharic
Autoshkolla Shqiptare 1.10.03
Libri i patentes Shqip!Aplikacioni 'Autoshkolla Shqiptare' mund të quhet me plot gojëLIBRIDIXHITAL I PATENTES!Konsultuar me profesorët më të mirë të autoshkollave nëShqipëri,kyaplikacion shërben si një parapërgatites absolut pertestiminteorik te patentës.Në brendësi të tij përfshihen:1) Përgatitja teorike.2) Testi i autoshkollës (Zyrtar)!3) Teste sipas kategorive (21 kategori)!4) Statistika per testet e kryera!5) Rishikoni testet e kryera në çdo kohë.5) Mundësia për të kryer Sfida me miqtë tuaj.6) Lista e autoshkollave në mbarë trevat Shqipfolëse (Listapopopullohet...)Ky aplikacion i destinohet jo vetëm kursantëve tëautoshkollavepor edhe të gjithë atyre drejtuesve aktual qe tashme ekanë marrëlejedrejtimin,pasi në brendësi të tij gjenden rregullatdheudhëzimet per cdo përcaktim dhe sinjalistik rrugore, te cilatmundt'ju duhen në cdo rrast paqartësie në rrugë.Madhësia e tij është vetëm 7MB, dhe cdo e dhënë që ai përmban nukkanevojë për INTERNET.Pra, pasi ju ta keni shkarkuar, do te keni mundesinë tëvazhdoniguiden teorike ne cdo vend pa u shqetësuar aspak perpraninë einternetit.
Radio Islam Online
indra gunawan
BismillahirrahmanirrahiimAssalamu’alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuhAlhamdulillah kami bersyukur hanya kepada Allah azzawajallabahwasnya dengan kemajuan teknologi dakwahislamsemakinberkembang. Salah satu perkembangan teknologiyangmendukungperkembangan dakwah ini adalah dengan adanyaradiostreaminginternet.Radio islam online merupakan aplikasi pemutarradiostreamingdimana dengan hadirnya aplikasi ini diharapkanturutmenyumbangtersebernya dakwah islam yang sesuai denganAl-Qur'andanAssunnah.Chanel-chanel yang telah terdaftar :-Radio Rodja-246 AM Jabotabek-Radio Hang-106 FM Batam-Radio Muslim-107,8 FM Jogjakarta-Radio Suara Al-Iman-846 AM Surabaya-Radio Hidayah-103.4 FM Pekanbaru-Radio Ar-Royyan – Ma’had Al Furqon-102,3 FM Gresik--Radio Suara Quran-94.4 FM Solo-Radio Sunnah KITA-94.3 FM Cirebon-Kajian Online Medan-Radio Suara Quran-100 FM Lombok-Radio Rodja bandung-1476 AM Bandung-Radio BASS-93,2 FM Salatiga-Radio Nurussunnah-107.7 FM Semarang-Radio Al Hikmah-107 FM Banyuwangi-Radio Mu'adz-94,3 FM Kendari-Radio Ray-95.1 FM Padang-Radio Islam Bin BazKami menyadari banyak kekurangan dalam aplikasi radioislamonlineini maka dari itu kami menerima keritik dan sarankepadaindragunawan di email: [email protected] ataukunjungiwebsitekami di
Radio Rasyid 3.1.1
Radio Rasyid
Deploying the right syar'i science based understanding ofthecompanions of the Prophet
Amharic Quran 1.1
Harar Tech
As we promised earlier,Alhamdullilah we are able toproducenewamharic quran application.We believe this applicationwillbenefitour Amharic speaking Ethiopian Muslims. The translationofQuranwas done by Sheikh Muhammad Sadiq and SheikhMuhammadSaniHabib,the content is generated from We havetriedourlevel best to make the interface user friendly andeasiertoread,all your comments and suggestions are mostwelcomed.ForSuggestion and improvement pleasecontactthrough: Badu'achu atrsun.
Media Dakwah Islam
indra gunawan
BismillahirrahmanirrahiimAssalamu’alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuhAlhamdulillah kami bersyukur hanya kepada Allah azza wajallabahwasnya dengan kemajuan teknologi dakwah islamsemakinberkembang. Salah satu perkembangan teknologiyang mendukung perkembangan dakwah ini adalah denganadanyastreaming internet.Media Dakwah Islam merupakan aplikasi pemutar radio danTVstreaming dimana dengan hadirnya aplikasi ini diharapkanturutmenyumbang tersebernya dakwah islam yangsesuai dengan Al-Qur'an dan Assunnah.Chanel-chanel Radio yang telah terdaftar :-Radio Rodja-246 AM Jabotabek-Radio Hang-106 FM Batam-Radio Muslim-107,8 FM Jogjakarta-Radio Suara Al-Iman-846 AM Surabaya-Radio Hidayah-103.4 FM Pekanbaru-Radio Ar-Royyan – Ma’had Al Furqon-102,3 FM Gresik--Radio Suara Quran-94.4 FM Solo-Radio Sunnah KITA-94.3 FM Cirebon-Kajian Online Medan-Radio Suara Quran-100 FM Lombok-Radio Rodja bandung-1476 AM Bandung-Radio BASS-93,2 FM Salatiga-Radio Nurussunnah-107.7 FM Semarang-Radio Al Hikmah-107 FM Banyuwangi-Radio Mu'adz-94,3 FM Kendari-Radio Ray-95.1 FM Padang-Radio Islam Bin BazChanel-chanel TV yang telah terdaftar :-Insan TV-Ahsan TV-Rodja TVKami menyadari banyak kekurangan dalam aplikasi MediaDakwahIslam ini maka dari itu kami menerima keritik dan sarankepadaindra gunawan di email:[email protected] website kami di www.radioislamonline.netBismillahirrahmanirrahiimAssalamu wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuhThank God, we give thanks only to Allah Almighty bahwasnyawiththe advancement of technology growing Islamic da'wah. One ofthetechnological developmentswhich supports the development of this propaganda is thepresenceof internet streaming.Islamic Da'wah media player is the application of radio andTVstream in which the presence of these applications are expectedtocontribute tersebernya Islamic propagandaaccordance with the Qur'an and Assunnah.Channel-channel radio that has been registered:-Radio-246 AM Jabotabek Rodja-Hang-106 FM Radio BatamMuslim-Radio-107, 8 FM Jogjakarta-Radio Voice of Al-Iman-846 AM Surabaya-Radio-103.4 FM Pekanbaru Hidayah-Radio Ar-Royyan - Ma'had Al Furqan-102, 3 FM Gresik- Radio-94.4 FM Voice Solo Quran-WE-Sunnah Radio 94.3 FM Cirebon-Study Online FieldQuran-Radio Voice FM-100 Lombok-Radio 1476 AM Rodja Bandung BandungRadio-BASS-93, 2 FM Salatiga-Radio-107.7 FM Semarang NurussunnahAl-Hikmah Radio 107 FM Banyuwangi-Radio Mu'adh-94, 3 FM Kendari-Ray Radio-95.1 FM Padang-Radio Islam Bin BazChannel-channel TV has been registered:TV-InsanTV-AhsanTV-RodjaWe are aware of the many shortcomings in the application oftheIslamic Propagation Media therefore we accept cracklingandsuggestions to the senses Gunawan email:[email protected] our website at
Ask Muslim 0.1
Redzuan Kamis
Source from book: Common Questions AskbyNon-Muslims - Compiler: A.Y.Moosa July 2007Consist 49 questions and answersWith hyper link to on-line scripture for validation
Dakwah Sunnah 1.4.2
Dakwah Sunnah AppAplikasi Android untuk Youtube Channel "Dakwah Sunnah" danRadioPlayer "Dakwah Sunnah"www.dakwahsunnah.comDa'wah Sunnah AppAndroid application to Youtube Channel "Propagation Sunnah"andthe Radio Player "Propagation Sunnah"
Bilal Apps
A transliteration of Arabic Qur'an with Ethiopian nativelanguageAmharicthis app will help you to understand the meaning of Qur'an anditwill help you to memorize Al Qur'an
Radio Sunnah Indonesia
Bekheer Media
Dengan mengucapkan alhamdulillahelbarkah.comakan melauchingkan sebuah Aplikasi Radio SunnahIndonesia radioyang akan menyiarkan kajian-kajian sunnah baiksecara live ,rekamanmaupun interaktif studio , semuanya melaluistreaminginternet.Diantara siaran yang terdapat di Aplikasi RadioSunnahIndonesia adalah :1.Radio Rodja 756 AM Cilengsi;stream.mp32.Radio Muslim Jogjakarta;stream.mp33.Radio Hang FM 106 Batam;stream.mp34.Radio Bass FM Salatiga;stream.mp35.Radio As Sunnah 94.3 FM Cirebon;stream.mp3Fitur :1. angka satu sampai dengan lima tombol tersebut dapatberfungsidengan menggunakan tombol memory terlebih dahulu2.Insya allah kami akan menambahkan fitur2 lainnyaDengan adanya Aplikasi Radio Sunnah Indonesia ini,memberikankemudahan bagi sahabat muslim untuk mengakses kajian livedaninteraktif serta tentunya memberikan informasi bagiteman-temanlainnya.Mudah-mudahan bermanfaat.
Radio Syiar Tauhid 1.0
Unofficial dari Radio Syiar Tauhid,Aplikasiini merupakan streaming dari Radio Syiar,Radio Syiar Tauhid, Radio adalahbermanhajAhlus Sunnah wal Jama’ah.Aplikasi ini masih tahap pengembangan untuk beberapa fungsitambahandi beberapa device smartphone tidak berjalan, namunhakikat dariaplikasi ini sebagai media streaming Radio SyiarTauhid sudah dapatdigunakan.Unofficial Radio SyiarofTawheed, this application is a stream of symbols of Radio, Radio symbols of Tawheed, radio istheAhlus Sunnah wal Jama'ah bermanhaj.This application is still under development for severaladditionalfunctions in several smartphone device is not running,but thenature of this application as media streaming radio symbolsofTawheed can already be used.
Radio As-Sunnah Sidrap 3.5.2
Radio As-Sunnah Sidrap adalahAplikasiRadioStreaming Ikhwah Ahlussunnah Sidrap, Sulsel yangmenyajikanKajianIslam bermanhaj salaf.Bismillahirrahmanirrahiim.Alhamdulillah atas kemudahan dari Allah Azza wa Jalla,kiniAntumdapat mendengarkan Streaming Kajian Islam bermanhajsalafyangdisiarkan dari Kabupaten Sidenreng Rappang (Sidrap),Sulsel.Denganizin Allah kami akan berupaya menyajikan kajian rutinsetiapmalamantara waktu Maghrib dan Isya’ secara langsungdariMa’hadTahfidzul Qur’an As-Sunnah Kanie, selain itu kamijugaakanberupaya menyajikan kajian dari tempat lain di KabupatenSidrapdansekitarnya, bagi Antum yang yang mendapatkan info up todatekajiankami silakan like FP kami di ataugabungdigrup WhatsApp ketik #Nama #Alamat kirim ke081355132485.Semogabermanfaat, barakallahu fiikum.
Salaah: Muslim Prayer 1.1
Salaah: Muslim Prayer - This is an eyecatchingeducationalapplication suitable for all walks of life. Itis aneasy step bystep guide according to the Quraan (Koran) andSunnah(Teachings ofProphet Muhammad, Peace Be upon Him) which hasbeenverified byprominent Ulema (Scholars) from around the world.TheApp usessimple to read and easy to understand instructions,alongwithcolourful illustrations of the actions of Salaah(Prayer).Theapplication is aimed at Muslims, Reverts andNon-Muslims aliketoLEARN and CORRECT their Salaah (Muslim Prayer),which is one ofthePillars of Islam. For those that are Not Muslim,this app willgiveyou a better understanding about what is prayedwhen Muslimsprayfive times daily. You may be one of those peoplethat mayhaveforgotten how to pray Salaah and you may feel ashamedofaskingsomeone – Well this app is for you!!! Thisapplicationincludes theessential acts of: Adhaan (Azan) – TheMuslim Call toPrayer Salaah(Namaz - Prayer) Ghusl (Bath) Wudhu(Wuzu - Ablution)Janazah(Funeral) prayer Salaatul Tasbeeh P.S. ThisApp is accordingto theHanafi School of thought – If you have anyqueries, thenpleasecontact your local Ulema (Scholars) & www.XploreIslam.comFor moreinfoabout the APP, please email [email protected]
Muslims Baby Names 1.4
Baby Name Blues? Are you in search of the perfect baby nameforyourupcoming bundle of joy? Let Islamic Baby Names App HelpYouChoose.Muslims must choose a name that has a righteousmeaningthat willbefit and bring blessings to the child throughouthis orher life.It is reported that the Prophet (peace be upon him)said:"On theDay of Resurrection, you will be called by your namesandby yourfathers' names, so give yourselves good names." (HadithAbuDawud).This fun android app offers some wonderful Islamicbabyname ideasthat you may not have considered yet. The IslamicBabyNames appempowers couples and newbie moms and dads to selectnamesfor theirchildren from thousands of names. The Islamic BabyNamesappexplains the meaning and etymology behind names. Choosingababyname can be harder than it sounds, so if you're in needofsomeinspiration, let us help you! If you already have babynamesinmind, why not search their meanings and origins to helpyoudecide?.This app lets you to browse through thousands of babynameoptionsin an easy-to-use format. It provides the names alongwithorigin,meaning, pronunciation and popularity. The Prophet(S.A.W)alwayschose names with good and beautiful meanings, eventellingpeople tochange their names if they had unpleasant meanings.Giveyour childthe best possible name. Here, you can find beautifulandunique babynames for Muslims. Whether you're lookingfortraditional or popularnames, we have a wide variety to makeyourdecision easier.Features: - More than 6000 names with meaning.-You can also storeyour favorite names. - The Muslims BabyNamesbrings you all themost popular names and meanings to help youtochoose the perfectname for your little one. - Find the namesyoulove and add them toyour favorites list. - Full text search(findnames based on origin,number of syllables, initial letter) -Foreach name, Islamic BabyNames will give its meaning,pronunciationand whether it is a maleor female name. -This is agreat app withpleasing aesthetics, andbest of all, it is free.