Top 4 Apps Similar to QuitCharge - Stop Smoking

Craving to Quit 3.2.7
Craving to Quit is a 21-day program basedonasuccessful smoking cessation program developed and testedatYaleUniversity. A clinical trial of this program deliveredasagroup-based in-person training over 4 weeks proved to betwiceaseffective as the gold standard treatment. Craving to Quitoffersafree two-day trial of this program. Upgrade to thepremiumversionfor $1/day to access the full 21-day program.The Craving to Quit app provides dailyinstructionthroughplaylists of audio and video tracks, goal-settingtools, anddailyreminders. As you progress through the program, wewill walkyoudown to 0 cigarettes/day by giving you the tools youneedtosuccessfully quit smoking –one step at a time. Thepremiumversionalso includes access to our exclusive Craving toQuitcommunity,which is moderated by Dr. Judson Brewer MD PhD, whois aworldexpert in mindfulness training for addiction. Thereyouwillreceive support, weekly tips, can track your progress, andcanevenask Dr. Brewer questions directly as you gothroughtheprogram!Features include:-Daily playlists with video and audio-Daily cigarette tracker-Customizable daily goals-Daily night reflection-Bonus exercise tracks-Daily check-in reminders-Activity feedWhen installing the app, make sure you are connected towifiandallow up to 5 minutes for all of the contents todownload.Success Stories:"I began this program a skeptic, but saw itsbenefitsalmostimmediately. I went from smoking 10 cigarettes aday,literallyafraid to leave the house without a pack and a lighter--and after21 days I have been able to stop smoking altogether.Thiswouldnever have been possible without Craving to Quit.- Michael, Washington, D.C."[D]uring the couple of weeks I used [Craving to Quit],Ilearnedmany skills that I apply on a daily basis. Learning tosurfmy waythrough cravings was the best thing I learned because Inolongergive in to craving cigarettes like before. I testedthisskillwhile on a recent trip to Las Vegas where smokingisprevalent…Ican now say cigarettes are not part of my lifeasbefore."- Robert, San Bernardino, CA
My Quit Coach : Quit Smoking! 1.2
My Quit Coach is the mostcompletetoolyou will find in the Google Play market to help you cutdownandquit smoking. My Quit Coach offers real time charts thatwillhelpyou understand your smoking habits, and how tocombatthem.-Tracks your trigger hours for when you are mostlikelytosmoke-Provides a graph to show how your smoking patternschangeovertime-Shows how much money you could have saved-Choosing good habits and fighting your addiction willhelpyouunlock achievements!-Offers information to help crush your cravings!!My Quit Coach will also show you-How many cigarettes you had today-How many cravings you had today-Your average cigarette intake per day-Your average cravings per day-The total amount of cigarettes smoked-Your total amount of cravings-How much money you have spent-The toll each cigarette takes on your life-Your longest quit periodWhy Wait? QUIT NOW using My Quit Coach!
Quit Smoking -No smoking day 2.0.7
Ready to quit smoking? Right now is a great time to quit smoking.
Tobano stop smoking cigarette 3.0.4
Nicolas Lett
Have you recently quit smoking, or beenwantingto quit? Tobano is exactly what you need!Tobano uses game design techniques, game thinking and gamemechanicsto encourage people to quit smoking.You reach higher and higher levels and rankings as you try toreachthe Ultimate Tobano rank.You'll have access to useful statistics such as the timepassedsince you've stopped smoking, the money you've saved and thenumberof cigarettes you haven't smoked. You can monitor thesestatisticslive.There are also 60 achievements for you to unlock. When youreachsome of them you'll even get info about the benefits ofstoppingsmoking for your body and your life.Finally, you'll be able to share your progress with your friendsonFacebook, Twitter and by email.Shake your mobile to draw a motivational card (40 differentcardsavailable) when you feel craving for a cigarette coming on.You'llget a tip on how to avoid lighting up and feel better.Quitting smoking is the best thing you can do for yourself.Getstarted now and have some fun doing it!