Top 22 Apps Similar to كاشف الجسم بدون ملابسsimulated

Underwear X-Ray Scanner PRANK 1.0
dola apps
Underwear X-Ray Scanner for girls andboysgivesyou the ability to scan the girls body using the other words, you can detect and see theunderwearandlingerie of a woman body or reveal underclothes formen toobypassing a camera over the girl's body or the person youwant toseehis or her underwear.* You can see what under clothing of a woman, especiallythebraof the girls and the bikini too , in order topenetratetheclothing through the scanner technology andtechnicalXRAYradiology ultrasound and X ray program to detect allkindsofoutfits, garments and clothesthe app uses many technologies to enable you to seethewoman'sbody such as ultrasound infrared technologyUsing the camera you can see all kinds ofclothingandunderclothes even if it were thick.You can see the underwear and underclothes of any personwithouthisknowledge.The application is very easy to useSo that the camera turns your phone into a deviceormachinedetection of X-rays or scanner revealed in order todiscoverwhatare the underwear clothing for both women and men.How to use Underwear X-Ray Scanner :By passing the camera of your phone on any part of thebodysuchas the left hand, right hand, head, brain, eyes, teethandmouth,chest, rear, pelvis, back, spine, groin, neck, knee,rightfoot orleft foot, abdomen or the stomach, then the camerawilllaunch ascanner and X-ray and ultraviolet to detect bones,skeletonor bonestructureDISCLAIMER: The application is a PRANK app to foolyourfriends,it just a joke and it does not provide truefunctionalityofultrasound rays. It is created for fun purposes andgoals inorderto prank , fool and dupe your friends.
X-Ray Camera Body Scan - PRANK 1.0
dola apps
X-Ray Body Camera Scanner is a new apptoolthatsimulates X-Ray bones scanning using the cameraphone.Theapplication also simulates the scan of clothes andunderwearofgirls and boys too. Which means, you can detect andseethelingerie of a woman’s body or reveal her underclothesbypassingthe camera over the body-part or the person you wanttoscan.* The menu of the app provides many body-parts toscan,especiallythe bra and the bikini, in order to penetratetheclothing throughthe scanner technology and technicalXRAYradiology ultrasound andX-ray program to detect all kindsofoutfits and garmentsthe app simulates the usability of many technologies toenableyouto see the woman's body such as ultrasoundinfraredtechnologyThis tool is very easy to use. and to prank your friendandmakeit close to real xray scanner, you should practice it.the camera turns your phone into a device or machinedetectionofX-rays or scanner revealed in order to discover whataretheunderwear clothing for both women and men.How to use XRay Camera Girl Scanner :The camera of your phone is turned into an x ray machinetoscanany part of the body such as the left hand, righthand,head,brain, eyes, teeth and mouth, chest, rear, pelvis,back,spine,groin, neck, knee, right foot or left foot, abdomen orthestomach,then the camera will launch a scanner simulation todetecthipbones, skeleton or bones.DISCLAIMER: This tool is a PRANK app to fool your friends,itjusta free joke and it does not true functionality ofX-Raytechnology.It is only created for entertainment purposes inorderto fool anddupe your colleagues.
كاشف الملابس الداخليةsimulated 1.1
Julie Berry
كاشف الملابس الداخليةsimulatedهل سبق لك أن تخيلت أن كاميرا هاتفك الأندرويد يمكنهااختراقالملابسعبر تقنية الـ X rayطبعا فبفضل تطبيق " كاشف الملابس الداخلية " يمكنك أنترىالملابسالداخلية لأي شخص دون علمه باستعمال الأشعة السينية .ـ كاميرا التطبيق تخترق جميع أنواع الملابس و لوكانتغليضةكالمعاطف.ـ التطبيق سهل الاستعمال يكفيك أن تختار جنس الشخص الذي تريدرؤيةماتحت ملابسه، هل ذكر أم أنثى.ـ التطبيق مجاني و سيبقى كذلك على طول.التطبيق وظيفته سهلة و بسيطة جدابحيث يجعل كاميرا هاتفك الى جهاز كشف الأشعة أو آلة كشفالأشعةأوالسكانير لكي تكشف جسم المرأة بدون ملابس.طريقة الإستعمال لجهاز كشف الناس بدون ملابس :مرر كاميرا الجوال على أي جزء من الجسم مثل اليدين، الرأس ،الدماغ،العينين، الأسنان و الفم، الصدر ، المؤخرة ، الحوض ، الظهر،العمودالفقري ، الفخد ، الرقبة، الركبة، القدم اليمنى أو القدماليسرى،البطن أو المعدة ، بعد ذلك الكاميرا ستطلق الماسح الضوئيوالأشعةالسينية و الفوق بنفسجية لكشف الهيكل العظمي أو العظام.مزايا التطبيق :- كشف الناس بدون ملابس- كاشف الملابس الداخلية للنساء- كاشف أعضاء الجسم بأشعة فوق صوتية- فحص جسم المرأة بالأشعة- فحص الجسم بالأشعة- كاشف العظام و المفاصل.- فحص العظام.- فحص العظام و المفاصل- كاشف الملابس الداخلية Prankتذكير :تطبيق جهاز كشف الجسم بدون ملابس مجرد خدعة و مزحةsimulatedولايقوم بكشف الملابس الداخلية للمرأة والرجل ، انما فقطتطبيقللمزحةفقط و خداع أصدقائك للحصول على بعض المرح و من أجلالمتعةوالضحك.ReagentunderwearsimulatedHave you ever imagined that your phone's cameraAndroidcanpenetrate clothing through the technique of X rayOf course thanks to the application of "reagent underwear"Youcansee the underwear to any person without his knowledgebyusingX-rays.Application camera penetrates all kinds of clothing andifGladhKalmatef.Application is user-friendly enough for you to choose the sexoftheperson that you want to see what's under his clothes, ismaleorfemale.App is free and will remain well along.Application easy job and very simpleSo that makes your phone's camera to the device ormachineraysrevealed rays or Alscaner revealed in order to revealawoman'sbody without clothes.Directions for use of the device revealedpeoplewithoutclothes:Passed a mobile camera on any part of the body such asthehands,head, brain, eyes, teeth and mouth, chest, rear,pelvis,back,spine, groin, neck, knee, right foot or left foot,abdomenorstomach, then the camera will launch a scanner andX-rayandultraviolet to detect skeletal or bone.Advantages of the application:- Expose people without clothes- Reagent women's underwear- Ray detector body organs ultrasound- Examination of a woman's body radiotherapy- The body scan- Reagent bones and joints.- Bone scan.- Examination of the bones and joints- Reagent underwear Prankremind :Application body detector without clothes is a hoax and ajokeanddoes not disclose simulated underwear for women and men,butonlyapplied to only a joke and fool your friends for some funandfor funand laughter.
سكانر أشعة prank Xray 1.0
سكانير أشعة prank Xrayهل ترغب في مسح جسم أي شخص مع X-RAY؟ الأشعة السينية الماسح الضوئيهوالتطبيق مزحة للحصول على المتعة وخداع أصدقائك! هنا لتفحصكاميراالأشعة السينية بالنسبة لك.برنامج أشعة أكس الجديد XRay Scanner Pro برنامج مذهل جدالجوالاتالجلاكسي والاندرويد عموما يقوم بتحويل جوالك إلى جهاز كشفوفحصللعظام بأشعة أكس الشهيرة والذى يقوم بإظهار عظامك وما تحتالملابسبمجرد أن توجة الجوال على أى شخص وفى الحال, أخدع أصدقائك ومررالجوالعليهم لكى يذهلوا من البرنامج والذى سوف يوحى لهم بأنها أشعةأكسوالذى يقوم البرنامج أيضا بأخراج الأصوات الخاصة بالأشعة.إخلاء المسؤولية – الأشعة السينية سكانر هي متعة التطبيق مزحة.انهامجرد مزحة لا يحمل أي أهمية طبية.Scaner prankXrayradiationDo you want to scan a person's body with X-RAY? X-ray scanner isaprank application to have fun and fool your friends! Here is ascanX-ray camera for you.The new X-ray program XRay Scanner Pro very amazing programforPhones Algelaksi and Android generally converts your mobilephoneto the device detection and examination of the bones of thefamousX-ray and who is showing bones and under clothing once itwentMobile on anyone, like, bubble friends and passed the mobileonthem in order to Ivhluwa of The program, which will be revealedtothem as X-rays, which are also taking out the programsoundsscans.Disclaimer - X-Ray Scanner is a fun application joke. It's justajoke does not hold any medical importance.
كاشف الجسم بدون ملابس -prank 1.5
هل كنت أتساءل كيف يمكنك الحصول علىالوقتالحقيقي، والأشعة السينية المسح الضوئي مع الهاتف المحمول الخاصبك ثمنحن، يكون لها حل. هذا هو التطبيق مزحة للحصول على المتعةوخداعأصدقائك. الأشعة السينية مسح التطبيق هو وهمية مزحة الأشعةالسينيةالماسح الضوئي لخداع أصدقائك أنك يكون بين رهيبة التطبيقالهاتف يمكنللأشعة السينية أن تلك اليد اليسرى. هذا التطبيق الأشعةالسينية ماسحةعرض التطبيق صورة وهمية XRAY اليد اليسرى والهيكلالعظمي. تحميلالأشعة السينية ماسحة لمسح يدك أو الساق أو حتى صدرك!نقطة الكاميرافقط بضع بوصات مختارة من جزء من الجسم الخاص بك،والانتظار لعمليةالمسح إلى أن تكتمل، وخلال ثوان سوف تكون موثوقةلرؤية الأشعة السينيةمن يدك أو الساق الخ! إمالة الهاتف الخاص بك علىيدك وتمرير صورةالأشعة السينية. قد تحتاج إلى ممارسة عدة مرات.يمكنك تغيير لون وحجم والسرعة في شاشة الإعداد. الأشعةالسينيةسكانر مضحك هو التطبيق متعة لأولئك الذين يحبون النكاتالعملية! هذهالأشعة السينية ليست حقيقية، لذلك فهي غير ضارة ومتعةللعب مع! محاولةالخروج من ميزة كاميرا مضحك الأشعة السينية سكانرللنقر الصور متعةعصبي! محاولة تعرية الأسنان الخاصة بك، وجعل عينيكتبدو كبيرة ...مخيفة!نحن لسنا مسؤولين أمام الله لو استعمل التطبيق في كشف عوراتالنساءو المحرمات.التطبيق عبارة عن Prank لتتسلى به مع أصدقائك و أسرتك.المرجو نشر التطبيقAre you wondering howyoucan get a real-time, and X-ray scanning with your cellphonethenwe, have a solution. This is a prank application to have funandfool your friends. X-ray scanning application is a joke and afakeX-ray scanner to fool your friends that you have betweenawesomephone application can X-ray that those left hand. Thisapplicationof X-ray scanner application image fake XRAY left handskeletaldisplay. Download X-ray scanner to scan your hand or leg orevenyour chest! Just point the camera a few inches of the selectedpartof your body, and wait for the scanning process to becompleted,and within seconds you will be trusted to see the X-rayof yourhand or leg etc! Tilt your phone on your hand and pass theX-rayimage. You may need to practice a few times.You can change the color, size and speed in the setupscreen.X-ray Scanner funny application is fun for those who likepracticaljokes! These X-rays are not real, so they are harmless andfun toplay with! Funny try out the X-ray scanner camera feature toclickpictures spooky fun! Try baring your teeth, make your eyeslookgreat ... scary!We are not responsible in front of God, if the applicationusedin the detection of women's sins and taboos.Prank application is for having fun with his friendsandfamily.Please application deployment
Voice changer Pro 1.4
you can now change your voice ,recordyourfreind voice and then change it with our cool and funnyfiltertohave fun and laugh with your family and kids
X-Ray bones scanner simulated 1.2
MartoB Apps
Get amazing X-Ray vision &lookthroughclothes, skin & bone! X-Ray scan your body usingjustyourtotally for FREE!You control the X-Ray scanning in real-time. Unlock* and beamazedasyou X-Ray vision your skull, chest, PELVIS, HANDS, KNEES&evenFEET in full HD.X ray bones scanner is a fun app for those wholovepracticaljokes! These xrays are not real, so they are harmlessandfun toplay with! Try out the camera feature of xray ScannerFunnytoclick fun spooky images! Try baring your teeth and makingyoureyesbig…looks scary!INSTRUCTION:Place your phone over your left hand, foot,head,chest,stomachOpen xray scanner application.Tilt up phone to scroll up X-Ray image.Tilt down phone to scroll down.WARNING: xray scanner is a prank app for fun it doesnotcontainany real X Ray.
كاشف الملابس الداخلية Prank 2.0
Soska Apps
كاشف الملابس الداخلية PrankReagentunderwearPrank
Fingerprint Lie Detector Prank 1.0
Fingerprint Lie Detector Prank - it is the prank app :) andallscores are generated randomly. In few seconds you can chcek whoistelling the truth and who's lying! This app is great for agoodparty with your friends. Play this lie detector and ask anypresonon the party some fun questions, such as: - Do you want tokiss me?- Do you wear thongs everyday ? (for boys) - Do you everslept withmy friend? (to your wife / girlfriend) - Do you wearunderwear?(for girls) - Do you love me /or name your friend/ ?Invent thefunny questions for your friends and check they tell toyou true orfalse answer. We guarantee lots of laughs and great fun!Have fun!:) Warning This app is just a funny play application,prank app(not realy typographer or polygraph), it detect lies withabout 50%success :)
Full Body Scanner Prank 1.0.0
Full Body Scanner Fun is a graciousapplicationto make a funny joke with your friends or family.Full Body Scanner Fun is designed such to fool your friends thatyoucan see everything under their clothes.The working of Full Body Scanner Fun are simple:A Scanning thumb pad is shown at first start , put yourthumbfinger on that.The thumb pad will produce sound effects to look it likerealisticone.After the scanning completed, the Full Body Scanner Fun willscanthe full body picture , and will show you some funnydefectiveparts. You can make a fun of it.Disclaimer! Remember this is just a PRANK Application! Thisdonot and can not really detect your Body.
X-Ray Body Scanner Camera
X-Ray Body Scanner Camera is a prankfreeapptoget fun and trick your friends. Download Free appBodyScannerCamerato scan your hand or leg or bust or evenyourchest!Get fun with Xray Body scanner!This is a fake X-Ray Body Scanner clothes, not a realX-ray,it'saprank xray app, this app is for entertainmentonly.
XRay Cámara Escáner 👙 BROMA 1.0
Sima Apss
👙Radiografía de la carrocería decámaraScanneres una nueva herramienta de aplicación que simulaX-Rayhuesos deexploración usando el teléfono con cámara. Laaplicacióntambiénsimula el escaneo de la ropa y la ropa interior delasniñas y losniños también. Lo que significa, que puede detectaryver elinterior del cuerpo de una mujer o revelar su ropainteriorhaciendopasar la cámara sobre la parte del cuerpo o de lapersonaque deseaexplorar.* El menú de la aplicación ofrece muchas partes delcuerpoparaescanar, especialmente el sujetador y el bikini, con elfindepenetrar la ropa a través de la tecnología deescánerdeultrasonido y radiología RADIOGRAFÍA técnica y el programaderayosX para detectar todo tipo de trajes y prendas de vestirla aplicación simula la facilidad de uso demuchastecnologíaspara que pueda ver el cuerpo de la mujer, comolatecnología deinfrarrojos de ultrasonidoEsta herramienta es muy fácil de usar. y la broma a suamigoyhacerlo cerca de escáner verdadera radiografía, cámara convierte tu teléfono en un dispositivo de detecciónodela máquina de rayos X o tomografía computada con elfindedescubrir cuáles son las prendas de ropa interior parahombresymujeres.Cómo utilizar el escáner de la radiografía de la cámaradelamuchacha:La cámara de su teléfono se convierte en una máquina derayosxpara escanar cualquier parte del cuerpo como la manoizquierda,laderecha de la mano, la cabeza, el cerebro, los ojos,los dientesyla boca, el pecho, trasero, la pelvis, la espalda,lacolumnavertebral, en la ingle, cuello, rodilla, pie piederechooizquierdo, el abdomen o el estómago, a continuación,lacámaralanzará una simulación del escáner para detectar huesosdelacadera, esqueleto o los huesos.AVISO: Esta herramienta es una aplicación de broma paraengañarasus amigos, es sólo una broma libre y no lohaceverdaderafuncionalidad de la tecnología X-Ray. Sólo se creóconfines deentretenimiento con el fin de engañar y engañar asuscolegas.👙RadiografíacamerabodyScanner is a new application tool that simulates X-Raybonescanusing the camera phone. The application also simulatesthescanningof clothes and underwear for girls and boys as well.Whichmeans,that can detect and see inside the body of a woman orrevealherunderwear by passing the camera on the part of the bodyortheperson who wants to explore.* The application menu provides many body partsforESCANAR,especially bra and bikini, in order to penetrateclothingthroughscanner technology ultrasound and radiologytechnique XRAYandprogram of X-rays to detect all kinds of costumesandclothingthe application simulates the ease of use of manytechnologiessoyou can see the woman's body, such asultrasoundinfraredtechnologyThis tool is very easy to use. and the joke to his friendandmakenear real x-ray scanner, you should practice it.the camera turns your phone into a detection device ormachineX-rayor CT scan in order to discover what the undergarmentsformen andwomen.Using the X-ray scanner camera girl:The camera phone becomes an x-ray machine for ESCANARanywhereonthe body and the left hand, right hand, head, brain,eyes, teethandmouth, chest, back, pelvis, back, spine, groin, neck,knee,rightfoot or left foot, abdomen or stomach, then the camerawilllaunch asimulation of the scanner to detect hip bones,skeletonorbones.NOTICE: This tool is a prank app to fool your friends, it'sjustafree joke and not true functionality makes the X-Raytechnology.Itwas created only for entertainment purposes in orderto deceiveandmislead their colleagues.
Body Weight Scanner Prank 1.0.1
Have you ever checked your body weight? Doyoureally want to know what you need to do for it? What type offoodyou should avoid to maintain good weight? Here is the simplestwayto get solutions for all these queries using fingertips. Now, itisalso easy to determine how much you weigh. Yes, with this prankandentertainment app, you can get all the answers and havefun.
تصوير ما تحت الملابس Prank 1.0
هل تساءلت في يوم من الأيام هل يمكنك تصويرماتحتالملابس بواسطة كاميرا الهاتف الذكي عن طريق الأشعةالسينيةXRay؟أصبحت التكنولجية المتطورة قادرة على جعل هاتفك يخترقالملابسعندالتصوير، فهو يعمل كجهاز كاشف الملابس الداخلية سواء كانتسميكةأورقيقة،،،،نحن غير مسؤولون إن استعمل البرنالج فيما لا يرضي الله.التطبيق عبارة عن Prank لتتسلى به مع أصدقائك.Have youeverwonderedsomeday Are you filming it under clothing by asmartphonecamerathrough the X-ray X Ray?Advanced Altknulchih is able to make your phonepenetratesclothingwhen shooting, he works as a detector underwear,whetherthick orthin ,,,,We are not responsible if used Albernalj while notpleasingtoGod.Prank application is for having fun doing it withyourfriends.
X-Ray Body Clothes Scanner
You want Scan your body parts hands,legs,chest, head, bust? Then simple install X-Ray Body ClothesScannerCamera app.This is a funny prank app to get fun and trick your friends.You could make x-ray scans of different parts of the body andseethe radiographs in your mobile screen.Download Xray Body Scanner camera to scan your hand or leg orevenyour chest!WARNING : These xrays are not real, non nude and non naked sotheyare harmless and fun to play with!
24.7 The Stream 1.359.461.2522
Do you like Talk Radio? How about musicfromallover the world? Then download our mobile application andtapintosomething different! The Stream provides a "LocalRadioStation Feel"on a "Global Scale"! Use our app to contactus,listen to our LIVEshow streams, receive direct pushnotificationsof events, Chat livewith hosts and guests, lateststation updates,show reminders, andmore!You can now enjoy the NEW 24.7 The Stream programming onourLIVEmobile app stream, or enjoy the full radio
Full Body Scanner Fun 1.0.0
Mutual Apps
Full Body Scanner Fun is afantasticapplication to make a nice joke with your family, friendsorneighbors .Full Body Scanner Fun is designed to fool your friends that youcansee everything under their clothes.The working of Full Body Scanner Fun are simple:A Scanning thumb pad is shown at first start , put your thumbfingeron that.The thumb pad will produce sound effects to look it likerealisticone.After the scanning completed, the Full Body Scanner Fun willscanthe full body picture , and will show you some funnydefectiveparts. You can make a fun of it.Disclaimer! Remember this is just a PRANK APP! Thisapplicationdo not and can not really detect your Body.
Here at Movisol we have turned psychic:Wehavedeveloped the ability to guess what underwear you arewearingrightnow, this minute. By answering a few questions, we willtellyouwith precision what do you have under your clothes. Relax:Thisisnot an X-Ray machine... we have not developed it yet.You don´t believe us? Try this fun quiz and see for yourself!
Full Body Scanner Prank 1.0.3
Full Body Scanner is the superb app to makeaprank to your family, neighbors and friends.Full Body Scanner is designed to fool your friends that you canseeunder their clothes.The features of Full Body Scanner are very simple:you will see a thumb pad , put your thumb on that. The thumbpadwill produce sound effects to look it like realistic one.After the scanning completed, the Full Body Scanner will scanthefull body picture , and will show you some funny defectiveparts.You can make a fun of it.Disclaimer! Remember this is just a PRANK APP! There is norealbody scanner on your device.
QR code scanner barcode :prank 9.0
QR code scanner barcode :prank grocerylistappwith barcode scanner for real clothes prank Do yousurprisehoweveryou'll get a instant and real xray scan togetherwith youritinerantthen we've got an answer . this is often a prankappp toinduce funand trick your friends.qc barcode scannerapplicationcould be aprank fake barcode scanner app for androidtablet totrick yourfriends that you just have impressive call appwhichwill freebarcode scanner their mitt. This qr scann to seethroughwall forreal life show faux imagebarcode scanner pricecheckerfree mitt.transfer qr clothes scan-ner to scan your hand orleg ormaybe yourchest! simply purpose your camera a number ofinchesfrom yourchosen piece, watch for the scanning method tobecompleted, insideseconds you'll be able to see associate A-beamofyour hand or legetc! Tilt your call over your hand and scrollthereal or codereader and barcode scanner real body of you image.youwouldpossibly ought to observe a number of times.You can conjointly modification the colour, size and speedwithinthesetting screen. qc scan-ner pregnant joke could be a funappforpeople who love sensible jokes! These qr phone don't seem tobereal,in order that they area unit harmless and fun to playwith!undertakethe camera feature of Y-beam Scann Funny to clickfunspooky images!attempt uncovering your teeth and creating youreyesbig…looks scary!QR code scanner barcode :prank impress your friends withabrandnew trick of theY beam ghost scan-ner by downloading thefakeqcscanners-ner and find arealistic expertise of aliveZ-beamscannThe app isn't a true x-ray scanners however it simplystimulatesthex ray scann for teethr, and its for fun you and yourfriendsbyshowing them its real however its not anddoesnt have the x ray practicality.The apps simply mechanically detects phone movement somovestheimage on the screen looking on however you're movingthephonescreen.You and your friends ought to have the expertise and funofseeinghowever this app will show the x-rays by downloading thisandalsothe begin mistreatment.How will it work?Select piece you would like to scan. Place your phone beforeofthatpiece. App can show a part of earlier ready image ofskeletalpieceon your phone screen. to maneuver to a different apart ofroentgenexposure tilt your phone in direction you would liketotravel. Appuses measuring instrument to observe phones angleandsupportedgiven data it moves exposure in correct direction.Forhigherperformance you'll modify angle sensitivity, imagemovespeed andpiece size in settings. furthermore you'll usereadbutton, which isable to reset phone's angle to actualphone'sposition angle. it'llallow you to scan someone WHO sits,lies orstands. when it slow ofcoaching with scann on yourselfyou'll {tryto|attempt to|tryassociated} prank your friends andcreate anZ-beam scan on theirhands, legs, head or chest.
Moods Scanner Prank 3.0
I made this app for your entertainment.Use this app to get fake results to scanning your finger.Each scan (hold the scanner long enough to get results) willtellyouthe mood you are supposedly in.I hope you will like this app and share it with your firneds.If you like it please leave a nice comment. If you don't,pleaseletme know.Thank you, and wish you have a great time!
Fingerprint Scanner 3.0
Do you want a unique latest prank idea tofoolyour friends and having a funny moments with them, soinstallFingerprint Scanner Prank to enjoy many fingerprinting MoodScannerPrank app provides you HD display and mood farcecalculations.Before using app Fingerprint Mood Scanner Prank, keepin mind thatyour friends do not know some of this joke app. So theyhave to dowhat you will say that you can check your mood and putthe thumb orfinger of your friend on the scan area after a scanperiod iscompleted and the end of false result will be shown on thescreen.When you watch, you might say in serious mode, this is ajoke app.This moment will be laughter, hilarity and memorable foryou. Sokeep fool your friends using the Fingerprint Mood ScannerPrankapp. Poster Fingerprint Mood Scanner Prank Calls are such thatnoone can determine whether it is real or a fake.Note: This is a joke finger print app and show false calculationsonmood.This is a Fingerprint Scanner Simulator app. You can use it toplaya prank with your friends. finger print Scanner is meant to beusedfor entertainment purposes only. This app is a prank app, it'saJoke.Enjoy this free Fingerprint Scanner. So get it and don'tforgetto rate this app to encourage us.