CoolAppss Apps

فتح الهاتف مع صوت البسملة 2.2
برنامج رائع يجعلك تذكر الله بإستمرار إثر كلفتح لشاشة هاتفك حيث تقرأ البسملة صوتيا بصوت خاشع .Wonderful program makesyou remember God constantly after each screen to open your phonewhere you read phonetically basmalah voice and humbled.
Battery Fast Charger Pro 2016 2.3
all of us hate waiting for hours when oursmartphone battery being charging , no more of that now , we havethe solution it's the best fast charger batteryin the market. so you can have a break coffee and have your batteryphone fully charged .How It works ?-when you active the program1/all the unused applications in the background will be killed andclosed , these apps consume battery and make slow the charge ofyour phone so now it's over.2/(optional) for best result and an ultra fast charging you canchoose in the app menu to disable all communications during thebattery charging (data mobile , wifi ,internet , bluetooth)according to our tests , this will reduce the time charging of yourbattery by 20% - 35% (of course depends on device)so we hope that it will help you to forget the problem of wastingelectricity and time when charging your phone .please ,don't forget to rate and comment us to improve ourapplication.
Sexy Girlfriend Fake Call 2.2
One of the most popular application Joke inthe market,with this prank application you can make free and fake calls andpretending that you call your sexy new "virtual" girlfriend.With this amazing application you will simulate that you arecalling your new cute girlfriend so your friends or family will beamazed .you can use this app to set alarm and then pretending that you havean important meeting to left quickly.This application is totally free.have fun and use it to have a good moment with friends andfamily.IMPORTANT : (this app is for everyone there is no nudity all girlare with clothes.)please don't forget to rate .
Air Fighter Attack Game 1.1
Are you a gunship game fan ? ,So this new attractive application isfor you .Your mission is to kill all the ennemies with no mercy and fly highon the sky in your war modern airplane.****game features*****High definition real world scene with real 3d model .Different levels and scenarios (second world war, war with modernF16 airplanes and gunships , war vs alien witht f18 gunship)Simple and easy control with real physics .Real war effect : explosion sound , smokes effect , missiles , guns, bombs...Different levels and scenarios (war vs old gunship of world war 2 ,modern battle against F16 gunship , and a super crazy fight vsaliens )Don't waste more time and try this amazing Game Now !
ألغاز صعبة للأذكياء 1.1
ألغاز صعبة للأذكياءأبهر الجميع بقدراتك الذهنية بحل جميع الألغاز الصعبة.نقدم لكم برنامج الألغاز الصعبة للأذكياء الذي يتميز بتعدد الألغاز وبتقديم الحلول عند الطلب للتأكد من إجابتك.كما يتميز البرنامج بألوان رائعة تساعدك على الإبداع و التفكير.إستمتع مع أصدقائك و عائلتك بمحاولة فك جميع الألغاز الصعبة.يمكن إستعمال البرنامج لتنمية قدرات الذهنية لطفلك.يرجى الإستمتاع و التقييم قصد التحسين و شكراPuzzledifficult intelligentWowed everyone judgmental solve all the challenging puzzles.We offer you a program of challenging puzzles for clever puzzleswhich features multiple solutions and to provide upon request tomake sure your answer.The program also features a brilliant color helps creativity andthinking.Enjoy with your friends and family trying to decipher all thedifficult puzzles.The program can be used for the development of the mentalcapabilities of your child.Please enjoy and assessment and improvement inadvertentlyThanks
Hack Police radar simulator 1.1
this application will simulate that you have agenuis system that hack the police network and show you where theradar of police are located .to fool your family or do jokes to your friends just open thisapp in your phone , then start the radar and tell them that thepolice will come and arrest them . they will be scared .this does not really show the police radar location and it onlyfor fun .
كتابة إسم حبيبتك على رمل البحر 1.1
إكتب إسم حبيبتك على رمل البحربرنامج رائع لكتابة الاسماء على الصوراكتب اسمك الان على صورة الرمل جانب البحر و قم بارسلها له/لها كهديةتذكارية.مميزات التطبيق :-كتابة اسمك و اسم حبيبك على صورة جميلة في الرمل-رسم قلوب أو رسوم خاصة ذو دلالة لكما أو اسم من كتابتك بسهولةتامة.-تصفح جميع الصور المسجلة عن طريق البرنامج.-مشاركة الصور مع الأصدقاء أو وضعها كخلفية لشاشة هاتفكتمتع بالتطبيق و من فضلك لا تنسى التعليقو التقييمWrite your sweetheart'sname on the sand of the sea Wonderful program to write the names on the picturesWrite your name now in the image of sand by the sea and thenBarslha him / her as a souvenir.Application features:-ktabh Your name and your lover's name on a beautiful picture inthe sand-sm Hearts or private fee is significant as for or the name of yourwriting quite easily.-tcefh All the images recorded by the program.Participation of photos with friends or set as wallpaper for yourphone screenEnjoy the application and please do not forget AltaliqoRating
Holy coran offline 2.0
get the Holy coran offline , now you can readeverywhere the coran without need to internet.
No touch -phone protection 2.1
now you can protect your phone from touching ,it's verry easy to useall you have to do is just:1// activate the protectionNow you have 5 seconds to :2//,turn off your phone screen3//put it in the table .after 5 seconds this application will detect if someone touch yourphone without your permission it will play an alarm to alert you.hope it will be usefull and don't forget to rate us .
أذان مكة المكرمة - بدون نت 2.2
يقدم لكم البرنامج أعذب و أروع مجموعة من أذانمكة المكرمة بدون نت.يمكنك الإستماع للأذان و أيضا وضع الأذان كرنة لهاتفكالأذان هو نداء ينادى به للصلاة عند المسلمين، ويؤذّن كل يوم قبل كلصلاة. كان المؤذن (الشخص الذي يؤذن) يؤذن من مكان مرتفع، من علىالمنارة أو من على سطح المسجد. الآن يؤذن المؤذن من خلال أجهزةالتكبير، هذا مما سهل عليه الأمر كثيرًا. كان أول مؤذن في الإسلام هوالصحابي بلال بن رباح.الأذان الذي استمر عليه بلال بين يدي رسول الله هو ما ثبت من حديث عبدالله بن زيد بن عبد ربه، وصفته: ((الله أكبر، الله أكبر، الله أكبر،الله أكبر، أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله، أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله، أشهدأن محمدًا رسولُ الله، أشهد أن محمدًا رسولُ الله، حيَّ على الصلاة،حيَّ على الصلاة، حيَّ على الفلاح، حيَّ على الفلاح، الله أكبر، اللهأكبر، لا إله إلا الله))، والإقامة في هذا الحديث: ((الله أكبر، اللهأكبر، أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله، أشهد أن محمدًا رسولُ الله، حيَّ علىالصلاة، حيَّ على الفلاح، قد قامت الصلاةُ، قد قامت الصلاة، الله أكبرالله أكبر، لا إله إلا الله)).نتمنى أن ينال إعجابكم و يرجى التقييم قصد التطويرThe program offers you afresher and coolest set of ears Mecca without a Net.You can listen to the call and also the development of software foryour phone KrnaMobile is an appeal proclaimed to prayer for Muslims, is authorizedevery day before every prayer. The muezzin (the person who isauthorized) is authorized from a high place, from the lighthouse orfrom the roof of the mosque. Now authorized the muezzin throughmagnification devices, this is much easier than it is. The firstmuezzin in Islam is the companion Bilal bin Rabah.Software, which lasted him Bilal in the hands of the Messenger ofAllah is narrated that Abdullah bin Zaid ibn Abd Rabbo, described:((Allah Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, I bearwitness that there is no god but Allah and I bear witness thatthere is no god but God, I bear witness that Muhammad is theMessenger of Allah, I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messengerof God, Come to prayer, come to prayer, come to the farmer, come tothe farmer, God is great, God is great, there is no god butAllah)), and stay in this modern: (( God is great, God is great, Ibear witness that there is no god but Allah, I bear witness thatMuhammad is the Messenger of God, Come to prayer, come to thefarmer, has made prayer, it may, the prayer God is great God isgreat, there is no god but Allah)).We hope you like it and please obtain evaluation inadvertentlydevelopment
where is my phone (whistle) 1.8
if you lost your phone , and you don'tremember where you put it the last time, you only need to whistleand your phone will repond you with playing an alarmjust acitvate this app , choose the alarm , and when you lost yourphone just whistle , yes yes just do that and your phone will playthe alarm and you will be able to find it with no pain
X Ray Girl Camera cloth Prank 1.3
turn your camera phone into an X-ray Underwearcamera detector simulator and pretend to be able to see how is thelingerie and the underwear of everyone.dream of having a real Underwear X-ray camera simulator for yourphone , this app is for you(only prank, for cheat your friends)With this X-ray Underwear camera detector you could pretend tobe able to see what other persons wear under their clothes.You can use it to know what your girlfriend is wearing as underwear, or start a sexy disscussion with someone (use yourimagination...)The underwear images are fake.This is a prank application to make pranks to your friends and family with this free application andhave fun.
الهاتف الناطق : إستقبال صوتي 1.4
إجعل هاتفك مميز عن طريق هذا البرنامج الرائعحيث سيتم قراءة الميساج صوتيا عند كل فتح لشاشة هاتفكأولا قم بإدخال ميساج بالإنقليزية الذي سيتم قرائته عند كل فتح هاتفكمثلا : Hello Bossثانيا قم بتفعيل البرنامجالآن هاتفك جاهز و مميز عن بقية الهواتف عند كل فتح للشاشة إستمعللميساج الذي قمت بكتابتهLet your phone bedistinctive by this wonderful program where they will be readphonetically Almisag at all open to the screen phoneFirst enter Masag Balankulaizah who will read it at all, forexample, open your phone: Hello BossSecondly activate the programNow your phone is ready and distinct from the rest of the phones atall open to the screen Listen to Masag that you typed
Free Call Hack Prank 1.1
who don't dream of having a phone with freecalls with no time you can pretend that you have this application to do all yourcalls for free around the world with two clicks.this app will let be famous imagine the people reaction when theywill hear that your phone can make free calls around the world atany time.**********************to do the best pranks with this app justfollow thease steps:1* open this prank app2* choose the satellite to make your free call ( american , japanor russian)3* set the phone number to call for free4* set the duration of this call4* start the free dial ( an outgoing call screen will appear withthe phone number set in the 3 step)once the call done you will find the number marked in the logcall screen so you can fool them with this trickhope you will enjoy our Free Call Hack Prank please rate us toimprove our apps.
keyboard hologram simulator 3D 1.0
keyboard 3d hologram is a simulator 3D laserprojection using the camera of the phone!fool them by showing the projection of the 3d blue light keyboardon the table or the wall in your phone screenThe game will draw the image of luminous 3d laser keyboard and playa futuristic sound,the camera will turn on so that you will have a projection of the3d blue light keyboard on the table when you put your phone overthe table.Hologram 3D projection blue light keyboard - is a prankapplication !The camera phone cannot project pictures on any surface!this game is not generating 3D laser projection keys for is only a simulator, a prank to do with friends.feel free to rate and share your new app idea with us .
Wifi Password Hacker Prank 1.2
wanna make your friend jelaous ? wanna be thebest hacker in your city ?all you need is our application to do the best joke and fool yourfamily and friends.this apps allows you to simulate different attack and hackingmethode :-stole and hack the wifi password-change the password wifi of a victim's router-reboot and shutdown the router of your victims.this app is only for entertainment purpose and does not hackrouter. just have fun and share with us the reaction of yourfriends.
Picture resotre backup prank 1.0
the best picture & file resotre backup ofthe market.pretend to be the one who can easily restore and backup any deletedvideos files picture or media music..with this restore and backup prank application you can simulate thefollowing case :- restore deleted pictures- restore deleted files- restore deleted videos- restore deleted music- restore deleted sms & mmswhat make this app special ?easy to usethe backup of deleted pictures and files is verry fastthe prank is realistic with nice graphic interface
scare who touch my phone pro 1.6
stop touching my phone while am sleeping or amawaythis app will protect your phone from strangerjust active it and when some one unlock your screen he will beterrified and he will never touch your phone againtry it and let us know your opinion
Phone Lock Fingerprint Prank 1.2
you dream of having a phone that can recognizeyour fingerprint like a real fingerprint scanner like in a securecompany to lock and unlock your screen home phone ,so thissimulation app is for you can pretend to unlock you phone screen home with yourfingerprint in a really short time all that you have to do isplacing your fingerprint in the scanner , the phone willvibrateand a scanner audio effect will be played to be we have mentionned before this app is just for fun and doesnot scan your fingerprint , so we have let you possible to chooseif the scanner will accept or refuse the nextfingerprint so now you can customize the scanning result .to do the best prank invite your family and freinds and show themhow you phone is able now to scan your fingerprint and unlock yourphone screen with our Phone Lock Fingerprint Prank.have fun and please rate us .
Phone Number Loactor Prank 1.1
Phone Number Loactor Prank is the best app todo jokes and simulate that you have an engine that can locate othercell phones with just their you can simulate the work of a real satellite gps locator thatcan detect the place of any phone in just few seconds .this app will show you a random number of miles and this numberrepresent the miles between you and your callerhave fun dont miss to rate us .
Tv Live Streaming scray prank 1.1
Tv Live Streaming scray prank App will let youdo the best prank ever .verry simple and perfectly created to look like a real tv streamingapplication but in addition you will be able to scare your friendand enjoy his reaction.all you have to do is to pretend having all tv channels (adult tv,sport tv,documentary tv , kids tv)you also have to choose thesatellite tv first (Usa , india , brasil , russia...)just demand to your victim to turn on the Live Streaming scrayprank App and to put a specific program then a scary face willappear with a scary sound.hope you will enjoy this Tv Streaming fake app scray prank .this app does not stream any channel and it's only for fun.
cigar cuba simulator 1.0
you like big cuba cigars ? this app is foryoua real simulation of a cuba cigar with realistic sound and visualeffect is now in the market for your cool cigar in your phone to your freinds and be uniqueand stylesh.Important Note : smoking kills
street drive: drift and stunts 1.0
the best drift car game in the market nowforfree.just take your car and have fun in the city of drift .you can do all the stunts that you dream about in real life, inthisgame you can do them safelypractice your drift and driving skills to be the king of thestreetdrift .show them who can do the best stunts with speed car.***********features ************-real steering wheel for better control-HQ music drift theme .-nice map with different staff like in the real life.hope you enjoy it .
Girl Phone Hack Prank 1.0
dream of hacking your girlfriend phoneorreading your wife's sms ? who don't ?with this prank application you can fool your friends and pretendtohack all phones , tell them that with just a number you can hackanyconnected phone to readsms or view personal pictures and even being able to open thecamera.(use your imagination to tell them some pretty lies likethis one:D)fool them and enjoy their reactions.this app is made for fun and it's a cool hack phone prank to dowithfriends.
bird canary ringtone 1.4
Now for free you can get the coolestringtonesmade by bird canary for your phone.this application allows you to teach your baby canary how to sing,just let him listen to the canary sound from this app.
Voice changer Pro 1.4
you can now change your voice , recordyourfreind voice and then change it with our cool and funny filtertohave fun and laugh with your family and kids
Metal detector 2015 1.5
use this metal detector to find out anylostmetal objectyou can use this app to detect dangerous thing like knife orothermetal objectthis app will work correctly if your phone has themagneticsensor.the sensor of your phone will detect Magnetic Field and tell youifit's a metal or not
Music Downloader Police Prank 1.0
Best Free Music mp3 Downloader scaryPolicePrank in the marketfor this prank you must pretend having a real Free Musicmp3Downloader application in your phone ,Now do the funniest scary prank to your friends while they tryingtosearch and download free music with this know that downloading music is Illegal Activity so thescaryprank will be based on that .How do the prank :1/first open this Free Music mp3 Downloader Prankapplication.2/ then demand to your friend to enter the music track detailliketitle and the singer3/demand him to download the music via the download button4/ finaly a warning message will be shown telling your victimthatthe police will arrest him for Illegal Activity for musicCopyrightinfringement and scary siren sound will be played.and he cant deny it because they have his fingerprint and afrontalpicture of himFree Music mp3 Downloader is a prank and does not downloadmusicmp3. its just for fun and doing jokes with friendsrate us , if you have any idea to improve this app please tellus,have fun .