Top 21 Apps Similar to Great Philosopher Sayings

Philosophy 4.0
All Philosophical trends of the history.
Philosophy Navigator 1.5
Important notice: This is beta version of the PhilosophyNavigatorapplication. The Philosophy Navigator is a mobile app,whichdelivers to its mobile user, location-based information aboutanumber of points of interest located in Athens, Greece, focusingonthe 'unknown' Plato's Academy and its region. The user cangetinformation in about historical and modern day locations,intextual and multimedia form (pictures, videos, voice). Routeswhichguide the visitor around Athens to locate significantlocationswith a link to Plato’s Academy and identification of thoseinproximity of the user are provided by the app. Theinformationprovided is available in 7 languages that can beselected by theuser. The Philosophy Navigator is developed by theNational andKapodistrian University of Athens, in the context ofthe "Academyof Plato - Paths to Knowledge" project, in partnershipwith theFoundation of the Hellenic World, which performs theselection andediting of the content and routes, as well astranslation andclearance of content rights. The application canoperate with orwithout internet connection. In the presence ofinternetconnection, the application can take advantage of GoogleMaps inorder to present its information graphically and alsoexploitGoogle’s navigation services. Upon installation, it ishighlyrecommended to use the application in order to prefetch thecontenton the local device, so that you can avoid delays andmassive datatransfer while on mobile data network. The applicationis providedfree of charge. The content provided / presented can beused onlyin the context of the current application. Charges mayapply uponnetwork usage by your carrier(s). The PhilosophyNavigator has beenco-funded by the European Union (European SocialFund) and nationalresources within the framework of the project"Plato Academy - TheSociety and the Citizen" of the OperationalProgram "Education andLifelong Learning".
Human Values & Ethics 5.5
This free App covers most important topics in simpleEnglishanddiagrams for a quick study and revisions at the timeofExams,Viva, Assignments and Job interviews. It is the mostusefulApp forlast minute preparations. The best app for school,collegeandwork. If you are a student It will help to learn a lot.ThisusefulApp lists 60 topics in 5 chapters, totally based onpracticalaswell as a strong base of theoretical knowledge withnoteswrittenin very simple and understandable English. Considerthis Appas aquick note guide which professors use in a classroom.The Appwillhelp in faster learning and quick revisions of all thetopics.Someof the topics Covered in the app are: 1. ValueEducation2.Implement VBE 3. Introduction to the Values Theory4.BackgroundVariables Influence Value Priorities 5. SelfExploration6. ValueEducation towards National and GlobalDevelopment 7.ConstitutionalValues 8. National Values 9. SocialValues 10.Professional Values11. Moral Values and Aesthetic Values12.Environmental EthicalValues 13. National Integration 14. RoleofEducation 15.International Understanding 16. Cultures andConflict17. Ethics18. Steps to Creating Positive Thought 19.NegativeThoughts 20.Cognitive Development 21. Change in Attitudes,InterestandInterpersonal Relationships 22. Cognitive BehavioralSkills23.Adolescence and Emotions 24. Common Emotional Patterns25.SexInterest and Sex Behavior 26. Need and Benefit ofExerciseandMeditation for Students 27. Simplified PhysicalExercises 28.HandExercises 29. Leg Exercises 30. Neuro-MuscularBreathingExercise31. Eye Exercises 32. Massage 33. Acu-Pressure34.Relaxation 35.Meditation 36. Yoga 37. Six Roots for Thoughts38.Moralization ofDesires 39. Training to Moralise the character40.Neutralizationof Anger 41. The Concept of Human Rights42.Enumeration of Rightsin the Declaration 43. Human RightsandConstitutional Provisions44. Human Rights of Women and Children45.Status of Women in India46. Physical Assault and HarassmentofWomen 47. Human Rights as toChildren 48. InstitutionsforImplementation of Human Rights 49.Human Relationships 50. TrustandHuman Interaction 51. Process ofSelf Exploration 52.NaturalAcceptance and Experiential Validation53. Happiness andProsperity54. Human Aspirations 55. Rightunderstanding andRelationship 56.Happiness and ProsperityCorrectly 57. LivingHarmony 58. HumanEducation 59. Human Value60. Evolution ofValue-Oriented EducationHuman Values &professional Ethics ispart of engineeringeducation courses andtechnology degree programsat variousuniversities.  Ethics& Values have been studiedin variousdisciplines: philosophy,anthropology, behavioraleconomics,business ethics, corporategovernance, moral philosophy,politicalsciences, socialpsychology, sociology and theology &Computerscience (Ethicalhacking) to name a few.
Philosophy Quotes, Philosophos 3.0
Roman Mbwasi
Philosophy quotes from the Worlds greatest Philosophers.
Oxford Philosophy Dictionary 11.1.544
The most comprehensive dictionary of philosophy in English.
The Problems of Philosophy 1.0
The Problems of Philosophy is one ofBertrandRussell's attempts to create a brief and accessible guideto theproblems of philosophy. Focusing on problems he believeswillprovoke positive and constructive discussion, Russellconcentrateson knowledge rather than metaphysics.If it is uncertain that external objects exist, how can wethenhave knowledge of them but by probability. There is no reasontodoubt the existence of external objects simply because ofsensedata.Russell guides the reader through his famous 1910distinctionbetween "knowledge by acquaintance and knowledge bydescription"and introduces important theories of Plato, Aristotle,Ren?Descartes, David Hume, John Locke, Immanuel Kant, Georg Hegelandothers to lay the foundation for philosophical inquiry bygeneralreaders and scholars alike.
Friedrich Nietzsche 1.0
Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (15 October1844–25 August 1900) was a German philologist,philosopher,culturalcritic, poet and composer. He wrote severalcritical textsonreligion, morality, contemporary culture,philosophy andscience,displaying a fondness for metaphor, irony andaphorism.Find everything you want to know about FriedrichNietzcscheinform of BIOGRAPHY and FACTS or enjoy QUOTES andGALLERY.This app is part of our History Apps collection(availableforfreeon Google Play).If you like our apps or want to find out more about usgoto:, if you have any complaints or notice any bugs send usane-mailon: [email protected] app is released under a Creative Commons AttributionShareAlike3.0 International licence (CC-BY-SA).See licence here: source: Wikipedia (
Philosophy & Metaphysics 3.0
Philosophy through tens of quotes and poems
Aristotle 1.1
Aristotle (384–322 BCE) was a Greekphilosopherand scientist born in Stagirus, northern Greece, in 384BCE. Hisfather, Nicomachus, died when Aristotle was a child,whereafterProxenus of Atarneus became his guardian. At eighteen,he joinedPlato's Academy in Athens and remained there until theage ofthirty-seven (c. 347 BCE). His writings cover many subjects–including physics, biology, zoology, metaphysics, logic,ethics,aesthetics, poetry, theater, music, rhetoric, linguistics,politicsand government – and constitute the first comprehensivesystem ofWestern philosophy. Shortly after Plato died, Aristotleleft Athensand, at the request of Philip of Macedon, tutoredAlexander theGreat between 356 and 323 BCE. According to theEncyclopædiaBritannica, "Aristotle was the first genuine scientistin history... [and] every scientist is in his debt."Find everything you want to know about Aristotle in formofBIOGRAPHY and FACTS or enjoy QUOTES and GALLERY.This app is part of our History Apps collection(availableforfree on Google Play).If you like our apps or want to find out more about us goto:, if you have any complaints or notice any bugs send usane-mail on: [email protected] app is released under a Creative Commons AttributionShareAlike 3.0 International licence (CC-BY-SA).See licence here: source: Wikipedia (
Philosophy Notes 3.0
Philosophical NotesI met an Older Gentleman at my work. upon finding the productsheneeded we had a long chat of life and his view along with hiswordsof wisdom, that he has learned throughout his life. uponreceivinghis notes that he sent me, i realized the meaning and howthesewords may touch another's life. also so having the skills athand icreated this simple app to put this knowledge in the palm ofyourhand.
Good books for Philosophy 1.0
If you love Philosophy stories, GOOD BOOKSFORPHILOSOPHY is a special gift from us to you.Read free Philosophy books. Discover the best Philosophy storiesbypopular writers.- Search and browse more than 399 books- Downloaded books can also be read offline- Customize your reading settings to personalizeyourexperience- Collect & organize your favorite books- User-friendly interface and intuitive control- Other useful features not to miss: recent read books- Share books with friends via email, facebook, ...What are you waiting for? Download our app & Get startedreadingtoday!Please let us know if you have suggestions.
Philosophy Quotes 1.0
This app is aimed at anyone who has aninterestin philosophy, creative thinking, or spirituality. Eachday there isa new quote from a well-known philosopher, rangingfrom AncientGreece to modern times, and from East to West. Nointernetconnection is required to get your new quote for the dayand you canalso look at entries for previous days. This appcelebrates theintelligence and creative thinking of humankind.Each quote mayinspire, challenge or reinforce beliefs; all willencourage thoughtand reflection.
Fifty philosophers for your phone.
مقالات فلسفه BAC 1.0
A selection of philosophical articles for baccalaureate students
رواق الفلسفة 1.0
résumés des leçons de philosophie pour les élèves deladeuxièmeannée sciences et lettres de l'enseignementsecondairequalifiantdu Maroc.
دروس فلسفة ملخصة BAC 1.1
- يحتوي هذا التطبيق على ملخصات الدروسالمقررةفي مادة الفلسفة- بإعتبار مادة الفلسفة مادة حية ومتنوعة سيساعدك هذا التطبيق علىحفظالاساسيات التي تسمح لك بتكوين فقرة او مقالة أو رأي فلسفي- انتظرونا في تطبيقات أخرى في المجال التعليمي والقادم سيكونملخصاتحوليات مقالات دروس في مختلف المواد والمستويات- التطبيق يظم كل الشعب BAC : علوم تجريبية رياضيات تقني رياضي تسيروإقتصاد آداب و فلسفة لغات أجنبيةللتحظير للباكاروريا وكيفية التحظير الجيد الذي يجعل منكطالبناجحBAC هو الطريق للجامعة وهو مفتاحك للعمل والدراسة وتكوين نفسك إذنإجعلمن البكالوريا طريقك نحو القمةنتمنى لكم النجاح في BAC والتفوق الدراسي والجامعي وماكان فيالتطبيقمن نقص فمن أنفسنا والشيطان وما كان فيه من توفيق فهو منالله- This application ontheprescribed lessons in philosophy contain summaries- Considering philosophy vivid and varied material thisapplicationwill help you to save the fundamentals that allow you toconfigurea paragraph or essay or philosophical opinion- Coming in other applications in the educational field and thenextwill be summaries of Annals articles lessons in differentmaterialsand levels- The application of all the people Adject BAC: experimentalMathScience Technical athlete economy going and ethics andphilosophyof foreign languagesThe taboo of Bacaroria Althzir and how good that makes youasuccessful studentBAC is the way to University and is your key to work, studyandconfigure yourself permission of Mark Baccalaureate yourwaytowards the summitWe wish you success in the BAC and academic excellenceanduniversity and McCann in the application of it is the lackofourselves and the devil and what was in it from conciliation isofGod
The Complete Plato 4.1
The complete works of greatest philosopher
Philosophical Ebooks 1.0
The app will satisfy your quench to readsomeof the best philosophical books. You can downloadthisphilosophical ebooks app to grab the best e books available inthephilosophical category thereby giving yourself a hold of someofthe best books. To help you read them easily, the app has thebestuser experience, you can think of.By downloading this philosophical ebook app you will be abletoread some great books absolutely free. Books like On toHigherGround, Butterflies Are Free To Fly, How To Be Merry etc area partof this amazing app. All you need to do this go ahead locatethebook you want to read on the shelf and tap on it tobeginreading.Using this philosophical ebook application you will be abletochange the font size, swipe to the next page, choose from a listofmultiple books, change colors, manage brightness and a lotmore.So, just download this app and enjoy the best time readingthesebooks.Features of the app:1. Enjoy reading your book anywhere2. You can skip to the next chapter in the book3. Easily swipe to next page and navigate within the appDisclaimer:The app is designed to let you enjoy reading ebooks thatarefamous and give you all the information that you might needaboutcertain varied topics. If you have any issues with the app, orhaveany suggestions drop me a mail at [email protected]
أسرار كتابة مقالات فلسفية BAC 1.1
The secrets of successful writing philosophical article inthebaccalaureate exam
Beyond Good and Evil 1.0
"Beyond Good and Evil" is Nietzsche athisbest. In the book the philosopher attempts to systematically sumuphis philosophy through a collection of 296 aphorisms groupedintonine different chapters based on their common theme. For thereaderwho has yet to discover Nietzsche in this translation byHelenZimmern will be found a fabulous introduction. For those whohavealready discovered Nietzsche here you will find the opportunitytounderstand the whole of Nietzsche's philosophy.
Philosophy 1.1
All philosophy through the ages and philosophers.