Top 19 Games Similar to myVolleyStat

SoloStats 123 Volleyball 5.1.4
Stat and Coach at the same time. Win more games. Recommended bytheAVCA and JVA
Easy Volley Scout PRO 2.4.33s
Application statistical returns in volleyball
My Scout Volley
My Volley Scout Anyone can scout a game of Volleyball
Volleyball scout advantage 11
App per lo scouting in tempo reale diunapartita di volley.Semplice ed intuitivoSono disponibili le istruzioni al seguente link: funzioni rispetto alla versione normal:- Possibilità di creare un report a fine partita con tuttelestatistiche dei vari set, della partita, e di ognigiocatore- Configurare degli indirizzi di posta elettronica perognicategoria in modo da poter inviare il report finale- Possibilità di cercare un report di una partita giocata- Consultare statistiche cumulative di tutte le partite giocatedauna categoria, o da un singolo giocatore- Possibilità di effettuare una copia del database contenentetuttii dati- Possibilità di eliminare tutti i dati di tutte le partite(compresi i report), evitando di perdere i dati relativiaigiocatori- Possibilità di gestire lo scouting degli allenamenti- Calcolo di statistiche riguardanti le varie fasi di gioco:- attacco a 2 contro attacco a 2- attacco a 2 contro attacco a 3- attacco a 3 contro attacco a 2- attacco a 3 contro attacco a 3Nuove funzioni rispetto alla versione base:- Possibilità di gestire giocatori per categoria- Possibilità di memorizzare in modo permanente i dati relativiaigiocatoriFunzioni della versione base:- Possibilità di giudicare i 6 fondamentali quali:"B" - battuta"R" - ricezione"D" - difesa"A" - attacco"M" - muro"P" - palleggio- Comprende anche la sezione dedicata all'analisi del libero- Gestione sostituzioni- Calcolo delle percentuali- Resoconto fine set e fine partita- Resoconto a fine partita anche di ogni singolo giocatoreSi consiglia uno schermo di almeno 7 polliciApp for scouting inrealtime with a game of volleyball.Simple and intuitiveInstructions are available at the following link: features compared to the normal version:- Ability to create a report after the game with all thevarioussets of statistics, the game, and each player- Configure the e-mail addresses for each category so you cansendthe final report- Ability to search for a report of a game played- Consult cumulative statistics of all games played by acategory,or by a single player- Possibility to make a copy of the database containing allthedata- Ability to delete all data of all games (including reports),andavoid losing data related to you- Ability to manage scouting workouts- Calculation of statistics on the various phases of thegame:       - 2 attack againstattack2       - Attack against attack2to 3       - 3 attack againstattack2       - 3 attack againstattack3New features compared to the basic version:- Ability to manage players by category- Ability to permanently store data relating to playersFunctions of the basic version:- Ability to judge the six fundamentals such as:       "B" - joke       "R" - reception       "D" - defense       "A" - attack       "M" - wall       "P" - dribble- Also includes a section dedicated to the analysis ofthefree- Managing replacements- Calculation of percentage- Interim order sets and end of game- Minutes after the game also of each individual playerWe recommend a screen size of 7 inches
Beach Volley Scout 4.0.0
FAB Apps
"Excellent. Created by a playerforplayers!Suggested" Filippo Romani, Italian indoorbeachvolleyballchampionA simple and immediate way to write down all the shots ofabeachvolleyball match: draw the trajectory, select the kindofshotperformed and its outcome, and Beach Volley Scout willrecorditfor you!Moreover, you'll be provided not only with basic statistics(ace%etc.) but also with a precise categorization ofsomeone'sfavoriteshots based on score situation, wind intensity andotherparameters(both in numerical and graphical form).Completely offline."Excellent. Createdbyaplayer for players! Suggested" Philip Romans, Italianindoorbeachvolleyball champion A simple and immediate way to write down all the shots ofabeachvolleyball match: draw the trajectory, select the kindofshotperformed and its outcome, and Beach Volleyball Scoutwillrecordit for you!Moreover, you'll be provided not only with basicstatistics(ace%etc.) but anche with a precise categorization ofsomeone'sfavoriteshots based on score situation, wind intensity andotherparameters(both in numerical and graphical form).Completely offline.
Volleyball InStats 1.0
C Leota
"Want stats? Use Volleyball Instats. Helping you makecoachingdecisions easier"
Easy Volley Scout LITE 2.4.33s
Application statistical returns in volleyball
VolleyballTouch 1.0
VolleyballTouch is acompletescoutingapplication which allows you to keep track of whathappensduring avolleyball match.VolleyballTouch is very easy and requires little effort totrackthematch: just touch the field WHERE is the ball, touch theplayerWHOplays the ball and touch the button about HOW theplayerhandles theball.VolleyballTouch provides you with three differentvolleyballfieldsin which are drawn the path of the services,defensesandattacks.In real time, you can analyse either all the paths ofthemostimportant fundamentals of the game or a subset ofthemaccording toseveral filtering criteria (player, phases ofbothteams, kind ofshot and further criteria again).VolleyballTouch has been thought only for tablet layouts.
Volleyball Scout Free 2.1
James Bentley
Volleyball Scout is an application thatallowsyou to track a Volleyball player's performance during aVolleyballgame. Serving, blocking, attacks and digs (all aspects ofthesport) are tallied. Reports can be generated showing howtheVolleyball player performs. This information can then be usedtoassess the Volleyball player's skill level, positionplacement,areas of concern, etc. Further, this information can beused whenseeking college recruitment. Get Noticed, Play Better,GetVolleyball Scout Statistics calculated per NCAA guidelines.Pleasesee for terms of useandadditional details. Visually identify players on allscreens.Quickly navigate between volleyball game sets. Recordstatistics asthe game is played. Generate Reports in HTML, CommaSeparatedValues (CSV) and text. Utilize reports in seekingcollegerecruitment. All statistics calculated per NCAA guidelines.Touch the icon in the player view to set your own picture.Holdthe icon to clear the image.In the set view, associate video clips and images with theset.toggle the view button to remove the associations. select aclip toview.Enable clips on the game screen by using the toggle button.Onceenabled, tap the video view to capture the clip. Clips arebufferedin the background. Capturing the video clip will produce avideostarting 6 to 18 seconds before the video view was touched.Nevermiss a play.Tap a clip to post (to facebook, e-mail , text, etc.) or toplay.Review key plays.Clips require camera, external storage and the ScoutSubscriptionApp (Scout Subscription).see for more details,andexciting anouncements.
Volleyball Stats 2.86
Hayava, Inc
Track Volleyball Stats easily from your phone!
Click&Scout 1.69
Data Project
Click&Scout is the new statistic software for yourVolleyballmatches.
SeTTEX 2.3
SeTTEX (Second Touch Tactical Exploration) tracksthesetdistribution during a volleyball match for bothreal-timeandpost-match advanced tactical analysis. The goalisunderstandingthe opposing team's strategy through the setter'splayduring thegame. SeTTEX is smart, easy to use and requiresnosubjectiveevaluation. SeTTEX is not a scouting tool. SMART -SeTTEXincludesthe VIRTUAL COACH that provides useful hintsandnotifications inreal-time about the setter's behaviour, basedonthe data collectedduring the game and processed byadvancedmathematical algorithmsCLOUD READY - SeTTEX PRO allows youto storeand retrieve the datacollected by you as well as the datashared byother SeTTEX users.The database containing the datarelevant to thesetters'performances is already huge and growing dayby day. EASYTO USE -Using SeTTEX is like playing a videogame. Noexpertise isrequired.You can use it during the match and it getsthe relevantdata forthe analysis out of your touches. No subjectiveevaluationisneeded: SeTTEX analyses are entirely based on whatisreallyhappening on the court and on sophisticatedstatisticalprocessing.
VolleyScout let you to keep a reportofvolleyplayers (crushes, beats...) with a simpleandituitiveinterface.Thanks to quick stats and graph, it allows to have aplainandimmediate report of player global performance.This app also provides a tattic board to show and/ordrawgametattics and schemes[NOTE]Even if this app is compatible with all android device,it'shighlyrecommend a 4'' or more screen[SPECIAL THANKS]Josef - app debugDaniela - french translation[DEVELOPER SUPPORT]- PayPal donation- Click on advertisement ads (GRATIS)
Guess What Volleyball Stats V1.10
With Guess What Volleyball youcananalyseVolleyball actions and field positions. Statistic chartscanbeconsulted at any time during or after the match.It's also possible to e-mail the full analysis data inacsvformatted file which can be used in for example MS Excelformoreindepth analyses.This csv file also contains action date and timeinformationwhich,if you recorded your match, can be used to easilyskipthrough allthe actions of interest.9 volleyball actions and 5 ratings levels are available andcanbeuser defined.You can create and analyse unlimited teams and matches.Before you can analyse a match you have to setup at least2teamsand one match. After that select the created match andstartyouranalyses!Practical use showed that it not possible to analyseallactionsin a match (you have to switch your focus between thescreenandthe match to often). Analysing 2-3 actions (serve, assistandsetfor example) per match is more realistic.You can see both action and position statisticsduringthematch.I'm a volleyball coach myself and looked for anopportunitytolearn to create Android applications. Because at firsti didnotknew what application it would become i called itGuessWhat.That's how Guess What Volleyball started.Hope you enjoy the app! Please let me know your findings soIcanimprove the application with your input.
Scouter Volley 1.0
Applicazione per l'analisi scout di una partita dipallavolo,analizza tutti i fondamentali. Permette la creazione diSquadre,Gare e Giocatori. Permette l'inserimento della formazionein campo,e consente il rapido consulto dei risultati in temporeale. Diversitipi di analisi dello scout e scelta dell'utente.Elabora un filePDF con il riassunto di una determinata gara.Permette gliscreenshot delle analisi scout dettagliate per singologiocatoree/o fondamentale relative alla singola gara o ad uninsieme digare. L'applicazione è pensata per dispositivi condisplay didimensioni uguali o superiori a 7''.
Ultimate Volley Stats 1.12
The most complete volleyballstatisticscombinedwith the easiest input available!Minimum screen resolution of the device is 480x800.Get your stats to the new level and record allthedesiredperformances of your volleyball-teams withtheUltimateVolleyStats(UVS) for Android-devices. Smartsemi-automaticselection of thenext probable performance makesrecording easierthan ever. Yourteam's statistics are updated duringthe input andyou getimmediately various information for youranalysis.Touch-controlled browsing of all stats allow fast anddetailedsightover your team's season, matches and sets!You can:- create multiple teams and series- rearrange your line-up at any time- record your team's attacks, serves, receives, blocks,digsandsets, and estimate them in levels 1...4- record opponent's attack-points categorized to1st/otherattacksand opponent's errors categorizedtoattack/serve/other- watch current points and line-up in right rotation- undo latest input, edit points,change servingside,adjustpoint-balance rules, edit player's roles, names and lookofshirts,...- watch graphical statistics of match/set for player/teamand+/-points of rotation/player during input- easily switch to the statistics view and back anytimeduringinputto see full detailed statistics- compare own/opponent's errors, blocks and sideout-%, orcompareownpoints, sideout- and receive-% by rotations- get detailed information about your team'sattack-distributionsbyroles or by 1st/other attacks- watch customized details of performances for all playersandteamat the same time in statistics-view- filter matches for statistics by team, serie andtimelineandeasily step to the next/previous match or set- export all the data for another device with UVS, orexportselectedstats for Excel or MaxPreps- replace all the data by importing it from backup orfromanotherdevice having full version of UVS installedPermissions: License-checking needs connectiontoGooglePlaysometimes (less often than weekly).
Volleyball Ace Stats 9.05
Volleyball Ace Stats - Complete livevolleyballstats- One tap on the player to record stats- Stats derived from order of touches & outcome- Serves, digs, passes, attacks, sets & blocks- Serve and attack charts- Serve and pass ratings- Accurate score- Player position and rotation tracking- Android tablet and Android phone platforms- Includes multiple rosters, opponent reports- (No in app purchases required)Reports & Output- Box scores, including hitting efficiency- Points per rotation (including side out %)- Pass and serve ratings- Serve and attack charts- Match and season consolidation- Opponent attack tendencies, blocks and serves- Email from enabled device- MaxPreps and DakStats output- Data sharing with desktop apps
ProVolley-fr 1.4.0
The first app dedicated volleyball professonel in France
Volleyball Scoreboard 1.2
The Volleyball Scoreboard is a very useful applicationwhichallowsYou keep track of sets and points of thevolleyballgame.Volleyball scoreboard is designed for classicvolleyball andbeachvolleyball. The application is very simple(intuitive)andcustomizable. Basic features: You can enter the namesof theteamsplaying the game. You can set the number of point in thesetandthe number of sets to win. If You set "BeachVolleyball"mode,volleyball scoreboard will remind You to switchsides aftereach 7points. Touching the screen of Your phone / tabletadds apoint. Ifyou make a mistake, using a special button youcansubtract apoint. After changing the fields, you can also swapsidesof theteams on the scoreboard. You can count time-outs takenby theteamsduring the match. The app measures the time of each set.Whenthematch is over, you can send the result via email, textmessage,orby BlueTooth You can also share it on socialnetworksites.Volleyball is under control now. Free volleyballscoreboardforyou.