SeTTEX 2.3
SeTTEX (Second Touch Tactical Exploration) tracks thesetdistribution during a volleyball match for both real-timeandpost-match advanced tactical analysis. The goal isunderstandingthe opposing team's strategy through the setter's playduring thegame. SeTTEX is smart, easy to use and requires nosubjectiveevaluation. SeTTEX is not a scouting tool. SMART - SeTTEXincludesthe VIRTUAL COACH that provides useful hints andnotifications inreal-time about the setter's behaviour, based onthe data collectedduring the game and processed by advancedmathematical algorithmsCLOUD READY - SeTTEX PRO allows you to storeand retrieve the datacollected by you as well as the data shared byother SeTTEX users.The database containing the data relevant to thesetters'performances is already huge and growing day by day. EASYTO USE -Using SeTTEX is like playing a videogame. No expertise isrequired.You can use it during the match and it gets the relevantdata forthe analysis out of your touches. No subjective evaluationisneeded: SeTTEX analyses are entirely based on what isreallyhappening on the court and on sophisticated statisticalprocessing.