Top 17 Apps Similar to Live Assist

My Assistant 1.3.0
This beautiful lady is your phone virtual voice assistant.
Personal Assistant
Vishal Pawar
Personal Assistant is digital assistant for all who want to bethereon time for
Toyoguard Personal Assistant
The Toyoguard Personal Assistant appprovidesregistered users of the Toyoguard Personal Assistantservice withexpanded access to a world-class team of professionalassistants.The mobile app gives registered users the ability tomake requestsfrom anywhere in the world with a cellular or dataconnection.Added functionality also enables users to optionallysubmit theirgeolocation when calling or submitting a request. Nowyour team ofToyoguard Personal Assistants will be able to use yourlocation tobetter assist you. Users will also have instant accessto theirlocal Toyota retailer's contact info, their vehicle's VIN,andother Toyoguard information.
3D Pal ( 3D Siri ) 2.1
DescriptionMove over SIRI, S voice and other voice based products withnopersonality, here comes 3D Pal.3D Pal is the first app on Google Play, which offers theabilityto virtualise any individual you like in brilliant 3Danimationwith touch sensitivity. This app puts the users in totalcontrolover who they want to choose as their 3D personal assistantbe ittheir loved ones or their favourite celeb. This excitingfeaturerenders a personality to your mobile device and makes youstand outfrom rest of the run of the mill mobile device users.One of the exciting features of this app is that it isavailablein a range of accents, from Australian to US English alsowith 100different language choices. 3D Pal is a great blend ofvirtualfriend and artificial intelligence. It uses naturallanguagetechnology of iSpeech to perform a multitude of tasksranging fromtext messages to transforming pictures into a virtual3Dcommunication tool, not only does it transform your lovedone’spicture into 3D virtual assistant but also lets you customiseitwith loads of cool stuff. 3D Pal uses the state of the artvoicerecognition technology which gives the user a hands freeexperienceto perform various tasks and integrates it withtechnology tovirtualize a photo to reflect any action the userexpects it toperform.FEATURES:3D Pal, a brilliant technology that has features of iPhone Siriandtakes it up a notch to include more features to make ituserdriven. With 3D Pal, you can:• You can have a member of your family, friends or yourfavouritecelebrity as talking and emoting 3D virtual assistant.So, insteadof having just a voice talking to you, now you willhave a chosenfavourite person in 3D in your mobile device.• Haven’t you always wanted a phone that was uniqueanddifferent? 3D Pal gives you that edge so that you canpersonalizeyour Android phone and make it your own unique phone.Now yourphone is – Unique, Personal and Exclusive by inclusion of3DPal.• 3D Pal’s amazing engineering enables you to virtualize in 3Danduse it do simple to complex tasks for you, including GPSservice,social media, news reading, comprehensive locationservices,real-time information services, weather, sports,generalinformation etc.• You need to update your face book, send mail, call a personwhendriving, search on stuff on amazon, know things inGoogle,calculate, set alarm, 3D Pal does it – in short you’ll havea 3Dpersonal assistant in your hand. You ask and itperformsimpeccably. 3D Pal is not only the best personal assistantapp onAndroid phone, but it is more- much, much more. 3D Pal’suniqueselling point is puts you in total control over who you wantasyour 3D virtual assistant and even give them a name. So, inshort,your voice-based personal assistant app can now emote in 3Dand cando a lot. How many voice-based personal-assistant apps inthemarket can do that? It can become:• A child for a father who misses his family.• A funny man who makes silly faces and responds to yoursillyquestions.• A companion who helps you get through your lonely days• A guide who will help you navigate through the rush hour andtothe places you want to go.• An ally who will become your walking encyclopaedia and provideyouwith answers to your questions.• Your favourite celebrity to talk, laugh and share a joke.• A long lost friend to talk in the virtual world• An intelligent personal assistant who will do multipletasks• A friend that shares a moment, emotes intelligently, andbecomesyour buddy in the virtual world.Your phone becomes a topic of conversation as well as your modeofconversation. In short a real friend in every sense oftheword.
Dyarise 1.0.3
Dyarise make your life simplifier- All you need in one place.Why is it special?Dashboard- A simplified user friendly personal assistant thatkeepstrackof everything. Now no need to use multiple applicationsonyourphones to manage your daily activities. Dyarise canbeyourpersonal assistant the will give a simple dash board thatwillhelpyou manage your meetings, events that you are toattend,reminder’sfor birthday’s and specially occasion, yourfinance bykeeping atrack of your accounts and expenses. That’s notjust ityou canplan and get dash board reports daily or weekly ormonthly.Itwould also show your updates on various stores whatoffers aretheygiving you and a lot more.One touch Dash Board- A simple dash board that tell you about the eventsthatyounoted and that you have to attend, any reminders that youhavesetbirthdays or other occasions, your meetings andschedule,yourexpense report a snap shot of what have spent andwhere, theoffersthat you can avail at various stores.Easy Expense tracking- Most times you end up spending and not making a propernoteofit which may lead you to wonder what have you done orwherehaveyou spent that extra!! Now keep a track with yourpersonalfinancemanager, you can track what you have spent on whatandwhere. Itwill show you a simple dash board of your dailyexpenseslist whatyour spend on food, fuel, your accommodation oryourtravel expenseso on so forth.Just to do It- It’s like a scribble pad in the app where in you cannoteanyimportant things that you might need to do. It can alsobeyourdaily task list or check list which can help youfunctionbetter atwork or in your day to day activities.View Stores offer- View the stores nearby to you, see what offers are runningonareal time basis. Book appointments to visit the storeusingyourpersonal assistant applications. Making life simpler,alltheinformation that you need at your fingertips.
Go For 5 4.5.1
Think of Go For 5 as yourpersonalassistant,your GoFor, your concierge. Our service isdesigned tohelp yousave time. We do it all: Run errands, attendpets, housesit, cardetailing, home repairs, transportation,internetresearch,stand/wait in line so you don't have to, act asyourbusinesscourier, concert/sports ticket procurement,handymanservice,hotel/airplane itineraries, fast food pick up, pickup anddeliverprescription medicines, It does not matter what it is…ifyou needhelp, call Go For 5!
Quick Runs 1.0
Welcome to Quick Runs! quick runs is theTwinCities provider of Professional Concierge, LifestyleManagement,and Personal Assistant Services to Busy Individuals,Families, andSeniors/Retirees. We take care of all thetime-consuming tasks thatyou are too busy to do or don't want todo, so you have time tofocus on the things that matter most: yourfamily, friends, andmost importantly, yourself! We also serve smallbusinesses andcorporations. Enjoy!We empower our clients by providing errand services andpersonalassistance, and also bring valuable discounts on a rangeofproducts and services.Individuals, condo residents or corporateandhospital employees can delegate their tedious and timeconsumingdomestic tasks, restoring the balance between work andhome life. "Imagine having someone to tackle that to-do list foryou. How greatwould it be to delegate those everyday time-consumingtasks andhaving quality time to spend doing what you WANT to? Ourconciergeservice can do just that"Our Services can help you manage the work-life balance intoday’sbusy world. Whether it is just the occasional one-off to runanerrand you don’t feel like doing yourself or a moreinvolvedarrangement over a period of time to help you cope with atemporarysituation which is making demand on your time. If you arespendingyour lunch break running errands under stress rather thangettingsome down-time from a hectic work day, well …. you have cometo theright place. Our list of services is as unique as our clientsareindividuals. Here are just a few possibilities to help youorganizeyour time. Enjoy!*Your To Do List : Let us handle your "To Do List" so thatyoucan focus on the important things in,friends,work and pleasure.*All Your Grocery Needs: We provide quality services 24/7 Calltorequest service*Corporate and Small Business: Needs We provide qualityservices24/7 Call to request service.*Travel Arrangements: Airline ticket arrangements Rentalcararrangements Hotel & resort arrangementsDestinationinformation Travel reward point management*We value your family time: let us work for you while youspendquality time with friends and family.*Moving/Relocation Services: Help Packing/unpacking Move-inDayAssistance Home Staging/de-cluttering/OrganizingConnectingutilities Referring landscaping/Contractors/paintersChange ofAddress Notification Car Detailing.*Personal/Family Services: You can trust in us to handle yourdailyneeds in a confidential, efficient, and timely manner. Welookforward to helping you find the free time you deserve.*High Quality Customer Service: Don't stand in line and wait foramachine to tell you what to do. We give you the freedomandflexibility of speaking to a live person, feels like theyaresitting next to you answering your questions. Give us a calltoday.Click on call us instantly now.*Quality Customer Service 24/7: You have fun and we deal withyourcar troubles. We pick-up and drop to the repair shop, and wederiveyou to work and back. Before you get home, your car is readyforyou. No hassle! For more Service detail download the appandEnjoy!
Q Now 1.2.4
Q App, LLC
The Q Now App matches you with localpersonalassistants (Qs) at the touch of a button to run errands andsolveproblems. Just a few simple clicks, and Q is on the way!When there are seemingly innumerable items on your checklist, Qisalways available to unburden you. To pick up yourdry-cleaningbefore the day ends, or to grab some dog food beforethe stash runsout, or to grab some milk from the store before thekids wake upfrom their nap... To find an available and highly ratedplumber, orto create the most cost-effective travel itinerary, orto compile alist of preschools without waiting lists in yourdesired radius....Because even the most effective multi-taskerneeds helpsometimes...
Mi asistente 30.08.20
Mediante esta aplicación podrás realizar fácilmente lastareasmáshabituales que hoy en día se realizan con unteléfonointeligente.- Puedes realizar una búsqueda en Internet. -Puedesescribir odictar un mensaje y luego compartirlo concualquieraplicaciónsocial que tengas instalada, correo, twitter,whatsapp,line, ... -También puedes buscar una dirección, un lugar ouncódigo postal enun mapa tal como cines, restaurantes, etcsidispones de tuubicación activada te buscará siempre los lugaresmáspróximos a tuposición. - Incluso puedes escribir y editar notas.-Permiteañadir facilmente eventos al calendario para programarlos.-Podrásabrir de un solo toque las aplicaciones más utilizadascomolacalculadora, la grabadora de sonidos, la linterna, elcorreodegmail, la cámara de fotos o video, etc,... Todos loscomentariosysugerencias sobre esta app y funcionalidades y mejorasquedeseesque añadamos en próximas actualizaciones puedes enviarlosalcorreodel desarrollador. Gracias por utilizar esta app.
Ambrosio 1.1.40
Ambrosio es tu aplicación de asistentepersonalpara Madrid.En nuestro panel de tareas encontrarás todo lo que podemos hacerporti. Tú sólo pide y tu asistente personal se hará cargo de loquenecesites. En Ambrosio queremos facilitarte aún más la vida,por esotu asistente será siempre el mismo. Se anticipará a tusnecesidadesy colocará todo lo que necesites en su sitio, para queni siquieratengas que pasar por casa para recibir tuspedidos.Las tareas que puedes pedir a Ambrosio son:Lista de la compra: Selecciona tu supermercado de preferencia,creauna lista con los artículos que necesites y nosotrosloscolocaremos por ti.Lavandería: Crea una lista con las prendas que quieres quellevemosa tu lavandería habitual y nos encargaremos de traerlas ydejarlasen su sitio.Tintorería: Llevamos y recogemos tus prendas adaptándonos al tipodetratamiento que cada una de ellas necesite.Arreglos: ¿Necesitas sacar un dobladillo? ¿A tus zapatos lesvendríabien una puesta a punto? Dinos cuál es el problema, allevar elartículo a los mejores especialistas y devolvértelo enperfectascondiciones una vez esté arreglado.Farmacia: Vamos a la farmacia por ti, y te traemos todoslosmedicamentos que necesites, incluso si tienen recetamédica.Limpieza del hogar: Contamos con los mejores servicios delimpiezadel hogar para que no tengas que preocuparte deencontrarlos ni decontratarlos. Solo dinos con cuánta frecuenciaquieres que vayan acasa y nosotros lo organizaremos todo.Reservas: ¿No tienes tiempo para llamar al restaurante alquequieres ir a cenar esta semana? No te preocupes, nosotrosnosencargamos de hacer la reserva a tu nombre.Mensajería: Ir a Correos a enviar o recoger un paquete ya no esalgode lo que tendrás que preocuparte. Enviaremos o recogeremostuspaquetes sin que tengas que preocuparte de nada.Pedidos especiales: ¿Te ha surgido un plan inesperado que noestáincluido entre los servicios anteriores? No te preocupes, siderepente tienes que organizar una comida para veintepersonasdisponemos de un servicio especial. Trataremos desolucionar tuproblema de la forma más satisfactoria posible.ESTAMOS EN MADRID. Actualmente damos cobertura en estoscódigospostales: 28001, 28002, 28003, 28004, 28005, 28006, 28007,28009,28010, 28012, 28013. 28014, 28015CONTÁCTANOS. Si tienes cualquier duda, problema o sugerencia,nodejes de escribirnos a [email protected]. Más informaciónennuestra web, ¡Te esperamos!Ambrosio applicationisyour personal assistant in Madrid.In our task pane you find anything we can do for you. You justaskand your personal assistant will take care of whatever you need.InAmbrosio we provide you even more life, so your assistant isalwaysthe same. It will anticipate your needs and place everythingyouneed at your site, so you do not even have to go through hometoreceive your orders.The tasks can ask Ambrosio are:Shopping list Choose your supermarket preferably creates a listofitems you need and we will post for you.Laundry: Create a list of items that you want to relocate yourusuallaundry and we will bring them and leave them in place.Cleaning: We collect your clothes and adapting to the typeoftreatment that each need.Arrangements: Need to make a hem? Do your shoes could use atune?Tell us what the problem is, to bring the item to thebestspecialists in perfect condition and return it once itisfixed.Pharmacy: Let the pharmacy for you, and we bring all themedicinesyou need, even if they have a prescription.Home Cleaning: We have the best home cleaning services so you donothave to worry about finding or hiring them. Just tell us withwhatfrequency would go home and we will arrange everything.Reservations: Do not have time to call the restaurant you want togoto dinner this week? Do not worry, we take care of bookingyourname.Messaging: Go to the post office to send or pick up a package isnolonger something you have to worry. We send or collectyourpackages without having to worry about anything.Special orders: Did you come an unexpected plan that is notincludedabove services? Do not worry, if you suddenly have toorganize ameal for twenty people have a special service. We willtry to solveyour problem in the most satisfactory waypossible.WE ARE IN MADRID. Currently we cover in these zip codes:28001,28002, 28003, 28004, 28005, 28006, 28007, 28009, 28010,28012,28013 28014, 28015CONTACT US. If you have any questions, problems or suggestions,donot stop write to [email protected]. More information onourwebsite, you there!
Personal Assistance 3K 1.3
Our lives are filled with deadlines,schedules,dates and tasks and everyone has something theyneed to take care of on a daily bases.In addition, it's also easy to get overwhelmed; especially whenyourtired, stressed, traveling, orhaving an off day or something out of the norm.....Then along comes the PA3K app...This wonderful, simple tool is a note sender, a reminder,andalarmist. It's the digital assistantthat we all need and could use.Instead of spending time trying to find that missing noteorremember the last time you called ina prescription or remember to send someone a text or emailmessagethe PA3K will rememberand do it for you..With PA3K you can now capture the special occasionslikeanniversaries, birthdays andholidays and share them at just the right moments...Never miss another business or personal meeting, doctorappointmentsor call backs.After using PA3K you will wonder how you've ever conducted yourlifewithout it.It's far more then just an app, it's your personal assistantthatkeeps your life on track and ontime; all the time!
My Personal Agenda v.225 Free 10/2023 Powered by Tambucho
The most complete Organizer that you will find for yourAndroiddevice.
Mobile Persona
Eimi is your EvolvingInformationManagementIntelligence personal assistant. Thisassistant app actsas yourMobile Persona to help you remember thethings you forget,find theinformation you need when you need it,and make your phonemorethan just an ordinary device!
UDOY 1.2.70
Looking to buy/order something, need torunerrands or complete a task, Udoy is your very ownpersonalassistant. Simply send a message and get things done acrossvariouscategories like Travel, Health, Home Services etc.All you need to do is choose a service type, send pre-selectedqueryor type your request. An Udoy Assistant will be at yourservice,working until the job is done. We are combiningArtificialIntelligence with the best of human assistants to provideallconvenient services in one place.Currently providing assistance in the following categories:TravelFoodHome ServicesHealthShoppingPay BillsGift
StyleSeat: Book Hair & Beauty 104.4.0
Salon appointment booking and scheduling software for beautyprosand barbers.
ฟ้าใส : เลขาส่วนตัว 1.13
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