Dyarise.com Apps

Dyarise 1.0.3
Dyarise make your life simplifier- All you need in one place.Why is it special?Dashboard- A simplified user friendly personal assistant that keepstrackof everything. Now no need to use multiple applications onyourphones to manage your daily activities. Dyarise can beyourpersonal assistant the will give a simple dash board that willhelpyou manage your meetings, events that you are to attend,reminder’sfor birthday’s and specially occasion, your finance bykeeping atrack of your accounts and expenses. That’s not just ityou canplan and get dash board reports daily or weekly or monthly.Itwould also show your updates on various stores what offers aretheygiving you and a lot more.One touch Dash Board- A simple dash board that tell you about the events thatyounoted and that you have to attend, any reminders that you havesetbirthdays or other occasions, your meetings and schedule,yourexpense report a snap shot of what have spent and where, theoffersthat you can avail at various stores.Easy Expense tracking- Most times you end up spending and not making a proper noteofit which may lead you to wonder what have you done or wherehaveyou spent that extra!! Now keep a track with your personalfinancemanager, you can track what you have spent on what andwhere. Itwill show you a simple dash board of your daily expenseslist whatyour spend on food, fuel, your accommodation or yourtravel expenseso on so forth.Just to do It- It’s like a scribble pad in the app where in you can noteanyimportant things that you might need to do. It can also beyourdaily task list or check list which can help you functionbetter atwork or in your day to day activities.View Stores offer- View the stores nearby to you, see what offers are running onareal time basis. Book appointments to visit the store usingyourpersonal assistant applications. Making life simpler, alltheinformation that you need at your fingertips.