Top 22 Apps Similar to 抄筆記 ParrotTalks - 泡泡查單字, 複製自動查

VoiceTube - Fun ENG Learning
As easy and natural as can be. Memorize phrases and vocabulary innotime.
Learn English with News,TV,YouTube,TED - Scan News 1.3.6
Simply click the words you want to knowwhilereading news.You can learn English by reading or listening with theEnglishnewspapers, magazines, TV, radio and YouTube very easilywithScanNews.✔ The newspapers and magazines in the various fieldsandlanguages.· Sites: NewYork Times, TED, VOA, BBC, etc.· Languages: English (Chinese, Japanese, German, Frenchnewspapersare available for some countries)✔ TV and Radio channels.· Channels: CNN Student News, TED, VOA Learning English,BBCLearning English, etc.✔ My channels, My bookmark, My playlist✔ My vocabulary✔ Provides a variety of multilingual dictionaries.· English-Korean, English-Japanese,English-Chinese,English-Indonesian, English-Vietnamese,English-Thai dictionary,etc.· Korean-English, Korean-Japanese,Korean-Chinese,Korean-Indonesian, Korean-Vietnamese dictionary,etc.✔ One-click dictionary search and save.✔ Listen and speak a sentence**********· Please note that network traffic occurs when loading the newssiteor searching the dictionary.(Preferably using Wifi environment is recommended)· ScanNews displays no advertisement at all, the advertisementseenin the news is originally from a news site.**********
情境英文單字記憶 第1冊 6.18
English vocabulary learning tool - situational English wordmemoryShioulo studio - industrial and commercial custom softwaredesign
Learn English 2.1.2
English study Offline Free Developed by TflatFunctions:1.Conversations with audio, transcript and translation2.VideoEnglish study 3. Regular English phrases with soundandtranslated4. Regular English word with mp3 sound and translated.5.Save yourfavorite words or phrases or lessons easily tolearnlater. Contactto below email for [email protected]
Dr.eye 譯典通 2.3
Rich dictionary content without networking check where they goisyour best partner to learn English
看片學日語 2.0
CT Tseng
The Kanpai Learn Japanese App collects and organizes live videosandlinks of Japanese masters, official teaching channels, andnewswebsites on audio-visual websites, so that users canconvenientlywatch Japanese-language teaching programs onaudio-visual websites.
ParrotTalks -腦科學機制複習英文單字 1.5.6
ParrotTalks help you with the least amount of time, rememberthemost words!
考多益、背單字、練聽力 - HERO 學英文課程
「HERO」是由「VoiceTube看影片學英語」團隊研發的線上英語學習課程,貫徹「看影片學英文」的學習方式,HERO的每堂課都由一段影片搭配涵括英文聽力、口說、閱讀、寫作等各種題型,全方位增加你的英文實力!【5 分鐘免費體驗,推薦專屬課程等級】 ▪不需付費,下載本 APP 後即可免費使用 5 分鐘濃縮版課程 ▪ 除了可體驗HERO的課程形式與各式題型,課程結束後,系統還會依照作答情況評估你的英文程度 ▪ 測驗結果將對照至你適合的HERO課程難度,讓你選擇課程更方便。 【貼心區分四種等級,循序漸進學英文】 課程難度可對照多益TOEIC分數,分為初、中、中高、高級等四種等級: ▪ 初級:多益 TOEIC 約 200-450 分 ▪ 中級:多益 TOEIC約450-700 分 ▪ 中高級:多益 TOEIC 約 700-850 分 ▪ 高級:多益 TOEIC 約 850-990分【聽說讀寫各式題型,全面提升英語力】HERO精心設計包含聽力、口說、閱讀、寫作的題型,全方位增進你的英文能力,讓你不只「學」英文,還能實際「用」英文!▪聽:「文意理解」與「字彙聽打」題型,有效增進聽力敏銳度▪說:「單句口說」與「口說對話」題型,有真人英語老師預錄好的句子可參考,超擬真對話情境▪讀:「字彙配對」題型與「字彙表」功能,持續幫你累積英文單字量 ▪寫:「文法/慣用語」與「延伸寫作」題型,讓你對英文語句的架構更有概念【六大主題影片,邊學英文邊長知識】HERO每堂課都由一段影片作為教材,影片共包含下列六種主題,豐富的影片內容、涵括各專業領域的單字,讓你邊學英文邊長知識!▪商業經濟:理財、貨幣經濟、經營管理、職場英文、商用英語等主題,這裡通通有! ▪ 社會人文:有節錄自TED的演講,各領域的傑出人士分享自己的生命故事,練英文之餘也能感受到滿滿的正能量。▪歷史文化:想要出國當背包客?喜歡旅遊卻不敢跟當地人講英文?熱愛旅行的你,靠著 HERO 就能先在電腦前認識這個世界!▪健康環境:與自然、生態相關的主題是托福 TOFEL、雅思 IELTS 的熱門考試主題,先靠 HERO 幫你打好基礎吧!▪自然科技:科技產品與技術日新月異,這些主題不只讓你跟上時代潮流,也能學到許多新單字。▪音樂藝術:涵括藝術、音樂與哲學等主題,學英文之餘也能陶冶性情。 【 關於 HERO 】 ▪ 官方網站▪ ▪ 聯絡信箱 ▪ [email protected]*歡迎免費下載「HERO 最有效率的影片學習法」APP,我們重視每位使用者的心得與建議,歡迎提出任何回饋,也請不吝給我們留下讚美 :)
看片學英語 2001
CT Tseng
The Watch Movies Learn English APP collects and sorts out thelivevideos and links of English experts, official teaching channelsandnews networks on Internet audio-visual websites, so that userscanconveniently watch English teaching programs onInternetaudio-visual websites.
懶人背單字 Vocabulazy 1.3.0
想利用搭車、等人的瑣碎時間,增進自身語言能力嗎?Volcabulazy 讓你不論躺著、坐著、站著,都能輕鬆學習英文單字!
英文字根字群邏輯諧音記單字字典/多益/雅思/英檢/基測/學測 2023.05
Are you still memorizing English words? The best way is tolearnradical word groups, logic and homophony, and use radicalwordmeaning skills to quickly memorize English words, and you canguessthe meaning of words when you encounter unknown words inthefuture.
瘋狂背單字 - 【TOEIC + TOEFL + 全民英檢】 1.50
CT Tseng
英文單字王3 EngKing - 背單字的最佳利器 3.0.17
★慶祝全系列破 500 萬下載量,英文單字王限時特惠內購升級專業版 $USD3.99!★免費版版累積下載已突破200萬,最受歡迎的學英文軟體
每日抽單字 - 常用英文7000單字
Easy to learn English So that you do not have to memorize words!
手滑背單字 1.1.6
最歡樂的背單字輔助App,首創單字任務系統!結合遊戲以及背單字,讓您開心的記牢每個單字的意思,全面提升英文能力!您正在準備考全民英檢 GEPT、托福 TOEFL、多益 TOEIC、雅思 IELTS、SAT還是GRE嗎?您覺得背單字很無聊,想要用更有趣的方式將單字牢牢記住嗎?手滑背單字提供了有趣的任務系統,幫您養成每日背單字的習慣!讓您打敗每天來亂的懶惰鬼!或者, 被每天都來的懶惰鬼同化!六大好背特性:‧ 任務遊戲系統,讓您背上癮,還想一背再背!‧ 努力看得見的分數系統,讓您成就感滿點。‧ 新舊單字混合,讓您復習學習一次完成。‧ 易上手的介面,讓您一試成主顧。‧ 真人發音、字典查詢、KK音標、例句一次滿足!‧ 分門別類地提供了專業單字庫,收錄15,000個以上的單字。手滑背單字包含以下單字庫:- 托福核心單字 (3640)- 多益核心單字 (880)- 多益進階單字 (840)- GRE重點單字 (1300)- 全民英檢中高級 (2500)- 全民英檢高級 (3000)- 雅思核心單字 (1200)- SAT重點單字 (2000)- SAT核心單字 (3400)- 國中核心單字 (1200)- 國中進階單字 (800)- 高中核心單字 (4400)- GRE紅寶單字 (6200)手滑背單字,每天背,戰勝英文全免費!持續新增單字庫中...歡迎任何的意見回饋或功能需求! [email protected]
Vocabulary for the TOEIC®TEST 3.1.0
It records the English word commonly used in carefullyselectedTOEIC. TOEIC600, TOEIC730, TOEIC860 2000 pieces of usefrequenthigh word in three levels!
英文單字記憶王-多益、全民英檢、大學指考、國中小必備單字 1.1.3
S.M.P.D. Inc.
Through daily word quiz achieve learning and review, continuingtoenhance familiarity of words
完勝大考7000單字 1.0.7
輕鬆學單字 1.8.1
常春藤基礎英文字彙 Lite 2.22
Released by Transwhiz, the famous teacher Lai Shixiong seriesofhigh-quality English learning apps are the best tool to enhancethestrength of single words.
空中美語基礎單字 2000 2.06
簡易單字卡 0.30
Simple intuitive word cards. Tags can be classified, inrandomorder, import export files. There are examples of cardinstructions