Top 3 Apps Similar to Let Them Shine 美食

Senior Citizen Card Scheme 1.3.5
This App is to facilitate both the eldersandtheir family members to search and select the concessionsandservices under the “Senior Citizen Card Scheme” of SocialWelfareDepartment. In this App, traditional Chinese, simplifiedChineseand English are available. Besides, text to speech functionisavailable through computer voice. The ‘What’s new’ page(updatedfor every two months) highlights the newest concessionoffers,while a search function helps users to access theconcessioninformation speedily.
英文音譯粵語 0.2
英文音譯粵語,俾你更多創意!Cantonesetransliterationin English, to serve you morecreative!
SEGuide 1.2
Zizsoft Ltd
社企指南旨在為人們提供香港的社會企業資訊,並為大家提供最新的社企優惠.社聯 - 滙豐社會企業商務中心中心成立於2008年11月,是全港首間致力支援及推動社會企業發展的商務中心,由社會福利署攜手扶弱基金及滙豐銀行慈善基金資助成立。中心匯聚政府、商界及社福界三方力量,希望培育及投資富創新意念的社會企業及社會企業家。,什麼是社會企業?不是純粹的企業, 亦不是一般的社會服務,社會企業透過商業手法運作,賺取利潤用以貢獻社會。它們所得盈餘用於扶助弱勢社群、促進社區發展及社會企業本身的投資。它們重視社會價值,多於追求最大的企業盈利。,聯絡我們社聯 - 滙豐社會企業商務中心電話: 28762491傳真: 28762496電郵: [email protected]地址: 香港灣仔軒尼詩道15號溫莎公爵社會服務大廈10樓1002室關於香港社會服務聯會香港社會服務聯會是本港志願社會福利服務機構的統籌及協調組織, 有超過370個機構會員,透過3,000多個服務單位為全港市民提供社會福利服務。社聯致力推動社會創新, 提升社會服務質素及成效,並凝聚各界力量,合力建立一個公平公義、仁愛共融的社會。The SEs guide isdesignedto provide for the people of Hong Kong socialenterpriseinformation and latest SEs promotions.HKCSS - HSBC Social Enterprise Business CentreThe Center was established in November 2008, is committedtosupporting and promoting the development of social enterprisesinHong Kong's first business center, the establishment of theFundfor the Disadvantaged and the Hongkong Bank Foundation fundedbythe Social Welfare Department (SWD) work. The centerbringstogether government, business and the social welfaresectortripartite forces hope to nurture and investment richinnovativeideas of social enterprises and social entrepreneurs.AndWhat is social enterprise?Not purely business, it is not a general social services,socialenterprises, through the operation of the business practicesthatmake a profit to contribute to society. Them resulting surplusisused to help the disadvantaged, and to promotecommunitydevelopment and social enterprise investment. Emphasis onsocialvalues ​​rather than the pursuit of the biggest corporateearnings.AndContact UsHKCSS - HSBC Social Enterprise Business CentrePhone: 28762491Fax: 28762496Email: [email protected]: Duke of Windsor Social Service Building, 15 HennessyRoad,Wanchai, Hong Kong, 10th Floor, Room 1002About the Hong Kong Council of Social ServiceThe Hong Kong Council of Social Service is our voluntarysocialwelfare services agency for co-ordinating organization, withmorethan 370 institutional members, through 3, more than 000serviceunits providing social welfare services for the wholecommunity.Council strives to promote social innovation, enhance thequalityand effectiveness of social services, and unite all forcesto worktogether to establish a fair justice Renai inclusivesociety.