MomingApp Apps

Word List 0.6
Word List includes cardinal and ordinalnumber, day and night, shapes, common colours, months and seasons,continents and oceans, aquatic animals, land animals, englishtense, common irregular verbs, and insects.
英文音譯粵語 0.2
英文音譯粵語,俾你更多創意!Cantonesetransliterationin English, to serve you more creative!
Album - Umbrella Movement 0.4
Photos taken in Umbrella Movement ofHongKong
Grep News Headlines 0.7
Grep news headlines from URLs. The titleofhyperlinks of any URLs can be extracted too.
Grep New Headlines(Large Text) 0.3
Grep news headlines from URLs. The titleofhyperlinks of any URLs can be extracted too. Text can scrollfromleft to right if text is longer than screen width. Also, usercanenter his own text to show slogans in some public activities.Textcolour, background colour, font and text size can bechanged.
Kung Hei Fat Choi 0.5
Red banner with message of lucky andfortunefor Chinese New Year. Text can scroll from left to right iftext islonger than screen width. Also, user can enter his own textto showslogans in some public activities. Text colour, backgroundcolour,font and text size can be changed.
Enlighten You 0.4
Quotes can enlighten you.
Colour Tile 0.2
Colour Tile lets you create simplecolourfulimage with square tiles. It is a easy and relax way tokilltime.
Food Additives 0.1
Food Additives List
Lucky Numbers 1.3
Display numbers one by one automaticallyormanually from a list after shuffling. Text can scroll from lefttoright if text is longer than screen width. Also, user can enterhisown text to show slogans in some public activities. Textcolour,background colour and text size can be changed.
Make a Difference 0.5
If you want to make a difference but noidea,this app may help you. This app display activity descriptionsoneby one automatically or manually from a list after shuffling.Textcan scroll from left to right if text is longer than screenwidth.Also, user can enter his own text to show slogans in somepublicactivities. Text colour, background colour, font and textsize canbe changed.
Collection - Umbrella Movement 0.2
Collection of graphical designs for HongKong'sUmbrella Movement from the Web. Users can update and changetheircollection by editing URL list. The app can play slide showtodisplay the image URLs. Besides, users can even replace allimageURLs if they want to create an image collection ofotherthemes.
Search Cantonese Characters 0.9
Search Chinese characters byCantoneseromanisation.
聖經金句 0.3
聖經金句Bible Verse
RGB Colour Scheme 0.6
Program generated RGB colour scheme cangiveyou more inspiration
RGB Colour Scheme Vol.2 0.3
Program generated RGB colour scheme cangiveyou more inspiration
去邊度拍拖? 0.9
如果諗唔到去邊度拍拖,呢個APP有好提議。If you recite Wudao totheside of the dating, then there is a good proposal APP.
Lunch食乜好? 0.5
Love You Mommy 5.0
Image shows "I love you mommy". A fewimagesare available.
General Information 0.6
General Information includes Chineseanimalzodiac, Chinese hour, Chinese 24 solar terms, cardinal andordinalnumber, month & day of week, continents & oceans,zodiacdates, English tense, common irregular verbs and time zones&local time
Kung Hei Fat Choi 0.6
Red banner with message of lucky andfortunefor Chinese New Year
吳師奶語錄 0.3
自家吳師奶雖然學歷不高,但從小聽很多小故事大道理,總是出口成文。有些是大家耳識能詳,有些聽過卻版本不同。重點不在於是否原有版本,而是這些都是坊間流傳耳語,是孩子們最愛聽的小故事大道理。有些時候,明明是惹人煩惱的事,一句小道理,就令人解悶氣。吳師奶是東莞人,所以有些字眼是以從鄉下話而來,只能夠盡可能文字表達。Wu home housewifealthoughnot well educated, but grew up listening to a lot of smallstoriestruths, always export written. Some of us can know detailsof theear, but some have heard a different version. Emphasis isnotwhether the original version, but these are widelycirculatedwhisper, the kids loved to listen to stories truths.Sometimes,obviously arouses worries, a small token, it makesboredom gas. Wuhousewife Dongguan people, so some words are wordscoming from thecountry, can only express the text aspossible.
Word Flash 0.6
Display English and Chinese vocabularyforrevision