Top 2 Apps Similar to Orifice Sizing Pro

Orifice Flow 2.4
App computes flow rates using orifice plates forindustrialapplications .
Orifice Sizing Free 1.2.2
This Orifice Sizing Freeapplicationprovidescalculation for correlating design, flow rateand pressureloss asa fluid passes through an orifice. Orifices areoften usedtodeliberately reduce pressure, restrict flow or tomeasureflowrate. As flow passes through the hole it producesapressuredifference across the hole (some of which isrecovered).The platemust be sufficiently thin that over the range ofpermittedthicknessits thickness does not affect the dischargecoefficient butthickenough not to be distorted by the forces imposedby thepressuredifference.The Orifice Sizing Free can determine orificediameter,orificeminimum thickness, beta ratio, line pressuredrops,dischargecoefficient, non-recoverable pressure drop,Reynold’sNumber forliquids, calculates flowing density of liquids.TheOrifice SizingFree is specially designed to assist engineersforlimiting theflow which is the intended purpose of reducingtheupstreampressure or the flow rate.Keywords: Orifice Sizing, Orifice DiameterCalculation,OrificeCalculation