Top 21 Apps Similar to Arabian Business Qatar

Insider - Business News & More 14.19.4
The Insider app is a fast and convenient way to read businessnewson the go.
Economy, Finance and Business 4.0
This is the perfect app to follow the latest news ofEconomy,Finance &Business!
business-on 1.1
encircle360 APPDas regionale Wirtschaftsportal jetzt als APP!Mit der App bekommen SietagesaktuelleWirtschaftsberichte aus Ihrer Region.Lesen Sie exklusive Interviews mit Geschäftsführern aus IhrerNäheund über neue spannende Geschäftsideen aus Ihrer Stadt.Support:Wir helfen gern, falls Sie ein Problem mit der App haben.Meistgenügt ein Neustart des Android-Phones. Bei anderenProblemenschreiben Sie uns einfach eine Email an [email protected] .Über die Bewertungs-Funktion ist keine Hilfe möglich, da wirkeinenKontakt zu Ihnen herstellen kö APPThe Regional Business Portal now than APP!With the app you get daily updatedeconomicreports from your area.Read exclusive interviews with the CEO's of your area andaboutexciting new business ideas from your city.Support:We will help you if you have a problem with the app. Usuallyarestart of the Android phones. For other issues, please send usanemail to [email protected] the evaluation function properly is possible because we cannotcontact you.
Business Money 5.0
Business Money: bringing business andmoneytogether since 1993Business Money is the industry journal in commercial financeandbusiness banking. Published since 1993, on the basis thatgoodfinancial judgement is a skill that requires a blend ofeconomic,market, legal and product knowledge. With this latest appversionof the publication, Business Money is now in the mostconvenientplace for you.The monthly, subscriptions-based publication delivers news,reviews,research, comment and analysis to financialintermediaries, businessbankers, commercial lenders, and SMEdecision makers and supportsthese finance professionals withtimely, relevant and accuratemarket intelligence and sources ofbusiness funding. Business Moneyprovides senior business financedecision-makers with balancedmarket intelligence and sources ofbusiness finance with theinclusion of valuable product and companynews but also includesinsightful features on the state anddevelopment of business financein the UK and worldwide.Key features include:Factoring and invoice discountingBusiness bankingCommercial mortgagesTrade financeAll-asset financeCredit insuranceRegulations and legal frameworksMarket economy reviewStructured financeSecuritisationMergers and acquisitionsAre you looking for finance either for your own business oronbehalf of a client? Business Money has an extensive rangeofcontacts within the commercial finance and banking sectors. Itcanadvise on placing your requirements ranging from a modest pieceofbusiness equipment up to a multi-million pound facilitysupportinga variety of business activities. We have experiencedpractitionersto assist you with your proposal located in mostregions of theUnited Kingdom should you require it.
businessline 3.3.3
Business news, stock market updates, financial guides,expertindustry analyses
Maydan Qatar 1.0.3
Maydan Qatar is the first socialnetworkfornews and events in Qatar and in the Arab World, aiming tobuildavibrant community of users around well tagged local newsandeventsthat promotes economic and social growth in Qatar as partoftheNational Vision for 2030.The mobile and tablet apps for Maydan Qatar hasthefollowingcompetitive features:1. Window to the largest aggregation of local news inQatar:MaydanQatar aggregates local content then customize it tousersbeforedistributing it,2. Prime Content: Maydan Qatar has a teamofinformationprofessionals that works round the clock enhancingprimecontent,news and events3. Social News: Maydan Qatar allows users to socializearoundprimewell-tagged news and events. In this sense it is farsuperiortosocial networks like Twitter where users have towadethroughthousands of relevant and irrelevant news repeatedtensoftimes!4. Covers all events in Qatar with a geo-locator5. Users are able to communicate with mind-like peopleofsameinterest and exchange messages6. Discussion forums created readily from any subjecttagwithadvanced commenting7. Users can contribute news and events content, and getrewardedforusers voting for contributions.8. End users can sign with their social accountstocreateprofiles9. Tag their subjects of interest10. Get a tailored page of content to theirinterest(customizednews)11. Users can communicate with people reading same newsandeventscontent and exchange ideasQNA, KnowledgeView, Qatar, news, Arabic,social,aggregate,events
The Weekly Qatar 1.0
The Weekly Qatar Androind Application helpyoubrowse and review data appears in, whichhelpyou in easy way.It helps you to find classified and commercial ads which wehaveeither in Web site or Publication.This application allows you to post free or paid classifiedAdfrom your mobile directly to web site, also you can registerandfind your favorits Ads easily.In The Weekly Qatar Android application you can useallcategories has made in web site such as ( Real Estate,Automotive,Electronics, Others, Jobs, Furniture, Services,Greetings andDirectory ).Its the easiest way to find what you are searching for.This Application Designed and Developed by CubeAdvertisingSolutions
Arabian Business English Mag 1.1
Arabian Business is the leadingbusinesspublication in the GCC.The magazine regularly interviews senior business figuresfromthe region, analyses the latest trends and providesinvaluableinsights into new market opportunities. It also publishesa numberof lists, including the world’s richest Arabs, world’smostpowerful Arabs, and richest Indians in the GCC.Download the Arabian Business app today and be the first toreadthe latest issue of the magazine on your device.The app is being offered for free for a limited timeonly.Download now and gain access to our fantastic bonusarchivefeature.App features include:• Archives dating back to 2010• Search functionality to find keywords in the text• Downloadable magazines to read at a later date and on thego• New issues uploaded every month
Qatar Newspapers 1.0
Qatar Newspapersصحف قطريةقطر
Qatar Construction Guide 1.3
Qatar Construction Guide isyourultimategateway to construction in Qatar.QCG provides the latest news about the construction industryinQataras well as a detailed guide of construction companiesbasedinQatar.
Arabian Business Qatar Arabic 1.1
أريبيان بزنس قطر العربية هي مجلة أعمالشهريةتغطي أهم وأحدث الأخبار الإقليمية والعالمية في عالم الأعمال.وتقدمللقراء تحاليل معمقة حول أحدث المجريات وتركز على إجراء حواراتمعأقوى قادة الأعمال في المنطقة، بالإضافة إلى الإحصاءات الماليةونموالأسواق وتقارير حول أسواق الأسهم. وتقوم أريبيان بزنس قطرالعربيةبتغطية اتجاهات مجتمع الأعمال القطري والإقليمي في الوقتذاته.أريبيان بزنس قطر العربية هي فرصتك لتكون أول وأكثر من يعرف عنمستجداتقطاع الأعمال في المنطقة وفي قطر بشكل خاص وكل ما يحدثفيه.الآن يمكنك تصفح مجلة أريبيان بزنس قطر العربية على جهازك. قمبتنزيلالتطبيق مجاناً (لفترة محدودة) لتحصل على آخر الأخبار في قطاعالأعمالوتحملها مباشرةً إلى جهازك. بالإضافة إلى ذلك سنقدم لك مجموعةرائعةمن الخصائص الإضافية.تتضمن خصائص التطبيق:• أرشيف حتى العام 2010• إمكانية البحث عن كلمات رئيسية• مجلات قابلة للتحميل لقراءتها في وقت لاحق• تحميل عدد جديد كل شهرننصح بترك التطبيق حتى يُتم عملية التحميل قبل تشغيله من أجلتحميلكافة المعلومات على جهازك الآيباد.
أخبار قطر العاجلة - خبر عاجل 1.9.0
taha altayyar
هل مللت من تصفح كل موقع اخباري على حده ؟ هل حلمت بان يكون لكمكانواحد تتصفح فيه الاخبار ؟ تطبيق أخبار قطر العاجلة يوفر لك كلهذامجانا بدون اشتراك من شركات الهاتف الجول وبدون اي رسوم و هوتطبيقيتميز باخذة لاهم واحدث الاخبار من اكبر المواقع الاكترونيةالعربيةووكالات الانباء العالمية بسهولة والصحف القطرية المشهورةبسرعة كبيرةولا يحتاج الى خبرة او تعقيد فجميع الاخبار تظهر بسهولةوتستطيع الضغطعليها وقرائتها ومشاهدة الخبر كامل فهذا التطبيق يعطيكالخبر الكاملمن المصدر ولا يقوم باعطاك عنوان الخبر ووصف بسيط فقط مثلبعضالتطبيقات الاخرى وانما يعطيك الخبر الكامل بضغطة زر ومنمميزاتالتطبيق: - اخبار من اكبر الوكلات العالمية الموثوقة +المحليةالمعروفة - سهولة قراة الاخبار العاجلة وتحديدها - وصف للخبرفيالاسفل لتقرا عوان الخبر + الوصف قبل قراة الخبر الكامل - هذاالتطبيقلا يقوم بمجاملة اي موقع من المواقع الاكترونية فهو يرتبالاخبار بشكلعشوائي للمواقع الاكتروني من مايعطي التطبيق حيادية تجاهكل امواقعالاكترونية - امكانية قراة الخبر الكامل من المصدر وليس جزءمن الخبرمثل بعض التطبيقات الاخرى - سرعة جلب الاخبار لان الخبرلاياتي منموقع واحد وانما من عدة مواقع ومن عدة سيرفرات - يضيفالاخبار بطريقةمميزة بمعنى انك وانت تقرا الاخبار تضاف اخبار المواقعللقائمة بدونانتظار تحميل الاخبار لكل المواقع تنويه : تم تصميمالتطبيق ليكونباكبر قدر من الحيادية و الشفافية و تتم اضافة الاخبارمن المواقعالاكترونية ذات التوجهات المتتعددة وليس لتوحجه معين او جههمعينة ,واذا رائيتم بان هناك موقع مهمة تم اهمالها لم تضاف فنرجواالتنويهلها وان شاء الله سيتم اضافتها في الاصدارات القادمة
Business Today - Latest stock 1.36
BT App for latest news on everything you need to know abouttheBusiness world.
Berlingske Business 2.1
Hent Berlingskes Business app gratis iGooglePlay og få en premium læseoplevelse på smartphone og tabletmed enmoderne navigation og brugerflade.Med Berlingske Business' app får du alle, så du kan holde dig ajour med seneste nytomvirksomheder, karriere og privatøkonomi.Du har desuden mulighed for at tilføje notifikationer omBreakingNews direkte i app'en.Get BerlingskeBusinessapp for free from Google Play and get a premium readingexperienceon smartphone and tablet with a modern navigation anduserinterface.With Berlingske Business' app you get all the business, so you can keep up to date with the latest newsoncompanies, careers and personal finance.You also have the option to add notifications of BreakingNewsdirectly in the app.
Business & IT 1.9
Willkommen bei der Business&IT,demführenden B2B-Fachmachmagazin (größte Reichweite dermonatlichenB2B-Tiltel laut LAC 2008 und 2011).Längst ist die IT zum unternehmenskritischen Faktor geworden.Derkluge Einsatz von IT-Lösungen, wie zum BeispielCustomerRelationship Management, Enterprise Resource Planning undBusinessIntelligence kann den entscheiden Wettbewerbsvorteilbringen. Ineiner praxisnahen und prozessorientierenBerichterstattung zeigtBusiness&IT, wie welche Lösung IhrUnternehmen nach vornebringt.In einer eigenen Rubrik widmen wir uns dem Thema„MobileBusiness“. Die Dezentralisierung des Arbeitsplatzes isteines derspannendsten Themen zurzeit. Aber auch die Cloud,Virtualisierungund vor allem die IT-Sicherheit kommen dabei nichtzu kurz.Regelmäßig sprechen wir mit Experten aus der Industrie undführenspannende Interviews, damit Sie über die aktuellstenIT-Trendsinformiert werden. Das Interview des Monats als festerBestandteilder Business&IT widmet sich dabei einem speziellenAnlass oderThema.In großen Themen-Specials versorgen wir Sie mitwertvollenHintergrundinformationen, Studien namhafterInstitute,Expertengesprächen und kompletten Marktübersichten. EinebessereBeratung für eine Kaufentscheidung kann es eigentlichnichtgeben.In der Rubrik „Test, Kauf Service“ finden Sie immer aktuelleTestsund Berichte zu Software- und Hardware-Produkten odercoolenGadgets für den Business-Alltag.Das Lesen der Business&IT ist für Sie, lieberApp-Nutzer,vollkommen kostenlos! Sie bekommen alle 11 Ausgaben imkomplettenUmfang und ungekürzt.Die Navigation ist kinderleicht: Mit einerSeitenübersichtbewegen Sie sich schnell durch das ganze Magazin,interessanteSeiten können Sie als Lesezeichen speichern, imInhaltsverzeichnisfinden die komplette Liste aller Artikel.Natürlich lassen sichalle Seiten mit zwei Fingern zoomen und imHoch- wie im Querformatlesen.Welcome to theBusiness& IT, the leading B2B trade Mach magazine (largestrange ofmonthly means Title B2B loud LAC 2008 and 2011).Long IT has become a critical business factor. The wise use ofITsolutions such as Customer Relationship Management,EnterpriseResource Planning and Business Intelligence can bring thedecidingcompetitive advantage. In a practical andprocess-orientedreporting Business & IT shows how what solutionyour companyforward.In a separate section we begin with the topic of"MobileBusiness". The decentralization of the workplace is one ofthe mostexciting topics at the time. But the cloud, virtualization,andespecially the IT security are not too short.We regularly speak with industry experts and leadingexcitinginterviews for you to be informed on the latest IT trends.Theinterview of the month as an integral part of the Business &ITdevotes itself to a special occasion or theme.In great themes ideas, we supply you with valuablebackgroundinformation, studies of leading institutes, expertinterviews and acomplete market overviews. Better advice for apurchase decision,it can not actually give.In the "test purchase service" you will always find currenttestsand reports on software and hardware products and cool gadgetsforeveryday standard business processes.Reading the Business & IT is for you, dear appusers,completely free! You get all 11 issues complete scopeandunabridged.The navigation is easy: With a Site you move quickly throughtheentire magazine, interesting pages can be saved as bookmarks intheTOC will find the complete list of all articles. Of course,allpages can zoom with two fingers and read in portrait aslandscapeorientation.
The Business Times 5.5.10.PO(BT)REL
The Business Times brings news that matters to yourAndroidsmartphone
Radio Qatar 1.0
Listen to top Qatar Music, Talk, SportsandNews on your android device.Easy to use app with instant Track Info and sharefunction.Turns radio automatically off, when you receive a call!To share radio stations, press long and click "share"Wherever you are, the most music from top Qatar onlineradiostations is with you!This is a FREE ad supported App, but without any annoyingpushads!I recommend a fast internet connection for top appperformance.Wifi, 4G, etc.I have tested the app and all stations are working withoutskipping.If you still find errors, please report them to me.Thank you and enjoy!NOTE! If you see "Error Accessing Audio File", after"buffering",please try again later! Some stations are not a 100%reliable and/orhave a max. limit of listeners.When you exit the app while a radio station is still activeandplaying, you can see a small music note in the notificationbar.That is how you can get back to the app and either stop orchangethe station. App will not be listed in Task Manager.
Business Franchise AUS/NZ 4.18.0
If you’re looking for fast, timely,expertadvice on the franchise industry – look no further.Your favourite source for hot topics in franchising isnowavailable wherever you go.If you’re looking for a franchise or have questionsconcerningthe industry, Business Franchise is the magazine for you.Producedby CGB Publishing, our Australian/New Zealand publicationhas awealth of experience behind it.Business Franchise magazine is an industry leader, givingyoucomprehensive information on the franchising industry. Eachtopquality magazine highlights selected franchise systems andexploresthe benefits specific to their particular brand.Our magazine knows timely, professional advice is crucialtomaking smart business decisions. As such, we present ourExpertAdvice articles, written by industry leaders in franchisebanking,accounting, legal, insurance and consulting.We dig deeper with ‘Franchisee in Action’ articles –highlightinga particular franchisee and relating their real lifeexperienceswithin the industry. ‘Franchisor in Depth’ looks at theother end ofthe spectrum, focusing on a particular franchisor.Add to this our contribution from the Franchise CouncilofAustralia and Franchise Association of New Zealand along withA-Zlistings of available franchises and you need look no furtherforwhat’s happening in franchising.---------------------------------This is a free app download. Within the app users can purchasethecurrent issue and back issues.Subscriptions are also available within the application.Asubscription will start from the latest issue.Available subscriptions are:6 months (3 issues)12 months (6 issues)-The subscription will renew automatically unless cancelledmorethan 24 hours before the end of the current period. You willbecharged for renewal within 24 hours of the end of thecurrentperiod, for the same duration and at the currentsubscription ratefor the product.-You may turn off the auto-renewal of subscriptions throughGooglePlay Account settings, however you are not able to cancelthecurrent subscription during its active period.Users can register for/ login to a pocketmags accountin-app.This will protect their issues in the case of a lost deviceandallow browsing of purchases on multiple platforms.Existingpocketmags users can retrieve their purchases by logginginto theiraccount.We recommend loading the app for the first time in awi-fiarea.If you have any problems at all please do not hesitate tocontactus: [email protected]
Ahlan Qatar 1.0
FREE! Ahlan! Qatar – the Middle East’sleadingcelebrity & lifestyle magazineTech note, Ahlan! Qatar fans: subscribe to our snazzy newapptoday and get Ahlan! Qatar free on your tablet for the rest oftheyear!Ahlan! Qatar, the Middle East’s biggest and brightestcelebritymagazine is buzzing with the news that you can now readall of yourfavourite content direct on your handheld device!Why wait for your fortnightly edition to hit the storeswhenAhlan! Qatar can be delivered on time, every time and straighttoyour digital newsstand? Whether you’re in the UAE or abroad,you’llnever have to miss an issue again.Our new app includes all the fabulous features you’ve seen inthemagazine, from the latest celebrity news to fashion,beauty,real-life stories, nightlife, party pictures and five-starfood –and now it can be right at your fingertips!So if you’re desperate to get your weekly dose of theKardashiansor the down-low on what Angelina Jolie has been up to,upload todayfor an instant celebrity fix!Plus, you can keep all of your beloved issues in your veryownAhlan! Qatar library. Sign up today without delay and get in onthestar act!Special offer: The Ahlan! Qatar app is free until 31December2013.
أخبار قطر 8.4.0
It's a fast and easy way to read Qatar NewsinArabic on Android.Qatar News gives you easy access to read the most popularnewssources from Qatar on your Android device. Take this app withyouand stay informed with access to the latest news.FEATURES:√ News by site.√ News by category.√ Download news briefs automatically.√ Offline reading.√ News widget.√ Convert webpage to mobile format.√ Remove or sort news sources.√ Edit default news sources√ Subscribe more news sources via RSS√ Import more news sources via OPML√ Option to block images (reduce bandwidth).√ Share news via SMS, Email, Facebook, Twitter...*NOTE*:If the application crashes after upgrading, please uninstallandreinstall it.
DSP Qatar 1.1
DOHA Stadium Plus (DSP) is the first andonlyEnglish-language Sports Weekly published from Qatar. It coversawide discipline of sporting activities, which are of interesttoboth nationals and expatriates, not only in Qatar but in theentireMiddle East and beyond.With readers from a wide age-group either buying the copyoffnewsstands or subscribing to the weekly, DSP has a circulationofabout 15,000 copies with distribution outlets in other GCCandMiddle East countries, some African and European countries. Itisalso distributed on all Qatar Airways flights.DSP copies are also sent by post to various internationalsportsfederations and organizations, including the InternationalOlympicCommittee, FIFA, Asian Football Confederation and othersbesidessome of the world’s top sports clubs.Given that it is the only Sports Weekly of its kind intheregion, DSP holds immense interest of high-profile clients.Contents of DSP include exclusive columns by internationalsportspersonalities, reports by leading journalists, features andin-depthanalyses of both local and international sporting events,allcomplemented by action pictures of exceptional quality,commissionedthrough international photo agencies like Reuters, AFPand EPA.