Apazine Apps

Business Money 5.0
Business Money: bringing business and moneytogether since 1993Business Money is the industry journal in commercial finance andbusiness banking. Published since 1993, on the basis that goodfinancial judgement is a skill that requires a blend of economic,market, legal and product knowledge. With this latest app versionof the publication, Business Money is now in the most convenientplace for you.The monthly, subscriptions-based publication delivers news,reviews, research, comment and analysis to financialintermediaries, business bankers, commercial lenders, and SMEdecision makers and supports these finance professionals withtimely, relevant and accurate market intelligence and sources ofbusiness funding. Business Money provides senior business financedecision-makers with balanced market intelligence and sources ofbusiness finance with the inclusion of valuable product and companynews but also includes insightful features on the state anddevelopment of business finance in the UK and worldwide.Key features include:Factoring and invoice discountingBusiness bankingCommercial mortgagesTrade financeAll-asset financeCredit insuranceRegulations and legal frameworksMarket economy reviewStructured financeSecuritisationMergers and acquisitionsAre you looking for finance either for your own business or onbehalf of a client? Business Money has an extensive range ofcontacts within the commercial finance and banking sectors. It canadvise on placing your requirements ranging from a modest piece ofbusiness equipment up to a multi-million pound facility supportinga variety of business activities. We have experienced practitionersto assist you with your proposal located in most regions of theUnited Kingdom should you require it.
Rebound 3.0.0
REBOUND is the only basketball magazine in theNetherlands. Background and Storiesinterviews. Reports and columns. The most beautiful photos. REBOUNDismagazine that every Basketballfan in the Netherlands should notmiss.REBOUND is a magazine written in English on basketball from TheNetherlands.
IFRS Review 4.5
The IFRS Review app brings to you latesttrends and techniques in IFRS financial reporting across Europe.This app allows you to stay in touch with the latest developmentsin IFRS by reviewing examples of companies preparing theirfinancial statements under IFRS through effective benchmarkingacross the peer group and drawing out best practicereferences.Some of the key features of this app are: - IFRS news and storieshighlighting changing practices in IFRS financial reporting -Updated regularly with new stories covering over 700 IFRS reportingcompanies - Individual company analysis as well as topical analysisfor all major accounting topics under IFRS - Rich content withextracts from actual company annual reports - Real-life examples ofIFRS disclosures of hundreds of companies - Weekly newsletterdirect to your inboxes - Best practice and peer group referenceshighlighting changes to reporting practice under IFRS - Completetext of IFRS standards - Real-life examples of IFRS disclosures ofhundreds of companies. The IFRS Review app is brought to you byCompany Reporting, the primary source of best practice research forprofessional corporate accountants, regulators and academicsthroughout the world. Company Reporting has been influential inmonitoring and development of IFRS reporting for over two decadesand is available as a dynamic monitoring tool throughwww.companyreporting.comTo access the full features of the app and get the latest newsstories, you will require subscription to www.companyreporting.comor by sending an email to [email protected]
H&E naturist 4.0.0
H&E naturist is the leading monthlymagazine aimed at all those who enjoy a clothes-free lifestyle.Featuring the latest news, excellent writing and strong opinions onnude related topics from travel and leisure to art and culture,backed up by some brilliant photography, H&E offers unrivalledcoverage of the naturist world, and if you are a newcomer to thelifestyle, the magazine is a great place to start. This is amoderated version of our paper edition.Every month H&E naturist is packed with a host of featureson practically every aspect of the naturist lifestyle around theworld. Every issue carries an updated UK & Ireland club andswim guide and What's On listings, plus regular columns on France,Spain and Portugal, nude-related film and book reviews, and aQ&A column which aims to answer readers' questions aboutnaturism, whether they be common or more unusual inquiries.There is also a regular food column with the youngManchester-based Naked Vegan Cooks, who you might have seen on TVin C4's widely trailed My Daughter, the Teenage Nudist.Throughout the year, special features offer a closer look at awider range of destinations, from the USA & Caribbean andGreece, to what the UK has to offer with updates from home grownnaturist clubs and attractions.If you’re interested in the naturist lifestyle, where to meetlike-minded people and how to get involved then H&E isessential reading.The H&E app is separate to our digital subscription.Existing digital subscribers need to email [email protected] withtheir existing username and password to get access to the app.
Business First NI 3.0.0
BUSINESSFIRSTMAGAZINE, Northern Irleland’sbusiness magazine, is published bi-monthly and is filled with ideasto help you build your business. Articles from some of the leadingbusiness commentators in Northern Ireland and further afield.Interactive and with an understanding of what a reader really wantsfrom a business magazine.
Hurlingham Polo magazine 2.0.0
The Hurlingham Polo magazine is published 3times per year (February 15th, June 15th and October 15th). Wefocus on content and not so much the social side of the game.In each edition and on the website www.hurlinghampolo.com youwill see a blend of information, opinion, history and lifestyle,reflecting the interests of the polo community both on and off theplaying field. We also cover all the major tournaments in the worldin the magazine and online. Throughout the year a number of gamesare streamed live and or highlights are available on line.
Lock and Security Magazine 5.0
The only trade magazine produced by locksmithsfor locksmiths and security professionals. Locks and SecurityMagazine (LASM) has been established for four years. It containsin-depth product information, news, reviews, how-to guides andadvice for today’s locksmiths. The LASM media group also organisestwo trade shows: The Locksmiths Exhibition (annual) and ALEX – AutoLocksmiths Exhibition (biannual). LASM also promotes theProfessional Locksmiths Forum (PLF) – the largest forum in theindustry.
Cycling World Ireland 4.5
Cycling World is dedicated to leisure andtouring cycling. It is about the joy of cycling wherever one wishesto go on whatever kind of bicycle takes your fancy. There is astrong grass-roots ethos. The range of material goes from sportifsand audax rides to the afternoon pootle around a familiar routenear home. Travellers’ tales are popular with readers. The magazinedoes not cover racing or hard core mountain biking. A tour on amountain bike is fine, a technical trail ride would probably not beconsidered. Touring features appear in all editions.The magazine also covers cycling nostalgia and history, with atouring and leisure theme. Product tests are generally long termtests of cycling clothing and accessories, touring bicycles,including hybrids and folders, bicycle components and lightingsystems, camping gear, mapping technology; in fact anything that atouring cyclist might use. These are sometimes carried as sectionsof technical articles that are included in most issues. Reviews ofcycling books and cycling news appear in all editions.The magazine sometimes carries interviews. In the past thesehave included Big Al, a wheelbuilder and bike shop owner, JohnGrimshaw and Malcolm Shepherd, Chief Executives of Sustrans, andround the world cyclist, Mark Beaumont.
My Child & Me Magazine 2.0.0
My Child & Me is a lifestyle magazine forparents of young children with additional needs. Designed forparents and carers, with ‘real life’ information, advice andguidance. With editorial written by a mix of leading experts andparents.See what some of our readers are saying:“Just wanted to say you never disappoint, there is alwayssomething for someone in the magazine.”“You do such great articles I will carry on telling my friendsand family about you. I'm so happy that this magazine is availableI read it over and over again.”“Carry on with your fantastic work and I’ll look forward to thenext issue.”Some of the great topics we coverGeneral parenting topics with an additional needs twist:• Toilet training when your child has additional needs,• Addressing sleep issues,• Hints and tips for playing together,• Swimming,• Choosing childcare or a school,• The importance of time for you.Specialist topics:• Support organisations,• Applying for benefits,• Guides to different conditions,• Tips for hospital stays,• Specialist product reviews, including wheelchairs, car seats,pushchairs,• Getting a statement of special educational needs,• Different therapies,• Makaton communication signs.Designed to empower you to get the best for your family.Also featured are regular columns from parents of young childrenwith additional needs, sharing their experiences, journey andadvice. Issues include reader competitions, subscriber giveaways, arecipe and much more.Download My Child & Me today and keep coming back foradditional content only available in the digital version.My Child & Me is the magazine for you and your family.
Progress Magazine 2.0.0
Progress magazine is a guide for young adultswith additional needs and their parents.The journey into adulthood is an important time with manyoptions and unknowns. Knowing what is available, what questions toask and planning early ensures it is as straightforward andsuccessful as possible.Progress focuses on• Housing• Employment• Education• Social life• Health• Holidays• Mobility• Legal• AdvocacyArticles include:• Choosing where to live, remaining at home or leavinghome.• Education, including post-16, further education, specialisteducation and higher education.• Essential life skills for adulthood.• Employment opportunities, schemes and support available to helpyoung people into work.• Understanding adult services.• Safeguarding hints and tips.• Making friends, planning holidays and enjoying an active sociallife.• Health and wellbeing including maintaining good health.• Mobility, learning to drive, wheelchairs, accessiblevehicles.Progress magazine helps to arm you with the information to helpmake those important life choices. Download it today and see howProgress is the magazine for you and your family as you move intoadulthood.
Arabian Aerospace Magazine 5.0
Aerospace professionals across the MiddleEast, North Africa and Turkey have discovered Arabian Aerospacewhich brings comprehensive unbiased coverage of all the latest newsand trends in all of the key sectors.- Its air transport coverage is second to none with interviews withthe leadership of all of the airlines across the region. The regionis one of the fastest growing in the world and has more orders fornew aircraft than any other. The magazine is an official partner ofthe Arab Air Carriers Organization – AACO – which gives access tothe strategic thinking of the industry as a whole.- With regular ongoing threats across the whole region defence is akey subject and the Arabian Aerospace defence team provide insightinto air forces in the region and regularly update on fleetacquisition, manoeuvres and services.- There are more VVIP jetliners in the Middle East than anywhereelse in the world. And today there is an increasing awareness anddemand for smaller jets too. Arabian Aerospace is close to thebusiness aviation market thanks to its unique partnership withMEBAA, the Middle East Business Aviation Association and regularlyreports on operations and service from the regions charteroperators, owners and flight support service companies as many ofthe world’s top providers are based in our region.- As space budgets in the world have been cut it is unsurprisingthat the Middle East is now stepping up its presence. From its ownsatellite industry to investment in projects such as VirginGalactic, the region has an interest and Arabian Aerospace is thereto cover it.- Many other key industry sectors are also growing thanks toinvestment from the region.- Aircraft completions: GCC and Saudi organisations now own many ofthe world’s top completion houses for wide bodied VIP jets, and issetting up its own centre in the Gulf. It is also has launchcustomers for many of the IFE equipment, services and connectivityand our dedicated Interiors team keep an eye on what is new.- Manufacturing: Al Ain, in the emirate of Abu Dhabi is becoming acentre of expertise for aerostructures and is now building keyparts for both Airbus and Boeing. In North Africa hundreds ofcompanies have entered the supply chain … and Bombardier hasintroduced its own manufacturing plant to Morocco- MRO: With ownership of globally acknowledged MRO providers andthe home grown expertise in Turkey, Jordan and Egypt sees greaterinvestment in this sector.These are just some of the reasons why Arabian Aerospace is amust have. And it is not just for people IN the region. ArabianAerospace is well read and respected by manufacturers and serviceproviders in Europe, the Americas and Asia.Now the Arabian Aerospace app enables you to enjoy all thisgreat news, analysis and features from the award-winning team ofjournalists and photographers that bring you the number one newsfrom this rapidly expanding area of the world.
Primary Times 3.0.0
Welcome to the Primary Times App. Here you candownload the free Primary Times magazine for your region. PrimaryTimes is a magazine for parents, pupils and teachers in the primaryschool sector across the UK and Ireland. There are 58 Primary Timesmagazines with a combined distribution of over 2.6 million copiesper issue, each one serving its respective local community withevent listings, information and advertising relevant to theirregion.It is primarily a What's On / Where to Go / What to Do Guide forparents of primary school children, supplemented with localeditorials and advertising. We publish 7 times a year at the startof each half & full term holiday, plus a 'Back to School'issue. Distributed free to primary schools, it is taken home by thepupils and remains in the home for several weeks. The magazine isfranchised out to regional publishers, each of whom usually liveslocally and therefore has a keen appreciation of, and empathy with,the region they serve. It has been commended by the Daily Mail, TheScotsman, The Irish Times, Business A.M. and by Directors ofEducation across the country for its service to local communities.“Things to do at a place near you”.
电池与储能技术 3.0.0
源自英国BEST国际杂志,服务化学电源厂商与用户。内容涵盖行业新闻,国际会议报道,前沿工艺技术,专家文章等,涵盖所有二次电池,从铅酸到锂电。From the BritishInternational Journal of BEST, manufacturers and users of chemicalpower service. Covering industry news, international conferencereports, cutting-edge technology, expert articles, etc., coveringall secondary batteries from lead acid to lithium.
British Builder & Developer 2.0.0
British Builder is a leading trade publicationfor construction industry professionals. The British Builder appenables you to read every issue of the magazine on your tabletdevice or smartphone.
CHIRP Charitable Trust 3.0.2
The CHIRP Charitable Trust exists to promotesafety at sea and in the air. CHIRP FEEDBACK is produced to allowreaders to learn from the experiences of others.CHIRP for Aviation = Confidential Human Factors IncidentReporting ProgrammeCHIRP for Maritime = Confidential Hazardous Incident ReportingProgrammeThe aim of CHIRP is to contribute to the enhancement of aviationsafety in the UK and maritime safety worldwide, by providing atotally independent confidential reporting system for allindividuals employed in or associated with these industries.CHIRP welcomes safety-related reports from flight crew, airtraffic control officers, licensed aircraft maintenance engineers,cabin crew and the General Aviation community and people in theinternational maritime sector, including the shipping industry,fishing industry and leisure users. The App contains a link to theCHIRP website where reporting forms can be downloaded or completedon-line.Reporters' identities are kept confidential. Personal detailsare not retained and are returned to the reporter or destroyed onclosure of their report. The information provided is madeavailable, but only with the approval of the reporter, and in adisidentified form to those who can take action to remedy theproblem. Important information gained through reports, after beingdisidentified, is also made as widely as possible, principallythrough the publications Air Transport FEEDBACK, General AviationFEEDBACK, Cabin Crew FEEDBACK and Maritime FEEDBACK with the aim ofimproving safety.Readers will receive notification when new editions of FEEDBACKare produced but only for the specific category (Air Transport,Maritime, etc) last viewed
Electrical Trade Magazine 4.5
Electrical Trade Magazine is the electricalindustry’s own guide to essential products and services. Puttingbuyer and sellers within the industry in direct contact.Distributed directly to electrical wholesale outlets and theother larger electrical contracting companies.Electrical Trade professionals and leading suppliers, providingexpertise and guidance, and introducing latest products andservices.
MTI Magazine 4.5
MTI is the world's number 1 machinemarketplace for new and used machine tools including lathes,grinders, mills, presses, borers, machining centres, drills andmany more. Our listings contain 13,778 machine tools from all themajor manufacturers including Mazak, DMG Mori Seiki, Union,Schiess, Dorries, Okuma and Poreba. MTI magazine is the globalmarket leader bringing you the latest industry news, listings ofnew and used machinery, second hand machine tools and auctions,industrial machinery and equipment wanted ads, from hundreds ofused machinery dealers around the globe. If you’re involved inmanufacturing or the buying and selling of machinery anywhere inthe world then this is the magazine for you. Every week you’ll bebrought up to date with all the industry goings on, MTI magazinewill keep you at the cutting edge of your industry.The aim of Machinery Trade International is to provide a ‘one stop’market place for the selling and sourcing of machinery worldwide.Key aspects of the MTI circulation policy are flexibility, optimumreader targeting, international coverage and up-to-date data. Weeffectively reach the major decision makers and buyers through acarefully researched circulation selected by industry type and jobfunction. MTI’s weekly circulation includes active sub contractcompanies and over 700 machinery dealers throughout the UK andOverseas and comprises all of the significant players in thesector. End users are represented by a carefully researched list of26,000 named contacts with a verified interest in machineryspecification and purchase selected from the major players in themanufacturing industry. These readers receive the title on arotational basis or weekly if they have subscribed or requested thetitle individually.In excess of 40% of the circulation is represented by contacts inthe highly active Middle East, Eastern Europe and Far East Regions,the balance comprising 40% UK and 20% Rest of the World.
Cooltura 5.0
Tygodnik Cooltura – najwiekszy inajpopularniejszy tygodnik polonijny w UK, teraz w wersjielektronicznej!116 stron z zawsze aktualnymi informacjami dotyczacymi Polakow naWyspach:- Newsy, Wywiady, Reportaze- Eventy, Wystawy- Ciekawe artykuly,- Porady i ogloszeniaWszystko co moze Cie zainteresowac i okazac sie przydatne wcodziennym zyciu.Badz na biezaco – czytaj Coolture w wersji elektronicznej!____________________________________________________________________________________________________Cooltura – the biggest and most popular Polish weekly magazine inthe UK for the Polish community is now available in digitalformat.116-pages includes up to date information from Poland and theUK.Every issue includes hot topics such as:- Capital news, Interviews, Reports- Upcoming events, section on culture- Articles, journalistic commentary- Advice and classified sectionEverything that might be of your interest and be useful in everydaylife.Stay up to date! Enjoy and read us in digital format.
Spectroscopy Europe 3.0.0
Spectroscopy Europe has been a valued, freeresource for the European spectroscopic community since 1975. It isavailable in print, digital and web editions as well as this app,so you can choose which you prefer. To apply for a free printsubscription, please visit http://www.spectroscopyeurope.com/register.Spectroscopy Europe is published six times a year plus an annualDirectory. It is a joint publication of:John Wiley & Sons LtdThe Atrium, Southern GateChichesterWest Sussex PO19 8SQUKT: +44-1243-779777andIM Publications LLP6 Charlton MillCharltonChichesterWest Sussex PO18 0HYUKT: +44-1243-811334
Guild News 1.3.1
Guild News is the bi-monthly publication oftheGuild of Air Pilots and Air Navigators, the Livery Company oftheCity of London that represents the interests of those involvedinaviation, either professionally or privately. For morein-depthinformation about the Guild and what it does, please referto thewebsite at www.gapan.org
NHD Magazine 4.0.0
NHD (Network Health Dietitians) is theUK’sonly independent monthly magazine for dietitiansandnutritionists. NHD magazine is now available FREE in app form! The UK'smostrespected nutrition and dietetic magazine is available to readanddownload each issue. Read all 10 issues per year on your tabletorsmartphone. Since 2005 NHD has published the most current andthought-provokingdietetic editorial by the leading nutritionwriters from the UK andinternationally. Expert academic and professional nutrition writers featurestorieson public health, community nutrition, clinical nutrition,latestresearch, case studies, clinical guidelines, columns,opinion,global interest and professional development. NHD also features the UK’s largest independent dieteticrecruitmentsite at dieteticJOBS.co.uk which includes NHS, private,corporateand locum vacancies through the UK. Continuing Professional DevelopmentThe NHD app also includes 40+ CPD eArticles for allnutritionprofessionals to print, fill in and keep as part of theirongoingCPD requirements. Visit NHDmag.com to learn more about NHD publications ordownloadthe app here and get started reading the latestissue.
QP Magazine 5.0
Since its launch in 2003, QP has becomeestablished as one of the most widely read watch magazines in theworld and has developed an engaging and readable style, with aneditorial scope that covers auctions, brands, design, collecting,watchmaking technology and history.QP came into being as a magazine that sought to reflect thefinest and most creative in watchmaking as well as simply reportand review the new watches on the market. Taking its title from theabbreviation for Quantième Perpétuel, the French term for perpetualcalendar, QP is all about the long view and the higheststandards.Our editorial policy is to look beyond the latest press releaseand next product launch, QP is a real magazine – the sophisticatedaudience we target demands an equally sophisticated approach tocontent.QP is published six times per year.
Savannah Visitor Guide 5.0
Going to Savannah, Georgia? Find out thebestrestaurants, museums, shops, tours, and discover what’s newandhappening in the Historic District with Savannah Scene Magazine,abi-monthly guide that shares the what’s going on inDowntownSavannah. This interactive publication gives visitors allthe toolsthey need to plan a trip or find out where to go whilethey’re inGeorgia’s First City, with maps of Savannah, a calendarof eventsand guides covering everything from dining and activitiestoevents, the arts, shopping and accommodations.FEATURES-Map of Savannah’s Historic District-Map of Greater Savannah-Map Tybee Island aka Savannah’s Beach-Calendar of Events-Information about Savannah’s History-Popular Sights to See-Savannah’s City Squares-Features on New Restaurants and Shops
QA Education Magazine 4.5
QA Education Magazine, the essential guidetonews and product information for the largesteducationalestablishments throughout England and Wales. Coveringtopicaleducational issues from across the UK for Head Teachersandeducation decision makers within schools, also featuringimportantevents in the education sector, including: EducationInnovation,Music Expo, and the Education Show to name but afew.
Pro Landscaper 6.0
Pro Landscaper is a content driven brandthataims to deliver actionable and inspirational businessinformationthat can help companies within the landscaping sectorprogresstheir business.We work closely with all associations and organizationstopromote best practice and we will always highlight thepositiveaspect of the industry. Pro Landscaper brings togethercontractors(design & build and maintenance), Architects anddesigners aswell as their respective associations to unite thisexcellentindustry.Now our readers will be able to access the content throughournew multi media app.
MOT Testing magazine 5.0
MOT Testing industry professionals – you willfind a wealth of information about your industry in MOT TestingMagazine – written by industry experts. MOT Testing Magazine is asource of news, information, analysis, advice and guidance forAuthorised Examiners, NTs and technicians involved in repairs andservicing for the MOT.Forewarned is forearmed – new developments and trends in theindustry are examined and reported on, often many months in advanceof news breaking in the non-specialist media. We bring reports fromVOSA and DfT, and regularly interview senior personnel from thoseand other major MOT industry organisations.MOT Industry consultants give advice, drawn from their owncasebooks, on how to ensure that Quality Control and Compliancematters are properly dealt with, and disciplinary actionavoided.There are regular reviews of MOT equipment, often with anintroduction from an industry expert, enabling buyers to evaluateand compare most, if not all, of the offerings of major equipmentsuppliers; all are collected and presented to readers in a coherentformat for easy like-for-like comparison.
Greenwich 5.3.2
Greenwich magazine gives you the insidetrackon what's happening in Greenwich (London SE10). With news onlocalevents, places to go, local character profiles andinformationabout its independent shops, renowned street food andrestaurants.Sitting on the River Thames, Greenwich - a World Heritage Site-is rich in royal and maritime history, features London's bestparkand craft market, The Royal Observatory, The zero degreemeridianline (0° longitude), The famous tea clipper, the CuttySark, andthe National Maritime Museum,Henry VIII and Elizabeth I were born here and SirChristopherWren and his assistant Nicholas Hawksmoor designed someof itsglorious buildings, which remain open to the public.
HUB-4 Magazine 5.0
HUB-4 is a leading publication covering theQuarrying, Recycling & Bulk Materials Handling Industriesglobally. The HUB magazine app allows you to catch up on all thelatest news, case studies, editorial, technical articles, productreleases, exhibition previews and much more right across thesedynamic and fast moving industries. Over the past 10 years, the HUBhas become the preferred choice for professionals within theQuarrying, Recycling & Bulk Materials Handling Industries andwas the first to successfully combine these into one publicationand online platform. They now reach a combined audience today ofover 720,000 people each year.Published bi-monthly
Free of charge to a global audience
Directlink through to more industry websites from the App
Latest productvideos featured within each publication
Access to all of the HUB-4magazine publications
Richmond Interiors 1.3.1
Around 1980, the family businessRichmondInteriors started as antique shop selling furniture andhomeaccessories. Many of these antique furniture and accessorieswereimported from England and France.
The company continued to growandbegan supplying furniture to other stores.With factories in eastern Europe and Asia Richmond interiorscansupply a wide range of furniture and home decoration.
Meanwhile,ithas grown into an international Furniture and homeDecorationsupplier for 800 shops worldwide. Our collection isavailable inmore than 70 countries over the world. For dealerlocations pleaseemail us on [email protected]
Film3Sixty 1.0.0
Film3Sixty’s FREE app brings you thelatestfilm trailers, up-to-the-minute cinema news, in-depthfeatures andexclusive competitions.Produced by film lovers, for film lovers, we are passionateaboutcinema in all its forms from the smallest independentproductions tothe biggest Hollywood blockbusters.What’s included:– the very latest trailers– up-to-the-minute film news– exclusive red-carpet photos– behind-the-scenes reports– video interviews– in-depth features by some of the UK’s leadingfilmjournalists– exclusive competitions
The Soul Survivors Magazine 4.5
Welcome to the Soul Survivors Magazineappdesigned especially for mature Soul Music enthusiasts allaroundthe world. We are a bi-monthly magazine featuringin-depthinterviews with legendary Soul icons which have includedthe lateTeena Marie, Nile Rodgers, Leon Ware, Frankie Beverly, JeanCarne,Omar, Smokey Robinson, Patrice Rushen, Patti Austin, PhilipBailey,Charlie Wilson, Steve Arrington, Gamble & Huff, TheSugarhillGang, John Legend, Caron Wheeler, Larry Blackmon (Cameo)and EricBenet. We run adverts for events all over the world,reviews of thelatest releases from new and established artists,event reviews,radio listings and much more. We are the info.provider for theSoul Survivor!
Non-League Club Directory 2.0.1
This is the 35th edition of the Non-LeagueClubDirectory and we hope that we have helped to increaseawareness ofthe thousands of clubs (over 10,000 featured within)who are outside‘The Football League’ but represent towns andvillages all over thecountry. The Directory highlights theiradventures in the excitingFA knock out competitions such as The FACup, FA Trophy and FA Vaseand of course their progress in theirparent leagues which cover thecountry in a national pyramid.Within the Directory you will find:• Club details from Step 1 down to Step 7.• Results and line-ups.• League tables from over 240 leagues.• All FA competition’s results.• Action, squad and ground photographs.• Directions on how to find the grounds.• Club records.• 10-year records for all clubs down to Step 5.
Tempus 4.5
Tempus is a monthly prestige watch andluxurylifestyle magazine read by watch aficionados and affluentconsumersworldwide. It offers readers and advertisers a uniqueinsight intothe fascinating world of quality horology, luxurytravel,high-value collectables, yachts, private aviation, motoringandmuch more.Published by Curve Content and based in England'sformerwatchmaking heartland of Clerkenwell, Tempus employsaward-winningeditors, writers, designers and photographers toproduceintelligent, thought-provoking and aspirational content,whichconnects directly with the hearts and minds of its targetaudience.A perfectly targeted distribution model ensures that theseglobalcitizens are reached in venues and destinations where theyhavetime to enjoy the magazines at their leisure.Like the luxury market itself, Tempus is a unique,vibrantmagazine, and one that truly understands the spiritandsensibilities of its high-end readers. Since launch, it hasbeennominated for several awards, including Launch of the Year andArtDirector of the Year. Editor Scott Manson was also shortlistedasEditor of the Year at the British Society of MagazineEditor'sawards.
Torque 5.0
Torque Magazine is abusiness-to-businesspublication for the UK & Ireland andinternational markets forthe hardware distribution industry,covering a wide range ofproducts and services, including:• Hand and Power Tools• Fasteners and Fixings• Hardware and Ironmongery• Adhesives, Abrasives and Lubricants• DIY and Building Products and Consumables• Locks and Security• Trade Displays and Shopfittings• Clothing, Safety and Janitorial• Other associated products, IT and Support ServiceTorque Magazine is published in association with UKandInternational B2B events including Torque-Expo UK andTorque-ExpoSingapore.TorqueWhen, where, and how?Torque Magazine is published six times a year with over6,000printed copies mailed to industry decision-makers. It also hasastrong digital presence with an up-to-the-minute website,regulare-mail newsletters, an international digital magazine andsocialmedia postings.The printed edition of Torque Magazine features highproductionvalues, with perfect binding and glossy finish, so it hasa longshelf-life, encouraging readers to refer to it again andagain. Allback-issues can be read online in our app.Editorial contentTorque Magazine provides comprehensive, in-depth coverageformanufacturers, importers and wholesalers selling any oftheassociated products through distribution to the UK and Irelandandinternational trade. The magazine gives key figures the chancetovoice their views and opinions, and works with opinion-formersandtrade bodies to promote the business interests of itsreaders.
KNOW-HOW Magazine 5.0
Experience KNOW-HOW Magazine from the comfortof your mobile device. Fabio Viviani is bringing his magazinestraight to your fingertips. Each issue has the KNOW-HOW tips ontopics including entrepreneurial advice, professional tactics,lifestyle tips and tricks, delicious recipes, and wine knowledge.Download this app to start swiping and learning!
Natural Medicine Magazine 4.5
For more than 15 years, Natural Medicinehasbeen dedicated to inspiring and guiding the general publicandpractitioners across all modalities on the uses and benefitsofcomplementary and integrative medicine.A panel of independent experts, consisting of doctors andotherhealthcare professionals, write our objective, specialistarticlesfrom practical experience. As a result, Natural Medicinedeliversthe industry’s most credible information.As people across multiple demographic groups becomeincreasinglyaware of the benefits of a healthy lifestyle, we see agrowingtrend toward self-medication and increased confidence innaturalproducts, which are led by well-known brands.
Channel Info 5.0
Channel Info magazine is the leadingUKspecialist publication for dealers and resellers of allproductsand services for the office.
Oriental Medicine Journal 5.0
Oriental Medicine Journal seeks articles fromall branches of Oriental Medicine, including but not limited toAcupuncture, Herbal Medicine, Moxibustion, Asian Body Work, and QiGong, as well as articles about history and philosophy and aboutthe interface of Oriental Medicine with other medicines, ancient ormodern. OMJ publishes a wide variety of articles, includingresearch studies, clinical reports, essays, galleys from books inpublication, selections from work in progress, and letters to theeditors.
Molly's Guide 5.0
Hello!Welcome to Molly’s Guide, the definitive guide for parents andcarers – offering great ideas to entertain your young family duringthe school holidays. Here you can download your FREE copy ofMolly’s Guide. Published five times a year - easter, spring,summer, autumn and winter, Molly’s Guide is distributed to over 120Primary Schools in Lincoln. Supported by our websitewww.mollysguide.co.uk - you are never too far away from lots ofgreat ideas and informative articles and money saving vouchers.
Irish Wedding Diary Magazine 5.0
Everything you need when planning a weddinginIreland. Ireland’s favourite wedding magazine is packed fullofwedding dresses, many of which are shot exclusively forIrishWedding Diary. With fashion and beauty tips, mother of thebrideand honeymoon sections, the leading wedding venues and topbridalphotographers it has all the services you will need tocompleteyour special day. Published quarterly.
Office Equipment News 5.0
Office Equipment News (OEN) is thelongestserving and leading end user office products and servicesmagazinefor buyers within mid tier and up sized companies.Published since1956.
Salisbury Parenting 5.0
Salisbury's very own unique parenting read.Salisbury's proudest and incisive parenting magazine!Designed by a mum and run by 85% parents; Salisbury Parentingistrue to life real parenting by real parents.On the 1st Friday of every month Salisbury Parenting can befoundlocally in and around Salisbury in print and on our app,containingthe latest kiddie based whats on guide for fun familyfilled days,the latest reviews, fashion, beauty and parentingadvice andarticles alike.It is the must have read for parents and parents to be!
Materials Evaluation 5.0
Materials Evaluation (M.E.) is theflagshipjournal of the American Society for Nondestructive Testing(ASNT).Each issue offers Society and industry news, as well asfeaturearticles and technical content covering all aspectofnondestructive testing (NDT), its use and development.Technicalcontent in M.E. is peer-reviewed by qualified techniciansandresearchers, ensuring quality details and discussion.• Digital issues are FREE to all ASNT members• Content updated monthly with each new issue• Digital archive with issues going back several years• Search, audio/visual interactivity, sharing features***The American Society for Nondestructive Testing, basedinColumbus, Ohio, is an international technical society withover16,000 members that provides a forum for the exchangeofnondestructive testing technical information; NDTeducationalmaterials and programs; and standards and services forthequalification and certification of NDT personnel.ASNT exists to create a safer world by promoting theprofessionand technologies of nondestructive testing.ASNT… Creating a Safer World™
Simply Novelli 3.0.0
There are few chefs more passionate abouttheircraft than the great Novelli, and his new book,Simply Novelli, is just that an exploration of classicFrenchdishes, brought bang up to date andgiven a lighter touch by Novelli.
Wychwood Design 1.3.1
Wychwood Design is a wellestablishedmanufacturer of high quality fitted and free standingfurniture forthe contract and domestic furniture markets.The company's manufacturing base is comprehensive andflexible,employing workers whose traditional skills and experienceinfurniture making are backed up with the latestmanufacturingmethods and computerised technology.The manufacturing, polishing and upholstery departments areallunder one roof at Brize Norton in Oxfordshire, allowing thecompanyflexibility and full control of all aspects ofproduction.Wychwood Design broadly operates in two areas ofmanufacture;firstly in a standard range of items comprising ofchairs, sofas,tables, consoles, nightstands, desks and otherassociated furniturewhich are all polished and upholstered to theclient'sspecifications.Secondly, in the design and production of special items andbatchranges of completely individual and original pieces developedinassociation with interior designers, architects, andspecifiers.These include internal doors, bookcases, wardrobes,studies,staircases, kitchens, sideboards, armoires and almost anykind offitted or free standing furniture.Materials used are predominantly Beech, American WhiteOak,Cherry, Walnut and Mahogany, with other timbers such asWenge,Sycamore and Maple being popular. The company has it'sownveneering facilities which allows the use of more exotic timbersincrossbanding, inlay and marquetry detail.Polishing and finishing are all done to specification and,inaddition to the standard range of stains, the company also offersacolour matching service as well as special finishesincludingfrench polishing, crackle glaze, distressing, draggingandgilding.Modern upholstery techniques are employed by the companywheresofas, corner units and armchairs are made to theclient'sspecified dimensions. From cutting and sewing, to deepbuttoning,nailing and cushion filling selection, attention is paidto detailwhere aesthetics and comfort are of the utmostimportance.Great care is taken continually throughout the productionprocessto ensure the finished product is always of the highestqualitywhile maintaining keen and competitive prices. Allfurniture ismanufactured to meet current and relevant Britishsafetystandards.
Sharples and Grant 1.3.1
Download the catalogue and brochure appforSharples & Grant. You can stay up to date with ourlatestproducts and information.The owners of Sharples and Grant have over 50 yearscombinedexperience working within the pet trade. Established in2005, thecompany has gone from strength to strength, and now boastsaproduct range of over 700 exciting and innovative products,thatwill ultimately have all pets chomping at the bit !Complemented bya great reputation for customer service, Sharplesand Grant must bea sure choice when choosing stock, or purelymaking your pets happy!Known the world over for our innovative commitment toquality,from design to supply we strive to enhance the relationshipbetweencustomers, pets and their owners alike.Our products cater for dogs, cats, small animals, cagebirds,aquatics and wild birds. We are even sole distributors of arangeof pet hygiene products from Petkin.
Fork Magazine 2.0.1
Fork is the tablet magazine for intelligentfood writing and food news, reviews, features and interviews,always with a focus on artisans, independent producers and with aneye on the rising stars of the food world.Every bi-monthly issue covers the latest news and trends in theculinary world. It features stories and interviews with the peoplebehind our food from chefs to growers and entrepreneurs, as well asstunning recipes and food travel.Fork is essential reading for anyone who is interested infood.Download the app now and never miss an issue.
PT Magazine 5.0
PT in your pocket!Whether you’re a professional PT or a fitness fanatic,PTMagazine brings you all the latest information you need fromthefitness industry on a regular basis. Each issue is brought toyouby an expert panel of contributors including Adam Kiani,KristophThompson, and “ITV’s The Biggest Loser” Master Trainer,RichardCallender.By keeping up-to-date with the latest trends and trainingideas,PT Magazine provides everything you will need to reach yourclientsand to make sure you stay ahead of the game and ahead ofthecompetition.
MX Vice 5.0
MX Vice magazine is a bi-monthly magazineformotocross
Manager Magazine 2.0.1
Manager magazine is the UK’spremierpublication for administrative managers,professionaladministrators, and business leaders.Published on a quarterly basis, the magazine focuses ontheimportant issues facing professionals in the workplace.Managerprovides news features, inspiring case studies, industryprofiles,workplace trends, best practices, career development,andtechnology updates.Articles are written by an award-winning publishing teamwitheditorial contributions from a broad range of businesscommentatorsand industry leaders.Manager has a long history beginning as The British JournalofAdministrative Management in 1950, and transitioning intoamagazine in 1997. It is the official publication of theInstituteof Administrative Management (instam.org).Download Manager now for a free trial issue!