Top 23 Apps Similar to Читатель

FBReader TTS+ Plugin
TTS+ Plugin is an enhancedText-To-Speechplugin for FBReader for Android, the popular freeeBook readercreated by geometerplus. The plugin module created byHyperionicsand offered here has several enhancements over theoriginal TTSPlugin created by FBReader author.IMPORTANT: You need Text-To-Speech engine and voices installedonyour device to use this app. If you don't have one yet, pickupfromPlay Store - the good quality TTS engines there are Acapela,Ivonaand SVOX. You may use more than one if you want.* Bluetooth play/pause and previous/next controls arehandledcorrectly* Plays in the background and Bluetooth controls are stillhandled,allowing you for example to use Navigation software on yourphonewhile driving somewhere and listening to your book at thesametime, and pausing/resuming playback as needed.* Android 4.2 and higher - lock screen widget topause/resume,next/previous sentence, view book title and progress.This widgetcan be also used on the home screen under older versionsofAndroid.* Read by sentences - the plugin pauses and resumes atindividualsentences, instead of entire paragraphs. Upon resume, youdon'thave to listen from the beginning of a long paragraphagain.* Enhanced control panel to set book language, open systemTTSSettings to change speech engine, control speech rate, pitchandvolume, more...* The control panel can be minimized to display only a row ofsmallbuttons at the bottom over the main FBReader screen, if youwant towatch the text it reads at the same time.* Sleep timer* Can highlight individual sentences instead of full paragraphs,butthis requires a small code change in the main FBReadercode.* Try also our new product, @Voice Aloud Reader!ABOUT PERMISSIONS: In ver. 1.5.7 addedWRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGEpermission, needed for TTS activation on somedevices.
eReader Prestigio: Book Reader
Multi format Book reader & PDF viewer. Text-To-Speech&Audio book player
AlReader -any text book reader 1.932102241
Program is designed for readingfictionbook.- Book reader compatible with Android 1.6+- read formats: fb2, fb3, fbz, txt, epub (no DRM), html, doc,docx,odt, rtf, mobi (no DRM), prc (PalmDoc), tcr. Supported ZIP andGZarchives.- It is possible to specify an encoding of reading file(include932, 936, 949, 950 code page).- Support Text-To-Speech (TTS) (permission to the calls need tostoptts while calling)- Support network libraries (OPDS)- Local library. The selection of authors, series,title,publication year, genre.- Supported interface languages: russian, english, german,greek,ukrainian, belarusian, polish, chineze, bulgarian,turkish.- Supported external dictionaries.- Fb2 and TXT file editing. If a file is in an archive, editedfileis unpacked to the same directory as the original one.- It is possible to select code page for file names in zip.- Correct hyphenation for 20 languages.- Four profiles with independent font, color, brightness,gammacorrection and indent of text.- One- and two-page mode with automatic switch to the two-pagemodein landscape.- Configuring of display styles (headings, citations,abstracts,etc.). Each style includes font, color, text style, textsize,shadow, indent, spacing and so on.- Search.- Autoscroll "wave" and "slide".- 3D paging animation.- Initial letter to one or two lines of text at the beginningofeach chapter or paragraph.- Independent setting of all items in the status bar and footerforwindowed and full-screen mode.- Support for display of footnotes on the page for fb2- and(most)epub-files.- The horizontal and vertical alignment of text on thescreen.- Hanging punctuation.- "Sections from a new page" option.- Navigation in the text: by percents, by pages, tothebeginning/end of the text, 10 pages forward/backward, tothenext/previous chapter.- Table of contents in fb2-, doc- and epub-files.- 9 tap-zones for short and long taps, gestures, gestures withtwofingers, resize text by "pinch", to assign the actionsforbuttons.- Support E-Ink screens. Adaptation of appearance for theE-Inkscreens, support of "fast" refresh for many EINKdevices.- Fixation of screen rotation.- Support 9.png skins with automatic selection of one- ortwo-pagemode.- Upon selection of embedded texture, background color is takenintoaccount, i.e. mix of textures and colors.- Clock behind the text.- Quotes, bookmarks, text labeling, sending the selected texttothird-party programs.- Creating shortcuts for books on the home screen.- Save / restore program settings / styles / currentprofile(+fonts, +skins) / text styles.- Ability to hold screen backlight (up to 20 minutesofinactivity).- Fine-tuning of various indentations, adjusting software shadingofthe screen (if minimal hardware brightness level is too highforcomfortable use).- The program collects anonymous statistics of open booksforcreating the top -100 authors and books. This top -100 isavailablein program.- Synchronize reading position via network or file system.
FBReader: Favorite Book Reader
FBReader is a free ebook reader.Main ebook formats: ePub (including main features of ePub3),Kindleazw3 (mobipocket), fb2(.zip).Other supported formats: RTF, doc (MS Word), html, plaintext.Formats supported via free plugins:PDF(,DjVu( supports synchronization of your library and/orreadingpositions with the FBReader booknetwork(, a Google Drive™ based cloudservice.Synchronization is disabled by default; to enable andconfigure it,use the preferences dialog.FBReader is fast and highly customizable - it can useexternalTrueType/OpenType fonts and custom backgrounds, thescreenbrightness can be adjusted while reading (slide fingerup/downalong the left screen edge), and different day/night colorschemescan be selected.This reader also includes a browser/downloader to accessdifferentnetwork ebook catalogs and stores. Several popularEnglish, French,Russian, Chinese, and Polish libraries areincluded. Custom OPDScatalogs are supported too.Alternatively, you can download books manually and save them onyourdevice in /sdcard/Books.FBReader is integrated with external dictionaries, includingDictan(,ColorDict,Fora Dictionary,, and LEOdictionary.In addition, this reader is localized for 34 languages, andincludeshyphenation patterns for 24 languages.
Cool Reader 3.2.50-1
Vadim Lopatin
eBook reader. Supports epub (non-DRM),fb2,doc, txt, rtf, html, chm, tcr, pdb, prc, mobi (non-DRM),pmlformats.Pages or scroll view. Page flipping animation.Table of contents, bookmarks, text search.Bookmarks on text fragments (comments or corrections) - usefulforproof reading.Export of bookmarks to text file.Built-in file browser, quick recent books access.Online catalogs (OPDS) support.LitRes online book store support.Text to Speech (TTS) support.Hyphenation dictionaries;Most complete FB2 format support: styles, tables, footnotes.Additional fonts support (place .ttf to /sdcard/fonts/)Support for Chinese, Japanese, Korean languages; autodetectionofTXT file encoding (GBK, Shift_JIS, BIG5, EUC_KR).Day and night profiles (two sets of colors, background,backlightlevels).Brightness adjustments by flick on left edge of screen.Background texture (stretched or tiled) or solid color.Paperbook-like page turning animation or "slidingpage"animation.Dictionary support (ColorDict, GoldenDict, Fora Dictionary,AardDictionary).Customizable tap zone and key actions.Autoscroll (automatic page flipping) - startusingmenu/goto/autoscroll or assign action Autoscroll on key ortapzone; Change speed using volume keys or bottom-rightandbottom-left tap zones; stop - tap any other tap zone orkey.Can read books from zip archives.Automatic reformatting of .txt files (autodetectheadingsetc.)Styles can be customised in wide range using external CSS.Select text using double tap (optional).Similar to FBReader, Aldiko, AlReader, Nook, Laputa,Moon+reader.Place additional textures to /sdcard/.cr3/textures/ -- to be usedastiled page backgrounds.Place additional textures to /sdcard/.cr3/backgrounds/ -- to beusedas stretched page backgrounds.(/cr3/ directory can also be used instead of /.cr3/, and internalSDor internal storage instead of /sdcard/)CoolReader requires following permissions:WAKE_LOCK - to control screen backlightWRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE - to access SD cardINTERNET - to use online catalogsCoolReader is free, open source (GPL), multiplatform project.Project homepage on SourceForgeis donate this project, you can buy Cool Reader Gold ($10),Silver($3) or Bronze ($1) Donation package from MarketIn case of issues after update (e.g. crashes while reading) trytoremove directory SD/.cr3/cache and book databasefilesSD/.cr3/*.sqliteWindows version can be downloaded here: well, consider using "Cool Reader GL" - cross-platformCoolReader version with UI rewritten in C++, with hardwareaccelerationbased on OpenGL. Optimized for new devices with bighigh resolutionscreens. Both versions can be installedtogether.
FullReader – e-book reader 4.3.5
Feature-packed reader. Compatibility with all popular formatsforreading!
Домашняя Библиотека 9.4
"Домашняя Библиотека" - это не просто удобная программа длячтениякниг, а целая библиотека, содержащая около 10.000бесплатныхпроизведений классической литературы и более 40.000платных новинокна разных языках. Приложение охватывает практическивсе жанры:художественную литературу, философские трактаты,публицистику,мемуары, детскую литературу и прочие. Теперь не нужноискать книгив интернете: установив это приложение, вы всегда будетеиметь подрукой огромное собрание книг лучших отечественныхписателей.Разумеется, в списке из 1100 авторов вы найдете Чехова,Толстого,Достоевского, Тургенева, Гоголя, Пушкина, Лермонтова,Есенина,Горького и многих других. Интерфейс программы обладаетцелым рядомудобных функций и настроек, делающих чтение текстамаксимальнокомфортным. Основные особенности программы: • Около25.000произведений классической литературы на русском,английском,украинском, немецком, французском, испанском,португальском,китайском и других языках. • Магазин с самыми новымикнигами.Существует подписка позволяющая читать и слушать всемировыебестселлеры за небольшую плату. • Гибкие настройкиотображениятекста (выбор шрифта, изменения цвета и фактуры фона"бумаги") •Современный адаптивный дизайн интерфейса с удобнойнавигацией •Поиск произведения по автору и по названию • Поискфрагмента втексте произведения • Возможность добавлять произвольноеколичествозакладок • Поддержка горизонтального режима чтения •Оглавления дляобъемных произведений • Автоматическая закладка(произведениеоткроется там, где оно было "закрыто" в последний раз)•Возможность открывать "свои" файлы формата TXT • Ночной режим•Портреты авторов и ссылки на биографии на страницах Википедии•Встроенный магазин современных книг, журналов и аудиокнигУважаемыепользователи! Мы постоянно работаем над улучшениемприложения"Домашняя Библиотека". Если у вас есть замечания ипожелания,обязательно пишите их на нашу электронную почту.
EBook Reader & ePub Books 3.7.1
Perfect supports: epub, fb2, doc, txt, etc. The best eBook Reader.
@Voice Aloud Reader 26.3.0
Listen to the app read aloud or read onscreenweb pages, news articles, long emails, TXT, PDF, DOC, DOCX,RTF,OpenOffice documens, EPUB, MOBI, PRC, AZW and FB2 ebooks andmore.It's an HTML reader, document reader and ebook reader all inone,both for reading on-screen, or listening when your eyeshurt,malfunction or are busy elsewhere. ADHD? Read the UserCommentbelow.USER COMMENTS:“I just wanted to express my thanks for your wonderful app. I amanacademic researcher who has A.D.H.D., and @Voice has beenamazinglyhelpful to me. (…) In my case, ADHD manifests withchallenges inconcentration and focus. When I read on the page, Ifrequently findmyself having to re-read sentences, paragraphs orentire passagesupon realizing that I had "zoned out" while reading.(…) theseproblems are resolved when I use @Voice to "read" writtenwork. TheTTS format keeps me on track, because even if I getdistractedwhile listening, the speech continues and I am able toquicklyreturn to the author's overall train of thought. And, thanksto theintuitive interface of @voice aloud (especially thehighlightingfunction) it is easy to back-track if necessary. (…)So,@voice hastruly improved my life and prospects. I estimate thatyour appallows me to read about 10-12 times more than I wouldotherwisehave been able to read, and has certainly improved myability toedit my own work.”FEATURES:* Open text, PDF, DOC, DOCX, RTF, OpenOffice documents or HTMLfilesfrom Android file system for reading aloud.* Click "Share" or "Send by Email" button/menu item in any apptosend text to @Voice Aloud Reader for aloud reading over speakersora headset.* When sharing web pages to @Voice, their menus, navigation,ads,other junk are removed, leaving clean text to read orlisten.* If "Share" is not available, copy text in another app and pasteitinto @Voice for aloud reading.* Save articles opened in @Voice to files for laterlistening.Construct listening lists of many articles foruninterruptedlistening one after the other. Order the list asneeded, e.g. moreimportant articles first.* Option to instantly read aloud text copied to clipboard.* Read ebooks on screen with their original formatting,imagesshown, turn pages or read continuously. Or put headphones,turn offscreen and listen!* Handles Chinese and Japanese vertical text (right to leftmode)under Android 4.4 and higher, or switch it to horizontal modeifpreferred.* Easily add saved Pocket articles to @Voice reading list - inReadList screen, press Menu - Add articles from Pocket, then readonscreen or listen being read aloud.* Record spoken articles to sound files - WAV (uncompressed) orOGG(compressed) formats supported.* Long-press word and/or select a longer phrase toviewdictionaries, translations, Wikipedia, Web search andmore.* Speech correction for TTS, optionally using RegularExpressions(RegEx)* Desktop/laptop Google Chrome browser extension to add articlesto@Voice reading list with one click.* Easily control speech generator volume, pitch and rateofspeech.* Pause/resume speech as needed with wired or Bluetoothheadsetbuttons, plus click Next/Previous buttons to jump bysentence or tonext/previous article on list.* Auto-recognize the language to use appropriate TTS voice,ifavailable, or set your preferred voices manually with"Selectlanguage" menu item.* Options for additional pause between paragraph, start talkingassoon as a new article is loaded or wait for a buttonpress,start/stop talking when wired headset plugisinserted/removed.* Optional sleep timer to stop speech after a given timeout.* Now compatible with Smart Headset Assistant- TO BETA TEST NEW RELEASES?Join @Voice BetaTesting:
Книжная лавка 3.3.82
The application library to find and read your favorite products.
All Audiobooks Ru 1.4.7
Free app for listening to russian audiobooks on your phone,noadvertising.For true connoisseurs of audiobooks. Every minute in ourdatabasethere are new audiobook.Library of free audio books that are freely available ontheinternet. Search is possible by name or by genre books. Tosearchand playback requires a constant connection to the Internet.Genres of books available for search in ourapplication:Cyberpunk, Technical Books, Detectives, Adventure,Thriller,Action; A history book; Biographies and memoirs; Fiction,fantasy,horror, mystery; Russian literature; Foreign Literature;Novels;Comedy; Business; Fairy Tales; Children; Psychology;Spirituality;Religion; Sociology; Audiobooks in other foreignlanguages.
ePUB EBook Reader 3.2.30
Read your EPUB books anywhere. Small, clean interface, fastandreliable.
Moon+ Reader
☆ Innovative book reader with powerfulcontrols& full functions:• Read thousands of ebooks for free, supports onlineebooklibraries• Read local books with smooth scroll and tons of innovation☆ Support epub, pdf, mobi, chm, cbr, cbz, umd, fb2, txt, html,rar,zip or OPDS, key features:✔ Full visual options: line space, font scale, bold, italic,shadow,justified alignment, alpha colors, fading edge etc.✔ 10+ themes embedded, includes Day & Night modeswitcher.✔ Various types of paging: touch screen, volume keys or evencamera,search or back keys.✔ 24 customized operations (screen click, swipe gesture,hardwarekeys), apply to 15 customized events: search, bookmark,themes,navigation, font size and more.✔ 5 auto-scroll modes: rolling blind mode; by pixel, by line orbypage. Real-time speed control.✔ Adjust the brightness by sliding your finger along the leftedgeof the screen, gesture commands supported.✔ Intelligent paragraph; indent paragraph; trim unwantedblankspaces options.✔ “Keep your eyes health” options for long-time reading.✔ Real page turning effect with customizedspeed/color/transparent;5 page flip animations;✔ My Bookshelf design: Favorites, Downloads, Authors, Tags;selfbookcover, search, import supported.✔ Justified text alignment, hyphenation mode supported.✔ Dual page mode for landscape screen.✔ Support all four screen orientations.✔ EPUB3 multimedia content support (video and audio)✔ Backup/Restore options to cloud via DropBox, syncreadingpositions between phones and tablets.✔ Highlight, Annotation, Dictionary (Offline or Online,supportColorDict, GoldenDict, Fora, ABBYY Lingvo, etc.),Translation,Share functions all in this ebook reader.-Localized in 40 languages: English, አማርኛ, العربية,հայերեն,Български, català, český, dansk, Nederlands, eesti,suomi,français, galego, საქართველოს, Deutsch, ελληνικά, עברית,magyar,Indonesia, italiano, 日本語, 한국어, македонски, persan,polski,português, português brasil, român, русский, српски,简体中文,slovenských, slovenskega, español, Svenskt, 繁體中文, ภาษาไทย,Türk,Українська, Việt-Additional benefits in pro version:#Ad-free#Shake the phone to speak (Text-to-speech, TTS enginesupport)#More beautiful themes, background images and fonts#Reading statistics function#Customize reader bar function#Headset & Bluetooth keys control#Multi-point touch support#Option for password protection at startup#Book to home screen shortcut#Annotations, highlights & bookmarks share support#Customer email support#Widget shelf support, group your favorite books, put themtodesktop as widget-About GET_ACCOUNTS permission: used for Google Drivefunctiononly
PocketBook - PDF, EPUB reader 4.36.19033.release
Read, search, make notes & highlightsinPDF (Adobe DRM), EPUB (Adobe DRM), DjVu, MOBI, PDB, TXT,FB2,, CHM, html(basic), CBZ, CBR, СBT, RTF book formats.Enjoy aunique, fast and user-friendly interface that was designedtoprovide the most convenient set of options for you to fullyenjoyreading a book.PocketBook reader allows you to customize your reading experiencebyadjusting text size, layouts, colors and many otheroptions.Main features:- Scroll or turn pages by swiping, tapping on the edge of thescreenor by using the volume keys.- Use single page, dual page or scroll viewing modes.- Search text to find needed information.- Highlight text and make notes.- Export notes & highlights to a file.- Adjust display brightness while reading.- Lock screen orientation.- Quickly access to table of contents, notes and highlights.- Easy book navigation.- Adobe DRM support.- OPDS catalogs.- ABBYY Lingvo, GoldenDict, ForaDict dictionaries support- Text-to-speechPDF & DjVu features:- Crop page margins manually or automatically to fit page contenttothe screen size.- Use pinch and stretch gestures to zoom in or out page.- Use double tap to zoom to a particular text fragment.- Turbo PDF mode (Fast PDF rendering )EPUB, FB2, TXT, RTF, MOBI, PDB features:- Use pinch-to-zoom gestures to change font size.- Change text and background color. PocketBook reader supportsfourcolor themes (night, day, sepia and gray).More features will be coming soon:- DOCX formats supportAvailable languages:English, Russian, German, PortugueseBy downloading, you agree to the Terms of Use at
Ebook Reader 5.0.20's Ebook Reader lets you readyourfavorite books on the go. Choose from a massive collectionofpopular books that you can download in a jiffy.Ebook Reader is free, and optimized for Android devices.- Epub3 format support- User-created collections for sorting your books- Turn pages with a tap or swipe- Never lose your place in the book- Landscape or portrait orientation is lockable- Easy navigation inside the book- Search for text inside books- Night-reading mode is easy on the eyes- Adjust font size with a tap- Login with your existing account- Sync your online bookshelf with all your devices- Online synchronization for bookmarks, highlights, notesandcurrent reading position with all your Android andiOSdevices- 3rd-party (imported) book support- Free classics at your fingertips immediately- Shop for ebooks within the app- Buy New York Times bestsellers as well as technical,professionaland academic books- Online backup - your online ebook library is always accessible,soanytime you get a new PC or phone, your books are ready todownloadfrom your bookshelf
Smart AudioBook Player
The app is designed specially for playingaudiobooks.Assumed that you have audiobooks and already copied them toyourphone.First 30 days Full version. Later - Basic version.Features:+ Playback speed control.+ Classification of books (new, started, finished).+ Download cover from the Internet.+ List of characters. You can manually create a list ofcharactersto easier follow the story.+ Automatic pause in case you fall asleep. To continue playbackjustshake your phone.+ Playback history.+ Application Widget. Allows you to control the player from thehomescreen.+ By specifying a root folder containing all your audiobook, youcanexclude your folders which contains music and otheraudiofiles.+ You don't have to finish one book to start another. Theprogressis saved independently for all books.+ NO ADS!To purchase (restore after reinstalling) full version press:menu--Help--Version tabPhone must be connected to the Internet.Full version cost is $2.Many thanks to people who left comments and suggestions.If you have something that doesn't work please write anemailinstead of leaving a comment.
PDF Reader 6.5
PDF Reader helps you manage and read all the ebooks on your phone.
Cool Reader GL
Vadim Lopatin
E-book reader. Read electronic books in alotof formats.Uses Cool Reader engine, but with rewritten user interfacepart,utilizing OpenGL for hardware acceleration.Optimized for new devices with high screen resolutionandtablets.Some features of old Cool Reader (e.g. text-to-speech anddictionarysupport) are not yet implemented.Better OPDS support.Better file browser.TTS (Read Aloud)Bookmarks.Dictionaries.Can be installed together with old Cool Reader - uses separateplaceto store settings, book positions, and bookmarks.To add bookmark, long tap on some word, then choose "Addbookmark"from popup menu.Windows version can be downloadedhere: APK versions availablehere: to help to fix crashes:If application crashes on your device, you can collect systemlogsafter crash with app like CatLog and send it on [email protected]
Библиотека 1.2.4
ВНИМАНИЕ! СЕРВИС ДОСТУПЕН ТОЛЬКО ДЛЯЧИТАТЕЛЕЙГОСУДАРСТВЕННЫХ БИБЛИОТЕК.ЗА ЛОГИНОМ И ПАРОЛЕМ ОБРАЩАЙТЕСЬ В ВАШУ БЛИЖАЙШУЮБИБЛИОТЕКУ.*****Читай легально и совершенно бесплатно с приложениемЛитРес:Библиотека.Для чтения доступен весь каталог русскоязычных книг ЛитРесотгорячих новинок до классики, включая:- современную прозу;- фэнтези и фантастику;- детективы;- деловую литературу и многое другое.Для всех книг доступны большие бесплатные фрагменты.Чтобы читать бесплатно – обратитесь в вашу районную библиотеку,ииспользуйте ваш номер читательского билета для доступа ккнижнойполке.Если вашей библиотеки нет в списке в нашем приложении, eсли увасесть пожелания или вопросы по его работе или вы столкнулисьспроблемой – пожалуйста, напишите нам на [email protected].Обратите внимание: приложение может собирать анонимнуюстатистикуиспользования.«ЛитРес» - продавец лицензионных электронных книг №1 в РоссиииСНГ. Нам доверяют ведущие издательства и авторы, издающиесянарусском языке.Компания «ЛитРес» основана в 2006 году и являетсякрупнейшимпродавцом лицензионных электронных книг в России. Насегодняшнийдень ассортимент компании насчитывает несколько десятковтысячэлектронных книг. Каждый месяц в каталоге компании появляетсяболее1500 новых книг.WARNING! SERVICEISAVAILABLE ONLY FOR READERS OF PUBLIC LIBRARIES.FOR LOGIN AND PASSWORD PLEASE CONTACT YOUR local library.*****Read legal and totally free with the app LitRes Library.To read the entire available catalog of Russian books LitRes hotnewreleases to classics, including:- Modern prose;- Fantasy and science fiction;- Detectives;- Business literature and more.For all books are available for free large fragments.To read free of charge - please contact your districtlibrary,and use your library card number to access thebookshelf.If your library is not listed in our application esli youhavesuggestions or questions about his work or you are faced withaproblem - please email us at [email protected] note: The application may collect anonymoususagestatistics."LitRes" - dealer license eBooks number 1 in Russia and theCIS.We are trusted by leading publishers and authors publishedinRussian.Company "LitRes" was founded in 2006 and is the largest selleroflicensed electronic books in Russian. To date, the range ofaboutseveral tens of thousands of e-books. Every month in thecompanydirectory appears more than 1,500 new books.
AudioBooksTor - Аудиокниги 2.4.1
AudioBooksTor - это сотни аудиокниг в Вашем смартфоне.Библиотекасодержит сотни книг разного жанра.Фэнтэзи, юмор, история, сказки (аудиосказки), детективы имногоедругое. Приложение очень простое и удобное.Пользоваться приложением очен просто:1) Устанавливаете на Ваше мобильное устройство любой TorrentClient(их в Google Play очень много.К примеру µTorrent или tTorrent Lite).2) Выбираете понравившеюся аудиокнигу и скачиваете (черезtorrentфайл) абсолютно БЕСПЛАТНО.Т.к. для скачивания аудиокниг используется torrent, токнигискачиваются с большой скоростью,и вам не надо долго ждать закачки. Еженедельныеобновленияаудиокниг. Прослушивание аудиокниг возможно в большинствеслучаевчерез любой доступный на Вашем смартфоне аудиопроигрыватель.Огромное количество аудио проигрывателей Вы можетенайти в GooglePlay.Все книги АБСОЛЮТНО БЕСПЛАТНО Вы скачиваете на своемобильноеустройство.Если у вас возникли проблемы с приложением, есть пожелание илиВыпросто хотите сказать спасибо заприложение - пишите и все пожелания будут учтены.Приятного прослушивания.AudioBooksTor - hundreds of audiobooks in your smartphone.Thelibrary contains hundreds of books of various genres.Fantasy, humor, history, fairy tales (audioskazki), detectivesandmore. The application is very simple and convenient.Application is very simple to use:1) is installed on your mobile device of any Torrent Client(GooglePlay them very much.For example μTorrent or tTorrent Lite).2) Select your favorite audiobook and download (via torrentfile)absolutely FREE.Because Downloadable audiobooks used torrent, then booksaredownloaded at a high speed,and you do not have long to wait for downloads. Weeklyupdatesaudiobooks. Listening to audiobooks is possible in mostcasesthrough any available on your smartphone audio player. Ahugenumber of audio players you can find in Google Play.All the books you download ABSOLUTELY FREE on yourmobiledevice.If you have any problems with the app, there is a wish, oryoujust want to say thank you forapplication - write and all wishes will be considered.Happy listening.
Immerse yourself in the mysterious world of fantasy freeandcompletely legally.
Media365 - eBooks 5.7.2842
Media365 Inc
With Media365, original content and fascinating stories are justatap away.
MyBook: books and audiobooks 4.3.0
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