Top 15 Apps Similar to New Inspiration Wedding Cake

Wedding Cake Ideas 1.0
Wedding is the most eagerly awaitedmomentofevery person. Not infrequently some couples make theweddingasattractive as possible because this only happens onceinalifetime.One thing is certain in the wedding party is a uniqueweddingcake.Wedding cakes are usually made as unique as possiblewithvariouskinds of ornaments and toping to look stylish andmakeguestsdrool.Level wedding cake is the traditional cake served attheweddingreception after dinner. The presence of a wedding cake atapartyis not to decorate the party, but also as a symbolofluxury.
Beautiful Wedding Cake Design 1.0
Choosing a wedding cake can be one ofthemostfun things that you do as you plan your wedding. Thereareavariety of decisions you have to make: What flavor ofcakewouldyou like? How should the cake be decorated? Howextravagant doyouwant to be?What flavor wedding cake would you like?Wedding cakes were traditionally vanilla or whitecakes.However,in recent years, there has been a trend towardschoosing aweddingcake of a more unusual flavor. Current favoritesincludehazelnut,raspberry almond, carrot cake, banana cake, and avarietyof flavorsthat incorporate fresh fruits. One advantage to ofmanytheseflavors is that they are likely to create a moisterweddingcake.The traditional plain cake often tends to be toodry.You may consider asking a family member to bake anddecorateyourwedding cake, but for the sake of your sanity -- andtheirs --it ishighly recommended that you use a bakery. If youorder yourcakewith enough notice, they may be able to recreate afavoritefamilyrecipe, or a traditional recipe that has been handeddownfrom yourgrandparents. They'll also be able to tell youwhethersuch a recipecan be successfully multiplied for large cakessuchas weddingcakes.Would you prefer a traditional or a contemporaryweddingcake?Wedding cakes traditionally have three layers; are coveredinhardwhite frosting; and have a small plastic model of a brideandgroomon top. A cake of this sort, decorated by an expertcakedesigner,can look very beautiful. However, morecutting-edgebrides have beenchoosing a wedding cake that is moreunusual, incolors that rangefrom one end of the rainbow to theother. Onelogical choice is tomatch the color of your cake to thetheme ofyour wedding. Althoughcakes are traditionally either roundorsquare, many other shapes arealso possible, and anasymmetricaldesign can look very elegant.How to choose a wedding cake designerThe best way to choose a designer for your wedding cakeisofcourse through personal recommendations. If you havefriendswhohave got married recently were particularly pleasedwiththeirwedding cakes, those designers would be a good placetostart.Perhaps you have a favorite local bakery, where youbuymuffinseach week for breakfast on a Sunday morning. Do theyalsodesignwedding cakes?Once you have a short list of designers -- perhaps three--makeappointments to meet with each of them and to tastesamplesoftheir wedding cakes. Most designers are happy either todesignacake exclusively for you, or to recreate a cake thatyouhaveadmired. If you have already begun to think about thedesignofyour wedding cake, and you have pictures of cakesthatyouparticularly like, be sure to take them with you.How big is your budget?Wedding cakes can be surprisingly expensive, withpricesrangingfrom $3-$15 per portion. There are ways that youcaneconomize onyour wedding cake. One of the most effective istochoose a weddingcake that is smaller than you will need andtosupplement that witha sheet cake of the same flavor and design.Notonly is this likelyto be cheaper, but it may also be easierforyour caterer to servedesert quickly and efficiently after thecakecutting ceremony.The best wedding cake designers are often bookedmonthsinadvance. If possible, you should start your planning asmuchasnine months before the wedding, and order the weddingcakeyouchoose at least six months in advance.
Wedding Cakes Inspiration 1.1
As you prepare to choose your weddingcake,itis useful to collect pictures of wedding cakes that youlike.Itdoesn't matter if the cake in the picture is too big,toofancy,too expensive looking, too pink... if there issomethingabout itthat catches your eye, save that picture. As timegoes onyou willhave sufficient pictures to start seeing trends inyourchoices.Perhaps you like very a traditional cake design -- youfindthatpictures of three-tier white cakes, with little models ofabrideand groom on top, are spread across your coffee table.Suchclassictaste makes your decision process very simple as youstartlookingfor a cake designer. All but the most avant-gardedesignersandbakeries will be thrilled to bake you a beautifulversion ofthistimeless classic, so you simply need to arrangesometastingsessions to find the most scrumptious wedding cake.On the other hand, your growing collection ofweddingcakepictures may reveal a taste for contemporary cakedesign. Nowyourimagination can really take flight. Modern cakedesigners canbakecakes in any shape or color that takes your fancy,from stacksofwedding presents to models of the Empire StateBuildingcompletewith a marzipan King Kong. You wonder if white iswussy?Perhapsyou prefer purple? Then sort through those clippings,choosethewildest wedding cake design pictures you can find, andhightailitto the trendiest bakery in town to set a new trend.The likelihood is that you probably fall somewhere inthemiddle;you're looking for a traditional cake, with acontemporarytwist.Fortunately, there are great resources availableto you, sodo alittle research. Try searching for the terms "weddingcake"or"wedding cake design" in Google. Once you have the pageofresults,click the link at the top that says "Images" and you'llbegreetedwith dozens of pictures that you can use to narrowdownyourchoices. Currently, asymetrical shapes and the use offreshflowersare popular trends in cake design; pictures of thesekindsof cakesare widely available.When you meet with your cake designer, take thesepictureswithyou and discuss them with the designer. If you'vealreadymadechoices about your gown, bridesmaid dresses, flowers,andothervisual elements of your wedding, try and take swatchesandpicturesof these with you too. All of these design clueswillenable yourwedding cake designer to come up with a cake thatwillcomplementthe other aspects of your wedding, yet will stillmakeastatement.Planning a wedding is not easy. Even without countingthedesignof the wedding cake there are just so many elementstoconsider.What style should the gown be? What kind of chairswouldfit thedesign of the reception hall? Are they safe for theweddingguestscoming to this wedding? What aboutvideography?Photography... andthe list goes on. Often, as a resultwedding cakedesign is put offuntil the end.Yet putting the wedding cake design until the lastminuteisfoolish.True, the actual baking of the cake should not happenuntilthelast few days prior to your wedding (watch out, Ihaveheardreports of bakeries that bake wedding cakes months inadvanceandkeep them in the freezer until they need them - yuck),butbakingand the actual building of the cake is only one of thelaststepsof the wedding cake design process - and just likeanyotherdiscipline, the better quality pastry chef's book months(andforsome dates, years) in advance.The real question is what kind of wedding cake do you want?Doyouwant it to be a visual centerpiece of your weddingreceptiondesign?If so you need to start early to incorporate youroveralldesign ofyour wedding into your wedding cake design.Think through the details of the kind of design youwouldlike
Chocolate Wedding Cake
Get our wonderful wedding cake ideas here!
Wedding Cakes 4
❀ Amazing Wedding Cakes Ideas ❀
Wedding Cake Ideas 1.0
Wedding cake is the traditional cakeservedatthe wedding reception after dinner. The presence of aweddingcakeat a party is not to decorate the party, but alsoasasymbol.In fact, each country has a tradition of each inpreparingweddingcake at a party. Marriage in America is verytypical with atieredcake designs and beautiful ornaments. However,in Greece andJapan.The country uses candied almonds and Herring roeas a symbolofmarriage.Sponge or sponge cake (English: cake) is a pastry madeofflour(usually wheat flour), sugar, and eggs. Sponge cake andthecake isgenerally cured with roasted in the oven, although thereisalso asteamed sponge, for example: steamed cakes orbrownies.Cakedecorated with layers (icing) of creambutter(buttercream),fondant or marzipan called tart (tart).Cake sized with a rectangular or circular shape is meant tobecutwhen it is sold or served. Rolled sponge cake and buttercreamorbutter contains so-called rolls. A wide variety ofpuddingsalsouse pieces of sponge cake base material that is placedinthebottom of the pan before doused with agar-agar.This application was created to meet the needs of users whoseekarange of wedding cakes, if someone is having difficultyinfindingideas for wedding cake shape, then this app is therightanswer forhim. This application is also made with bothforconvenience inuse, so that users feel more comfortable andusersfeel delightedafter finding the idea of ​​a wedding cake thathewas lookingfor.The advantages of this application are:- Lightweight- Easy to use- Can be used offline- Save memory- Can be used on all android devices
Wedding Cakes 4.0,1
Cake is an important parf of a wedding. Wedding cakes should be inaharmony with the other wedding decorations. That’s why you need atofind a cake with a perfect design. Our wedding cakes app haslots ofcakes ideas for you. Download the app and browse the cakespictures.We are sure that you will find the perfect wedding cakesfor yourwedding.
Wedding Cake Designs 1.0
Pak Appz
As more and more people opt for fresh and fun beachweddingsratherthan sticking to the traditional ones, the ideas forweddingcakeshave also undergone a transformation. A wedding cakedecoratedinthe beach theme motif serves as the perfect complementfor abeachwedding theme. A wedding cake is the traditional cakeservedatwedding receptions following dinner. In some parts ofEngland,thewedding cake is served at a wedding breakfast;the'weddingbreakfast' does not mean the meal will be held inthemorning, butat a time following the ceremony on the same day.Inmodern Westernculture, the cake is usually on display and servedtoguests at thereception. Traditionally, wedding cakes were madetobring goodluck to all guests and the couple. Modernly however,theyare moreof a centerpiece to the wedding and are not alwaysevenserved tothe guests. Some cakes are built with only a singleedibletier forthe bride and groom to share, but this is rare sincethecostdifference between fake and real tiers isminimal.Basicinformation Wedding cakes come in a variety ofsizes,depending onthe number of guests the cake will serve. Modernpastrychefs andcake designers use various ingredients and tools tocreatea cakethat usually reflects the personalities of thecouple.Marzipan,fondant, gum paste, buttercream, and chocolate areamongthepopular ingredients used. Cakes range in price along withsizeandcomponents. Cakes are usually priced on a per-person,orper-slice,basis. Prices can range from a few dollars to afewhundred dollarsper-person or slice, depending on the pastrychefwho is hired tomake the cake. Wedding cakes and cake decoratingingeneral havebecome a certain pop culture symbol in westernsociety.Types ofwedding cakes: Different types of cakes have beenpopularindifferent countries and at different times. In somecountries,suchas Italy, different couples choose different typesofcake,according to their preferences. In others, a single typeischosenby most people. Even when a type is preferred withinaculture, thepreferred type may change significantly over time.Forexample, thetraditional wedding cake in Korea was a ricecaketopped with apowder made from red beans, but now guests arelikelyto see asponge cake and fresh fruit. Styles: The typicalstyle fora modernwhite wedding is a decorated white layer cake. Itisusually coatedand decorated with frosting. The layers may befilledwithfrosting, pastry cream, lemon curd, or other cakefillings. Itmaybe topped by decorations made from frosting, withedibleflowers,or with other decorations. A layer cake can be asinglecake, or itcan be assembled to form a tiered cake. Very talltieredcakes areimportant in Indonesia. The overall height of thecake issaid topredict the couple's prosperity. In the US, threetiers hasbeenthe most common choice since at least the 1960s. InAppalachia,astack cake was a way for poorer people tocelebratepotluck-styleby spreading the expense across thecommunity. A stackcake is madeof thin cakes baked by differentguests for thewedding. Thesecakes are stacked on top of each other,with thelayers usuallybeing filled with apple butter or cookedapples.Among the Cajunsin the US, multiple cakes are baked at homeby thebride's family,rather than having one large cake.Flavors:Three-tiered weddingcake in Germany. Chocolate sponge cakeispopular in Germany andAustria. In the United Kingdom andAustralia,the traditionalwedding cake is a rich fruitcake, whichiselaborately decoratedwith icing and may be filled withalmondpaste. Fruitcake was alsothe traditional wedding cake in theUSuntil the middle of the 20thcentury. In some areas,particularlythe American South, two cakesare presented at weddings.Usually, alarge, white tiered cake,decorated mostly in whitefrosting, iscalled the bride's cake, anda second flavor choice iscalled the"groom's cake".
Wedding Cake Design Ideas 2.3
Fancy & beautiful wedding cake design ideas for yourdreammarriage day!
Wedding Cakes Designs 1.1
JB Developers
This application have a huge anexcellenthearttouching and mind blowing collection of design ideasfor aweddingcake.Wedding Cake app will provide you with inspiration foryourweddingcake with cake.Wedding good is easy to use app likethelarge andmind blowing collection of cake. married with designsandideas foryou to choose. There are many types of weddingcakedecorated likea colorful, cupcake, elegant, fantasy,modern,traditional, andmore.Wedding cakes should be in a harmony with theotherweddingdecorations. That’s why you need a to find a cake withaperfectdesign. Our wedding cakes app has lots of cakes ideasforyou.Download + Share the app and browse the cakes pictures.Wearesure that you will find the perfect wedding cakes foryourspecialwedding.Wedding cakes ideas pictures for you. You can save andshareallwedding cake images. This application shows you thegalleriesofbeautiful wedding cake ideas, designs and decorating foryou.Ifyou have on idea about wedding cakes, this applicationcanhelpyou.A wedding cake is the traditional cake served atweddingreceptionsfollowing dinner. You can get a lot of ideas ofweddingcakedecorations from this application.
Wonderful Wedding Cake 1.0
A wedding cake is an integral partofanywedding ceremony. You can make some unusual wedding cakeswithsomewonderful toppings and icing for your very specialday.Most wedding cakes have three or more tiers and Theyarebeautifullydetailed with some attractive icings and toppings.Someof thetraditional toppings include the small models or dollsThatlooklike the groom and the bride, as well as the goldrings,doves,glass models of dolphins, flowers, and fruits.Thetraditional whitewedding cake is still very popular. However,manycouples preferdifferent wedding cakes for Their veryspecialday.Wedding cakes can be made with the shapes ofbuildings,wrappedpresents, flowers, trees buildings, animals,people oranystructure and shape. They reflect the wedding theme aswellaspersonality of the couple. Some cakes reflect a familytraditionora piece of family history. Special interests,activities,andhobbies can be conveyed through the weddingcakedecorations.Some brides prefer to decorate the wedding cake to lookliketheirwedding gown. Alongwith traditional ivory and whitecolors,thecakes can be decorated with vibrant toppings. Color canaddafanciful look, texture, drama and interest to the weddingcake.Youcan use any flavor for the wedding cake, ranging fromwhitetochocolate, red velvet to carrot, pumpkin tocheesecake.Wedding Cake IdeasYou can make fantastic wedding cakes using yourimaginationandcreativity. You can make the wedding cake in the formof modelorany world-famous building or landmark, e.g., the EiffelTowerorthe Statue of Liberty.You can alsohave a square cake with two swans swimming in apondonthe top of the cake. It can be prepared from the icing.Theboxwedding cake is another unique idea - a three-layeredcakewithevery layer decorated like a different present, sealedwiththebows.A Chinese wedding cake is a three-layered red cake, adornedwiththemost intricate details and flowers. Another unique typeofweddingcake is a Phantom of the Opera wedding cake. It isasingle-layeredcake, decorated with red, black, and white colors.Awhite mask isPlaced on the top of the black icing and redicingcloth is drapedover it. You can decorate the wedding cake intheform of a castlefeaturing the bride and the groom as thePrinceand thePrincess.A donut cake is another unusual cake alternative. ItInvolvesacollection of donuts or a single flavor or a varietyofflavors.All the donuts are individually frosted and arranged inafestivemannermouse to represent a cake.Wedding Cake ThemesYou can decorate the exceptional wedding cakes accordion thingtothewedding theme. A theme wedding can give you a great choiceforanumber of creative ideas.
Wedding Cakes Designs 1.0
Wedding Cakes App - This applicationWeddingCakes idea and design is an important parf of a wedding.Weddingcakes should be in a harmony with the other weddingdecorations.That’s why you need a to find a cake with a perfectdesign. Ourwedding cakes app has lots of cakes ideas for you.Download + Share the app and browse the cakes pictures. We aresurethat you will find the perfect wedding cakes for yourspecialwedding.Can save to wallpaper.
Wedding Cake Toppers 2.0
The wedding cake is the showstopper atmostweddings. Tiers and tiers of delicious confectionery, justwaitingto be devoured by the guests. The cake topper, the topmostpart ofthe wedding cake, is as special as the cake itself. There'sa lotof thought and planning that can go into selecting a caketopper,believe it or not. There's the style, design, material,size,weight, color, and more such things. Let's know how tochoosewedding cake toppers for your big day!Choose by your styleAs a couple, what is your personality? What are your likesanddislikes? What kind of styles do the two of you, as acouple,enjoy?✦ Are you two mushy-mushy romantic? Try something classic likeapair of doves.✦ Do you enjoy a good laugh at each other's expense often? Go withafunny topper like a bride holding the groom on a leash or thegroomrunning away from the bride.✦ Do you want to stick to tradition? Go with the standard brideandgroom figurines.✦ Do you want to proclaim your new initials to the world? Go withamonogram.
Wonderful Wedding Cakes 1.0
On a wedding day, you want everythingtobespecial and unique. This includes the wedding cake whichmakesawonderful centerpiece to the wedding. A wedding cake is oneofthemost essential accessories for a wedding ceremony. Itneedstoprepared and decorated with great care and passion. Therearetonsof flavors which can be selected such as banana,chocolate,cherry,lemon, carrot, strawberry, and raspberry swirl. Afountaincake(image on the right) is typically arranged on two ormoretieredplatforms and is beautifully decorated with icing.Different Varieties of Fountain Wedding CakeA wedding cake with fountain is unique and uncommon. Itaddsadramatic touch to the wedding ceremony. There are varioustypesoffountain wedding cakes. The cake itself is designedwithsomespecifications, colors, details and flowers. Itistypicallydesigned onto the tiered platforms, so that itcanaccommodate amini three-tiered cascading fountain under ahighlyplaced firstcake tier.We Have Many Ideas Shape Wedding Cake, See And Take!Wonderful Wedding Cakes
Cheap Wedding Cake 1.0
Nothing is more fun when planningyourweddingthen the cake tasting. Here are some wedding cake ideasandtipswhen looking for a wedding cake for your special day.When considering wedding cake designs think about theshapeyouwould like, round, square, triangular, oval, the list goeson.Or,you can always do a combo of shapes and sizes. Do you wantthecaketo lie flat on the table or on a cake stand? (Mostpartyrentalstores carry cake stands or you can rent a cake standfromthebakery you purchase the cake from.)Other wedding cake ideas to consider when selecting your cakeisthecolor. Do you want it to compliment your wedding decororbesomething whimsical and act as an accent and contrastwiththedecor. A couple of my brides had plain white cakes andthenusedthe same types of flowers from their centerpieces todecoratetheircakes.Icing is another variable to consider for your weddingcakedesigns.Buttercream, cream cheese or fondant? Fondant isgreatbecause ofthe various shapes and intricate designs the bakercando with it. Acream cheese frosting will work best for anindoorversus an outdoorwedding since it has a tendency to melt. Aslongas it isn't too hotand the cake is shaded from thesun,buttercream icing will workfine outdoors.When looking for a wedding cake don't forget about the groom.Forhimhis special cake or what many call a groom's cake. Manybridesliketo honor their grooms with a specialty cake that makesastatementabout the man they are marrying.We hope some of these wedding cake ideas and tips will helpyouinyour cake selection process. If you happen to need aweddingcakesoon keep in mind that you most likely will need a leadtime ofatleast three months if not more. Finally, don't be afraidtobecreative with your wedding cake designs. The sky's thelimitwhenit comes to your day!So are you interested in cheap but beautiful weddingcakes?Learnand get more stunning and amazing ideas from thisapplicationofCheap Wedding Cakes. Download this application and youcan evenseemany pictures of wedding cakes which cangiveyouinspirations!Enjoy!