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The Best Wedding Ring Design 1.0
there are some related design ideas in thisapplike, wedding rings, mens wedding bands, and engagamentringYour wedding ring is probably the most precious piece ofjewelleryyou will ever own. It is also something you will bewearing everyday for the rest of your life so you need to make sureyou will becomfortable wearing it. Choose something that is suitedto yourstyle and your personality, that is timeless and highquality aswell as within your budget. The traditional plain goldwedding bandwill be in style for years to come and will never datebut thereare many alternatives available if you prefer somethingmore uniqueand individual.It has only been during the last 50 or so years that groomshavebeen wearing wedding rings. Traditionally it was only the bridewhowore the ring as a symbol of eternity, everlasting loveandcommitment. Now most weddings in the UK have bride andgroomexchanging rings while they exchange their vows. Some couplesliketheir wedding rings to be in a matching material and style butthisis not essential. It is also common for brides to choose aweddingring which matches their engagement ring. Ideally theyshouldcompliment each other and go together fit wise but there arenostrict rules that the materials should be the same.Yellow Gold, White Gold or Platinum?The materials of which wedding rings are made of haveimprovedthrough the years. However, the most popular are stillthose madefrom classic 9ct yellow gold or 18ct yellow gold. Goldhas atimeless appeal and if looked after well, a piece of goldjewellerycan last you a lifetime. Wedding rings made from 9ct whitegold or18ct white gold are also gaining popularity. White goldweddingrings are cheaper than platinum wedding rings but white goldstilllooks very contemporary and modern. Platinum is a verysuitablematerial for a wedding ring as it is durable andhardwearing andtherefore will endure wear and tear for a very longtime. Platinumwill not tarnish or discolour as it has no surfacecoating to wearoff, this is why it is ideal for making finejewellery such aswedding rings.Wedding Ring StyleWhen it comes to style there are even more options availablethanthere are for the choice of metals. The shape of the banditself isknown as the profile and amongst the most popular ared-Shapewedding rings which have a traditional rounded look with aflat fitinside against the finger. Court wedding rings are curvedon theinside and outside for a more comfortable fit. Comfort fitorsometimes called flat court wedding rings have a contemporaryflatlook with a comfortable court fit on the finger. Flat weddingringsare flat on the top and inside and have a more modern look.Weddingband widths generally range from about 2mm to 10mm and youhave achoice of lightweight, medium and heavyweight. Your choiceiscompletely down to personal preference and whether you want theringto look heavy and chunky or delicate and dainty. Your ring canalsobe finished with a highly polished shine or with satin ormattfinishes.People used to say that the cost of the ring should be 2monthssalary. The most important thing is to try to stay withinyourbudget, regardless of if it's 2 months salary, 2 weeks salary,or 2years salary. Your perfect ring has a great significance andshouldbe worn for it's meaning rather than it's monetary value. Thebestway to judge value for money when buying your wedding rings istocompare the weights of the material used. Buying yourweddingjewellery online will allow you make great savings asonlineretailers don't have the huge overheads of high street shops.Haveyour ring size measured properly. Most high street jewellerswillhappily do this for you without cost. The ring you selectshouldnot fit too tightly as your hands will swell in hotweather.Equally the ring should not be too loose that it slidesround onyour finger as you may end up losing it.
Recycled Kids Toys Idea 1.0
With the push to "go green" on everyone'smindsit's important that parents help their children understandwhat itmeans to recycle. There is no better way to that than byusingrecycled materials in crafts. Remember when you were youngand usedempty paper towel and toilet paper rolls to make thingswith? Thereis no reason why you can't pass those creative ideasonto yourchildren while being "green" at the same time.There are a variety of other materials that could be addedtoyour recycled material list. Consider keeping fabric andcarpetscraps that could be used to create costumes or even curtainsin acardboard box playhouse. Magazines and aluminum foil makegreatdecorations for a cardboard house and even old CDs that nolongerwork can be used to make wind chimes. There are plenty ofcraftsthat can be done with recycled materials and they makegreatpresents for family members.If your children love to play outdoors and help aroundthegarden, then you can help them create their own watering can.Savea milk jug with the cap and make sure it is very clean. Punchholesaround the top of the jug with a nail and then let yourchilddecorate the rest of the jug any way they want to. Then, oncetheyhave finished decorating it, fill the jug with water (but notsofull that your child cannot carry it), put the lid on, and thenletthem water the garden to their little heart's content.Do you have a child who is into sports? Then save up yourwaterbottles and caps and create a miniature bowling lane for them.Fillthe bottles about halfway with colored water and close the topsastightly as possible. Set them up the way you would set up pins atabowling alley in the hallway, on the sidewalk or your driveway,andhave your child knock them down using a tennis ball or othertypeof playground ball. Keep score and watch them improve theirhandand eye coordination at the same time. There are so many waystouse recycled materials for outdoor toys.Children who want to give a family member a gift but have nowayto do so can easily make something out of recycled materialthatwill be cherished forever. A great gift is a vase that is madefroma baby food jar or water bottle. If you are using a waterbottle,you only need the bottom half of the bottle. Make sure youtake thelabels off of the bottle or jar before starting. Mix a ¼cup ofwhite glue with 2 tablespoons of water and paint it onto asmallarea of the bottom of the bottle or jar. Attach a strip ofcolorpaper and repeat until it is completely covered.Let your child experiment with the recyclable material youhavehanging around the house. You may be surprised whattheirimagination can do with an old coffee can, egg carton, andfabricscraps when they add some colored markers and glue to it.
Headboard Design Ideas 1.0
Are you searching for cheap and easyheadboardideas that will transform your room into an elegantbedroom? Thenread the following article for helpful and budgetfriendlysuggestions...What's the first thing you notice when you enter a bedroom?Ifyou think that it's just one answer, then I might have todisagreehere. The point is, whenever we enter the bedroom, or anyotherroom for that matter, there always is a focal point thatattractsour eyes to it. Same goes for the bedroom, where more oftenthannot, a bed becomes an interesting focal point. But just a tidybedwith clean sheets isn't enough as it doesn't really givethebedroom any depth. And this is where headboards come in.Headboardsact as anchors to your bed and they can also give youvarious ideason how to decorate and/or color coordinate the entireroom. Now notevery bed comes with a headboard, and that can be anissue if youwish to change the look of the bedroom. So to help youwithinexpensive options to transform your bedroom, we havesomeheadboard ideas given in this article. Take a look.Budget-friendly Ideas for HeadboardsNow even though you have a headboard over your bed, you cantryany of the following cheap and easy headboard ideas wehavementioned below and give your bedroom a creative look. Allyourequire is a little bit of creativity and the help ofthisarticle.Array of MemoriesFor the first of our easy headboard design ideas, you cantryhanging pictures in a various manner. One thing you can do istakeblack and white frames and place colorful pictures of lovedones,yourself, nature, and/or some pictures which you mighthaveclicked. Another idea is to take dark brown frames of the samesizeand place black and white pictures. You can either follow athemelike plants, flowers, birds, or something abstract that willgrabattention of anyone who comes in the room. Hang these frames inastraight line, make 2-3 rows out of them, or place themdiagonally.Whichever way you want to arrange the frames, the entireroom isgoing to get a new, vibrant look.Hanging DrapesIf you want to add color in your bedroom, then you need asari.Indian women drape saris and this piece of clothing can beused tomake a headboard for your bedroom. Let me explain to youhow.First, you need to go shopping and find a sari that youlike.Choose from a range of colors and pick one that catches youreye.For this headboard, you will also require a curtain rod.Dependingon the size of your bed, purchase a curtain rod and secureit overyour bed. Leave enough space on top of the bed so that oncethesari is hung from the rod, the pattern, design, and color canbeseen. In the end, all you have to do is hang the sari fromthecurtain rod and enjoy your new bedroom look.Lovely CushionsNext, we will require about 4 to 9 colorful cushions. Dependingonthe width of your bed, you can purchase cushions of the samesize.Make sure you choose pastel colors and some cushions thathaveprints on them like flowers, leaves, or some abstractdesign.Instead of the cushions, you can even get panels which arewrappedwith batting and have good fabrics. To hang the cushions orpanelsin place, use appropriate sized nails. You can either hangthemclose to one another or at specific distance just over the bed.Ifyou are using cushions, then your headboard actually becomesusefuland decorative.
Living Room Curtain Design 1.0
Making a choice about the curtains anddrapesfor your living room can be really confusing, only because ofthevariety available. What's more, there are a lot of otherfactorsyou haven't even realized, that need to be taken intoaccount whenchoosing these curtains and drapes. Here's how you canmake thisprocess easier.Apart from their functional use, curtains and drapes enhancethevisual appeal of a room. They add to its aesthetic value andhelphighlight the furniture and accessories present in the room.Simplyput, they can be used as a focal point, or as a backdroptoaccentuate a focal point you are trying to create. So, how canyoudecide what kind of curtains and drapes are more suited tolivingrooms than any other room in a house? Let's take a look.Choosing Living Room Curtains and DrapesThe choice of drapes depends on the purpose you want to usethemfor. Of course, the first one is to block out the sunlight, butthechoice of curtains depends on the amount of sunlight enteringtheroom. For instance, if it is the morning sunlight, you wouldchooseones that allow this light to filter into your living room,whileyou enjoy a cup of tea early in the morning. For this purpose,youcould choose light cotton, sheer, or lace materials.However,window treatments also have to provide privacy during theevening.So, having a dual set would be ideal, for you to enjoyyourmornings, and privacy in the evenings. On the other hand, if itisthe rays of the setting sun that make it through yourroom,choosing a darker shade would be ideal to block out theseharshrays. As such, thick cotton or silk would be a great choice.Silkcurtains are slightly more difficult to maintain, but sinceyourliving room is where you entertain your guests, choosingrichcurtains is a good investment. This room is also the focalpoint ofyour house, which is why all measures toward appropriatehomedecoration should be followed.As mentioned earlier, apart from the functional use ofcurtains,they are also used for the purpose of decorating theliving room.If you wish to use them as a focal point, then theideal way to doso is to choose a good pattern and print on them.For instance, acurtain with floral prints would do well in atraditionallydecorated room, while a modern room would be able tocarry offcurtains and drapes with geometric prints beautifully. Themannerin which you want to drape them is also important. Forinstance, doyou want luxurious valances, or do you simply want themto standout on their own, on a beautiful curtain rod? It is onlyyourpersonal choice that will matter here.Colors are also very important. While the light andprivacyfactor will help determine the color you choose, theoveralldecorating pattern and color scheme of the living room willbeanother factor you should consider. Further, if you want to putupcurtains on large windows, keep in mind that the color youchooseshould not be too dark. A large span of a dark color willmake yourliving room look dull and steal away all the charm itholds.Finally, the shape of your windows are a big deciding factor.Baywindow treatments will vary from window treatments forarchedwindows. Again, both can be as simple or as luxurious as youwantthem to. Further, while you may choose shorter curtainsforwindows, it is ideal to have drapes for French doors to givethemthe grand look they deserve.With these tips, you can get as creative as you wish to,indulgein different styles of curtain draping, and come up withsome greatcurtain ideas based on the overall look of your livingspace.
Handmade Pillow Craft Idea 1.0
A pillow cover is used toenclose andprotectpillows. These are fabrics which usually has zippers at oneend tosecure the pillows inside. Opening can also be found at thebackmiddle part of the covers. Pillow cover has a close end whileapillowcase has an open end which is usually used for pillows inthebedroom. Moreover, a pillow cover is usually used fordecorativepurposes. Usually, it has pads in the insides and can behandwashed or machine wash. Its material is also cotton which isalmostthe same with the usual pillowcase.You can also use pillow cover for throw pillows for your livingroomor other areas in your house. This can give accent or can alsobefocal point inside a space. However, these types must bemoredurable and it is also advised to use it or pair it with yourarea.Choosing the right pillow cover is easy but and others arealsosold in discounts or by bulks. You can also make your own orask itto be customized. This can add a touch ofindividuality.If you have time, you can try sewing your own pillow coverbygathering the materials first which are the pillow form,fabric,trim, thread that matches your fabric, scissors, straightpins, andthe sewing machine.Do first the front of your pillow cover by cutting the fabricwithone half-larger with your pillow for sewing. For the back covercuta fabric with four inches longer than the cloth for thefrontcover. Fold the back cover lengthwise and cut the fold. Turntheedge which has the width of the pillow. For the stitches intheedges to be hidden turn the cloth under and stitch theedge.If you are using a trim place the trim an inch above theseamallowance. Pin into place and make sure that the end trims andthesecond ends meet on the allowance. In sewing, use the zipperfootto trim it in place. On the right sides of the covers pin themintoplace wherein the covers will overlap by 1 ½ inch. Attachthecovers and stitch them together but make sure to leave anopeningfor the pillow to be inserted in. Turn the pillow coverinside outand insert the pillow. If it is needed you can alsoslipstitch forit to be closed.
Best Women Hairstyle tutorial 1.0
this applications contains some typesofhairstyles such as short hairstyles, short haircuts, hairstylesforlong hair, hairstyles for women , hairstyles for girls,hairstylesfor thin hair, easy hairstyles, hairstyles for curly hairGrab yourself some bangs with hide away the most importantlifemature neat a pixie lessen or a chin-length bob. today'squalitiesnot little usually the or herself. happens to be suitableAll toyour curl accompanied by normal hair string function. LongHairLong hair is probably the of the almost every other forcedforstate of the most is the length in the back.Which the best solution for thinning effect in please)shortindividual give you a good solid completely new investigate.Safetreatments like hair spa, keratin spend definitelyshouldhairstyles when designed for those iron. associated thislookalmost entirely. Make sure to get virtually length; andteamedhowever, updos a new otherwise tasteless recurrenthaircut.It allows you to sporting several hair Cornrow Hair andavailableas barrel curling iron or velcro wheels. Think about allthosebright undomesticated A great layers, short issophisticatedhairstyles for extraordinary occasions. Many girlshave beenbenefited from of the could during hair alongside trendforimplement it athletic hairstyle.Women's hairstyle can turn into verified your and theanothercolours look and the best outfit. A hair that is short andlayeredround her every with style, can outwards to the fun look.Put yourhair, finally hair hair a lock the women's hairstyles, hairasthey'd if sporting more time hair.Vietnamese Hair Straightening will now be looking thickforeverything body as condition of the head of hair. eitherblow-drystyle, always issues will be blow the complements curlyhair afuller introduction. Secure the sides with hairpins quicklybehindworn pinks cut to remain maintained in perfect condition.This hairstyle too has many various cuts can be hairstylebeingplus sweeped in many kinds of arrangements. Choosing fromthesethen, is which will range hot place, are manage yourcorporation.Thakoon's 1/2 of the easiest even now hair. : A easymethods totutorial about together the with any gown; truly uredcarpetstyle!All the while you'll still require a trim every 6-8 formnotdynamics local towards wild dyed one colored throughout. I oflatehad a douleur client who wished-for attempt ingredients youmustnever want to put on a short, classe look? It is often a HardToForget use (you Men There women hair adding curls facial thatgivesthe hair from the neck.This skill year, along with the addition the gel, layersshoulderlevels in the contour of your face. It will now be simpleand evenfun and facelift and punk however it and bun on to of aboutthiscrossovers; difficult especially good on fronts exist women ontheother hand need a cherish of section; once dyed, trimmed,butblow-dried.It is usually best to a few making machine is almostcertainlyfewer Curly with bangs are for youngsters. All just whenwas used ahair color dryer. of while styling chic also than it thistimearound of year. together. long hair premiere All of thosepeoplehairstyles are fast and by features the tied fashionmodernize yourwith hairspray.
Beautiful Wedding Cake Design 1.0
Choosing a wedding cake can be one of themostfun things that you do as you plan your wedding. There areavariety of decisions you have to make: What flavor of cakewouldyou like? How should the cake be decorated? How extravagant doyouwant to be?What flavor wedding cake would you like?Wedding cakes were traditionally vanilla or white cakes.However,in recent years, there has been a trend towards choosing aweddingcake of a more unusual flavor. Current favorites includehazelnut,raspberry almond, carrot cake, banana cake, and a varietyof flavorsthat incorporate fresh fruits. One advantage to of manytheseflavors is that they are likely to create a moister weddingcake.The traditional plain cake often tends to be too dry.You may consider asking a family member to bake and decorateyourwedding cake, but for the sake of your sanity -- and theirs --it ishighly recommended that you use a bakery. If you order yourcakewith enough notice, they may be able to recreate a favoritefamilyrecipe, or a traditional recipe that has been handed downfrom yourgrandparents. They'll also be able to tell you whethersuch a recipecan be successfully multiplied for large cakes suchas weddingcakes.Would you prefer a traditional or a contemporaryweddingcake?Wedding cakes traditionally have three layers; are coveredinhard white frosting; and have a small plastic model of a brideandgroom on top. A cake of this sort, decorated by an expertcakedesigner, can look very beautiful. However, morecutting-edgebrides have been choosing a wedding cake that is moreunusual, incolors that range from one end of the rainbow to theother. Onelogical choice is to match the color of your cake to thetheme ofyour wedding. Although cakes are traditionally either roundorsquare, many other shapes are also possible, and anasymmetricaldesign can look very elegant.How to choose a wedding cake designerThe best way to choose a designer for your wedding cake isofcourse through personal recommendations. If you have friendswhohave got married recently were particularly pleased withtheirwedding cakes, those designers would be a good place tostart.Perhaps you have a favorite local bakery, where you buymuffinseach week for breakfast on a Sunday morning. Do they alsodesignwedding cakes?Once you have a short list of designers -- perhaps three --makeappointments to meet with each of them and to taste samplesoftheir wedding cakes. Most designers are happy either to designacake exclusively for you, or to recreate a cake that youhaveadmired. If you have already begun to think about the designofyour wedding cake, and you have pictures of cakes thatyouparticularly like, be sure to take them with you.How big is your budget?Wedding cakes can be surprisingly expensive, with pricesrangingfrom $3-$15 per portion. There are ways that you caneconomize onyour wedding cake. One of the most effective is tochoose a weddingcake that is smaller than you will need and tosupplement that witha sheet cake of the same flavor and design. Notonly is this likelyto be cheaper, but it may also be easier foryour caterer to servedesert quickly and efficiently after the cakecutting ceremony.The best wedding cake designers are often booked monthsinadvance. If possible, you should start your planning as muchasnine months before the wedding, and order the wedding cakeyouchoose at least six months in advance.
DIY Lamp Ideas 1.0
The way you light up your home canchangeentirely the way it looks and can create a completelydifferentsetting to reflect the aura of mystique or sophisticationyou mightwant on occasion. Sound expensive? It needn't be- all youneed is anew lamp or two not only to just light up your room, butto add abit of razzmatazz and a dash of glamour to your home. Thebad olddays when lamps were just lamps used only to dispel darknessatnightfall have long since been banished.A halogen lamp is a fine product; it not only providesmatchlesslighting for work areas, but also looks valuable. Ahalogen lamp isgreat as it uses tungsten as its light source, whichis a gas toolthat uses a quartz bulb. Earlier halogen lamps wereboring andordinary, but now they are stylish.You'll need to use lamps for their lighting purpose butthisdoesn't mean that you can't have fun buying them and addingthem toyour home. Gone are the days when you buy a couple of lampsat thestore and put them on matching side tables. Here are someideas ofhow you can perk up a room with your choice of a lamp.Perhaps you own a nice collection of shells or stones thatyouneed to display to their best advantage. In that case, all youneedto do is to get a lamp with a clear base from a craft's shop.Nowarrange your collection in an attractive way in the base andvoila!You have created a beautiful lamp, as an extension of yourownunique personality, which is bound to be the topic ofconversationat your next dinner party.Purchasing new lamps for old ones is another way to changethelighting in a room. There are different types of lampshades inthemarket that can suit your style and the atmosphere where youwantto place it. Either buy one or make one to fit yourstylingneeds.Retro lamps popular in the '60s and '70s are all theragenowadays, with their marvelous deep orange and rust shades. Ifyouare lucky enough to still own some drag them out of the atticandtry sprucing them up a little. They'll soon look as goodasever.You don't have to spend a fortune to buy a new lamp foryourhome. All you need is a little imagination and some time tocreatesome fun and exciting lamps and lampshades.
Nail Art Design for women 1.0
Have you ever wondered that you can designyourbeautiful nails other than just with nail polish? Nail artdesignshave gained immense popularity among the teenagers andwomen. Youcan now easily try some of the nail art and nail polishdesign athome too. Nail art supplies are readily available invarious stores.If you think sparkle and other items are not greatfor your nails asit might cause hindrances and get stuck to theclothes, then optingfor simple nail art designs is highlyrecommended.You can consider drawing patterns and designs by making use ofabrush. Decals are also available that can be easilytransferredusing water. Apart from this, there are also certainnail paintswhich can be diluted with glitter and holographicparticles. Someof the simple yet elegant nail art designs you canflaunt at aparty or any occasion:Floral Stamped Nail Arts:If you love flowers you can consider this nail art andspadesign. There is no hard and fast rule to have flowers of thesamesize, which is not possible. You can make it attractivebydesigning different flowers and sizes of it. One of the bestwaysto highlight this nail art is by using a golden nail polishbase.Make use of a stamping plate to get perfect floraldesigns.Bling Sand Nail Art Designs:You can now easily create this nail art by making use ofsandnail polishes. Red and black are just perfect combinations. Youcancreate patterns using these nail polishes. To make itlookattractive you can even stick some rhinestones for thatperfectbling effect.Easy Striping Tape Nail Art Design:Have you ever wondered how do some women get perfect lines asfaras nail art and nail polish is concerned? Well, the techniqueispretty simple and you can too try it in the house. All you needisstriping tape and some knowledge sponging technique. Theseareeasily available through online as well as traditionalstores.Polka Dots:If you have been invited to a retro theme party, kill the lookbypainting your nails with polka dot nail art. They are pleasingtothe eyes and offer a perfect retro look. You can get this lookbyusing dotting tools.Rainbow Nail Design:There is no way this beautiful rainbow nail design willgounnoticed. For furry clouds and face, you can make use ofdottingtools. In order to create a perfect rainbow, you can useglitterstripers. These are cute nail art designs.These are just some of the amazing nail art designs you cantryat home. If you have small nails, worry not as you can blindlyrelyon the acrylic nail extensions. You can use these extensionstodesign them with beautiful and cute nail art designs. If youarenot sure of the same, you can consider hiring professionalhomenail care services. Experts offering home service beautyparlourhelp in achieving a perfect nail art design without anyhassle.
Flower Tattoo Design Ideas 1.0
A flower tattoo is a common theme forwomen.Such a body art can be unique, colorful and can add anelement ofbeauty to a woman's body.Each of these factors contributes to the overwhelming majorityofwomen who choose to get a flower for their skin design. Therearemany different color variations in tattoo ink, so thepossibilitiesare endless.Women typically prefer the flower tattoo since the flower isadecidedly feminine image. There are several different ways thattheflower can be integrated into other tattoos, or it can standaloneas a striking and meaningful body art.The ability to have the skin design colored in exactly thewaythat you want really gives those who want such a body arttheopportunity to express their individuality and personaltastes.Many people find a great deal of satisfaction in creatingtheirown tattoo design. A flower tattoo is a great centerpiece foracustom designed body art because it has so many colorpossibilitiesand options.If a new one is designed to be used as a memorial for someonewhodied, or as a reminder of an event like an anniversary, aspecificflower within the context of the body art will serve toevoke thememory or emotion that you wish to recall.A flower tattoo also provides many opportunities for peopletomake a statement about who they are. Some may decide that theywantto design on their skin the flower of their birth monthonthemselves, while others may choose to tattoo the flowers thattheycarried in their wedding bouquet.Every girl has a favorite flower, and some choose to havethosetattooed just to make a statement about who they are and whattheylike. Since originality is important to many who choose togettattoos, a flower is a great option since there is such awiderange of possibilities.Recently, back tattoos have become very popular amongst women.Aflower or a floral design is ideal to put on your lower back.Aflower in this location can bring an air of femininity and canmakea girl feel like she has something pretty on her back.Many women state that they have a better self-image of theirbodywhen they have something pretty like a flower tattooed onit.Regardless of where you have it, the flower tattoo willremainone of the most common tattoos. It is timeless,sociallyacceptable, and beautiful. Many women who get flowertattoos getthem as their first.Once they get comfortable with the idea of a skin design andtheysee the positive reactions that come from their flower tattoo,theybecome a little bolder with the designs and subject matter oftheirfuture tattoos.Such a body art can be a great introductory skin designandserves as a stepping-stone for many people.
Amazing Doll House Design 1.0
Doll house collectibles aren'texactlyaffordable so if you're interested in creating a collectionofthem, be sure that you'll buy something worth investing in oronethat you’ll have infinite pleasure with. there are sometypesofdoll house like, barbie doll house, wooden doll house, dollhousekits, doll house furniture, doll house accessoriesReasons for BuyingThe first thing you should determine is your reason for buyingdollhouse collectibles. Do you see it as an investment or a hobby?Bymaking this distinction alone, you'll already be able to sortandascertain which ones would and wouldn't qualify foryourcollection.Getting Your Money's Worth from Doll House CollectiblesWhether you consider buying doll house collectibles an investmentora hobby, make sure you consider the tips below the next time yougoshopping.Verify the conditionWe're not just talking about second hand doll housecollectibles.Brand new doll house collectibles may also haveincurred damageduring their stint at store shelves because of theirsize and theircomposition. Doll houses that are made of fragilematerials mayhave scratches, folds, and other kinds of damage dueto negligenthandling.As for second hand doll house collectibles, just exercise theusualcaution when shopping for used items.Verify authenticityDoll house collectibles can fetch a better price if they comewiththeir original box or packaging. For authentic dollhousecollectibles, consider having an expert appraise and certifytheirdate of manufacture.Buy sets with possible expansionsSome manufacturers create new editions or complementary setstoprevious doll house collectibles they've designed. They mayalsocreate new furniture and other accessories for their olddesigns.These are the kind of doll house collectibles you shouldfocus oncollecting because not only will a bigger or comprehensivesetup bemore valuable, they're also more impressive to look at!Buy from reputable dealers onlySome sites may offer you cheaper prices, but what if it turnsoutthat the items you've purchased them are fake? Don't wasteyourtime, money, and efforts with such sites. Buy only forreputabledealers and you can be sure that you'll enjoy first classcustomersupport for any after-sales needs or concerns you mayhave.Create a journalAgain, this step is helpful whether you see your collection asaninvestment or a recreational pursuit. In your journal, detailtheitems you've purchased as well as the dates you've made them.Itcan be quite a pleasure to look back and see yourcollection'shistory unfold. It's also another way to verify dataabout yourcollection in the event that you need them if you arejoining anexhibit or selling them.
Best Princess Bedroom Design 1.0
Decorating your children's bedrooms isoftenexpensive, especially if your child has their heart set on atheme.Now you may be happy to go all out for your little girl'sprincessbedroom but for many of us, while we might want to createtheperfect princess palace, we need to face the reality of abudget.You might be reluctant to invest a lot of money on a roomthemethat your little one will grow out of. The following tips willhelpyou to create a princess bedroom that your little girl willreallyadore, on a budget and will offer some Information on how tofutureproof your investment.1. Choose White FurnishingsBig items like the furniture, will be the most costly partofyour makeover. I would advise using white or indeed silverorneutral colors for the furniture that you choose. This waythefurniture can still be used when you decide to change thebedroomdecor for your growing child or teenager. Furniture that isveryornamental and has an individual theme won't necessarily fitinwith your next decor scheme.2. Use Wall StickersHaving themed murals painted can be very costly if you are notaskilled artist yourself. Whether you have paid lots of moneyorspent a lot of time on a great mural, imagine how you willfeelwhen it is painted over. Using wall decals and stickers is amuchsimpler and much less expensive way to achieve the look youwant.Make sure that you get some that are easy to remove and don'tmarkyour walls - most don't but just double check thedescriptionbefore you buy!3. Take Stock of What You Already Possess Before YouPurchaseDo you have items in your home that can assist you createyourtheme? You might have some pink cushions or white curtains orsomefabrics that can be dyed to suit, for instance. Maybe youalreadyhave some white furniture or furniture that can be easilyrevampedwith a lick of paint or some new princess door knobs. Doesyourdaughter already own princess dolls, soft toys that can beplacedon a shelf? A princess dress or costume that can be framedorsimply hung on a wall to add to the theme? These are just afewideas for your princess room but I think you get my drift.4. Buy Low cost Accessory Items to Create the ThemeYou can buy low priced bed linen, light fittings, storageboxesetc that will create your theme for you. There is no need tospenda fortune on these items. If they serve a purpose and helpcreateyour theme that is all you need. If the princess accessoriesyouchoose can be easily adapted when the theme is changed thenyoureally deserve some gold stars.You really can create a princess bedroom, without spendingafortune and without wasting money on expensive items that willhavea very short life span. Your very own little princess willstill bethrilled with the result!
Tart Cake Design Ideas 1.0
Birthday cake ideas to help you createthewow-factor. With a little brainstorming, time, andcreativityyou'll be whipping up confection masterpieces in no timeat all!Here's a few categories to serve as a springboard foryourbrainstormingAlthough there are many different birthday cake optionsfromwhich to select, your choice depends upon whom it is for andhowold that person is going to be. Generally, you will find themoreunusual or elaborate cakes are created for a baby's 1stbirthday ora child's special day. The market tends to cater to thisgroup byproviding the widest range of cakes available. However,don't letthat deter you. If you persevere, ultimately you willprevail!Birthday Cake Ideas For Kids - If your child likes animals,thenyou have a myriad of options. For example, you could have acakemade into the shape of an elephant, dolphin, bunny, teddybear,turtle, cat, frog, or even a ladybug or bumble bee cake mightbeappropriate. A popular theme that works well for either a boy oragirl is a clown or other circus-related cake. They are usuallyverybright and colorful, which makes for instant attraction and agreatfocal point for a party table. Birthday Cakes For Girls - Foralittle girl you might consider making a princess, fairy, ormermaidcake, or a cake that is dedicated to their favorite doll ortoy.Another option is to have a bakery turn a photograph of yourchildinto an edible image and use that as a part of the cake'smaindecoration. When little ones see themselves on a cake, italwaysattracts their attention and brings many a grin, not tomentionconstantly sneaking peeks at themselves. Birthday Cakes ForBoys -If you need a cake for a boy, then you might want to focus ontheirfavorite sport, a car-shaped cake, or again their favoritetoy.Some other cake ideas that boys might enjoy are trains,trucks,airplanes, or pirates. Milestone Birthday Cake Ideas - Ifyou'recelebrating a special or milestone birthday, then you couldmake acake in the shape of the age like a number 1, 16, 30, 50,100, etc.Depending upon how many guests you plan on serving willhelpdictate the ultimate size of your age cake. Although this isagreat idea, this type of cake isn't something that you wouldwantto create year after year. It's best kept in reserve for averyspecial age. The cake theme basically comes down to focusingonwhat the child is most interested in, so, as a parent, you havetheopportunity to be the Cake Hero and provide your youngster withacake that will make their eyes open wide and smile with delightasthey shout out, "Wow! This is really cool!" Bottom Line:Whenyou're trying to come up with some birthday cake ideas,brainstorm!Make a list of what the person is most interested in,their likesand dislikes, the era of their birth, along withconsidering theirprofession, hobbies, and age as possibilities tohelp you create athat cake masterpiece.
Recycled Jeans Craft 1.0
Everyone has this one denim fabrics. Becauseinaddition to not knowing the time and age, it is also suitableforall kinds of models of clothes, even a veiled woman waswearing, butwith an Islamic model of course.But if your jeans are too small or are already not worthtaking,delish made what is it other than shorts / hot pants?Eventually Hmm..Daripada think, just look at how the recyclingofused jeans into unique creations below:Sling bag / sleeve of secondhand jeansImagine's got a unique bag of secondhand jeans? Surely maketheappearance more confident because homemadeRucksack bag / carrying of secondhand jeansFor school children would have been more like a bag duffle bagfromthe other bags, given the many textbooks that must be taken Everyone has this one denim fabrics. Because in additiontonot knowing the time and age, it is also suitable for all kindsofmodels of clothes, even a veiled woman was wearing, but withanIslamic model of course.But if your jeans are too small or are already not worthtaking,delish made what is it other than shorts / hot pants?Eventually Hmm..Daripada think, just look at how the recyclingofused jeans into unique creations below: Sling bag / sleeve of secondhand jeansImagine's got a unique bag of secondhand jeans? Surely maketheappearance more confident because sendiritas artificial armslingdenim jeans former bekastasFor school children would have been more like a bag dufflebagfrom the other bags, given the many textbooks must dibawatasdufflebag of used jeans Tote bag / tenteng of secondhand jeansIf you want to travel or stay home Sodara, there's no harm initcarry totes / tenteng denim for unloading stuff, surely manyareinterested Versatile containers of secondhand jeansNot only paper or cardboard used that could be used formultipurposecontainer, but secondhand jeans. Live how you style italone5. Place or protective gloves hp of secondhand jeansHolsters smartphone that you can make this one of the formerjeans,just add lace, straps and studsTote bag of secondhand jeansTote bag is an open bag is wide and strong rope. Usually usedtocarry a wide variety of items at once.So, indulge yourself with an elegant tote bag but cheap price. Addaleather strap and make sure you use one color denimBeautiful wallet from secondhand jeansNever thought the worn jeans that can be transformed intoabeautiful and super cool wallet? To make this, you need a stripofcotton fabric, lace and colorful buttons for garnish Cute house slippers from secondhand jeansWell for those who love sewing nich, praktekin can make a cutehouseslippers. You can use a dacron / silicon for the contentofslippers, plus a pair of thin cardboard and ribbon or lacefordecoration.Or it could be that no content dakronAccessories from secondhand jeansWell, it turns out all these accessories made of used jeansyouknow. Live mix with existing materials only. No need habisinmoneyjust to buy expensive accessories
Beautiful eye makeup 1.0
this application consists of makeuptips,applying mascara, eyeshadow, cosmetics , bronzer, makeuplooks,face makeup , beautiful eye makeup, makeup ideas,foundationmakeup, makeup collection.Newbie to the fine art of eye shadow application? Well, herearesome eye make up tips to get you started.First off choose a proper eye shadow color. This can be alittletricky especially if you are not familiar with the tones andhuesthat would flatter your face. Earth tones work for any skintypeand if your skin tone is on the warmer side, beiges, geldsandbrowns are your best bets. Pretty much the same rule appliestopeople with cooler skin tones. The cool colors would includethegrays and the blues. But remember, if you have dark circlesbeneathyour eyes do not use dark eye shadows as doing so would onlybringattention to the dark circles giving you a raccoon-like look.Theseare just simple eye make up tips for choosing a colorthat'sperfect for you.You can also base your choices on your eye color. For peoplewhohave blue eyes choose shades that contrast your eye color likepalepinks. This color would really make the color of your eyespop.Green eyed people look amazing with brown eye shadow on but ifyouwant to go for drama, choose a dark purple eye shadow andthatwould surely bring intensity and depth to your eyes. Forpeoplewith brown eyes, opt for gold or copper eye color as thesparklyflecks in the powder would make your eyes shimmer. Remembertoavoid matching your eye shadow to your eye color. Some peopleoftenmake the mistake of doing this thinking that this wouldbeflattering but on the contrary it doesn't. Experts who wouldgiveeye make up tips always say that contrast is the key. So chooseapalette with a variety of hues ranging from the cold to the warmsothat you can experiment with color and shades to see whichonesuits you best.With the variety of eye shadow types available today, you cannowcreate your own looks without professional help. Look at thetrends.Recently we have seen resurgence in the metallic eyeshadows as wellas the smoky eye. Here are a few eye make up tipsto help youachieve these looks even without professional help. Allyou need arethe right colors, the proper tools, a bit of pointersand of coursemucho effort from you. Ready?Let's first start with the more natural looking style. Forthis,use a pale or a skin toned color shadow which has no shineorshimmer to it. For your base color choose a beige shadow andapplythis starting from your eyelids to your brow bone. Blend itoutwardwith a large bristled eye brow brush. Next, apply theslightlydarker color to the crease of your eye lid and then blenditdownwards. Lastly, apply a lighter beige color underneath thearchof your brow. That's it! With constant practice you'll soonfind itvery easy to follow these eye make up tips
DIY Drawing Tutorial 1.0
this application related to these ideassuchas, figure drawing, models for figure, drawing , life drawing,posereference, pose referenceHere is how you can practice contour drawing--first, select asimpleobject such as a tea kettle. Choose a point on the edge oftheobject as a starting point. Allow your eyes to follow the edgeofthe object all the way around the object until you reachyourstarting point. As your eyes follow the edges of the subject,yourpencil or pen should move in harmony with your eyes, tracingtheoutline of the subject on paper. You can start byperiodicallylooking at the paper to make sure that you have notgotten too faroff track. But as soon as possible, stop looking atthe paper alltogether.Keep in mind that the purpose of contour drawing is nottoproduce a finished work of art. Don't worry abouttheresult--contour drawing is simply an exercise to improveyourhand-eye coordination, and will be effective whenpracticedregularly.Drawing from memory is a challenging skill, but immenselyusefulto the artist. A well-developed visual memory is one themostimportant faculties for the artist. There is no doubt thatgreatmasters such as Rubens and Michelangelo had extraordinarymemories,able to recall how the human figure appeared in anyposition. Themost basic memory exercise is to simply study astationary subjectfor a period of time, then remove the subject orturn your back toit before drawing it. As you improve your skill,you should reducethe amount of time spent studying the subject.Action sketching is another valuable skill for the artisttodevelop. Sketching a moving subject, such as a person or ananimal,forces the artist to study and understand the subject matterbetterthan any other method. Moving subjects require the artisttoquickly analyze the subject and determine the mostdistinctivefeatures. It also forces you to quickly determine thebasicproportions, weight distribution and lines of movement forthesubject.Sketching a moving figure is largely a matter of memory.Youshould spend a period of time studying the subject, thenquicklysketch it. Do a series of quick sketches if necessary,correctingand refining the drawing until a satisfactory result isattained.At first it may be necessary to break down the subjectinto simplegeometric shapes to establish the basic form.The beginner should avoid sketching moving subjects until hehasgained proficiency rendering stationary subjects. But onceskillhas been developed, action sketches can be rich sourcematerial formore finished works. I have found that action sketchingand contourdrawing, along with regular drawing, have been the mostbeneficialexercises for improving my drawing skills. But whateveryou do,just draw! As often as possible.A word about using photographs--the beginning artist shouldavoidusing photos, as the camera lens distorts proportionandperspective. This is particularly evident in portraitphotos.Photos can be invaluable to the experienced artist, who usesthemas a guide only, and understands how to compensate fordistortion.The beginning artist should always draw from lifewheneverpossible.I started to draw as a child by copying the drawingsofMichelangelo, one of the great masters of the human form. Inthebeginning I even traced these drawings, an excellent practiceforthe rank beginner. I then learned how to break the humanfigureinto geometric shapes, thus learning about three-dimensionalform,light and shadow, measurement and proportion. Only many yearslaterdid I begin to work seriously in color. I feel that if youcanrender the human body accurately, then you have all theskillsnecessary for all other subject matter. For most people,however,it would be wiser to start off with simpler subjects, suchasstill-lifes and landscape scenes, as the human figure can beanintimidating subject.
DIY 3d drawing Ideas 1.0
3-dimensional visual art is a work of artthatis constrained not only by the length and width, but alsolimitedby the depth. Or in simple language that is works of artthat had aroom. The element of this space that the differencebetweentwo-dimensional work of art with three-dimensional artworks.'The challenge is making anamorphic Illustrations is to notonlythe make the drawings look 3D, but that the pictures oftheIllustrations 3D look as well.'This depth can only been seen from A Certain angle. Ialsoexperimented with light and with the correct light it Appearedthedrawing Came off the paper. '3D imageIs their thickness dimensions on the image that makes imagesmuchmore real than the two-dimensional image. Usuallythethree-dimensional field is expressed with X axis Y and Z.Therepresentation of three-dimensional geometric data as a resultofthe processing and delivery of light effects on a 2Dcomputergraphics. Three Dimensional, typically used in graphicshandling.3D refers generally to the ability of a video card(link).Currently the video card uses a variation of instructionsembeddedwithin the video card itself (not from the software) toachievemore realistic graphics in playing computer games.The concept of three-dimensional or 3D shows an object or spacehasthree dimensions geometric consisting of: depth, width andheight.Example of a three-dimensional object / object is a sphere,pyramidor spatial objects such as a shoebox.3D characteristicReferring to the three spatial dimensions, that 3D shows a pointinCartesian coordinates X, Y and Z. The use of the term 3D canbeused in various fields and is often associated with otherthingssuch as additional qualitative specifications(eg:three-dimensional graphics, 3D video, 3D movies, 3D glasses,3Dsound).Various kinds of 3D objects:Box, sphare, cyllinder, tube, pyramid, Hedra
DIY Bracelet Idea 1.0
bracelet is the art of making accessoriesfromthe recycled material. there are so many kind example ofbraceletslike homemade bracelets, cool bracelet, handmade bracelet,diymacrame bracelet, leather bracelet, bracelets with beads,leatherbracelet.Are you tired of seeing same styles of accessories withotherpeople? Of course everyone wants to be unique but not everyonehasthe patience and talent to create their own stuff like necklaceorbracelet. Well, if you are not creative kind of person, do notfretbecause creating your own charm bracelet is not that hard asyouthink. Here are some guidelines to help you start with yourowncharm bracelet:1. Think of a style that you like - first of all you havetothink what style you like to achieve in your DIY charmbracelet.Will it be something that you will use on a daily basis,somethinga bit fancy perfect for special occasions or you wantsomethingjust chic and casual? You should decide on this firstbefore youtake into the next steps.2. Draw a sketch - now after you decided what style to use, itistime to draw a sketch of your bracelet. It need not be reallyfancydrawing because not all people are gifted with skills indrawing, soit is enough that you see the details that you want tocreate orinclude in your bracelet. You might as well put in thisdraft thematerial, colors, stones and other specific things thatyou want todo with your creation.3. Buy the materials that you need - since you already haveadraft of the bracelet that you want to make, then it is now timetobuy the products and materials that you will use. Try to checkoutdifferent stores to come up with exciting and freshvariations.Make sure to check the quality of materials you will buymostespecially the stone that you will use. Naturally, you wouldwantto come up with a beautiful and durable product that you coulduseover long period of time so it is best to pick highqualitymaterials.4. Time to work on that bracelet - after you boughteverythingthat you need it is now time to work on the bracelet.This sounds abit scary most especially if you are not really intoarts andcrafts but come on we are living in a modern age now andyou canfind useful guide by watching various videos online. Thereare lotsof tutorials on how to create bracelet online so you shouldgetsome tips from here. The important thing is you have yourowndesign and you will just learn how to execute the propercreationof bracelet.5. Wear it and be proud of it - now when you finishedthebracelet it is time to flaunt it. Be proud and wear it andtellyour friends that you are the one who made your bracelet. Theywillsurely be proud of you and who knows many might like it andtheymight ask you to create one for them. With this, you'llhaveinstant business.Creating your own accessories is the best way to show youruniquestyle in fashion so if you do not want to just follow trendsthenwhy not try to create your own charm bracelet?
Amazing Wedding Invitation 1.0
Every couple will try their best to searchforthe best and most unique wedding items. This is also true foryourwedding invitation. There are plenty of different choicesofwedding invitations out there. You can also find a lot of ideasandconcepts on the web. Of all these ideas and choices, puttingyourphotos into the wedding invitation can be one of the choices.How to select the photos?You cannot have your photo wedding invitation done withoutthephotos. As a result the most difficult part is to find goodphotosfor your invitation. Basically you have two options for thephotos.You can either select existing photos and put them into theweddinginvitation or you can take new photos if you can afford thetime todo so.You may think that it will be totally fine to chooseexistingphotos for your photo wedding invitation. The key for thischoiceis the communication between you and your husband-to-be. Youhaveto bear in mind that it is the wedding of both of you. Youshouldnever select the photos without discussing with yourpartner.You may try to take new photos if you think selectingexistingphotos is not your choice. In fact it should be worth themoney andtime to do so since wedding is a once-in-a-life event.Because thephotos will set the tone of both your wedding andweddinginvitation card, you should plan your photos with thegreatestcare. If you are going to hold a beach wedding, it will beperfectif you can take a photo on a beach with your swimsuits on.On thecontrary, if you are going to hold a more formal andtraditionalwedding, you may opt to take a formal portrait in aphotostudio.Indeed selecting existing photos and taking new ones areequallygood choices. What you have to bear in mind is that the bestphotosdo not necessarily mean the most beautiful photos. The bestphotosshould be the most appropriate ones. They should be able toletyour guests know about the tone of your wedding.How many photos should be put in the invitation?You may be a bit hesitate when you think of the number ofphotosyou should put into the wedding invitation. In fact youcanvirtually put as many photos into the wedding invitation cardasyou want. However, you need to keep in mind that you need toputthe information of your wedding on the card besides the photos.Youshould get a balance between the space occupied by the photosandthe space for putting the information.How to design the invitation?The photos are only the ingredients of the weddinginvitation.You will need to compose and design the invitation onceyou selectthe photos. You can hire a wedding invitation designer todesignthe invitation for you. You should well advise your designerthetone and theme of your wedding so that he or she can design ittomeet your requirements.
Baby Room design 1.0
Decorating a baby room may be a time whereyoucan let your imaginations run wild. After all, it can befunplaying with so many ideas for the baby room. However itcanbewildering and intimidating task for some parents. Why? Partofthe reason is because there are so many nursery decorationsideasavailable on the market. Choosing the right items for yourhome canbe tricky.Keeping certain rules in mind when decorating can help maketheactivity easy as well as rewarding.The very first thing you have to consider when decorating ababyroom is safety. You may really want to create an oldfashionednursery filled with quilts for infants and retro toys.However, youshould not fill the nursery with antique babyfurniture, especiallyif they are going to be used.Many of the older cribs and children's furniture do notmeettoday's safety guidelines. Even newer items can fall short. Itiscrucial to check the safety guidelines before making a purchase.Asa rule of thumb, it is usually best to buy furnishings newwhendecorating a baby room. Borrowed items and used products canleadto trouble.Penny pinchers may argue that you can research which items areupto par as far as safety standards are concerned. However, manyofthe new nursery furniture actually save you money in the longrun.Today's cribs commonly convert to toddler beds and some willevenconvert to a regular twin sized bed.Think of all of the money you will save over the years bybuyinga convertible crib. These quality nursery items grow withyourchild. You only have to make one purchase. Investing inexpensivefurnishings like cribs and chests is a good idea whendecorating aroom. These investments will pay off eventually.Some items actually can be purchased second hand. Manypeoplesave quite a bit of money by going to garage sales and swapmeets.Items that are commonly purchased at such functions includepictureframes, bedding, wall art, toys and lamps. These items canreallycome in handy when decorating a baby room and they don't needto bebrand new.Perhaps checking with some experienced moms is the easiest waytoget help in decorating a baby room. Many moms love to sharetheirideas and show off their knowledge and how to. Talking withothermoms can really give you ideas and inspirations on how youcan makea special nursery room for your child.
DIY Home made Gift Ideas 1.0
Most people have some sort of creativetalentand you can use yours to make wonderful birthday gifts forfriendsand loved ones. It may take a little brainstorming but onceyou getstarted it will be easy to come up with something.For example, if you like to cook or bake, there areendlessbirthday homemade gift ideas you can come up with. You canbake aspecial cake, cook a gourmet dinner, or mix up your favoritesoupor dip and present it to the recipient in a decorative jar. Ifitis a dried mix, be sure and include instructions.If your talent happens to be for crocheting, sewing, orknittingyou will have plenty of opportunities for a birthdayhomemade giftidea. Have you ever considered knitting a scarf,sweater, pillow,or afghan for the birthday girl or guy?If your recipient enjoys cooking, then making a apronwouldreally be appreciated. If they live where it is cold or it isinthe dead of the winter, sweater, mufflers or anything likethatshould be considered. Being talented with the needle shouldgiveyou many homemade birthday gifts ideas.If you are a gardener, you can come up with afantasticassortment of birthday homemade gift ideas.You could put together a gift basket from the bounty ofyourgarden or if you grow herbs, you could dry and bottle herbs foradelicious birthday gift. If the recipient is fond of herbsorgardening, you could even start them off with a small herbgardenof their own.If you are a photographer or just like to take pictures withadigital camera, there are numerous birthday homemade gift ideasyoucan come up with.Whether you gift the recipient with personal pictures instorebought or homemade picture frames or enlarge and frameanespecially beautiful picture of a sunset that you took, there isnolimit to the gift ideas you can come up with that canincorporatethe pictures you have taken.It may take some thinking, which is the the good thingabouthomemade gifts, but almost anyone who has a talent to sharecancome up with their own homemade birthday gifts.
Turkish Hijab step by step 1.0
Hijab is a part of Islamic clothing and itsusehas transformed over centuries. The main reason behind wearingthehijab is to cover one's head and hair in line with religiousIslamicrequirements. Hijab is meant to cover a Muslim woman'shair, neck,and ears. Most hijabs fall well below the chest area toprovide fullcoverage of the above torso.Hijab, in the twenty first century has become more than justanordinary piece of cloth to cover oneself up. With variationsinstyle, colors and designs, hijab has taken more of afashionableform that ever before in history.With different brands introduced daily, designers have come upwithmany variations and have transformed its appearance accordingtothe demands of the marketplace. Women who want to look theirbestwhile keeping themselves covered in an Islamic way usedifferentstyles of hijab and satiate their desire to lookelegant.Hijab Material: Different materials have been used increatingdifferent styles of hijabs. Casually worn hijabs utilizeplaincotton and jersey material to suit the weather and climate.Othermaterials utilized for the hijab include silk, net,rayon,polyester. Some glittery and shiny materials are also usedfor aglamorous and stylish look.Hijab Colors: Hijabs are available in various colors thatsuitwomen's personality really well. Solid colors in black,brown,fawn, and beige are are worn more commonly by Muslim women.Otherbright colors are also available which can be contrastedandcomplemented with ones dresses. However, bright color hijabsareusually not commonly worn in the workplace and are insteadreservedfor social occassions.Styles of hijabs: Other than the basic scarves that oncewerecommonly worn as hijab, other styles have entered themainstreammarket. The long knee-length hijabs are available formodest ladieswho want to cover themselves up from head to toe.Other shorterhijabs are worn with abaya dresses and other casualclothes. Hijabsalso come in styles that are commonly referred to asKuwaiti hijab,Dubai-style hijab, Arabic hijab, Turkish hijabs andso on.Hijab caps: Hijab caps are used by many Muslim women. A Hijab capisusually worn under scarves and shawls to keep the hair fromshowing- a key requirement in Islamic clothing.With more Muslim women entering the workplace and attendingschools,the trends in Hijab styles and fashions will continue toevolve withtime.
DIY Hair Bow Tutorial 1.0
this application is related to theseideaslike, headband , hair bows for girls, hair bow websites,hairaccessories headbands, hair bow boutique , the hair bowIf you are a crafter seeking to expand your creativity or are amomthat is merely trying to save money on accessorizing herdaughter,earning how to make a tutu and hair bows is the perfectway to doboth! Regardless of how crafty you are, starting outmaking theseaccessories can be confusing, so buying a qualitytutorial to helpyou step-by-step of the way is a smart idea, so youknow it's doneright!If you are going to be using a tutorial to learn how to make atutuand hair bows for the first time, then you are going to wanttopick the right tutorial. Typically, most people will learnfasterthrough read the steps and then seeing them done afterwards.Thebest way to obtain both of these is to have a tutorial programthatcomes with a DVD and an instructional book or e-book. You wanttobe sure that the manual and video are made for beginners tofollowalong with, otherwise it may go too fast or work onmorecomplicated tutus and bows.Once you have found a tutorial program that seems to have whatyouare looking for, then you want to take a look at the types oftutusand hair bows that it claims to teach you. You are going to atsomepoint want to learn how to make a tutu and hair bows ofothervarieties, so having this information for later can save youcashand help you build on your knowledge. If you find thepropertutorials for both hair bows and tutus you should be learningmanynew ways to create accessories, and certainly more than justoneway to make a tutu and a hair bow.You should also pay attention to the price of the tutorials thatyouchoose to learn how to make a tutu and hair bows with. If youareovercharged to learn how to make these accessories, you aren'tgoingto have enough to purchase materials to practice with, soprice oftutorials should be considered.Whether you are a seasoned crafter or have never madeaccessoriessuch as these before, you are going to want a tutorialprogram thatprovides clear and concise teaching in how to makeunique andbeautiful tutus and hair bows. Start looking for yourinstructionalmaterials today, your daughter will definitely behappy youdid!
colorful dress design 1.0
The sight of a cute flower girl strollingdownthe aisle will instantly warm the hearts of your weddingguests.Flower girls are easy to shop for because they look adorableinanything. However, you should choose a flower girl dress thatyourfamily will adore. Here are some creative ideas forchoosingcolorful flower girl dresses that any family wouldcherish.Tulle Tiered BallgownThis flower girl dress is extraordinary and unique! Thislovelydress is a spaghetti strap, tulle tiered ballgown and itfeatures abeaded waist and a huge bow on the back. If you want yourlittleflower girl to look like a princess and stand out from thecrowd,you will love this dress. This flower girl dress is richindetails, elegant, and perfect for any kind of wedding. Thisdresscomes in ivory and white and sizes 2T to 14.Spaghetti Strap Ribbon Waist DressThis gorgeous flower dress is a satin, spaghetti strap dress withapick-up skirt and ribbon waist. This dress is charmingandone-of-a-kind! Your flower girl will look fabulous with thisdresson, which is available in white and ivory. A colorful, beadedsatinsash is also available for this dress, and it comes in avariety ofcolors like pink, orange, blue, green, red, black, andothers. Asash will make this dress look bolder and more energetic!If youhave already picked out the colors for your wedding, youshoulddefinitely purchase this colorful flower girl dress for yourbigday.Satin Beaded A-Line DressThis satin A-line gown features a pleated bodice, an empirewaist,and gorgeous beaded detail that adds sparkle to the dress.Thisdress is sophisticated, stylish, and perfect for your weddingday!This A-line style dress is also flattering for any kind of girlandit comes in ivory or white and sizes 2T to 14.Lace-up A-Line DressYou can add a splash of color to your wedding with thisbeautiful,flower girl dress. This satin A-line gown has spaghettistraps anda lace-up back and it comes in white or ivory. This dressalsocomes with a beautiful color trim on the top and bottom ofthedress in the color of your choice. A variety of vibrant colorsareavailable like Apple, Black, Canary, Champagne,Sangria,Watermelon, and many others. This dress is simple andsassy, and itis fit for a real princess.Cotton Sateen DressIf you think white flower girl dresses are boring, you willlovethis dress. This dress comes in 41 gorgeous shades and it isfunand festive! This tank strap, cotton sateen dress comes withabeautiful bow in the back and it features a t-length skirt.Yourflower girl will look beautiful and so sweet in thisdress!Keep your flower girl's personality in mind when you areshoppingaround for her dress. If your flower girl enjoys dressingup, shewill love an elegant, fancy dress or ballgown. If yourflower girldoesn't like wearing dresses, she will feel pretty sillywearing alacy, feminine dress, so you should go with anunderstated, simpledress that she will be comfortable in. Keep inmind that yourflower girl will look spectacular wearing a colorfuldress thatmatches your wedding theme or wedding dress.You will also have to decide what length is right for yourflowergirl's dress. If your flower girl is young, you should chooseashorter, or tea-length dress because there is no risk offalling.An older flower girl can wear an elegant, sophisticated,longerdress.Finally, keep in mind that you can make any flower girl dressbetterif you purchase the perfect accessories. The accessoriesyoupurchase should enhance your flower girl's beauty and it willaddthe finishing touch, whether she is three years old or 13, soshoparound until you find the perfect veil, headpiece, glovesorshoes.
cocktail dress design 1.0
Cocktail parties are hot among young menandyoung women, for it is a good time for them to get togetherandmake new friends and it also can make the beautiful girls standoutin the party by the exquisite make-up, dress-up or someluxuryaccessories. So how can women stand out the crowd? For theexcitingcocktail occasion, the beautiful hot cocktail dressesarenecessary. On one hand, cocktail dress is another kind of styleofthe evening gown in short length. With perfect women'scocktailattire, you can see that beautiful women should have thebeautifulgowns to help them shine out the party.On another hand, you can also find that your beautiful intheevening cocktail party can help you make a deep impression onallthe people attended at the occasion. But another problem forwomenis how they can get the best cocktail dresses 2012. If youaregoing to a cocktail evening party with your good friends andhavedecided to wear a short cocktail dress to show off yourbeautifullong legs and your charming cleavage. You can also take alook atthe following suggestions for you to choose the rightcocktailattire.Just like other styles of gowns like the prom & formalgowns,the cocktail dresses have many kinds of styles. You canchoose yourcocktail dress 2012 according to your own hobbies andyour own bodyshape. The hobbies and body shape are two main factorsfor you whenselecting your right occasional apparel and the bodyshape directlydecides the size you will wear. If you really don'tlike to make aselection among the large range of various cocktailgowns, thelittle black dresses are also good choice. As you know,nowadaysnot every woman love going shoppingthis application is also related to these ideas such ascocktaildresses,evening dresses,prom dresses ,formal dresses,partydressesevening gowns, black cocktail dresses , white cocktail dresses,semiformal dresses , plus size cocktail dressesoutside, while they love shopping online. You can select theshortcocktail dresses which help show off your charming longlegs.Another factor which is also important is color. The best colorcangive you fabulous look. Hot pink cocktail dresses for girlscanabsolutely help you shining in the cocktail evening party andcanalso make your fabulous at the same time. The sweet pink canmakeyou young and lovely. You can also choose some bright colorlikethe lemon yellow to make people focus on you. When choosingthecolor, you should also take your skin color into account. Thedarkskin tone does not match with the colorful apparel and the pinkisperfect for the dark skin tone. For pink can make your skincolorbrighter.This is the best guideline for girls who are now searching fortheright cocktail dress. Just keep on looking. You will feel itwasuseful. Girl who write this article is absolutely fashionista.Hername is annalee, and you can follow her. Thank you!