Top 2 Apps Similar to Beroound EN

ExperienceFellow 1.7.0
ExperienceFellow is an app that enables invited users togivedetailed feedback regarding their experiences with anyproduct,service, brand, or event. To get started you need to haveaninvitation from a company or organization that would like togetfeedback on your experience with them or their productsorservices. Don’t have an invitation (a QR code or a projecttoken)?Learn how to create your own projects on ourwebsite: How does thiswork?ExperienceFellow is like a digital diary on your mobile phone.Theapp allows you to document your personal experiences withtext,photos, or videos. You can name different experiences you haveandquickly evaluate in the moment when you experiencethem.Furthermore, date and time as well as location are collectedandallow a detailed understanding of your experience. Why should Idothis? Researchers can use the data you collected with the apptovisualize your experiences as a customer journey map (like akindof storyboard for customer experience). They can thenaggregatedata from different customers to understand positive andnegativemoments of your customer experiences across all on- andofflinechannels and along the entire customer journey. Yourdetailedfeedback allows service providers to improve their servicesandmanufacturer to improve their products. With ExperienceFellowyoucan have a direct impact on the quality of any product orserviceyou are using.
Reefcube 1.0
Reefcube is a mobileapplicationsdevelopmentagency. We cover all the value chain of themobileapplicationdevelopment process : we conceive your apps,createstoryboard anddesigns. We develop on iOS and Android, fullynativesapps. We testapps and we publish your apps. We can alsooffermaintenance andsupport.