Top 5 Apps Similar to TecnoVoz

Ohlalapps Viewer 1.18
What is Ohlalapps Viewer?A tool to preview live your app created in Ohlalappsbeforesubmitting it to the Google Play Store for approval.* Login with your Ohlalapps account to preview liveyourbusiness's apps.What is Ohlalapps?Ohlalapps is an app builder based on cloud computingtechnologythat helps businesses to create and manage mobile apps toconnectbetter with customers and increase sales.Find out more at
TechDemoDay 1.0.1
TechDemoDay es la app del evento que sevaacelebrar el 22 de mayo en La Salle Technova Barcelona.Podrássabertodas las noticias relacionadas con el evento.Podrásinscribirteya seas empresa expositora o asistente. Durante eldíadel eventopodrás recibir notificaciones de los mejoresstands,demos yconferencias que se realizarán durante lajornada.¡Descárgatela yno te pierdas nada!TechDemoDay appistheevent that will be held on May 22 in La SalleTechnovaBarcelona.You can find all the news related to the event.You canregisterand be exhibitor or attendee. During the day of theeventyou willbe notified of the best booths, demos and conferencesto beheldduring the day. Download it and not miss anything!
ShoesForYou 1.0.2
*Mobile App for Shoe Retail StoreA fully customized and branded mobile App for your shoeretailstorewhich allows owners to easily show product gallery,sendoffers,show store facilities and location, engage withcustomersand more…*Make ‘em WALK!How can you make your customers take a walk to your store?DesignanApp that makes your shoes shine. Send pushnotificationspresentingnew collections, special discounts, seasonsales andmore activitiesto make them walk into your shop with asmile ontheir faces.*Shoe GallerySetup a shoe gallery with a detailed description andgainadvantageover your competition.*Easy Checkout ProcessOffer a great shopping experience by allowing customerstobrowseyour shoe gallery in order to pick the most appropriateonequicklyand easily.*Send OffersSend your customers a push notification message aboutoffers,newshoes, special discounts and news that instantlyreachthemall.*Secure Payment GatewaySecure & flexible credit card payment system toallowcustomersto buy shoes directly on their mobile appanytime,anywhere.*Store LocationLet new customers find your shoe retail storeeasily.Providesaccurate location information about your store,anytimefromanywhere.*Share News and MediaConnect your app to your Facebook account to allow yourclientstoeasily access your social media profiles.Benefits of having an App for your Retail Store:* Sell anywhere, anytime* New communication channel* Grow your business* Reach your customers easily* Increase market exposure* Gain competitive advantage* Engage with your customers
Cafés B+O 1.0.2
Nuestra empresa se fundó en 1961,cuandoEduardo Ribes y Fina Lluch comenzaron tostando café en unviejoalmacén de frutas y verduras propiedad del 'tío BO',(envalenciano, bueno). Cafés BO, es un nombre muy apropiado paralascaracterísticas de nuestro café, seleccionado y tostado conmimo,artesanalmente. Desde entonces no hemos parado de crecer,sobretodo en nuestra exigencia por la calidad, buscamos losmejorescafés de todo el mundo, las procedencias más idóneas decadavariedad y temporada. En nuestro tostadero propio le damosnuestropunto exacto, la mezcla que más satisfaga a nuestrosclientes.Distribuimos a cafeterías, hoteles, restaurantes, empresasoparticulares. Complementamos nuestro servicio con ladistribuciónde infusiones, chocolates, bombones, galletas,edulcorantes y todocuanto sea necesario para disfrutar de la mejorexperienciabarista. Cafés BO, xè, qué café.Our company was foundedin1961 when Eduardo Ribes and Fina Lluch began roasting coffee inanold warehouse owned fruit and vegetables 'Uncle BO', (inValencian,good). Cafes BO, is a very appropriate name for thecharacteristicsof our coffee, selected and roasted with care, byhand. Since thenwe have not stopped growing, especially in ourdemand for quality,look for the best coffees from around theworld, the mostappropriate sources for each variety and season. Inour own roastinggive our exact point, the mixture further satisfyour customers. Wedistribute to cafes, hotels, restaurants,companies or individuals.We complement our distribution serviceteas, chocolates, chocolates,biscuits, sweeteners and everythingnecessary to enjoy the bestexperience barista. Cafes BO, XE, whatcoffee.
YoungHotel 1.0
Mobile App for HotelsA fully customized Hotel App designed to provides hoteliers withthepossibility to offers many different features such as hotelbooking,show Hotel facilities and location, send offers, engagewithcustomers and more…Make ‘em STAY one more night!Offering an easy to use Hotel Mobile App, your customers caneasilybook a room, get more information about your additionalservices,share the experience with their friends and family onFacebook andmany other room services.Mobile BookingGot a booking engine hosted on your website? Allow customers tobooka room directly on their mobile app.Show Hotel FacilitiesPresent your hotel using photo galleries, explain the featuresofthe hotel and provide other useful information abouttheamenities.Area Travel GuideOffer your guests a powerful travel guide of the area close tothehotel and any other information you would like to know aboutthesurrounding areaSend OffersReach out to your guests with push notifications and keep them uptodate on current events, promotions…Hotel LocationGeolocation provides accurate location information about theHotel,such as latitude and longitude.Engage with CustomersConnect your app to your Facebook and Twitter account to allowyourguests to easily access your social media profiles ofyourhotel.Benefits of having an App for your Hotel:Generate repeated bookingHelp up selling amenitiesOffer better service for guestsNew communication channelOffer guests an interactive city guideGain Competitive advantage