Ohlalapps Apps

Spa&Beauty 1.0
Toda la info del Spa&Beauty en tubolsilloAll the info & BeautySpa in your pocket
San Miguel 1.0
The Clínica Médica San Miguel app is a neweasy-to-use mobile app that allows you to call our clinic with theclick of a button. Using our app you can watch the latest mobilehealth videos produced by the clinic with important advice fromyour doctors, and actively manage your communication with ClínicaMédica San Miguel. Through the Clínica Médica San Miguel app,patients can receive medical alerts, doctors’ announcements, onlinediscounts, and invitations to special events.
ClubHotel tu app de hotel 1.0
Tu app de hotel totalmente personalizada.Club de hotel es una app diseñada para ofrecer a tus huéspedeslaposibilidad de ofrecer muchas características diferentes:- Servicio de reservas de habitaciones yespectáculosdirectamente desde su app móvil.- Promociones- Geolocalización del hotel y lugares de interés- Envío de ofertas- Ofertas a través de notificaciones pushLos beneficios de tener una aplicación para el club hotel:- Genera reserva repetida- Aumenta la venta de servicios como Spa, Restaurante,Club,etc- Ofreze un mejor servicio para los huéspedesYourappfully customized hotel.Club Hotel is an app designed to offer your guests the abilitytooffer many different features:- Service of room bookings and Entertainment directly fromyourmobile app.- Promotions- Geolocation hotel and attractions- Set-up job- Deals via push notificationsThe benefits of having an application for club hotel:- Generates repeated reservation- Increase the sale of services such as Spa, Restaurant,Club,etc.- Ofreze better service for guests
Lekker Coffee & Hookah FruitsBuscas algo diferente?, Ya estamos aquí, Lekker coffee te traenuevas tendencias en cafés, CONÓCELAS Y PRUÉBALAS YA!Es una cafetería fundada en el presente año (2013) con lafinalidad de brindar a sus clientes un café con sabor diferente,mediante la técnica de elaboración holandesa, además de brindar elservicio del Hookah.Síguenos en nuestro Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LekkercoffeHoohakFruitsLekker Coffee &Hookah FruitsLooking for something different?,'re Here, we Lekker coffeebrings new trends in cafés, Know them and try them NOW!It is a cafe founded in this year (2013) in order to providecustomers with different taste coffee using the technique of Dutchdevelopment as well as providing the service of Hookah.Follow us on our Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LekkercoffeHoohakFruits
Bangkok Healthy Spa 1.0
Descubre BangkokSpa, reserva y compra losmasajes desde tu movil, disfruta de las mejores ofertas.Descubre más en nuestra página web: http://www.bangkokspa.es/Discover BangkokSpa,reservation and booking massages from your phone, get the bestdeals.Find out more on our website: http://www.bangkokspa.es/
YoungHotel 1.0
Mobile App for HotelsA fully customized Hotel App designed to provides hoteliers withthe possibility to offers many different features such as hotelbooking, show Hotel facilities and location, send offers, engagewith customers and more…Make ‘em STAY one more night!Offering an easy to use Hotel Mobile App, your customers can easilybook a room, get more information about your additional services,share the experience with their friends and family on Facebook andmany other room services.Mobile BookingGot a booking engine hosted on your website? Allow customers tobook a room directly on their mobile app.Show Hotel FacilitiesPresent your hotel using photo galleries, explain the features ofthe hotel and provide other useful information about theamenities.Area Travel GuideOffer your guests a powerful travel guide of the area close to thehotel and any other information you would like to know about thesurrounding areaSend OffersReach out to your guests with push notifications and keep them upto date on current events, promotions…Hotel LocationGeolocation provides accurate location information about the Hotel,such as latitude and longitude.Engage with CustomersConnect your app to your Facebook and Twitter account to allow yourguests to easily access your social media profiles of yourhotel.Benefits of having an App for your Hotel:Generate repeated bookingHelp up selling amenitiesOffer better service for guestsNew communication channelOffer guests an interactive city guideGain Competitive advantage
Hostal Arias - Oxapampa Peru 1.0
Hospedaje en oxapampa PerúHostal Arias con más de 15 años de experiencia en la actividadhotelera pone a su disposición confortables habitaciones para quesu estadía sea agradableCon esta app podrás:* Reservar* Contactar fácilmente con nosotros* Encontrar la mejor ruta por geolocalización* Informarte de las últimas novedades desde cualquier lugar- Hostal Arias conservando nuestro ambiente -www.ohlalapps.comAccommodations in PeruoxapampaHostal Arias with over 15 years experience in the hotel businessoffers comfortable rooms to make your stay enjoyableWith this app you can:* Book* Easily Contact us* Find the best route for geolocation* Notified with the latest news from anywhere- Hostal Arias preserving our environment -www.ohlalapps.com
CdeArbitraje 1.0
Central de Arbitraje –Grupo Sepima, SL -Garantizamos a nuestros clientes ahorro, rentabilidad y seguridadCentral de Arbitraje –Grupo Sepima, SL- es la primera empresa enEspaña constituida en 2011 y formada por un equipo de profesionalesdel Derecho y de la práctica Mercantil que, en aplicación de la Leyde Arbitraje de 2003, ofrece un servicio de resolución deconflictos empresariales, tales como impagos, recobros y prestaciónde servicios, como alternativa legal al margen de la lentitud ycostosa justicia ordinaria.Central de Arbitraje cuenta con capital cien por cien español,tiene su sede en Las Palmas de Gran Canaria y delegaciones en SantaCruz de Tenerife, Asturias, Extremadura, Madrid y Murcia, y nacecon un propósito claro: ofrecer al empresario una solución rápida,económica y eficaz para la resolución de sus clientes.lee más en nuestra página web: http://www.centraldearbitraje.com/CentralArbitration-Sepima Group, SL - We guarantee our customers savings,profitability and securityCentral Arbitration-Sepima Group Ltd., is the first company inSpain established in 2011 and comprises a team of legalprofessionals and trade practice which, under the Arbitration Act2003 provides a resolution service business, such as a default,collections and services, such as legal alternative outside theordinary courts slow and costly conflicts. Central Arbitration has hundred percent Spanish capitalcity, has its headquarters in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria andoffices in Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Asturias, Extremadura, Madridand Murcia, and was created with a clear purpose: to offer theemployer a quick fix, economical and efficient for the resolutionof their customers.read more on our website: http://www.centraldearbitraje.com/
Neosono 5.0
App de Neosono con sede en Barcelona que hace"Fresh Mobile Marketing" - Internet Móvil, Aplicaciones Móviles,Contenido Móvil y Plataformas Móviles. Aquí puedes encontrar todaslas últimas novedades y notícias.App Neosono based inBarcelona that makes "Fresh Mobile Marketing" - Mobile Web, MobileApplications, Mobile Content and Mobile Platforms. Here you canfind all the latest information and news.
RollingPita comida ecológica 1.0.1
RollingPita es la app del primer restaurantemóvil online de comida rapida y ecológica en España.* Características de la app restaurante- Más información actualizada de nuestras comidas rapidas yecologicas- Compra nuestros menús y pitas- Hacerte socio de Rolling Club- Solicitar eventos o catering si eres restaurante o simplemente tegustan nuestro menu- Contactar fácilmente con nosotros- Conectarte con nosotros a facebookFood truck de comida rapida online, rolling pita pita bread,food truck ecologico y catering sobre ruedas online ¡de pitamadre!RollingPita app is thefirst mobile restaurant online fast and organic food in Spain.* Features restaurant app- More updated information of our fast food and ecological- Buy our menus and pitas- Make it a member of Rolling Club- Ask if you are catering events or restaurant or you just like ourmenu- Easily Contact us- Log in with us on facebookFood truck fast food online, it's rolling pita bread, andecological food truck catering on wheels online mother it!
mosseguis 1.0.1
App del blog i el programa"mossegalapoma"Blog App i the"mossegalapoma"
Camp Vinaròs 1.0
Bienvenido al Camping Vinaròs. Esta App quieredar a conocer el Camping Vinaròs a visitantes, futuros clientes depaso, de veraneo, de invierno,... o a Usted. La calidad, limpieza yel buen trato son algunas de nuestras prioridades. Esperemos que,con nuestras instalaciones, nuestra forma de ser y, la cordialidady carácter abierto de nuestro personal, Usted y los suyos seencuentren como en casa.Welcome to CampingVinaròs. This application aims to discover the Camping Vinaròsvisitors, prospective customers in passing, summer, winter, ... orto you. The quality, cleanliness and good treatment are some of ourpriorities. Hopefully, with our facilities, our way of being andthe warmth and openness of our staff, you and your family feel athome.
ClothesStyle 1.0.2
*Mobile App for Fashion Retail StoreA fully customized and branded mobile App for your retail storewhich allows owners to easily show products, send offers, showstore facilities and location, engage with customers and more…*Make ‘em SHINE!Don’t you love to shine in new clothes? Your customers do too!Invite them to your store with a fashionable App. Send pushnotifications presenting new collections, special discounts, seasonsales and more catwalking activities to create brand and storeloyalty.*Product gallerySetup a product gallery with a detailed description and gainadvantage over your competition.*Easy Checkout ProcessOffer a great shopping experience by allowing customers to browseall products in order to pick the best one quickly andeasily.*Send offersSend your customers a push notification message about offers, newproducts, special discounts and news that instantly reach themall.*Secure Payment GatewaySecure & flexible credit card payment system to allow customersto buy directly on their mobile app anytime, anywhere.*Store LocationLet new customers find your retail store easily. Provides accuratelocation information about your store, anytime from anywhere.*Share news and mediaConnect your app to your Facebook account to allow your clients toeasily access your social media profiles.Benefits of having an App for your Retail Store:* Sell anywhere, anytime* New communication channel* Grow your business* Reach your customers easily* Increase market exposure* Gain competitive advantage* Engage with your customers
Recetas PR 1.0
Recetas PR - Recetas de Puerto RicoAquí encontrarás recetas de todo tipo: bebidas, desayunos,"dips", entremeses, platos principales, comida vegetariana ypostres, entre otros. Todas las semanas tendremos recetasdiferentes. Esperamos que disfrutes de esta nueva herramienta.¡Buen provecho!Lee más en nuestra pàgina web: http://www.recetasdepuertorico.netPR Recipes - RecipesPuerto RicoHere are recipes for all categories: beverages, breakfast,"dips", appetizers, main dishes, vegetarian meals and desserts,among others. Every week we will have different recipes. We hopeyou enjoy this new tool. Bon Appetite!Read more on our website: http://www.recetasdepuertorico.net
Cafés B+O 1.0.2
Nuestra empresa se fundó en 1961, cuandoEduardo Ribes y Fina Lluch comenzaron tostando café en un viejoalmacén de frutas y verduras propiedad del 'tío BO', (envalenciano, bueno). Cafés BO, es un nombre muy apropiado para lascaracterísticas de nuestro café, seleccionado y tostado con mimo,artesanalmente. Desde entonces no hemos parado de crecer, sobretodo en nuestra exigencia por la calidad, buscamos los mejorescafés de todo el mundo, las procedencias más idóneas de cadavariedad y temporada. En nuestro tostadero propio le damos nuestropunto exacto, la mezcla que más satisfaga a nuestros clientes.Distribuimos a cafeterías, hoteles, restaurantes, empresas oparticulares. Complementamos nuestro servicio con la distribuciónde infusiones, chocolates, bombones, galletas, edulcorantes y todocuanto sea necesario para disfrutar de la mejor experienciabarista. Cafés BO, xè, qué café.Our company was foundedin 1961 when Eduardo Ribes and Fina Lluch began roasting coffee inan old warehouse owned fruit and vegetables 'Uncle BO', (inValencian, good). Cafes BO, is a very appropriate name for thecharacteristics of our coffee, selected and roasted with care, byhand. Since then we have not stopped growing, especially in ourdemand for quality, look for the best coffees from around theworld, the most appropriate sources for each variety and season. Inour own roasting give our exact point, the mixture further satisfyour customers. We distribute to cafes, hotels, restaurants,companies or individuals. We complement our distribution serviceteas, chocolates, chocolates, biscuits, sweeteners and everythingnecessary to enjoy the best experience barista. Cafes BO, XE, whatcoffee.
Iniciador 1.0
Iniciador - La Fundación Iniciador tiene comoobjetivo fomentar y facilitar el emprendimiento en el mundoApp de Inciador Barcelona desde la que podrás apuntarte a loseventos, conocer los ponentes y estar al día de todo lo relacionadocon los emprendedores.Lee más en nuestra página web: http://iniciador.com/Initiator - The InitiatorFoundation aims to promote and facilitate entrepreneurship in theworldApp Inciador Barcelona from where you can sign up for events,meet the speakers and keep up with everything related toentrepreneurship.Read more on our website: http://iniciador.com/
Merida guia de turismo 1.0
La Guía de turismo Merida te ofrece todo lonecesario para disfrutar al máximo de la estancia: la informaciónde la guia esencial para preparar tu viaje, que ver, informacióngeolocalizada sobre los puntos de interés, excursiones, audio guíasy rutas turísticas.Características- Disponible en todas las App Stores- Acceso a información esencial: turismo, guia, mapa, rutas,contacto y redes sociales- Audioguías y rutas de interés turístico (Teatro Romano, Templo deDiana, Alcazaba Árabe…)- App de turismo realizada con ohlalapps.Para más información de apps de turismo o guia visite la webhttp://www.ohlalapps.comMerida Tourism Guidegives you everything you need to make the most of Stay: essentialinformation for planning your trip guide, you see, geolocatedinformation about attractions, tours, audio guides and tours.Features- Available in all App Stores- Access to Essential Information: tourism, guide, map, routes,contacts and social networks- Audio guides and tourist routes (Roman Theatre, Temple of Diana,Arabic Alcazaba ...)- App made with ohlalapps tourism.For more information on my tourist guide or visit the webhttp://www.ohlalapps.com
GoldDisco 1.1
Mobile App for NightclubsLooking to attract a wider audience to your nightclub? Try ourfully customized mobile app for nightclubs which allows you toeasily show calendar of events, share music, send push notificationmessages and much more…Make ‘em DANCE!Give your customers a VIP treatment providing them a cool App whichwill make them dance. Send push notifications with special offers(2 for 1 drinks, happy hours) and offer them special features tocreate loyalty: guest list, calendar of events, adding photos frompast events, Facebook sharing and more musical things.Table ReservationHave a sushi bar or restaurant too? Allow customers to makereservations straight from their app.VIP ListCreate and share special events with your VIP list.Share & Sell Your MusicLet new customers listen your hottest live mixes from your residentDJs right on your app easily. Your fans can purchase the fulltracks, anytime from anywhere.Add Photos & FlyersShow your Nightclub facilities using photo galleries or simplyshare photos of past events!Send OffersSend your customers a push notification to announce upcomingevents, sell tickets, promote celebrity appearances, and even givedirections to your venue.Engage with CustomersLet your audience save time by being 1 click away from all yourupdates. Connect your app to your Facebook, YouTube & Twitteraccounts so your fans are always connected to you.Benefits of having an app for your Nightclub:Gain new customersReach your customers easilyCreate loyalty programsNew communication channelIncrease social interactionGain competitive advantage
Lockbox 1.7
Lockbox es una cartera de silicona muy ligera,diseñada especialmente para aquellas personas que quieren llevar ladocumentación y demás tarjetas de uso cotidiano de manera cómoda,práctica y actual. La Lockbox también te sirve para llevar llaves,monedas y billetes, manteniéndolo todo protegido y aislado. La Appte permite comprar la Lockbox a través del móvil, además deofrecerte ofertas exclusivas, novedades y noticias. También podrásconsultar la página oficial de Lockbox en Facebook y acceder anuestro Twitter i Instagram.Lockbox portfolio is avery lightweight silicone, designed especially for those people whowant to carry documentation and other cards daily use ofcomfortable, practical and modern way. The Lockbox also serves youfor keys, coins and banknotes, keeping everything protected andisolated. The App allows you to purchase the Lockbox via mobile, inaddition to offering exclusive offers, news and news. You can alsoconsult the official website of Lockbox on Facebook and access ourTwitter i Instagram.
Ohlalapps Viewer 1.18
What is Ohlalapps Viewer?A tool to preview live your app created in Ohlalapps beforesubmitting it to the Google Play Store for approval.* Login with your Ohlalapps account to preview live yourbusiness's apps.What is Ohlalapps?Ohlalapps is an app builder based on cloud computing technologythat helps businesses to create and manage mobile apps to connectbetter with customers and increase sales.Find out more at http://www.ohlalapps.com
DeluxRest 1.0
Mobile App for RestaurantsA fully customized and branded mobile App for your restaurantwhichallows restaurant owners to easily take reservations, sendoffers,show your menu, show facilities and location, engage withcustomersand more…Make ‘em HUNGRY!Do you want to attract more customers to your restaurantandincrease your table reservations? Allow your customer to useyourtasty App to order takeaway and empower your business withtablereservations, fresh offers, push notifications and manymoredelicious features.Table ReservationAn unforgettable evening begins with the choice of the righttable.Allow customers to make reservations straight from theirmobileapp.Send OffersSend your customers a push notification message about themenu,drink list, specials, and news that instantly reach themall.Chef RecommendationsAdd menus, pictures and videos of food and drinks and gainadvantageover your competition.Restaurant FacilitiesShow your restaurant facilities using photo galleries andprovideother useful information.Restaurant LocationLet new customers find your restaurant easily. Providesaccuratelocation information about your restaurant, anytimefromanywhere.Engage with CustomersConnect your app to your Facebook account to allow your clientstoeasily access your social media profiles.Benefits of having an App for your Restaurant:Generate repeated table reservationsEngage with your customersOffer better service for your clientsNew communication channelGain Competitive advantage
NaturSpa 1.0
*Bienvenidos a la app NaturSpa contecnologíaCloudPrueba nuestra aplicación móvil para empresas que te permitemostrartus servicios o productos, enviar ofertas, mostrar tusinstalacionesy ubicación, y más…*Os presentamos nuestros serviciosProductos y servicios con una descripción detallada.*Proceso de Compra SencilloOfrecemos una experiencia de compra inolvidable en el cuálpodrásnavegar por la galería de productos con el fin de elegir elmásadecuado de forma rápida y sencilla.*NotificacionesRecibirás notificaciones push instantáneas sobre ofertasespeciales,nuevos productos, descuentos especiales, noticias ymás*Pago SeguroOfrecemos un sistema de pago seguro y flexible que permita alosclientes comprar productos directamente en su aplicación móvilencualquier momento y en cualquier lugar.*UbicaciónLa app te guiará a todos nuestros locales.*Redes SocialesConecta con nosotros en las redes sociales, te invitamos a unirteaFacebook, Foursquare, etc.* Welcome toCloudtechnology NaturSpa appTry our mobile application companies that allows you to displayyourservices or products, send offers, show your facilitiesandlocation, and more ...* We present our servicesProducts and services with a detailed description.* Simple Purchase ProcessWe offer a memorable shopping experience in which you can browsetheproduct gallery in order to choose the right one quicklyandeasily.* NotificationsReceive instant push notifications about special offers,newproducts, discounts, news and more* Payment SecurityWe offer secure payment system and flexible to allow customerstobuy products directly from your mobile applicationanytime,anywhere.* LocationThe app will guide you to all our locations.* Social NetworksConnect with us on social networks, we invite you to joinFacebook,Foursquare, etc..
ShoesForYou 1.0.2
*Mobile App for Shoe Retail StoreA fully customized and branded mobile App for your shoe retailstorewhich allows owners to easily show product gallery, sendoffers,show store facilities and location, engage with customersand more…*Make ‘em WALK!How can you make your customers take a walk to your store? DesignanApp that makes your shoes shine. Send push notificationspresentingnew collections, special discounts, season sales andmore activitiesto make them walk into your shop with a smile ontheir faces.*Shoe GallerySetup a shoe gallery with a detailed description and gainadvantageover your competition.*Easy Checkout ProcessOffer a great shopping experience by allowing customers tobrowseyour shoe gallery in order to pick the most appropriate onequicklyand easily.*Send OffersSend your customers a push notification message about offers,newshoes, special discounts and news that instantly reachthemall.*Secure Payment GatewaySecure & flexible credit card payment system to allowcustomersto buy shoes directly on their mobile app anytime,anywhere.*Store LocationLet new customers find your shoe retail store easily.Providesaccurate location information about your store, anytimefromanywhere.*Share News and MediaConnect your app to your Facebook account to allow your clientstoeasily access your social media profiles.Benefits of having an App for your Retail Store:* Sell anywhere, anytime* New communication channel* Grow your business* Reach your customers easily* Increase market exposure* Gain competitive advantage* Engage with your customers
TecnoVoz 1.0
Esta aplicación describe la tienda delaempresa argentina TecnoVoz S.A.This applicationdescribesthe company store TecnoVoz Argentina SA
TechDemoDay 1.0.1
TechDemoDay es la app del evento que se vaacelebrar el 22 de mayo en La Salle Technova Barcelona. Podrássabertodas las noticias relacionadas con el evento. Podrásinscribirteya seas empresa expositora o asistente. Durante el díadel eventopodrás recibir notificaciones de los mejores stands,demos yconferencias que se realizarán durante la jornada.¡Descárgatela yno te pierdas nada!TechDemoDay app istheevent that will be held on May 22 in La Salle TechnovaBarcelona.You can find all the news related to the event. You canregisterand be exhibitor or attendee. During the day of the eventyou willbe notified of the best booths, demos and conferences to beheldduring the day. Download it and not miss anything!
ànecblau centre comercial 1.3
Anecblau és el centre comercial que obreelsdiumenges a Castelldefels Barcelona. Tenim un nom divertit iunamentalitat oberta. Per això anecblau és l'únic centre comercialdelBaix Llobregat que obre els 7 dies de la setmana,inclososdiumenges i festius de 10 a 22h. En el nostre centrecomercial de30.000 m2 trobaràs tot tipus de botigues, amb unaàmplia oferta enmoda, complements, objectes de regal,electrodomèstics, mercat,restauració, 9 sales de cinema i pàrquinganecblau gratuït. I comque som un centre obert, ens agradoka que passin coses, que hi hagi moviment, noves experiències.Peraixò renovem i ampliem constantment la nostra ofertacomercial,desenvolupem noves propostes promocionals exclusives peralsnostres clients i dissenyem nous i millors serveis i comoditats:- WiFi gratuït- Sala de lactància- Àrees de descans- Recàrrega de vehicles elèctrics- Espectacles teatrals i musicals- Zones infantils i tallers gratuïtsEn anecblau també ens agrada oferir diferents activitatsd'ocigratuïtes perquè qualsevol dia, passejant per aquí, puguistrobarun taller de cuina, una classe de ball o una exposiciófotogràfica.Tot això fa que ens visitin prop de 5 milions depersones cada any.I tu? Encara no ens coneixes? Doncs aquít'esperem el dia quevulguis: recorda que sempre estem oberts. Totaixò i més ara al teumòbilAnecblau mall that isopenon Sundays in Castelldefels Barcelona. We have a funny nameand anopen mind. So anecblau is the only shopping center in theLowerLlobregat open 7 days a week, including Sundays and holidaysfrom 10to 22h. In our shopping center of 30,000 m2 will find allkinds ofshops with a wide range of fashion, accessories, gifts,household,market, restaurants, theaters and 9 anecblau freeparking. Andbecause we are an open center, we agradokfor things to happen, there is movement, new experiences.Soconstantly renewed and extended our commercial offering,developnew ideas for our clients exclusive promotional and designnew andbetter services and amenities:- Free WiFi- Breastfeeding Room- Rest areas- Electric Vehicle Charging- Theater and music- Free workshops and children's play areasIn anecblau we like to offer free leisure activities for alldaywalking around, you can find a cooking workshop, a dance classor aphotography exhibition. This makes visit us nearly 5 millionpeopleeach year. And you? Although we do not know? Well, here wearewaiting on one: remember that we are always open. All this andmoreon your phone now
anecblau centro comercial 1.5
Anecblau es el centro comercial que abre losdomingos en Castelldefels Barcelona. Tenemos un nombre divertido yuna mentalidad abierta. Por eso anecblau és el único centrocomercial del Baix Llobregat que abre los 7 días de la semana,incluidos domingos y festivos, de 10 a 22h. En nuestro centrocomercial de 30.000 m2 encontrarás todo tipo de tiendas, con unaamplia oferta en moda, complementos, objetos de regalo,electrodomésticos, mercado, restauración, 9 salas de cine y parkinganecblau gratuito. Y como somos un centro abierto, nos gusta quepasen cosas, que haya movimiento, nuevas experiencias. Por esorenovamos y ampliamos constantemente nuestra oferta comercial,desarrollamos nuevas propuestas promocionales exclusivas paranuestros clientes y diseñamos nuevos y mejores servicios ycomodidades:- WiFi gratuito- Sala de lactancia- Áreas de descanso- Recarga de vehículos eléctricos- Espectáculos teatrales y musicales- Zonas infantiles y talleres gratuitosEn anecblau también nos gusta ofrecer diferentes actividades deocio gratuitas para que cualquier día, paseando por aquí, puedasencontrar un taller de cocina, una clase de baile o una exposiciónfotográfica. Todo ello hace que nos visiten cerca de 5 millones depersonas cada año. ¿Y tú? ¿Todavía no nos conoces? Pues aquí teesperamos el día que quieras: recuerda que siempre estamosabiertos.Visítanos en http://www.anecblau.comANECBLAU is the mall openon Sundays in Barcelona Castelldefels. We have a funny name and anopen mind. So the only ANECBLAU és Baix Llobregat mall open 7 daysa week, including Sundays and holidays, from 10 to 22h. In our30,000 m2 shopping center you will find all kinds of shops with awide variety of fashion, accessories, gift items, appliances,market, restaurants, 9 cinemas and free parking ANECBLAU. And as weare an open center, we like things to happen, there is movement,new experiences. So constantly renew and expand our commercialoffering, develop new exclusive promotional offers for our clientsand we design new and better services and amenities:- Free WiFi- Shop breastfeeding- Rest Areas- Recharging electric vehicles- Theatrical and Musical Shows- Free workshops and children's play areasIn ANECBLAU we also like to offer various leisure activities freefor any day, walking around, you find a cooking workshop, a danceclass or a photographic exhibition. All this means that we visitabout 5 million people each year. And you? Still we do not know?Well, here we await the day you want: remember that we are alwaysopen.Visit us on http://www.anecblau.com
anecblau mall shopping center 1.6
ANECBLAU is the mall open on SundaysinCastelldefels Barcelona. We have a funny name and an open mind.Sowe are the only shopping center in Baix Llobregat mall open 7daysa week, including Sundays and holidays, from 10 to 22h. Inourshopping center of 30,000 m2 you will find all kinds of shopswitha wide variety of fashion, accessories, gift items,appliances,market, restaurants, 9 cinemas and free anecblauparking: try thefeature in app - Where is my car?. We are an opencenter, we likethings happen, movement, new experiences. Soconstantly we renewand expand our commercial offering, develop newexclusivepromotional offers for our clients (Try tarjeta)We design new and better services and amenities:- Free WiFi- Shop breastfeeding- Rest Areas- Recharging electric vehicles- Theatrical and Musical Shows- Free workshops and children's play areasand more.In anecblau we also like to offer various leisureactivitiesfree, walking around, you can find a cooking workshop, adanceclass or a photographic exhibition. All this means that wereceiveabout 5 million people visits each year. And you? Still donot knowus? Well, we are waiting for you: remember that we arealwaysopen.Visit us in: http://www.anecblau.com
Bionatura Balneario Urbano 1.0
Tu balneario urbano en badalonaYour urban spainbadalona
Jet Light 1.0
Tu centro de estetica y bienestarYour cosmetic andwellnesscenter
iWith.org 2.0
iWith - Internet para ONGs y ahora tambiénparaempresas solidariasFundación iWith.org es una organización no lucrativa deámbitointernacional fundada en 2001 para participar activamente eneldesarrollo de las regiones y poblaciones menosfavorecidas,ofreciendo asistencia activa en el aprovechamiento delasoportunidades que ofrece Internet a las organizaciones.Mejoramos el mundo usando las Tecnologías de la Información ylaComunicación para ayudar a las organizaciones.La misión de iWith.org es potenciar las Tecnologías delaInformación y la Comunicación como herramienta de solidaridadymejora de la sociedad.Lee más en nuestra página web: http://www.iwith.orgiwith - Internet forNGOsand now for solidarity companiesIWith.org Foundation is a nonprofit organization founded in2001internationally to participate actively in the developmentofregions and underserved populations, providing active assistanceintaking advantage of the opportunities the Internetoffersorganizations.We improve the world using the Information TechnologyandCommunication to help organizations.IWith.org's mission is to enhance the Information TechnologyandCommunication as a tool for solidarity and improvingsociety.Read more on our website: http://www.iwith.org
Kreative Ad 1.0
Kreative AdSpecialists in bringing creative and innovative solutionstocompanies that need "a hand" with advertising, marketing andpublicrelations.read more on our website: http://www.kreativeadpr.comKreative AdSpecialists in bringing creative and innovative solutionstocompanies That need "a hand" with advertising, marketing andpublicrelations.read more on our website: http://www.kreativeadpr.com
Saint Apps 1.0
NM SERVICE una empresa especializada enventasde impresoras fiscales y software para restaurantes.NM SERVICE specializesinsales of fiscal printers and software forrestaurantscompany.
Fabyarns 1.0
Luxury Yarn Online
Up Stones 2.0
Up stones, es una app que sirve para quepodáis conocer la historia de las piedras viajeras que van de manoen mano y de cima en cima llevando con ellas un mensaje de amor ala vida, las personas y la naturaleza.Encontrareis toda la información y ayuda para que cualquier personapueda participar. Además hay un mapa donde podréis ver los puntosdel mundo donde una piedra haya sido dejada. En el mapa aparecetambién el nombre de la persona que dejó la piedra.Up stones, is an app thatserves so that you can learn the history of traveling stonesranging from hand to hand and from peak to peak carrying with thema message of love of life, people and nature.You will find all the information and help that anyone canparticipate. There is also a map where you can see parts of theworld where a stone has been left. The name of the person who leftthe stone also appears on the map.
WorldWine 1.0
Mobile App for Wine Retail StoreA fully customized and branded mobile App for your wine retailstorewhich allows owners to easily show a wine gallery, sendoffers, showstore facilities and location, engage with customersand more…Make ‘em ENJOY!Do you want your customers to come visit you more often? CreateanApp with a full body bouquet to give your customers a pre-tasteofyour best wines. Send push notifications to invite them towinetasting sessions, special seasonal offers, wine-lists withscoringwith Facebook sharing and other sparkling things.Wine GallerySetup a wine gallery with a detailed description and gainadvantageover your competition.Easy Checkout ProcessOffer a great shopping experience by allowing customers tobrowseyour wine gallery in order to pick the most appropriate onequicklyand easily.Send OffersSend your customers a push notification message about offers,newwines, special discounts and news that instantly reachthemall.Secure Payment GatewaySecure & flexible credit card payment system to allowcustomersto buy wine bottles directly on their mobile appanytime,anywhere.Store LocationLet new customers find your wine retail store easily.Providesaccurate location information about your store, anytimefromanywhere.Share News and MediaConnect your app to your Facebook account to allow your clientstoeasily access your social media profiles.Benefits of having an App for your Retail Store:Sell anywhere, anytimeNew communication channelGrow your businessReach your customers easilyIncrease market exposureGain competitive advantageEngage with your customers
Klips Online 1.0
Klips Online tu MegaStore de Tecnología.Klips yourMegastoreOnline Technology.
Toner Xerox 1.0
Venta de consumibles XeroxXerox Supplies Sale
Pisamontañas trekking y viajes 1.0
Pisamontañas - Club de senderismo, trekkingyviajesPisamontañas es la aplicación del Club de viajes y excursionesdemontaña y senderismo PISAMONTAÑAS. Con esta aplicacióntendrásacceso a todas las rutas y viajes programados de una formamásrapida y sencilla.Visítanos en: http://www.pisamontanas.com/club/Pisamontañas -Clubhiking, trekking and travelPisamontañas Club is the application of travel andmountainexcursions and hiking PISAMONTAÑAS. With this applicationyou'llhave access to all routes and trips scheduled more quicklyandeasily.Visit us at: http://www.pisamontanas.com/club/
Beroound EN 1.0.1
Discover and stay connected to BEROOUND.Nowavailable on your smartphone! Our APP provides easy accesstoBeroound, a creative and audiovisual studio dedicated to set"roundideas" into motion, for companies, foundations,institutions,advertising, marketing agencies and anyone who hassomethingimportant to say! Offering the highest quality in ArtDirection,Graphic design, Scriptwriting, Storyboarding, Animation,Motiongraphics, Editing, Post-production services and whatever elsecomesup! Download the Beroound app to watch our latest work,contact us,find where we are and instantly share our news andvideos with yourfriends and clients. Be Round, my friend! *Find outmore inBEROOUND.com
OnlyRentals - App for Rentals 1.0
*Mobile App for Property RentalInterested in creating your own app for your Real Estatecompany?Try our mobile app for rentals which allows you to show andrentyour property listings, show property location, share news,sendpush notifications and more…*Make ‘em RENT!If you are convinced of the advantages of renting over buying,makesure your customers also are. Create a mobile App to presentyourwinning concept and invite them to share it with you. SendPushnotifications with loyalty programs, offer special discounts,showvacation deals and make them feel they pay less for more.*Show PropertiesShow your properties for rent using photo galleries and adetaileddescription of the listings.*List Properties for RentThinking about renting a property? List and rent your propertyusingour easy-to-use rental app.*Property LocationLet new customers find your properties for rent easily andprovideaccurate location information about your rentals.*Share NewsHave a blog? Share news and media to keep your users updated atalltimes directly from the CMS or automatically from yourRSSfeed!*Send OffersSend your customers a push notification messages to announcespecialproperty deals, vacation deals and make them feel they payless formore..*Engage with CustomersLet your audience save time by being 1 click away from allyourupdates. Connect your app to your Facebook, YouTube &Twitteraccounts so your fans are always connected to you.Benefits of having an app for your Rentals:* Increase market exposure and grow your business* Reach your customers easily* Create loyalty programs* Gain competitive advantage* New communication channel* Increase social interaction
Amapola PR 1.1
Aquí encontrarás recetas de todo tipo:desayunos, entremeses, platos principales, postres, entre otros.Todas las semanas tendremos recetas diferentes. Esperamos quedisfrutes de esta nueva herramienta. ¡Buen provecho!Here you will findrecipes of all kinds: breakfast, appetizers, main courses,desserts, among others. Every week we have different recipes. Wehope you enjoy this new tool. Bon Appetite!
G3 1.0
DESCÁRGATE LA APLICACIÓN DE G3 YLLÉVANOSSIEMPRE ENCIMA G3 D.T. esuna empresa de servicios integrales para todo tipodeproyectosrelacionados con la Ingeniería del Terreno y MedioAmbiente,dirigidotanto a administraciones públicas como aparticulares,ingenierías,empresas constructoras, promotoras.. Descargarte laaplicacióngratuitay aprovéchate de todas sus ventajas: Solicita presupuestodemaneraágil y sencilla, acceso rápido a todos los servicios yrespuestaatodas tus consultas de forma inmediata. Chat en tiempo real.Tendrásunasesor de G3 a tu disposición para aclara todas tusdudas,ademáspodrás adjunta documentos e imágenes en la conversaciónsiemprequequieras. Estarás siempre al día. La información que masteinteresa,noticias, artículos del sector y un calendario con loseventosmasrelevantes Una Herramienta muy útil para ayudarte en tu díaadía.Cómoda, sencilla y útil.DOWNLOAD THEAPPLICATIONOF ALWAYS UP G3 G3 and lead us S.D. isa company of integral services for all types of projectsrelated Geotechnical Engineering and Environment, addressedboth government and individuals, engineering,construction companies, developers download the freeapplication..and take advantage of all its advantages: Request budget soquick and easy, quick access to all services and responseall your queries immediately. Chat in real time. will have aG3 advisor at your disposal to clear all your doubts as wellYou can attach documents and images in theconversationwheneveryou want. You will always be up to date. The information youcareabout most,news, industry articles and a calendar of events moreRelevant A very useful tool to help you in your everydaylife.Comfortable, simple and useful.
Vitalis centro médico estético 1.0
Vitalis vip institute centro médico estéticodesalud belleza y bienestar* Características- Tratamientos de estética, Wellness, Médico estéticos.- Notícias y promociones- Información detallada del centro- Módulo de contacto Geolocalizado- Fácil acceso a nuestras redes sociales- Tarjeta VIPVisítanos en http://vitalisestetica.es/Vitalis vipinstituteaesthetic medical center health and beauty* Features- Beauty treatments, Wellness, Medical aesthetic.- News and promotions- Detailed information center- Contact module geolocated- Easy access to our social networks- VIP CardVisit us on http://vitalisestetica.es/
Abbot 1.0
Aplicación de la academia de InglésAbbotIdiomas situada en Alcorcón. En ella podrás encontrarinformación,promociones, descuentos, novedades y acceder a todoslos canales decontactoApplicationAcademyLanguages ​​English Abbot located in Alcorcón. Here you canfindinformation, promotions, discounts, news and access allcontactchannels
Rogers 1.1
Aplicación de la empresa de prendasdeportivasRoger's que muestra el catálogo de los productos de laempresa. Laaplicación permite realizar ver el catálogo completo delasdiferentes categorías de productos y realizar pedidos. Laapptambién permite ponerse en contacto con la empresa.Application of thecompanyRoger's sportswear showing the catalog of products of thecompany.The application allows you to view the complete catalog ofthedifferent categories of products and place orders. The appalsoallows contact with the company.