Top 21 Games Similar to 吞食街機(經典復古街機再現)

無雙之刃(新資料片發佈) 0.7
靈魂和肉體,總要有個不無聊。【無雙之刃】逆天公測,從此,殺死無聊!全新爆屏體驗動作手遊,《無雙之刃》打造最真摯的三國街機,獨創“QTE”格鬥模式,並採用先進的骨骼動畫技術,詮釋超爽快打擊感!創新豐富的多技能連招等超多玩法,讓玩家隨時感受驚喜。【骨骼動畫技術】--引爆真實打擊感《無雙之刃》採用先進的骨骼動畫技術,無論是擊飛、擊退還是燃燒等物理特效,都具有非常真實的視覺衝擊力,加上炫麗光效即時渲染,您將切身體驗到招招見血、拳拳到肉的打擊質感!帶你重溫街機動作的激情回憶!【激戰梟雄】--不賣情懷,只靠實力當你也許我們也沉迷於三國,為精彩絕倫的戰役喝彩,對豪俠的英勇謀略感到敬佩,如果您也身在三國,結局會如何呢?機會來了,《無雙之刃》獨創梟雄玩法,帶你回味經典,挑戰各路梟雄!無論是您鍾愛的名將,還是厭惡的奸臣,都有機會一決高下。不賣情懷,只靠實力取勝!【奪旗守城】-- 守護城關,人在旗在《無雙之刃》獨特的奪旗玩法,真正詮釋了“團隊合作”的含義。您與您的戰友一起守護軍旗,並想辦法攻破對手城關的防禦,奪取敵軍的軍旗,贏下最後的勝利。偷塔、團戰、防守,一觸即發,前所未有的策略戰鬥配合,你和你的戰友,準備好了嗎?【名將招攬】--名將當小弟,戰場你最趴欣賞趙子龍七進七出的神勇?敬佩關雲長千里走單騎的義氣?愛慕貂蟬傾國傾城的美色?現在,《無雙之刃》的名將系統,讓你有機會把他們都招至麾下,為你而戰!用你的魅力,開創屬於你的三國歷史篇章!官方粉絲團:官方客服line ID:highgameSoulandbody, there must be a not boring. Blade Warriors [beta]Guards,since then, kill boring!The new explosion-screen experience action mobile games,"Warriorsof the Blade" to create the most sincere of the threearcade, theoriginal "QTE" combat mode, and the use of advancedskeletalanimation techniques, interpretation of super refreshingsense ofcombat! Innovation rich multi-skilled with strokes andother ultramore games are played, allowing the player to feelsurprise at anytime.[Skeletal animation technology] - detonated real fightagainstflu"Blade Warriors," the use of advanced skeletal animationtechnology,whether it is knock, repel or combustion and otherphysical effects,have a very real visual impact, coupled withdazzling light effectsinstantly rendering, you will see personalexperience mouths blood,Sincere to the meat of the fight againsttexture! Passion takes youto relive the memories of arcadeaction!Lawrence of [fighting] - do not sell feelings, relyonstrengthMaybe we indulge when you are in the Three Kingdoms, the battleoffantastic applause, to feel admiration for the heroiccavalierstrategy, if you are in the three countries, the outcomewill be?The opportunity comes, "Warriors Blade" original Lawrenceof playwith you memorable classic, Lawrence of challenges fromvariousquarters! Whether it's your favorite star, or a traitordisgust,have the opportunity to a showdown. Do not sell feelings,rely onstrength to win![Defenders] Capture the Flag - guardian of Chengguan, people intheflag in   "Blade Warriors" unique play capture the flag,thereal interpretation of "teamwork" means. You along withyourcomrades guard flag, and try to break the opponent'sdefenseChengguan, seize the enemy's flag, next to win the finalvictory.Steal the tower, team battles, defense, explosive,unprecedentedstrategy to fight with you and your comrades, are youready?[Name] attract - famous as the younger, battle your most lie   Enjoy seven into seven brave hero? RidingAlonefor Thousands of Miles Kuan admire loyalty? Empress DowagerbeautyDiao Chan love? Now, the "Blade Warriors," the star system,so youhave a chance would they have to hire, to fight for you! Useyourcharm, and create your own chapter in the history of theThreeKingdoms!Official fan group: https: // customer service line ID: highgame
魔神呂布-覺醒亂舞 3.2
2015年度最佳三國系列手游強勢歸來!爽快戰鬥、運籌帷幄、決戰千里、談笑之間三國名將、巾幗英雄、璀璨寶物、盡入麾下特色系統介紹:★三國爭霸:玩家將會依等級被隨機分至兩個對立陣營中。對敵方陣營的玩家造成傷害或者擊殺都將獲得積分;戰鬥結束後,將依戰功獲得大量金幣和聲望值獎勵!★決鬥神殿:虎牢關中飛將軍呂奉先一夫當關,天下英雄無不嚮往與其一戰─重現當年的豪情壯志,就在決鬥神殿!★符石刻印:符石之力,只為英雄所用。將符石刻印於裝備上,將加成裝備的基礎屬性及寶石附加屬性。★魔王副本:黃巾黨挾鬼神之力席捲中原,為神州大陸掀起腥風血雨,而今仍有魔王蠢蠢欲動,志在危亂人間。玩家到達一定等級後,即可挑戰各式魔王,每天都能挑戰一次。★競技場:英雄榜中,誰能獨占鰲頭?玩家到達一定等級後即可開啟競技場功能,可選擇玩家進行挑戰,無論輸贏皆有金幣與聲望的獎勵。★珍寶閣:昔日孫伯符獻玉璽換為廬江一方之霸,後有曹孟德以赤兔馬饗關雲長。在珍寶閣中玩家收集指定珍寶,將獲得大量屬性提升。●翅膀升階:玩家消耗天晶和金錢即可升階翅膀,獲得更強大更華麗的神翼!●翅膀淬煉:玩家消耗一定靈羽和金錢即可淬煉翅膀,獲得更強大的屬性!●武將招募:根據玩家當前聲望值可解鎖不同等級的武將!●武將裝備:任何職業的武將都可穿著6件裝備,且可對裝備進行強化升級和寶石鑲嵌!●武魂覺醒:玩家可以為出戰武將覺醒適合的武魂,以增強武將戰鬥力!粉絲專頁:官方網站:※依遊戲軟體分級管理辦法, 此軟體為輔導12歲級:12歲以上之人始得使用。※本遊戲為免費使用,遊戲內另提供購買虛擬遊戲幣、物品等付費服務。※遊戲情節涉及性情節、暴力,請注意使用時間,避免沉迷遊戲。
戦·破風 1.0
你想像中的動作遊戲,是什麼樣子?畫面華麗,操作爽快?讓你熟練搓招,靈活閃避,在眾人豔羨的目光中KO•BOSS?《戦•破風》就是滿足您想像的全新動作遊戲。用您的指尖,感受動作遊戲的真實快感吧。-----------------【遊戲特色】-----------------►原味三國街機體驗《戦•破風》採用先進的骨骼動畫技術,戰鬥畫面完美升級,並融入街機遊戲的浮空、追擊、連斬等元素,節奏緊湊打擊感爆棚,帶你重溫街機動作的激情回憶!►百位名將為你作戰欣賞趙子龍七進七出的神勇?敬佩關雲長千里走單騎的義氣?愛慕貂蟬傾國傾城的美色?《戦•破風》的名將系統,讓你有機會把他們都招至麾下,為你而戰!用你的魅力,開創屬於你的三國篇章!►你不是一個人戰鬥打破單一推圖玩法,獨創奪旗戰、群英破敵等團隊戰鬥,沙場點兵、推塔殺敵,並肩作戰才好玩!►神兵技能霸氣無雙每一件神兵都擁有獨特的無雙技,打破角色技能的限制,高傷害破壞無上限!誰能掌控更多的神兵,誰就能控制亂世的局勢!唯有強者戰到最後!粉絲專區:回報信箱:[email protected]客服Line ID:highgame
無雙之刃(新資料片發佈) 1.1
靈魂和肉體,總要有個不無聊。【無雙之刃】逆天公測,從此,殺死無聊!全新爆屏體驗動作手遊,《無雙之刃》打造最真摯的三國街機,獨創“QTE”格鬥模式,並採用先進的骨骼動畫技術,詮釋超爽快打擊感!創新豐富的多技能連招等超多玩法,讓玩家隨時感受驚喜。【骨骼動畫技術】--引爆真實打擊感《無雙之刃》採用先進的骨骼動畫技術,無論是擊飛、擊退還是燃燒等物理特效,都具有非常真實的視覺衝擊力,加上炫麗光效即時渲染,您將切身體驗到招招見血、拳拳到肉的打擊質感!帶你重溫街機動作的激情回憶!【激戰梟雄】--不賣情懷,只靠實力當你也許我們也沉迷於三國,為精彩絕倫的戰役喝彩,對豪俠的英勇謀略感到敬佩,如果您也身在三國,結局會如何呢?機會來了,《無雙之刃》獨創梟雄玩法,帶你回味經典,挑戰各路梟雄!無論是您鍾愛的名將,還是厭惡的奸臣,都有機會一決高下。不賣情懷,只靠實力取勝!【奪旗守城】-- 守護城關,人在旗在《無雙之刃》獨特的奪旗玩法,真正詮釋了“團隊合作”的含義。您與您的戰友一起守護軍旗,並想辦法攻破對手城關的防禦,奪取敵軍的軍旗,贏下最後的勝利。偷塔、團戰、防守,一觸即發,前所未有的策略戰鬥配合,你和你的戰友,準備好了嗎?【名將招攬】--名將當小弟,戰場你最趴欣賞趙子龍七進七出的神勇?敬佩關雲長千里走單騎的義氣?愛慕貂蟬傾國傾城的美色?現在,《無雙之刃》的名將系統,讓你有機會把他們都招至麾下,為你而戰!用你的魅力,開創屬於你的三國歷史篇章!官方粉絲團:官方客服line ID:highgameSoulandbody, there must be a not boring. Blade Warriors [beta]Guards,since then, kill boring!The new explosion-screen action hand travel experience, "Warriorsofthe Blade" to create the most sincere of the three arcade,theoriginal "QTE" combat mode, and the use of advancedskeletalanimation techniques, interpretation of super refreshingsense ofcombat! Innovation rich multi-skills with strokes and otherultramore games are played, allowing the player to feel surprise atanytime.[Skeletal animation technology] - detonated real fightagainstflu"Blade Warriors" advanced skeletal animation technology, whetheritis knock, repel or burning and other physical effects, haveveryreal visual impact, coupled with dazzling light effectsinstantlyrendering, you will see personal experience mouths blood,Sincereto the meat of the fight against texture! Passion takes youtorelive the memories of arcade action!Lawrence of [fighting] - do not sell feelings, relyonstrengthMaybe we indulge when you are in the Three Kingdoms, the battleoffantastic applause, to feel admiration for the heroiccavalierstrategy, if you are in the three countries, the outcomewill be?The opportunity comes, "Warriors Blade" original Lawrenceof playwith you memorable classic, Lawrence of challenge thebrightest!Whether it's your favorite star, or a traitor disgust,have theopportunity to a showdown. Do not sell feelings, rely onstrengthto win![Defenders] Capture the Flag - guardian of Chengguan, people intheflag in   "Blade Warriors" unique play capture the flag,thereal interpretation of "teamwork" means. You along withyourcomrades guard flag, and try to break the opponent'sdefenseChengguan, seize the enemy's flag, next to win the finalvictory.Steal the tower, team battles, defense, explosive,unprecedentedstrategy to fight with, you and your comrades in arms,ready?[Name] attract - famous as the younger, battle your most lie   Enjoy seven into seven brave hero? RidingAlonefor Thousands of Miles Kuan admire loyalty? Empress DowagerbeautyDiao Chan love? Now, the "Blade Warriors," the star system,so youhave a chance would they have to hire, to fight for you! Useyourcharm, and create your own chapter in the history of theThreeKingdoms!Official fan group: https: // customer service line ID: highgame
狂斬三國-單機版 1.0.2
★「狂斬三國」萬千寵愛的 Android 單機版!2014年8月隆重上架。★「狂斬三國」三國題材不稀奇,稀奇的是動作、策略、操作同時體驗。★「狂斬三國」ios Appstore排行總榜 Top 1 單機遊戲。★「狂斬三國」Google play商店 台灣動作榜 Top 3單機遊戲!你值得入手!★ 不定期玩家活動請關注FB粉絲圈facebook專頁:遊戲系統✔ 一點寒芒先到,隨後槍出如龍三國名將——趙子龍!✔ 古風猶存,沉穩、小萌、有意思的將領風格,✔ 獨創劃屏狂斬玩法,斬攻擊敵方軍馬將領頭顱,✔ 手握將領兵權、多種軍隊、兵種,可帶領,可攻城!✔ 華麗技能特效,至炫擊打、多種五虎上將獨有の技能爆發!-------------------------------遊戲特色★大將技能——順勢一擊,雷霆踐踏,絕殺沖陣,劃屏狂斬展現華麗真實奧義。★升級進化——強化稀有武器,進化兵種軍隊,讓你所向無敵,享受奪下每一座敵城的榮譽感。★領兵系統——金槍兵,強弓兵,巨盾兵,虎錘兵,法師陣,術士群,衝鋒陷陣,由你統領指揮!★單機特色——網遊般的眾多內容、大Bossの副本,在單機遊戲中,您可以全部體驗!-------------------------------遊戲關卡《黃巾之亂》、《虎牢關之役》、《赤壁之戰》、《荊州爭奪戰》、《南蠻入侵》等二十多關卡,千萬城池!「三國演義」中的經典劇情都將躍然紙上。白袍將軍趙雲(字子龍)七進七出長阪坡,至今談來依然盪氣迴腸……你最值得擁有的單機遊戲!-------------------------------youtube遊戲視頻:還不能打動您的下載?玩給你看!看完視頻你就明白!狂斬三國單機版,值得你入手珍藏!
Devil Ninja Fight 1.2
liu bin
Devil Ninja Fighter is a Fast paced and super addictiveninjagame.In this face paced fighting game,your goal is to killenemiessuch as The Revenan,Monster on the devil's land. And therearevarious props toincrease your combat effectiveness. Have fun!Features:3D fantasy world with fast-paced melee action gameplay:Experiencean amazing variety of heavy and light attacks,devastating specialmoves and powerful combos to take out the hoardsof demonicenemies.Magical array of swords, axes, armors and power-ups: To be atrulygreat warrior you need truly great weapons. Build yourinventorywith some of the biggest and most insanely powerfulweaponsimaginable!STORY:New battle on the devil's land,It's time for the ninja toaction,Inthis fast paced ninja game,Your task is to fight againstthemonsters,kill the king of monsters, Collecting more energy ballanditems to get powerful weapons. Have fun!
Super Tank Battle - myCityArmy 25.00
Modern mobile Tank Battle, upgraded version of Tank battlegamesince 90s
PPSSPP Gold - PSP emulator 1.16.6
Play PSP games on your Android device, at high definition withextrafeatures!
拳皇98終極之戰OL(98格鬥天王)SNK官方正版授權 2.1.2
The fighting game "The King of Fighters" debuts on the mobilephonewith a new attitude! Log in now and immediately get thesuperpopular fighter LR Ultimate Lucar for free!
Heroes and Castles
Foursaken Media
The Undead Horde and their Orc andGoblinallies are at your castle gates, the King is on the brink ofdeath,and only you stand between the enemy and completeannihilation!Choose one of many powerful heroes, summon an army tofight besideyou, and defend your castle in Heroes & Castles, aseamlessblend of 3rd person Action-RPG, Strategy, and CastleDefenseelements!-----FEATURES-----CASTLE DEFENSE, STRATEGY, AND ACTION-RPG GAMEPLAY!Take to the battlefield in an immersive 3rd personperspective,summon entire armies to fight beside you, and defendyour castle tothe death! Fight in the middle of a huge battle thatyoucontrol!UNIQUE, POWERFUL HEROES!Level up, learn new skills and abilities, find randomized Runesandloot, and destroy your enemies with one of manyuniqueheroes!SUMMON HUGE ARMIES TO FIGHT BESIDE YOU!Summon Dwarves, Archers, Pikemen, Giants, Catapults, Mages andmuchmore to aid you in your defense! Watch them battle the enemyrightbeside you!BUILD AND UPGRADE YOUR CASTLE!Build Towers, upgrade your castle walls, and build buildingstoupgrade your units!2 PLAYER COOPERATIVE MULTIPLAYER!Team up with a random ally or one of your friends and compete ontheGoogle Play leader boards!COMPETITIVE VERSUS MULTIPLAYER!Battle players all over the world in competitive head to head,Goodvs Evil matches! Climb the Google Play leaderboards witheachwin!TONS OF ENEMIES TO BATTLE!Fight against dozens of enemies on screen at once, from hordesofthe Undead, to Orcs, Goblins, Ghouls, Siege Wagons,Trolls,Catapults, Mummies, and more!CLOUD SAVE!Sync between all your Android devices using cloud save!----------Follow us on Twitter @FoursakenMedia or like us on Facebook formoreHeroes & Castles news!
Injustice: Gods Among Us 3.5
Build an epic roster of DC heroes and villains and get readyforbattle!
Đại Chiến Tam Quốc 1.2.7
Đại Chiến Tam Quốc (Clash of Kingdoms hayCOCTam Quốc) là game chiến thuật thả quân số 1 Châu Á:- Hơn 15 triệu người đang chơi tại 11 quốc gia- Game được ưa chuộng nhất tại Hàn Quốc, Nhật Bản, Trung Quốc,ĐàiLoan, Singapore, Hongkong,…- Liên thông máy chủ giữa các quốc gia để thi đấu toàn cầu, ngônngữriêng cho từng quốc gia.- Là COC phiên bản Tam Quốc với nhiều tính năng ưu việt hơn,nộidung Tam Quốc gần gũi với người Châu Á.- Hỗ trợ chơi hoàn toàn miễn phíĐại Chiến Tam Quốc (Clash of Kingdoms) là game chiến thuậtthảquân thời gian thực lấy bổi cảnh thời Tam Quốc. Mỗi người chơisẽxây dựng thành trì của mình ngày một lớn mạnh để chống lạiquânđịch, tham gia cuộc chiến với hàng triệu người chơi trên khắpthếgiới. Thông qua việc chiêu mộ danh tướng, xây dựng binh lực,thăngquan tiến chức và gia nhập các quân đoàn hùng mạnh để gia tăngsứcmạnh. Thỏa sức thể hiện tài dụng binh và cầm quân đánh trậnchânthực chưa từng có.Tính năng đặc sắc:- Xây dựng 36 công trình quân sự độc đáo với nhiều cấp độ- Xây dựng thành trì của bạn thành một pháo đài bất khả chiếnbạivới Tường thành, Tiễn xa, Long pháo, Xe ném đá, Thần nỏ GiaCát,Huyền hỏa tháp, Kế đạo nhân,…- Nâng cao sức mạnh quân đội của riêng bạn với Thao trường,Binhdoanh, Tướng kỳ, Điểm tướng đài, Quân đoàn, Cấm vệ doanh, Lưulytháp,..- Hơn 180 danh tướng nổi tiếng thời Tam Quốc cùng các bộ kỹ năngvôcùng đẹp mắt- 120 thành trì nổi tiếng trong bản đồ Nhất Thống Thiên Hạ rộnglớn,tam quốc phân tranh.- 16 loại binh chủng đặc sắc cùng hệ thống khắc chế mang đậmtínhchiến thuật- Chiến đấu với hàng chục triệu game thủ trên toàn thế giới vàchiếmchiến lợi phẩm của họ- Hệ thống đấu trường, tranh đoạt gay cấn cùng phần thưởng hấpdẫnhàng ngày- Kết hợp các loại quân đội cùng các danh tướng để có chiếnthuậtriêng đầy biến hóa- Quân đoàn chiến hoành tráng cùng chiến trường rộng lớn- Hệ thống voice chat kết nối toàn thế giớiHãy tham gia ngay hôm nay để chiến thắng cùng quân đoàn vàmangvinh quang về cho Tổ quốc !!!Thông tin chi tiết tại website: http://daichien.vnCộng đồng người chơi:ỗ trợ người chơi: [email protected]: 19001530Wars of the ThreeKingdoms(Clash of Kingdoms or Three Kingdoms COC) is releasedmilitarystrategy game of 1 Asia:- More than 15 million people playing in 11 countries- The game is most popular in South Korea, Japan, China,Taiwan,Singapore, Hong Kong, ...- Transferability between countries host to globalcompetition,languages ​​for each country.- The Three Kingdoms COC version with many more premiumfeaturesVietnamese, Three Kingdoms content closer to Asians.- Support play freeWars of the Three Kingdoms (Clash of Kingdoms) wasreleasedmilitary strategy game in real time set in the ThreeKingdomsperiod. Each player will build his stronghold on a bigstrong toresist the enemy, join the fight with millions ofplayersworldwide. Through the generals to recruit, build troops,promotionand joined the mighty legions to increase strength.Unleash yourtalent and coaches use infantry battle unprecedentedrealism.Special features:- Build 36 unique military structure with multiple levels- Build your castle into an invincible fortress for Walls, far,Longguns, cars stoned, Zhuge itself, illusory towers, Plan'sdirector,...- Enhance the power of your own army with the operation,businessdeals, Chess, The Monument, Army, forbidden joint defense,Saveglass tower, ..- More than 180 famous generals Three Kingdoms Period and theskillsets extremely beautiful- 120 famous fortresses in Nhat Thong Thien Ha map vast,threenational divisions.- 16 kinds of unique army system with allelopathicboldtactics- Fight with tens of millions of gamers around the world andaccountfor their booty- Systems arena, dramatic dispute with attractive prizesdaily- Combine all kinds of famous generals and military tactics totakefull personal transformation- Legion War epic and vast battlefield- Voice chat system connected worldPlease join me today to win the same corps and bring glory tothenation !!!Details at website: http://daichien.vnCommunity players: players: [email protected]: 19001530
League of Stickman Free- Shado 6.1.6
Cool stickman shadow fighter,Smash up all monsters!Combo!Ultimateaction game!
LEGO® Ninjago Tournament- free ninja game for kids
You’ve been invited to enter MasterChen’sTournament of Elements.Utilize your Ninja Training to unlock your True Potential,anddefeat the other Elemental Masters!Face-off against the all new Elemental Masters, each with theirownunique abilities.Battle in Chen’s Arena against well known enemies from theNinjago:Masters of Spinjtsu TV Series.Level up your characters; the more you use them, the strongertheybecome!Unlock your favorite characters, including Sensei Garmadon,Snikeand Mindroid!Unleash the Power of Spinjitsu to blast your way through wavesofopponents!Face a mysterious new foe…For app support contact LEGO Consumer Service.For contact details refer to privacy policy and terms of use for apps are accepted ifyoudownload this app.Read more on and the LEGO logo are trademarks of the LEGO Group. ©2015TheLEGO Group.
Sea Battle 1.3.2
It’s high time to find out, who is the best at Sea Battle!
Sea Battle 2 3.3.0
Fight against players from all over the world in a sea battle!
RetroArch 1.9.12 (2021-11-03)
Retro games and emulators on your device!
Final Crazy Ninja Fighting 1.0
Fight ninja is famous for slashing enemywithsuper fast agility in combats with his blade and shuriken.Insuchfeudal times use your ninjutsu skills and master the artofstealth.Final Crazy Ninja Fighting attack hitman like shinobininjawith his shuriken and katana sword. You are trained in modernhandto hand assassin combat and guerrilla warfare techniques alongwithmartial arts.★ Equip your Ninja Warrior Assassin with Swords, Axes, HammerslikeNever Before★ Multiple Missions with an Intriguing and AddictiveStoryLine★Countless Sword Fighting Techniques and Combos★ Super HD graphics in this City samurai warrior rescue game.★ Fight against lethal weapons including katana, shuriken,swords,arrow, bullets★ Powerful BOSSES to beat★ Fast and Brutal Ninja Actions!★ Samurai warrior uses special Abilities to kill ninja Assassinonone shot★ Character Customization like Never Before
Tank Battle - 1990 1.12
Fish Mobile
Classic 90 tank Battle. Pro game for you!