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無雙之刃(新資料片發佈) 1.1
靈魂和肉體,總要有個不無聊。【無雙之刃】逆天公測,從此,殺死無聊!全新爆屏體驗動作手遊,《無雙之刃》打造最真摯的三國街機,獨創“QTE”格鬥模式,並採用先進的骨骼動畫技術,詮釋超爽快打擊感!創新豐富的多技能連招等超多玩法,讓玩家隨時感受驚喜。【骨骼動畫技術】--引爆真實打擊感《無雙之刃》採用先進的骨骼動畫技術,無論是擊飛、擊退還是燃燒等物理特效,都具有非常真實的視覺衝擊力,加上炫麗光效即時渲染,您將切身體驗到招招見血、拳拳到肉的打擊質感!帶你重溫街機動作的激情回憶!【激戰梟雄】--不賣情懷,只靠實力當你也許我們也沉迷於三國,為精彩絕倫的戰役喝彩,對豪俠的英勇謀略感到敬佩,如果您也身在三國,結局會如何呢?機會來了,《無雙之刃》獨創梟雄玩法,帶你回味經典,挑戰各路梟雄!無論是您鍾愛的名將,還是厭惡的奸臣,都有機會一決高下。不賣情懷,只靠實力取勝!【奪旗守城】-- 守護城關,人在旗在《無雙之刃》獨特的奪旗玩法,真正詮釋了“團隊合作”的含義。您與您的戰友一起守護軍旗,並想辦法攻破對手城關的防禦,奪取敵軍的軍旗,贏下最後的勝利。偷塔、團戰、防守,一觸即發,前所未有的策略戰鬥配合,你和你的戰友,準備好了嗎?【名將招攬】--名將當小弟,戰場你最趴欣賞趙子龍七進七出的神勇?敬佩關雲長千里走單騎的義氣?愛慕貂蟬傾國傾城的美色?現在,《無雙之刃》的名將系統,讓你有機會把他們都招至麾下,為你而戰!用你的魅力,開創屬於你的三國歷史篇章!官方粉絲團:https://www.facebook.com/wszr.tw官方客服line ID:highgameSoul andbody, there must be a not boring. Blade Warriors [beta] Guards,since then, kill boring!The new explosion-screen action hand travel experience, "Warriorsof the Blade" to create the most sincere of the three arcade, theoriginal "QTE" combat mode, and the use of advanced skeletalanimation techniques, interpretation of super refreshing sense ofcombat! Innovation rich multi-skills with strokes and other ultramore games are played, allowing the player to feel surprise at anytime.[Skeletal animation technology] - detonated real fight againstflu"Blade Warriors" advanced skeletal animation technology, whether itis knock, repel or burning and other physical effects, have veryreal visual impact, coupled with dazzling light effects instantlyrendering, you will see personal experience mouths blood, Sincereto the meat of the fight against texture! Passion takes you torelive the memories of arcade action!Lawrence of [fighting] - do not sell feelings, rely onstrengthMaybe we indulge when you are in the Three Kingdoms, the battle offantastic applause, to feel admiration for the heroic cavalierstrategy, if you are in the three countries, the outcome will be?The opportunity comes, "Warriors Blade" original Lawrence of playwith you memorable classic, Lawrence of challenge the brightest!Whether it's your favorite star, or a traitor disgust, have theopportunity to a showdown. Do not sell feelings, rely on strengthto win![Defenders] Capture the Flag - guardian of Chengguan, people in theflag in   "Blade Warriors" unique play capture the flag,the real interpretation of "teamwork" means. You along with yourcomrades guard flag, and try to break the opponent's defenseChengguan, seize the enemy's flag, next to win the final victory.Steal the tower, team battles, defense, explosive, unprecedentedstrategy to fight with, you and your comrades in arms, ready?[Name] attract - famous as the younger, battle your most lie   Enjoy seven into seven brave hero? Riding Alonefor Thousands of Miles Kuan admire loyalty? Empress Dowager beautyDiao Chan love? Now, the "Blade Warriors," the star system, so youhave a chance would they have to hire, to fight for you! Use yourcharm, and create your own chapter in the history of the ThreeKingdoms!Official fan group: https: //www.facebook.com/wszr.twOfficial customer service line ID: highgame
奇蹟掛機-掛出個奇蹟 0.1
2015年最新最休閒的新派放置RPG手遊,《奇蹟掛機》全球火熱公測啦!自動打怪,離綫收益,不用動手,神器就能輕鬆收!這意味著你再也不用熬夜刷副本,或者上班、上課偷偷玩手機,只需花費極少的時間進行換裝等操作,就可以快速提升實力!更有海量福利相贈哦!更有超強好康,等你來拿!!官方粉絲團:https://www.facebook.com/qjgj.tw【遊戲特色統】★離綫掛機,解放雙手★離線掛機是本遊戲的最大特色之一。玩家在退出遊戲後,角色仍然會自動打怪,正常地獲得裝備和經驗哦。當玩家再次登錄遊戲後會獲得這段時間內的所有收益。就是如此輕鬆如此神奇!★裝備熔煉,神器鑄成★遊戲不需要的裝備可以用於熔煉。熔煉會熔鑄玩家投入的裝備,並且有很大幾率產生更高品質的裝備,甚至是神器!!即使沒有鑄成更好的裝備,也可以獲得熔煉值,熔煉值可用於打造高級裝備,包括神器!資源不浪費!★幫派競技,激情無限★每週二至週五開啟幫派爭霸戰,幫員可選擇加入前鋒、中堅或後防部隊,並獲得不同的屬性加成。團戰採取車輪戰模式,誰站到最後就能獲得最終勝利!進入8強的幫會均可以獲得大量獎勵!所以,一起在幫派頻道中交流經驗,一起在幫派戰中守衛榮耀吧!★戰魂閃耀,更多精彩★戰魂可以幫助玩家在副本作戰,並擁有自己的等級、職業、技能和裝備。在打怪升級、挑戰boss中,戰魂會和你並肩作戰!更有群魔亂鬥、暗黑入侵等全服並肩作戰的大場面!放置掛機,輕鬆收穫,2015最新奇蹟RPG,等你來戰!官方粉絲團:https://www.facebook.com/qjgj.tw官方客服line ID:highgame