Top 18 Apps Similar to Tinnitus Treatment

StopTinnitus 1.0.5
Tinnitus relief with noise cancellation
Relax Noise 3 - Tinnitus Mask 1.6
Relax Noise 3 masks nerving ambient noise and also yourtinnituswithwhite, pink or red background noise. All three noisesignalsarerandom signals but with different acoustic colours: -Whitenoise hasa flat power spectral density and corresponds tothebackground noiseof electronic amplifiers (thermal orresistorrandom noise). - Pinknoise has a power spectral densitywhich isinversely proportional tothe frequency (1/f). Pink noiseoccurs inelectronic devices (flickerradom noise) and also asambient noisein the nature. It sounds likeleaves rustling orrushing water. -Red or brown noise has like pinknoise a decreasingpower spectraldensity but it is louder at lowerfrequencies (1/f²).In nature itsound similar to waterfalls, heavyrainfalls or to thesounds ofthe sea. Just choose the ambient noisewhich you likemost. Adjustthe sound volume rather low so you canstill hear theenvironmentalnoise. Never use it in road transport orwhile drivinga car!!! Youcan also program the timer to turn offRelax Noise 3automaticallyafter an adjustable period of time.Setting the timerto "00:00"means that the timer is disabled and therandom noisegeneratorruns endless. Relax Noise 3 respects yourprivacy: Ourrandom noisegenerator does not require any internetaccess and isfree ofadvertising banners! Features: - 3 random noisesounds:whitenoise, pink noise - programmable timer (1min–24hours)to turnthenoise generator off - adjustable random noise volume-dimmablebackground
Tinnitus Therapy Lite
Sound Oasis
A variety of scientifically developed sounds for relief ofTinnitussymptoms.
Tinnitus Sleeping Aid 1.5
Mordy Geist
Here is how it works:You select a frequency that is the best match for yourtinnitussound.You set the Max Volume to a comfortable level.You set your desired duration and click Start to begin.The sound will begin at the selected volume and graduallydiminishduring the set duration.You should allow sufficient time to fall asleep.Alternatively you can select a white noise, it may be moresuitablefor you.The default setup worked for me, You should experiment and findyourown duration and comfort levels.
Starkey Relax 1.3
Starkey Relax can help you find relief from your tinnitus.
Tinnitus Relief 1.3.2
Guided exercises, facts and information about tinnitus byHelenaLöwen-Åberg
Tinnitus Therapy Tunes 4.1.9
Doc Martin
Current medical research identifiedregularlistening to tailor-made notched music as a novel andpromisingtherapy for tinnitus patients.In this enjoyable and low-cost approach, patients listen totheirfavorite music, from which a certain frequency band -centeredaround the tinnitus frequency - has been removed. Clinicalstudiesshow that listening to this so-called notched music for atleast onehour per day during a period of six month cansignificantly reducethe perceived tinnitus loudness.This app allows everybody suffering from tinnitus to createtheirown notched music.It takes an arbitrary piece of musicin.mp3-format as input, applies a user-defined notch filter toremovea small frequency band around the tinnitus frequency, andstoresthe resulting notched music in a different .mp3-file. Thisapp alsoprovides tools that help patients to determine theirindividualtinnitus pitch and to design tailor-made notch filtersthat bestfit their needs. In addition, this app visualizes theenergyspectrum of the notched music such that patients can easilycheckif applying the notch filter produced the desired result.For further scientific evidence please refer to
Tinnitus Therapy Pro
Sound Oasis
Tinnitus Therapy Pro helps you to sleep better, feel better,andlive better.
White Noise Pro - ASMR 5.3.6
☞ Convenient and elegant UI ☞ Various sound mix ☞ Screenoffplayback
Tinnitracks Tinnitus Therapie 2.0.8
Sonormed GmbH
The tinnitus app. Recommended by the ENT specialist. Reimbursedbyyour health insurance.
Tinnitus Hyperacusis Pro 2.3
Low frequency generator in some case helps suppressingtinnitusacusis disease
Advanced Vibrational Healing 1.0
Bio Q
Three simple steps using Advanced Vibrational Healing to treatthefollowing Illnesses, Protection and Clearings:Alcoholism & Drug AddictionAsthmaBack InjuryBronchial and Lung InfectionChronic GoutEnhancing the Immune and Defense SystemHeadachesMigraine HeadachesMinor InfectionsOrgan RegenerationBlood PurificationRoom/House Clearing from Bad EnergyShield of Life (Protection from Bad Energy and Illness)Strengthening and StimulatingSuicidal TendenciesToothacheWeight loss and ObesityAll FreeWe set out on this path to put a commercial applicationtogetherthat we would charge peopleto use so that we could further our works helping others.However; all people should be well and protected fromthetroubles of this world. This is our offering to youour fellow human beings.Advanced Vibrational Healing comes in the form of PranicHealing.We were able to capture the energy frequency onto a soundtrack andplace them onto a music bed, and here they are. To seeliving proofof what transpired in the studio the day these trackswere made goto: Healing Big Pranic healing is a no-touch modalitywhereall types of illnesses can be treated. It is a highlydeveloped andtested system of energy-based healing techniques,using “prana" –the vital energy life-force to balance, harmoniseand transformyour body's energy processes. The Chinese refer tothis subtleenergy as "Chi" in acupuncture. It is also called "Ruha"in Hebrewor the "Breath of Life" in the Old Testament.Pranic Healing AuraPranic healing influences your naturallifeforce to bring about a healthier physical body and is appliedonyour bio-electromagnetic field known as the aura, whichcontainsthe mold and blueprint of your physical body. Yourbio-plasmic bodyabsorbs life energy and distributes it to yourorgans and glands.Diseases first appear as energetic disruptions inyour energy fieldbefore manifesting as ailments in your physicalbody.Master Dangel’s techniques include locating your blockages,tocleanse, energise and revitalise the area with new prana sothatyour body can heal itself naturally.Pranic Healing is a no-touch modality where all typesofillnesses can be treated using ‘chi’ or pranic energy.Master George Dangel, Australian based healer to the stars,regardedby many as a ‘MIRACLE HEALER’ is the first CaucasianMaster PranicHealer to reach the position of number one in theworld in hisprofession, and is also the first ever AustralianMaster of PranicHealing.In 1985, he met and trained under GrandMaster Choa Kok Sui,theGrandMaster of Pranic Healing who brought this modality totheworld, and Master Dangel’s vast experience, spanning more than30years, has made him one of the world’s foremost authoritiesinpranic healing technology, becoming Assistant totheGrandMaster.Master Dangel said: “I’ve had incredible results with peoplewithsevere, debilitating conditions, including quadriplegia,maculardegeneration, blindness, deafness, strokes, motor neuronedisease,paralysis etc.”Patients flock from all over Australia and the world toseeMaster Dangel at his Brisbane-based clinic.His thirty years of study has taken him to China,India,Philippines, Hawaii, USA and Tahiti.To see more of Dr. Dangel's great works through testimonialsgoto: information on this application describes the productsandservices Bio Q offers. The information is not offered asmedicaladvice and should not be considered medical advice.Nothingcontained on this application is intended to be used formedicaldiagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of aphysician orother qualified medical professional regarding anymedicalcondition or treatment. If you have any questionsproceduresinvolving the Bio Q systems, contact a qualifiedphysician. Or,contact us on our website
Relaxation Music & Sounds 3.0.5
Sleep faster and find calm with sounds, music, nature &binauralbeats
Cure Your Tinnitus 1.01
Lot of people with tinnitus lack theknowledgeand tools to treat it. Millions of people worldwide areaffected byit and looking for solutions. This app in dedicated togiving youinformation no else has before.In this app you’ll learn:- What causes tinnitus- The secrets of treating it- Common symptoms- Alternative remedies- How to rid yourself of tinnitus foreverDownload this all inclusive guide today for free!
StopTinnitus Pro 1.0
Raise Awareness LLC
StopTinnitus is designed toevaluateyourtinnitus and cancel the noise generated byTinnitus.Use StopTinnitus to find the sounds that provide themosttinnitusrelief for you. Once you find cancellation sound, youcansave themto provide immediate access to tinnitus relief.Based on sound therapy , StopTinnitus provides a flexible andeasytouse interface for tone cancellation.It works as follows -Step 1 : Find Frequency -Narrow down on your tinnitus tone/frequency. The wizard runsintwosteps2.1) Find approximate frequency.2.2) Fine tune in a 1KHz band.Step 2 : Tone cancellation -This step helps to further fine tune the frequency and alsofindthephase shift parameter for cancellation.Step 3 : Save Tone -Save cancelled tone by adding a name and an optional noteforeasieridentification.Step 4: On saved tone page, confirm phase reversal withTFAmodeoverlying Frequency with selected tone and manuallyshiftingphaseof control tone.Step 5: Use audio device, i.e. earbuds, blue toothaudiodevices,headsets, speakers etc. to to deliver TinnitusNoisecancellingrelief.(because of the complexity and variations of Tinnitus,maynotwork for all users)
White Noise
Recommended as a miracle for better sleep!Findout why the world is sleeping better with White Noise.Featuresambient sounds of the environment to help you relax duringthe dayand sleep great at night.Do you have trouble going to sleep? Are you traveling on a planeandneed a quick power nap? Does your newborn baby wake up in themiddleof the night? There are numerous benefits to usingWhiteNoise:• Helps you sleep by blocking distractions• Relaxes and reduces stress• Pacifies fussy and crying babies• Increases focus while enhancing privacy• Soothes headaches and migraines• Masks tinnitus (ringing of the ears)Even when you’re asleep, your brain is constantly scanningandlistening for sounds. If it’s too quiet, unwanted noises suchasfaucet drips or police sirens can interrupt your sleep. WhiteNoisegenerates sounds over a wide range of frequencies, maskingthosenoise interruptions, so you can not only fall asleep, butstayasleep.SOUND CATALOG40 sounds are included as part of the application (nodownloadingrequired unless you want more) including all the colornoises(brown, white, pink, etc), mechanical sounds like a bedroomfan orair conditioner, light to heavy rains, rushing water sounds,beachand ocean waves, and so much more. For the entire list ofsoundsplease visit our website. No streaming is requiredforplayback.APPLICATION FEATURES• 40+ perfectly looped sounds with additional free sounds fromtheWhite Noise Market at• Record and loop new sounds with total ease• Background audio support so you can use other appswhilelistening• Create new soundscapes by mixing multiple noises togetherwithsupport for adjusting volume, balance, and pitch of eachindividualsound in the mix.• Full screen digital clock with multiple colors andbrightnesscontrols makes it the perfect companion for anynightstand• Advanced alarm and timer system that slowly fades audio in andoutso you awake naturally feeling more refreshed• On-screen media player and volume controls with swipegesturesupport for navigating sound collection• Star favorite sounds and mixes in the sound catalog forquickaccess using the Favorite view• Designed to work on all Android-based phones and tablets• Advanced Settings let you prevent interruptions suchasnotifications, tweak buffer size for optimal playback, adjustsoundvolume, balance, pitch, custom alarm snooze times, and more.Allthe pro tools and settings you need for better sleep.• No AdvertisingPRESS REVIEWSTODAY SHOW:"Savannah's Secret to a better night's sleep."DR. OZ SHOW: 13 Miracles of 2013"Revolutionary Sound App!”AMAZING ANDROID APPS - Book by Daniel A. Begun"White Noise can instantly transform a chaotic environment intoacalm oasis."THE WASHINGTON POST: Smartphone Puts Newborn to Sleep"For the next four months, the infant slept with his father'sphonein his crib and White Noise tuned to 'air conditioner."HEALTH MAGAZINE: "Help you turn off your brain, fall asleepfaster,and get the rest you desperately need"PERMISSIONS EXPLAINED:WAKE_LOCK / DISABLE_KEYGUARD: Alarms unlock and wakethedeviceWRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE: Downloaded and exported sounds arewrittento external storageRECORD_AUDIO / MICROPHONE: Create and loop new recordingsCAMERA: Assign photo to your recordings. Camera is not usedforanything else.LOCATION / READ_GSERVICES: Geo Tag your new recording. Locationisnot used for anything else.
Tinnitus Help 2.2.0
IND-Ingenieurbuero f. Nachrichten- u. Datentechnik
IMPORTANT: 1) The app needs 1.6 GByte free space. The largesounddatabase is downloaded from TinnitusHelp site at the firststart.2) Please contact the support for any questions. -------‘TinnitusHelp’ - eight programs in one. The ultimate applicationfortinnitus sufferers. Only naturally produced sounds ofmusicalinstruments and sounds of Mother Nature - nosynthesizers!Developed by an expert software engineer in the fieldof frequencyanalysis and a leading music psychologist, musictherapist andhearing therapist with more than 20 years’ experiencein thetreatment of tinnitus sufferers. Used very successfully inthetreatment of tinnitus. ‘Tinnitus Help’ contains a broad rangeoffunctions but operating it is child’s play: 1. Accurate analysisofyour tinnitus 2. Tinnitus masker and noiser 3. Reprogrammingyourauditory cortex 4. Stimulating your central auditoryperceptionHelping you to 5. defocus 6. habituate 7. relax 8. fallasleep Thisis how it works: ‘Tinnitus Help’ utilizes the fact thatthe samebrain activities that enable us to perceive auditorystimuli, i.e.real sounds, also cause the perception of the tinnitussound. Thus‘Tinnitus Help’ is able to intervene in central auditoryprocesses.‘tinnitus help’ forms an image of your individualtinnitusfrequency (up to 20.000 Hz) and offers you the option tomix thisfrequency with pleasant sounds or music. This means that‘tinnitushelp’ can assist you to change the way you perceive yourtinnitussound by letting it gradually fade into the background.Regularlistening to your individual ‘Tinnitus Help’ setting willenableyou to learn how to increasingly fade out the sound in yourear andeventually ignore it. Experts call this “habituation”. Stepone:Establish your individual tinnitus frequency by using theslideswitch. It does not matter if it is the left or the right earthatis affected or both. Are you suffering from tinnitus soundsthatrise and fall? Or cricket like sounds? Or red noise? You canmixall additional sounds to your tinnitus frequency,therebyoptimizing your tinnitus profile. Step two: Choose apleasing soundand add it to your tinnitus profile. Using thiscombination, youwill feel your tinnitus gradually fading into thebackground. Whatyou are experiencing is the effect of defocusing.You have nowcreated your own individual, perfect tinnitus masker,which you cancall up any time anywhere. Set the time on how longyou want yourprogram to run for and use your tinnitus setting asmasker to helpyou relax and to fall asleep. Step three: Influencethe activity ofyour auditory cortex. The area in which yourtinnitus frequency islocated will be especially active and,depending on how frequentlyand how intensely you pay attention toyour tinnitus, this areawill spread like an ink stain on a piece ofblotting paper.However, you can restrict the growth of this area byadding one ofthe pieces of music on offer to your setting. Themusic has beenespecially written for tinnitus sufferers. All piecesof music areproduced naturally on musical instruments; nosynthesizers areused. The association “I am hearing pleasing soundsor music” willat first be stored in the hippocampus, our memorycentre. If theexperience is repeated by using ‘tinnitus help’, thehippocampusworks like a trainer for your cerebral cortex. It willrepeatedlyoffer the stored information to the cerebral cortex,resulting inthe new input being learnt and new programs etched intotheauditory cortex. Regularly recurring musical structures act likeamassage on certain areas of the brain. Where tinnitus ispresent,this will be experienced as a negative effect. However, youcanturn this to your advantage by calling up your veryownpersonalised music in your head. Retrieve it whenever you needit,influence your perception processes and learn to set upthereprogramming of your central auditory pathway.
Best Android Symptom Checker 2.1.6
Powered by Harvard Medical School, theVirtualNurse is a symptom checker which helps you answer thequestion: "DoI need to see the doctor?".If you have medical worries or symptoms she will put your mindatrest and could save you an unnecessary visit to a physician.It'slike having a physician in your pocket!Free this month only, download it now!!Best of all it's voice activated, just like Siri, so you cangeta diagnosis from the virtual nurse just as you would from arealdoctor! You can think of the Virtual Nurse as Siri for Health:sheis your first stop for any health related concerns you have.TheVirtual Nurse will talk to you, like Siri, and ask youquestionsabout your symptoms to diagnose:1. If your symptoms are normal2. If you need to see a medical doctor or physician3. If this is an emergency situation requiring urgentmedicalcareShe will help you find a doctor or emergency room ifthediagnosis requires. Topics included in the SymptomCheckerdeveloped by Harvard University cover 98% of the reasons youmightneed to see a doctor or diagnose and emergency, such as:- Abdominal Pain- Acid Reflux Treatment- Allergic Rhinitis- Stress / Anxiety- Bed-Wetting- Birth Control- Blacking Out or Fainting- Bleeding After Menopause- Bleeding Between Periods- Blood in the Urine in Men- Blood in the Urine in Women- Breast Lumps- Impotence- Chest Pain- Pink or Red Eye- Constipation in Adults- Constipation in Children- Constipation in Infants- Coughs, Colds & flu- Depression- Diaper Rash- Diarrhea- Diarrhea in Children- Diarrhea in Infants- Muscle Weakness- Dizziness- Drowsiness- Dry Eyes & Mouth- Dry Mouth & Excessive Thirst- Earache- Eye Discharge- Fever- Memory Loss- Frequent Urination- Gout- Hair Loss- Head Injury- Headache- Heart Palpitations- Heavy Menstrual Periods- Helping Dry Skin- Hot Flashes- Imbalance- Insomnia- Insomnia During Pregnancy- Intestinal Gas Guide- Irritable Child- Itching Without Rash- Jaundice- Leg Swelling (Edema) during Pregnancy- Leg Swelling (Edema), New Onset- Lightheaded with Standing- Loss of Control of Urine- Back Pain- Missed or Irregular Periods- Nail Problems- Nausea & Vomiting- Nausea & Vomiting in Pregnancy- Never Started Menstrual Periods- Numbness or Tingling- Nutrition Assessment for Infants & Toddlers- Osteoarthritis of the Knee- Painful Period Cramps- Painful or Frequent Urination in Men- Penis Pain, Sores, Discharge or Lumps- Persistent Cough- Knee Swelling- Positive ANA- Positive Rheumatoid Factor- Problems With Vision- Rash in Children- Rash in Newborns- Reynaud's- Rectal Bleeding- Rectal Itching- Recurring Abdominal Pain- Risk of Iron Deficiency in Children- Sexual Problems- Shortness of Breath in Adults- Shortness of Breath in Infants & Children- Shortness of Breath In Pregnancy- Sore / Strep Throat- Sore / Strep Throat in Children- Hearing Loss- Swollen Glands- Tinnitus- Excessive Hair- Jaw, Gum, or Tooth Pain- Treating the Common Cold- Treatment of Chronic Constipation- Treatment of Impotence- Treatment of Warts- Understanding PSA- Weight Gain or loss- Vaginal Discharge, Itching or Irritation- Vaginal Pain or Discomfort- Vaginal Sores & Lumps- Vomiting or NauseaThe virtual nurse is different from other apps like iTriageorWebMD because it gives you information about your health whichisdirected towards the specific action you need to take tostayhealthy, such as see your primary care physician. UnlikeiTriageand WebMD it's voice activated, like Siri, and is focusedonhelping you take steps to getting healthy.Tags: Symptoms, emergency, checker, Harvard, Siri,iTriage,WebMD, Medscape, diagnose, disease, sick, ill, flu,headache,medicine, first aid, pharmacy, pharmacist, physician,pills,information, premium, conditions, care, medical, urgent© Harvard University