Top 29 Apps Similar to MIFARE ID reader

MIFARE Classic Tool - Donate 4.0.4
Read, write, analyze, etc. MIFARE® Classic RFID-Tags!
MIFARE Classic Tool 4.1.0
Read, write, analyze, etc. MIFARE® Classic RFID-Tags!
MTools Lite - BLE RFID Reader 134.10.18
MTools Tec
PN532 Bluetooth RFID Reader on Bluetooth Low Energy.
NFC TagInfo by NXP 4.27.0
The “Swiss Army knife” for NFC! Value checker, content viewerandanalysis tool
NFC ReTag PRO 2.24.01-PRO
Be smart and use any NFC tag to trigger multiple settingsandfunctions!
NFC Tools - Pro Edition 8.9
NFC Tools can read and write NFC tags.
Tapkey 2.39.9
The Smart Keyring for Tapkey-compatible Locks
MTools - Mifare ACR122 PN532 20240201_R1
MTools Tec
Easy to write, compare and charge mifare card with with NFC,ACR122Uor PN532
NFC TagWriter by NXP 4.8.9
Real data storage, Bluetooth pairing via Tap to launch;launchapplications
NFC Tasks 5.5
NFC Tasks : Create your tasks, simplify your life.
Barcode/NFC/OCR Scanner Keyboard (Legacy Version)
Use this innovative soft-keyboard to scan barcodes, QRcodes,text(OCR) and NFC tags into any app. Invoke theintegratedscannerswith a single tap, the scanned data appearsimmediately inthetarget app like manually typed on the keyboard.Thisworksperfectly with almost any target app, modificationsofexistingapps are not required. TIME SAVING This keyboard isaconvenienttime saver! It reduces typing efforts and avoidstypingerrors.Tedious copy/paste is not required anymore; barcodesand QRcodes,texts and NFC tags are scanned without switchingbetweenapps. Thekeyboard layout resembles the layout of theAndroidstandardkeyboard - you will immediately be familiar withit.VERSATILE ThisScanner Keyboard is very flexible, ready forvolumelicensing,optimized for bulk deployment and can be configuredtomeet almostany requirement. It meets demands ofcommercial,industrial,logistics and supply chain applications.BARCODESCANNING Choosebetween two integrated camera barcodescanners. Thetraditionalbarcode scanner is ideal for older phonemodels, therecentlyintroduced advanced barcode scanner providesselectivebarcodescanning - a very valuable feature if multiplebarcodes arevisiblein the scan view. TEXT RECOGNITION (OCR) Theintegratedtextscanner (OCR), converts camera images to textwithinseconds.Latin-based text in pictures of arbitrary documentsisdetectedautomatically and inserted into the target app. FEATURES◾Keyboardwith modern layout, voice recognition, spellingsuggestionsandmulti-language support ◾ Two camera barcode scannerenginestochoose from ◾ Selective barcode scanning (tap onbarcodeofinterest) ◾ OCR text scanner converts images toLatin-based text◾Integrated NFC tag reader ◾ Quick front/backcamera switchingandflashlight support ◾ Autofocus support ◾ Workswith almostanytarget app ◾ Swipe to change keyboard layout◾Configurableauto-scan (invoke scanner automatically) ◾Configurablescannerkeys ◾ One-by-one / batch mode scanning ◾ Macrosupport /Quicktext◾ Multiple licensing options ◾ Ready for bulkdeployment ◾And muchmore... COMPATIBILITY / LIMITATIONS ScannerKeyboard isavailablefor Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich) andhigher. Theadvancedbarcode scanner and the OCR text scanner aresupported fromAndroid5.0 (Lollipop) onward and requires installedGoogle Playservices.Most common input languages and keyboardlayouts aresupported. Thekeyboard layout automatically matches thesystemsettings of yourAndroid device. BULK/ENTERPRISE LICENSING,OEMVERSIONS For userswith volume license requirements, TEC-IToffers abulk-licenseversion of the app (no Google accountrequired).Customized or OEMversions (e.g. with seamless integrationofhardware scanners) areavailable on request. [email protected]. FREE DEMOThe free trial displays a demohint inirregular intervals. Pleaseupgrade (in-app purchase) totheunlimited version to remove thislimitation. SUPPORT In caseofproblems, questions or requestsplease [email protected],TECITSupport (Skype) orvisit Terms ofuseandprivacy:
Pro Credit Card Reader NFC 4.2.5
This app was made to read public data on anNFCbanking card compliant with EMV norm.★★★★★ Pro version ★★★★★✔ Read multiple cards✔ Store cards✔ Read applications✔ Track 1&2 data✔ Extended history✔ Export data✔ Disable application launch with NFCInfos• This application is an analysis tool for reading contactlessNFCEMV credit cards data.• In some new EMV card, holder name and the transaction historyhavebeen removed by issuer to protect privacy.• Be sure your card is NFC compliant (NFC logo printedonthem).• This app is not a payment app and does not contain ads.SecurityThis app doesn't access to Internet (No Internet permission).Sources available onGithub EMV cards★ Visa★ American Express★ MasterCard★ LINK (UK) ATM network★ CB (France)★ JCB★ Dankort (Denmark)★ CoGeBan (Italy)★ Banrisul (Brazil)★ Saudi Payments Network (Saudi Arabia)★ Interac (Canada)★ Discover Card★ UnionPay★ Zentraler Kreditausschuss (Germany)★ Euro Alliance of Payment Schemes (Italy)★ Verve (Nigeria)★ The Exchange Network ATM Network★ RuPay (India)★ ПРО100 (Russia)Banking card reader, credit card reader, NFC card, EMV
ReadID - NFC Passport Reader
The ReadID demo app (previously known asNFCPassport Reader) reads and verifies the RFID chip embeddedinelectronic passports, national identity cards and otherICAOcompliant identity documents (ePassport, or, in ICAO9309terminology, Machine Readable Travel Documents: MRTD). Theappoptically scans (OCR) the Machine Readable Zone (MRZ) togainaccess to the embedded chip. It then reads the embedded chipusingNFC and displays the biographical and biometric information ofthedocument holder, as well as document information, afterwhichsecurity checks, such as Active Authentication, DocumentSignatureValidation, and Country Signature Validation, areperformed anddetailed results are shown.The app also supports electronic driving licenses (eDL, ISO18013,currently limited to Dutch driving licenses).FAQ AND MORE INFORMATIONPlease see our website for more information on how to use theReadIDdemo app including FAQs ( provide the ReadID demo app free of charge to demonstrateandimprove the underlying ReadID software. If you see opportunitiestouse ReadID, for example as part of the traditional bordercontrolinspection system use case or as part of innovative onlineusecases such as customer onboarding, then please contact [email protected] version of the app is provided as-is and without warranty.Theauthors make no claims about fitness for anyparticularpurpose.PRIVACYWe value your privacy and do not collect your personalinformation.For details, see our privacystatement FOR OPEN SOURCE LIBRARIES USEDSee "About" in the app.
OrderLord POS (Point of Sale, Orders, Receipts) 3.2.4
OrderLord POS (Point of Sale) app helps restaurants tomanagethewhole delivery process OrderLord POS brings TOP featuresforyou: •Multifunctional Point of Sale system • Delivery,collection,storeorders • Table management system - preview, fullyeditable,tabledetail, many options • SumUp payment terminalsupport•Implementation of Slovak, Czech, Italian,Russian,Bulgarian,Italian, Greek fiscalization system • Support ofmultiplebrandsunder the single restaurant • Map of orders +restaurants +drivers+ map layers • Orders history - searchingorders by ID,phonenumber or other filters • Caller ID functionality-dynamicallycreate orders for the customer, who are justcallinginto yourrestaurant • Creating deliveries, dispatch to thedriver •Cashoutfrom/to the driver, cash from/to the register •Creatingorders -many inputs, searching by address,postcode,addingfoods/deals/pizza deals, adding fees, discounts,filteringfoods byfood codes, and many more... • Multiple countriessupportforautocomplete purposes • Signing by password or PIN•Sorting,filtering of orders • Sound notifications for newincomingorders,deliveries, adding/removing food, and many more...•Manycustomization settings - more than 100 settings... • Parkingoftheorder, calculator, number formatting options,customizablesounds,notifications, change the text sizes •Application istranslatedinto multiple languages • Printing labels,receipts, andkitchenreceipts for orders - customize printingdepending on theordertype, by restaurants or brands, the number ofreprints,opening thecash drawer, cutting of the paper, and manyothers... •Printerssupported: Aures, Epson, USB printers, Atol,Datecs, Zebra,Star,Bixolon, Brother, Honeywell, Seiko, Citizen,Cashino,XPrinter,Bluetooth printers, Esc/POS • Support differenttabletresolutionsIf you are not using OrderLord and you would liketolearn more,check out [email protected] toschedule a demo.
Metrodroid 3.0.0
Metrodroid reads information from some NFC smartcards forpublictransport.
Mobile Waiter 2.0.9
The Mobile Waiter application serves as an additionalcashregister(mobile terminal), typically used in restaurants totakeordersfrom guests right at the table. Mobile Waiter also findsitsuse invarious stores where you can add items to the orderwhilestillconsulting the customer. The application is fullysynchronizedanddisplays items and categories from the mainconnected andpairedcash register. Mobile Waiter offers: • Searchingfor itemsandadding them to the order • Parking orders • Settlingorders•Printing receipts (after pairing with a mobileBluetoothprinter)Main benefits of Mobile Waiter: • In the busiestsituationssuch aslunch breaks or weekend evenings, your service canmanage totakecare of all your customers quickly and with fullcontrol. •UsingMobile Waiter will make it possible for you to serveahighernumber of guests with a lower number of staffthanpreviously. •Thanks to Mobile Waiter, not only are theguest’sorders taken morequickly, but they can also enjoy theirorderedrefreshments soonerand get their check faster. • Cashregistersynchronization worksperfectly. It means the service staffwillnever lose track oforders and all the important data staysneatlyin one place. MobileWaiter is available for the Dotypos FULLandUNLIMITED licencetypes, where with Dotypos FULL, only oneMobileWaiter isavailable. We offer an 8” tablet and a mobileBluetoothprinter forinstalling Mobile Waiter. However, you caninstallMobile Waiter onany smart device with the followingrequirements: •Android 5.0 andhigher • Display resolution of atleast 1024 x 768px We can onlyoffer a 100% functionality guaranteeon our owndevices for MobileWaiter. Because of the open nature ofthe Androidsystem andmodifications made by the individualmanufacturers, wecannotguarantee trouble-free use on other devices.
r_keeper MobileWaiter 3.5.135
r_keeper MobileWaiter – приложениедляофициантов,современная замена бумажным блокнотам,позволяющеепринимать заказыоперативно и учитывать пожелания гостя.Значительносокращает времяна прием заказа, увеличивая приростоборотаресторана более чем на10% в пиковые часы. Терминал работаетчерезWiFi и идеальноподходит для летних площадок ресторанов илизалов,гденерационально устанавливать стационарный терминал.Какэтоработает? Приложение «Мобильный официант» работаетпопринципу«пейджинга», тем самым позволяя гостю вызывать официантаспомощьюкнопки, расположенной на столе, а также используетсядляпередачикоротких сообщений официанту от другихсотрудниковресторана.Существует также расширенная версияприложенияr_keeperMobileWaiter с дополнительными функциямидляменеджераресторана: изменение количества гостей за столом,закрытиепустогозаказа, удаление блюда из сохраненного заказа илиегоперенос вдругой заказ и др. Решение «Мобильный менеджер»позволяетизбежатьнепродуктивных потерь времени, например, какудаления,переносы,которые случаются ежедневно и требуют вызоваменеджеракстационарной станции для проведения той илиинойоперации.Преимущества r_keeper MobileWaiter: >увеличиваетскоростьобслуживания и оборачиваемость столов  >уофицианта всегдаактуальное меню с учетом стоп-листов >заказсразу поступает накухню  > удобство при расчете -официантможет рассчитатьзаказ со своего устройства  >возможностьработы с картамипостоянных гостей при подключенииспециальногомодуля >возможность считывания QR-кодов > работадаже принизком сигналеWi-Fi > использование комментариев взаказе, атакже добавленияблюда на компанию > настройка цветовойсхемыприложения >модуль доступен для использования наустройствах сОС iOS и AndroidКроме того, при запуске на smartPOSтерминалах(PayMob или aQsi)r_keeper MobileWaiter превращаетсявмобильную кассу.Мобильная касса – гибкое функциональноерешение,позволяющееосуществлять расчет не только в кафе, но такжевнестационарныхточках продаж, таких как: службы доставки,летниеверанды,фестивали, мобильные точки продаж в парках, фудтракии вТЦ. Эторасширение позволяет вести бизнес процессы такжеотлаженноиполноценно и не зависеть от локации, темсамыммасштабируявозможности и увеличивать выручку. Для того,чтобыначатьиспользовать данное приложение в качестверасширенияфункционала иобъема продаж, необходимо приобрестиспециальноеустройство, накоторое будет установлено решение, т.к.«Мобильнаякасса» нефункционирует на обычном телефоне. В системеr_keeperвозможнаработа с мобильными терминалами официанта,реализованнымина разныхтипах устройств с ОС Android 5 и выше с5-дюймовымдисплеем илиболее и разрешениями: 1270*720, 1920*1080.Приложениеработает наустройствах на архитектуре ARM
Hospitality Mobile Access 4.12.10
Get access to your hotel room with your Android device!
Hass NFC 1.2.4
Gerben Bol
Control Home Assistant via NFC with your phone
NFC Card Emulator Pro (Root) 9.0.7
A powerful NFC card simulator that simulates various types of cards
Cards Developers 1.1
Easily connect with Cards. Build Mini Apps™. Connect NFC&Barcode devices.
HarborOne Bank
Bank whenever and wherever you are with HarborOne MobileforAndroid!HarborOne Bank Mobile allows you to check balances,makedeposits,transfer funds, and pay bills Available featuresinclude:Accounts -Check your latest account balances andtransactions forthe last 12months activity. Transfers - Easilytransfer cashbetween yourHarborOne accounts and accounts at otherBanks.Deposit - Depositchecks to your HarborOne checking andsavingsaccount Bill Pay - Addor Schedule Bill Payments Locations -Findnearby branches and ATMsby searching by zip code or addressWhat'sNew in this Version: -Updated look and feel - Login with thesameUser ID and Password asyour online banking - Bill Pay:Schedule ordelete a bill payment -Transfer To/From your ExternalAccounts -Transfer between yourHarborOne accounts - Manage MyMoney:Categorize and budget yourfinances - Manage yourprofileinformation - FingerprintAuthentication
Barcode To Text - Scanner 1.2.2
Scan the barcode and manage them as lists. you can save listsastext file.
M&M POS - Point Of Sale System 2.2.4
A Complete Business Starter Solution. Accept Payments In-StoreAndOnline
DG NFC Automation 7.73
«Time Recording» Automation with NFC Tags
NFC Tools 8.9
NFC Tools can read and write NFC tags.
iProcess™ 2.4.1
iProcess™ will process keyed orswipedtransactions using cutting edge hardware encrypted cardreaders,geo-tag locations on the receipt where the transactionoccurs,e-mail or SMS receipts, capture digital signatures, andperformpartial or full refunds within the transaction history log.Theapplication is free to download and incurs no additionalpertransaction fees.FULL FEATURES INCLUDE:- Simple, Fast, and Free application for Android™ devices toprocesscredit card anywhere in the world.- Geotag the location of the sale on receipt.- Capture Digital Signatures.- Receipts can be sent via SMS or E-mail.- Run reports via Transaction History Log.- Perform full or partial refunds from the application.- Process keyed or swipe transactions with our EncryptedSwipeSolution.- PCI-DSS Compliant.SECUREiProcess™ uses an encrypted card reader to protect both themerchantand consumer. This helps provide a reliable, safe, andeasytransaction for all parties involved with the security ofencryptionthat meets PCI-DSS requirements.
tapXphone 1.6.1
IBA Group
Application for accepting contactless payments via NFC
Paid: Card payments via Stripe 1.2-b220524-stripeProd
Accept credit card payments from your mobile device today