Top 42 Apps Similar to SERIFOS Offline Hiking Map

HiiKER: The Hiking Maps App 3.41-396
Plan hikes and walks with Topographic maps and store hikingtrailsoffline
Liptov - Low Tatras 2.8.3
Low Tatras , Jasna and Liptov region - official guide
PhoneMaps 100.0
NOTE: Will not be developed further. We recommend the RotherAppinstead
Cairn | The Hiking Safety App 1.3.7
FitClimb LLC
Get home safely from any adventure. Alert safety contacts +findcell coverage.
bergfex: hiking & tracking 4.7.4
bergfex GmbH
We guide you on your hike - from planning to precise GPSnavigation.
Launch Bay Next 3.1.0
André Lind
Next generation squadron builder for X-Wing 2.0!
E-walk - Hiking offline GPS 1.5.19
Tim Autin
Find your next hike, record it, download offline maps, and more!
Summit register & hiking tours
SummitLynx - Your digital summit and tour book
Locus Map 4 Outdoor Navigation 4.17.2
GPS navigation app for hiking, biking, geocaching and otheroutdooractivities
PathAway Outdoor GPS Navigator 7.15.01
Outdoor GPS Navigation, Tracking, Route Planning, Mapping,LocationSharing
Ortovox Bergtouren App 1.9.11
ORTOVOX BERGTOUREN APPVollgepackt mit unzähligen Bergtouren, topografischen Kartenundnützlichen Tools und Sicherheits Tutorials ist dieORTOVOXBERGTOUREN APP ein Muss für jeden Sommer undWinterBergsportler.Grundlage der App bildet eine zoombare, topografischeOutdoorkarteim Maßstab 1:25.000. Die Karte ist online oder offlineverfügbarund wird für den Alpenraum je nach Jahreszeitunterschiedlichdargestellt. Sie beinhaltet sämtliche Lifte undPisten u. einenHangneigungsindikator. Sämtliche Hangpartien über30° Neigung sindrot schraffiert. Die Karten können überall imdeutschen,österreichischen und Südtiroler Alpenraum zurPositionsbestimmung& Tourennavigation eingesetzt werden.Da im Gebirge die Netzabdeckung nicht immer ausreichend ist,könnenalle topografischen Karten auch offline gespeichert werdenundfunktionieren so völlig Netzunabhängig! 

Das Herzstück der Appistdie große, immer wachsende Tourendatendank. Du kannsttausendeSki-, Kletter-, Hoch- und Bergtouren sowieFreerideabfahrten nachden unterschiedlichsten Kriterienauswählen.Die Touren können in der App nach Strecke, Schwierigkeit oderDauersortiert werden
In den Tourenbeschreibungen erfährst Du alle wissenswertenFactsinkl. Höhenprofil.In der App kannst Du in den topografischen Karten Wegpunktesetzenund Dir das Live-Höhenprofil der geplanten Tour anzeigenlassen.Sogar das Tracken Deiner Touren ist möglich! Eine AuswertunggibtDir Aufschluss über zurückgelegte Wegstrecke, Höhenmeter undDauerder Unternehmung. Für größtmögliche Sicherheit unterwegs istesmöglich, alle Eckdaten aus dem Lawinenlagebericht abzurufen undmitdem Hangneigungsmesser das Gefahrenpotential abzuschätzen.In Notfällen kann mittels Notruffunktion eine VerbindungzurRettungsstelle hergestellt werden, wobei Deine aktuellePositionauf dem Display angezeigt wird.Auch an Bord: Mit dem Gipfelfinder erhältst Du ein Live-Bild aufdemiPhone in dem sämtlichen umliegenden Gipfel angezeigtwerden.Zuhause kannst Du im mit der MausdieWegstrecken auf den Karten abfahren, Wegpunktesetzen,Beschreibungen ergänzen und Bilder hochladen. Sobald Du dieTourspeicherst und veröffentlichst, erscheint sie in derORTOVOXBERGTOUREN APP (Community-anmeldung erforderlich).Wer sich Wissenswertes rund um das Thema Lawine aneignenmöchte,kann dies mit Hilfe des Safety Academy Labs von

ORTOVOX steht für Bergsport - Berge sind unsereLeidenschaft. Wirsind 365 Tage im Jahr im Gebirge unterwegs,sammeln Ideen für neueProdukte oder genießen einfach nur unserenSport! Solltest Du Ideenoder Verbesserungsvorschläge zur App oderunseren Produkten haben,freuen wir uns auf Deine Nachricht:[email protected]: Im Ausland können hohe Roamingkosten entstehen.
BeiNutzung der App im Hintergrund bei aktiviertem GPS Empfangkannsich die Akkulaufzeit drastisch verkürzen!ORTOVOXmountaineeringAPPPacked with countless mountain tours, topographic maps andusefultools and tutorials that safety ORTOVOX mountaineering APP isamust for every summer and winter mountain sports.Basis of the app provides a zoomable, topographic outdoor map atascale 1: 25,000. The map is online or offline available andisdisplayed differently in the Alpine region depending on theseason.It includes all the lifts and slopes u. A slope indicator.Allslope portions exceeding 30 ° inclination are hatched in red.Thecards can be used everywhere in the German, Austrian andSouthTyrolean Alpine region for positioning & navigationtour.Because in the mountains, the coverage is not always sufficient,alltopographic maps can also be saved offline and operate ascompletelyindependent of mains supply! The heart of the app is thelarge, evergrowing tourdates Thanks. You can select thousands ofskiing,climbing, high mountain tours and freeriding and accordingtodifferent criteria.The tours can be sorted in the app by route, difficultyordurationIn the tour descriptions you can find out everything worthknowingFacts incl. Height profile.In the app you can set waypoints and let you display the liveheightprofile of the planned tour in the topographic maps. Eventhetracking of your tours is possible! An analysis givesyouinformation about distance traveled, altitude and duration ofthecompany. For maximum safety on the road it is possible toretrieveall the key data from the avalanche report and to assesstheinclinometer the potential danger.In an emergency, can be made to the rescue site byemergencyfunction to connect with your current position isdisplayed on thescreen.Also on board: With the summit Finder You get a live image ontheiPhone in the all surrounding peaks are displayed.At home you can leave with your mouse the distances on the map,setwaypoints, add descriptions and upload images in Once you savethetour and publish, they (community-registration required) appearsinthe ORTOVOX mountaineering APP.Those who wish to learn interesting facts about the topicofavalanche, it can use the Safety Academy Labs ORTOVOX for mountain sports - Mountains are our passion. Weare 365days a year on the road in the mountains, gather ideas fornewproducts or just enjoy our sport! If you have ideas orsuggestionsfor the app or our products, we look forward to yourmessage:[email protected]: Abroad, high roaming charges may apply. By using the appinthe background with activated GPS receiver, the battery life canbedrastically shortened!
TrailSmart: Great Trails of th 3.83
Maps, reference info, and geo-location for ourfavoritelong-distance trails.
MyTrails 2.1.11
No ads even in the free version! Perfect for hiking,riding,cycling,running, skiing or orienteering Premium topo mapsUsein-apppurchases to subscribe to high-quality,special-purposemaps.Flexible offline mode and competitive pricing.• OS OpenData(GB) •IGN TOP25, TOP50, Cadastre, Satellite andLittoral (marinemaps) (FR) maporiented with the built-in compass and GPSKnow exactlywhichdirection you are going. Uncluttered map area,withunobtrusivecontrols and a traditional scale with trackdurationand distance.Hardware-accelerated map drawing allowssmooth andsnappy displayeven with tens of thousands of trackpoints. Stats40+ stats tochoose from! Display them on a dedicatedscreen(including stats formultiple tracks at once), on theHUDoverlaying the map or even onAndroid Wear. Graphs Freelydefineaxes (over 30 combinations) tovisualize your tracks,includingelevation profiles, speed vs. time,etc. Free online mapsPick frommany built-in online map sources(OpenStreetMap, Yahoo,Bing,Google and many other global and localproviders). Add moremapsources using the configurable map sources(URL or WMS).Onlypremium maps are guaranteed: we may be forced toremove accesstoany of the free maps if requested by therights-holders; thisisregardless of whether you are using the Proor Freeversion.Offline maps Save battery and data charges. Themapdisplaysinstantaneously. No need to use desktop-based toolstocreateoffline maps, you can do it in MyTrails, in thebackground.RecordGPS tracks Visualize your track at any time andanalyse yourcourseduring or after the outdoor activity. DisplaymultiplecolorizedGPS tracks at once (Pro) Visualize your previousoutingsand thoseuploaded to GPS community sites, so that you alwayspick agreattrail. Visualize the key indicators of the track(altitude,speed,rate of ascent, slope, GPS accuracy, etc.) right onthe mapwith adetailed legend. Waypoints Manually add waypointstoindicatememorable spots or upcoming turns. Waypointsareautomaticallygenerated when getting directions or when you takeabreak. Shareand archive tracks (Pro) Share your tracks onMyTrails, GPSies,UtagawaVTT and Download trackssharedby other usersin your vicinity. Gestures Easily switchbetweenactive maps byswiping three fingers left to right in the mapview.Pull down theHUD with information on your speed and altitudebyswiping threefingers down your screen. Full tablet supportPlanyour outing on alarge-screen tablet, go out and have fun, andwhenyou're back,view the track in full glory. Use Dropbox toseamlesslysynchronizebetween devices. FAQ: see the FAQ
TAHUNA 1.83.20243.27414
Overview The free TAHUNA APP allows you to take advantage ofallthetried and tested benefits of the TAHUNA outdoornavigationsoftwareon the move. Whether you are on holiday or athome – theTAHUNA APPoffers stress-free and reliable navigation andprovidesindividualnavigation profiles, detailed route planning andlotsmore extras toyour smartphone or tablet. The TAHUNA APP alsomakesit easier tolink to other mobile devices, allows you toanalyzeyour data incomfort and installs updates automatically.Features -Optimized forBike Navigation and Outdoor Sport Activities- Onlineand OfflineMaps - Using tour-oriented OpenStreetMapdatabase -Search Addressor POI - Route planning and Navigation -Createstunning Trips withrich POIs and share them easily - UniqueDraw& Plan tool forthe most flexible route creation - Selectanddownload trips fromthe hundreds of available ones whichareprepared by professionals -Record and analyze youractivityAvailable Modules for extending thecapabilities 1)Navigation -Voice navigation with clear visualindications - One ofthe mostsophisticated routing algorithm toensure the perfectridingexperience 2) Fitness - You can set upyour own desired goalsbasedon distance, time, speed, calories -Sensor connection (heartrate,speed and cadence) 3) Gadgets - Eyecatching virtual dashboard-Compass, Speedometer, Altimeter andStaminameter 4) E-Bike -Connectyour E-Bike via Bluetooth -Accurate range calculation anddisplay -Battery friendly routeplanning Fischer E-Bike owners canconnecttheir bikes via Bluetoothand get an E-Bike dashboard freeof charge.Please check thesupported E-Biketypes  Wearelooking forward to your feedback! Comments and questionstothe TAHUNA APP you can[email protected]
hikeTicino 3.0.6
The most beautiful itineraries in Ticino!
FarOut 12.8.10
GPS Maps: Hiking Bikepacking Paddling Rafting
Map of Switzerland offline 2.3
Map Apps
Map of Switzerland Offline is detailed map of Switzerland.
SityTrail France - hiking GPS
SityTrail is a GPS for all of youroutdooractivities anywhere in France.Here are its main functions:★ IGN FRANCE TOPOGRAPHIC MAPS IN YOUR POCKETAll the topographic maps you need to discover France, CorsicaandOverseas departments and territories on foot, cycling,horseriding, or by car, motorbike or quad.Subscription charge: The application can be accessed forfreefor a week’s trial. You may then take out a subscription for€24.99per year, all-inclusive.Tourism and discoveryDiscover the new 1:25 000 IGN map ideal to (re)discover an areaonfoot, bicycle, horseback or car. The series includes coverageofmainland France, Corsica and Overseas departments andterritoriesrepresenting all relevant information for outdooractivities:roads, trails, streams, tourist sites, shelters, resthouses,buildings, religious buildings, ...The Grandes RandonnéesThe GR ®, maintained by the French Federation of Ramblers, arealsodisplayed: 60,000 km of hiking trails! Also shown on the mapsarethe PR ® (petites randonnées) shorter walks for a day.★ MAPS AND YOUR WALKS AVAILABLE IN OFFLINE MODEThe download tool lets you get the most out of your maps androuteson the ground without any internet connection.There is an alarm when you stray from the route being followed.Nomore need to continuously check your smartphone, this alarmsystemwill stop you getting lost or having to turn backonyourself.Automatic activation of points of interest and text tospeechsynthesis.An elevation profile that enables the visualisation of inclinesandof any difficulties along the route.★ RECORD YOUR ROUTES WITH PHOTOSRecord your walks in real time on the ground, and create pointsofinterest with your own photos and commentary.Display showing distance covered, time taken, average speed,GPSaltitude, inclines (+/-), and many other useful indicatorsforwalkers and mountain bikers.Estimate of distance and time remaining based on youraveragespeed.Elevation profile for the current recording.★ CREATE AND SHARE YOUR WALKSWith our online editor, create your own walking projects usinganinternet navigator on your PC/MAC and then accessing themdirectlyfrom your mobile to experience them on the ground.Go further. Transform your favourite walks into realmultimediaguides with text, photos, video links, and share themwith theSityTrail community.Access too to thousands of walking circuits from other membersandlet yourself be guided!★ TOURIST ATTRACTIONS AND WEATHER SERVICEGet plenty of localised tourist information:articlesWikipédia, accommodation, restaurants, and variousservicessuch as chemists and banks.Save your favourite places so you can consult them duringyourtrip.Check on the five-day weather forecast for any location on themapto help you organise your stay.★ ADDITIONAL FUNCTIONSEasily create points of interest, such as the location of yourcar,your hotel, or a restaurant.In the event of any problems, the SOS function enables you tosendyour GPS coordinates to your contacts.Geocachers can use the compass to find their way toageocache.★ ANDROID WEAR SMARTWATCH- Route and GPS position visualisation.- Indication of distance covered and remaining.- Arrow display indicating the direction to be taken.- Alarm when you stray from the route.We wish you lots of fun with SityTrail France.ApplicationManual: any questions orsuggestions: - -Some functions need an internet connection.The prolonged use of GPS can reduce battery levels.
The free SwitzerlandMobility app is theperfectapp for anybody who is out and about in Switzerland:- maps of Switzerland from swisstopo up to a scale of 1:25,000(thebest)- 32,000 km signposted non-motorized routes (national, regionalandlocal)- complete network of signposted hiking trails (60,000 km)- 25,000 public transportation stops linked to the timetable oftheSwiss Federal Railways (planning a tour with publictransportationwas never easier)- information on 4,500 points of interest on the way, suchasovernight accommodations, bicycle service stations, etc.positioning system and compass function (you always know whereyouare)With SwitzerlandMobility Plus you can additionally- download and store swisstopo maps to be used in areaswithoutnetwork coverage (no more problems with dead zones)- download and store tours you designed, includingelevationprofile, hiking time, distance and altitude (separatelyandeasily)Please note:- The app requires network coverage (useable withoutnetworkcoverage with SwitzerlandMobility Plus).- No tours can be entered with the app.Constant use of the GPS may considerably reduce the lengthofbattery life.Requires a screen resolution of min. 480x320 pixels (HVGA)andmultitouch. Unfortunately, the Samsung GT-S6102 or GT-S5570,amongothers, does not fulfill this requirement.
BackCountry Nav Topo Maps GPS
Use your Android as an offroad topo mappingGPSwith the bestselling outdoor navigation app for Android! TrythisDEMO to see if it is right for you, then upgrade to thepaidversion.Use offline topo maps and GPS on hike trails without cellservice!The GPS in your Android phone can get its position fromsatellites,and you don’t have to rely on your data plan to getmaps. Have morefun and safe GPS adventures in thebackcountry.Preload FREE offline topo maps, aerial photos, and road maps onyourstorage memory, so they are ready when you need them.Add custom GPS waypoints in longitude and latitude, UTM or MGRSgridreference. Import GPS waypoints from GPX files. Choose iconsforwaypoints much like in MapSource. (This app uses the WGS84datum,NAD27 is available in settings).Use GPS for hunting a waypoint or geocache, for recording tracksandGPS waypoints on your trip, all the while tracking your questontopographic maps.About topo (topographic) maps: Topo maps show terrain throughcolorand contours, and are useful for navigation offroad. Topo mapsandGPS can be used for hiking, hunting, kayaking, snowshoeing,&backpacker trails.The app has many built in map sources and allows you to createyourown maps with Mobile Atlas Creator. Built in sourcesinclude:OpenStreetMaps and NASA landsat data worldwide.OpenCyle Maps are topo maps that show terrain worldwide.USGS Color Aerial photography.Topographic Maps of Spain and Italy.Outdoor maps of Germany and AustriaTopo maps of New ZealandHere are some of the outdoor GPS activities BackCountryNavigatorhas been used for:Hiking both on hiking trails and off trail.Camping, to find the perfect camping site or the way backtocamp.Hunting trips for hunting wild game in rugged areas, includingreconfor the hunt.Bait fishing or fly fishing with a buddy.Search and Rescue (SAR) with GPS.Kayak and canoe trips on inland lakes and streams or marine,coastalwaters.Backpacker trips: using topo maps of wilderness areas andnationalforests to navigate on trails with the GPS.Snow adventures including snowmobiling, skiing (alpine orcrosscountry) and snowshoeing. Create a memory. Map it out.This a great addition to the outdoor gear you bought atCabelas,REI, or another outdoor store. Your android phone couldsubstitutefor a Garmin or Magellan outdoor handheld GPS! Youstorage hasmemory for maps.Find your own ways to have fun in the outdoors. Be a maverickbyventuring into new territory beyond cell service boundaries.Becomea pro at navigation with GPS.BackCountry Navigator has been previously available on WMdevicesand preloaded on the Trimble Nomad outdoor rugged device.ThisAndroid version is more flexible, featured, and fun.
PeakVisor - 3D Maps & Peaks ID 2.8.54
What's the name and the altitude of that mountain? Find outwithPeakVisor!
Denmark Topo Maps 7.1.0
Outdoor GPS Navigation with the best maps and aerial imageryforDenmark.
Outdooractive Hike Ride Trails
Hiking & walking routes, ski tracks - GPS tracker. Offlinemapsand navigation.
FerrataGuide: Ferrata database 2.1.11
Via Ferrata database containing more than 1100 ferratas allaroundEurope
Map of Denmark offline 2.1
Map Apps
Map of Denmark Offline is detailed map of Denmark.
Peakhunter Global Summit Log 2.9.12
Peakhunter AG
Start your own outdoor Logbook. For peak baggers, mountainrunners,hikers.
Green Tracks - hiking partner V9.17
Sky Wang
You can import gpx file and display tracks on Google Maps.Supportoffline maps.
World of Castles Pro 4.7.5
The #1 travel guide with maps, photos and reviews to thebestcastles of Europe
TrailLink: Bike, Run, Walk 2.5.5
Trail Guide: Outdoor Bike Trails, Running Trails, HikingTrails& GPS Trail Maps
MyRoute-app 4.0.5
Navigate your routes anywhere in the world with MyRoute-app
BikeGPX - Free cycle navigator 4.41.0
Use this app to follow GPX files on your device when out ridingyourbike.
Memory-Map 2.9.0
GPS Navigation with offline Topo maps and marine charts, withAISship tracking
FATMAP: Ski, Hike, Bike 3.26.8
Strava Inc.
3D Maps, Routes, Trails & Outdoor Guides for Hiking,Biking,Skiing & more!
Carryless - Hiking, Trekking a 1.3.164
Pipo Creative
Packing list & checklist: Hiking, camping, backpacking,trekkinggear inventory
Mobilitat Andorra 1.5.9
The app allows you to plan your trips across the country
Swiss Pro Map 6.1.0
Garzotto GmbH
Offline maps and essential functions for mountain sports,hiking,aviation, etc.
UVLens - UV Index Forecasts 2.5.4
Spark 64
Exposure to sunlight’s ultraviolet radiation (UV) can damage toyourskin, cause sunburn and increase your risk of skin cancer.UVLensshows you when you need to take care and when you can safelyenjoythe sun. Features: • Plan out the best time to be outside Seethe UVindex forecast for the day, see when it’s safe to be outsideandwhen to avoid the sun. • Find your burn risk Find out how longyoucan spend in the sun without sunscreen by taking a personalizedskintype assessment. • Sunscreen Reminder Discover how yoursunscreenprotects you, and get reminded to reapply. • Widget Seethe currentUV and your burn risk right from your home screen.About The UVLensapp is being developed by the team at Spark 64Ltd, a company makingproducts to help people live healthieroutdoor lives. Contact us [email protected] Follow
Trailforks 1.65.6
Find mountain bike trails with trail status, conditions,andcommunity reports
Hiking Project 22.10.0
Your comprehensive guide to the best hikes near you, whereveryouare.
National Park Trail Guide 23.48.0
Trail maps and guides for many National Parks and surroundingareas.
GPSmyCity: Walks in 1K+ Cities 3.2.9
A handy app with thousands self-guided walks to help youexplorecities.