Top 10 Apps Similar to Montenegro Yacht Charter

Черногория 0.1
Частный мини отель на берегуБока-Которскогозалива в 20 метрах от воды в русском кварталеполуострова Луштица.В 2013 г. Стас Михайлов построил свой дом рядомс нами. Запоследние 5 лет в отеле отдыхали гости из 11 стран мира,многие изних приезжают к нам до сих пор. Гармония и покой царящий внашемотеле благотворно влияют на здоровье детей. Молодые проводятвотеле медовый месяц. В отеле есть все необходимое для пляжаикупания.Особенности:1. Описание архитектурных достопримечательностей2. Будет полезно для людей, решивших посетить Черногорию3. Будет полезно людям, решившим купить недвижимостьвЧерногории4. Будет полезно туристам, которые решили сэкономить на отдыхевЧерногории5. Практические статьи от путешествующих по Черногории_________________________________________________Ваши предложения и пожелания присылайте на почту[email protected]Забронировать апартаменты вы можете на странице mini hotel ontheshores of Boka Bay in 20 meters of water in the Russian quarterofthe peninsula Lustica. In 2013, Stas Mikhailov built his housenextto us. Over the last 5 years at the resting guests from11countries, many of them come to us so far. Harmony and peacereignsin our hotel are beneficial to the health of children. Youngspendtheir honeymoon at the hotel. The hotel has everything youneed forthe beach and swimming.Features:1. Description of the architectural sights2. It will be useful for people who have decided tovisitMontenegro3. It will be useful to people who decide to buy real estateinMontenegro4. It will be useful to tourists who decided to save on holidayinMontenegro5. Practical articles from traveling on Montenegro_________________________________________________Your suggestions and comments please send [email protected] can to stay on the page
Parking + telefoni, Crna Gora
!!!Važno: Od verzije 1.15,aplikacijapodržavasistem obavještavanja koristeći GCM. S vremena navrijemećemo Vamslati obavještenja u vidu notifikacija na Vašemtelefonu.Prilikomprvog korišćenja aplikacije, registrovaćete se nasistemzaobavještavanje. Aplikacija će, prilikom registracije,poslatiivašu email adresu. Ukoliko ne želite da primateobavještenja,upodešavanjima odčekirajte tu opciju ibićeteodregistrovanisljedeći put kada budete koristili aplikaciju.Parking, Podgorica, Herceg Novi i NikšićAplikacija koja vam omogućava da lako pozovetevažnebrojevetelefona u Crnoj Gori. Pored ovoga, sadrži i diokojiomogućava davrlo lako plaćate parking u Podgorici, HercegNovomiNikšiću.Aplikacija je trenutno beta release i svakifeedbackjedobrodošao.Trenutne funkcionalnosti su:1. pozivi najvažnijih brojeva telefona u CG na početnojstrani2. imenik važnijih brojeva razvrstan pokategorijamaigradovima3. parking - unos, odabir i brisanje reg. tablica4. pojedine insititucije sadrže i dio za otvaranje web sajtakaoilokacije u google maps.U budućnosti se očekuje:1. kontinuirana dopuna baze brojeva, url adresa,lokacijaie-mailova.2. unaprijeđenje dizajna na osnovu feedbacka korisnika3. sve ostalo po sugestijama korisnika
Montenegro Talking 2.1
Visiting Montenegro? Discover one ofthemostpopular tourist destinations in Eastern Europe and itsrichhistorywith this all-encomapassing FREE „Augmented Reality“app.Use yoursmart-phone’s camera to look at and findintriguingcultural andhistorical monuments. Using the app does notincur anyroamingcharges.SIGNIFICANT LANDMARKS„Montenegro Talking“ will take you to dozenssignificantlocationsthroughout Montenegro, making you familiar withculturalandhistorical sightseeings of picturesque Montenegrincities.Yourphone will captivate you with the history, events andtheearliestrecorded photos tied to these landmarks.EASY TO USEWhen you're ready to go sightseeing, simply open the app,aimyourphone and turn on the „Augmented Reality“ setting tofindthenearest landmarks. You'll be able to open up an arrayofshortstories about historical and cultural establishments ofthecityyou are getting acquainted with at the moment... Anaudioguidewill read the descriptions of each location, so you cankeepyoureyes on the beautiful arhitecture, and off yourscreen.PLAN YOUR TOURUsing the built-in map, you can plan your ideal tour throughthepastand the present of this beautiful country. Chooseyourdestination inaccordance with your interests or mood – walkpastsome of the mostfamous buildings in the city, or visit themostimportantsacred
Черногория на авто 1.0.40(100040)
Черногория на авто - самый популярный сервис аренды автовЧерногории от порталаТри аргумента в пользу проката через приложение “Черногориянаавто”:1. Бронирование конкретного автомобиля с точностью до цвета кузоваитипа магнитолы.2. Моментальное подтверждение заказа.3. Оплачивайте при бронировании только небольшой аванс. Остальное-при получении машины.Наши преимущества:- 23 города и 81 точное место получения и возвратаавтомобиля.- Более 300 автомобилей всех категорий.- Встреча клиентов в аэропорту с именной табличкой.- Всегда актуальная информация по наличию машин и по ценам.- Только прямые цены от прокатных компаний без накрутокикомиссий.- Безопасные платежи по банковским картам.- Русскоязычная клиентская поддержка.Наши менеджеры расскажут вам, куда стоит поехать на автомобилеипорекомендуют уникальные маршруты по Черногории, чтобыпосмотретьнетуристическую Черногорию.На сайте вы найдете советы, маршруты,путеводительи множество полезной информации о самостоятельномпутешествии пореспублике Черногория на автомобиле.Мы уже обслужили более 5000 клиентов и получили более600позитивных отзывов наУ нас вы можете взять автомобиль в городах:Тиват (включая аэропорт) - TivatПодгорица (включая аэропорт) - PodgoricaБудва - BudvaБар - BarИгало - IgaloГерцег-Нови - Herceg-NoviРисан - RisanПераст - PerastОраховац - OrahovacКотор - KotorПрчань - PrcanjРосе - RoseБечичи - BeciciРафаиловичи - RafailoviciПржно - PrznoСвети Стефан - Sveti StefanРежевичи - RezeviciПетровац - PetrovacСутоморе - SutomoreДобры Воды - Dobre VodeУлцинь - UlcinjКолашин - KolasinЖабляк - ZabljakMontenegroby car - the most popular rental service in Montenegro oftheportal arguments for rental through the application "Montenegrobycar":  1. Reservation of a particular vehicle up to thebodycolor and the type of radio.  2. Instant confirmation order.  3. Pay at booking only a small down payment. The rest-when taking the car.Our advantages:  - 23 cities and 81 the exact place of receipt andreturnthe car.  - More than 300 vehicles of all categories.  - Meeting clients at the airport with anameplate.  - Always up to date information on availability ofcarsand prices.  - Only direct prices of car rental companieswithoutmarkups and commissions.  - Secure Payments by credit cards.  - Russian-language customer support.Our managers will tell you where you should go by car andrecommendunique itineraries for Montenegro to seenon-touristicMontenegro.The site you will find tips, routes, guideandlots of useful information about the independent republicofMontenegro traveling by car.We have already served more than 5,000 customers andreceivedover 600 positive reviews on can take the car in the city:Tivat (including the airport) - TivatPodgorica (including the airport) - PodgoricaBudva - BudvaBar - BarIgalo - IgaloHerceg Novi - Herceg-NoviRisan - RisanPerast - PerastOrahovac - OrahovacKotor - KotorPrcanj - PrcanjRose - RoseBecici - BeciciRafailovici - RafailoviciPrzno - PrznoSveti Stefan - Sveti StefanRezevici - RezeviciPetrovac - PetrovacSutomore - SutomoreWater well - Dobre VodeUlcinj - UlcinjKolasin - KolasinZabljak - Zabljak
Черногорский разговорник 1.23
Simple offline Russian-Montenegrin phrasebook. - Bus Tickets 3
The best app for book bus tickets for Serbia, Montenegro,Bosnia,Croatia ...
Rafting Montenegro 1.0
EKO PIVA Agency invites you to joinusforwhitewater rafting tours on the Tara River, cruising onthePivaLake, jeep safari, daily tours to beautifulcanyons(Nevidio,Skurda, Mrtvica…) mountaineering / hiking(Durmitor,Komovi,Maganik…), walking, camping and visitethno-villagesinMontenegro.
OkoMene 1.1
OkoMene je geolokacijski portal čiji je ciljdaVam pomogne da nadjete najbliže kompanije, mjesta, proizvodeidešavanja oko Vas u Crnoj Gori.Trenutno se u bazi podataka nalaze preko 15000 lokacija,preko20000 artikala i dešavanja / događaja (svakodnevno radimonadodavanju novih lokacija/artikala/dešavanja)Aplikacija je podijeljene u tri osnovne cjeline:Registar kompanija----------------------------------Trenutno najveći poslovni adresar u Crnoj GoriPrikupili smo javne podatke preduzeća u Crnoj Gori uformidirektorijuma koje je objavljen i putem web/mobile iAndroidaplikacije.Podaci su unešeni na web sajt/aplikaciju sa geo-lokacijom,kontaktpodacima i po želji fotografijama objekta klijentaU bazi podataka je preko 20 bitnih grupa djelatnosti sa preko200podgrupaOdnosno, nadjite najbliže Vama : restorane, kafiće, hotele,banke,bankomate, nekretnine, apartmane, auto djelove,državneinstitucije, advokate, rent-a-car i turističke agencije ...u CrnojGoriSvaki uneseni klijent ima svoj profil na kojem može objavljivati:postove, fotografije, komentarisati, pratiti objave drugihprofilakoje prati, slati instant porukeMarket----------------------------------Market je mjesto gdje vlasnici Premium nalogaobjavljujufotografije, cijene, opise ... svojihproizvoda koji su lako pretraživi po market grupama,podgrupama,lokaciji (najbliži proizvodi),kljucnoj rijeci ...Preko 10 Market grupa (Moda/Ženska/Muška, Hrana, Namještaj,Zakucu, Bijela tehnika,Mobilni i foto uredjaji, Djeca i bebe, IT oprema ...Nadjite najbliže proizvode oko sebe !Događaji----------------------------------Dogadjaji su mjesto gdje vlasnici Premium naloga objavljujunajavesvojih aktivnosti,promocije, sniženja, akcije, buduća dešavanja...Sva dešavanja su na jednom mjestu, a Vi lako dobijate odgovore:gdje izaći nocas, gdje jedobar film, kad su promocije ili revije, kada i gdje susniženja,popusti, akcije , gdje putovati ...Nađite najbliža dešavanja oko sebe !Zokoma ageolocationportal whose goal is to help you find the nearestcompanies,places, products and events around you in Montenegro.Currently the database contains more than 15,000 locations,over20,000 items and events / events (every day we are workingonadding new locations / items / events)The application is divided into three major sections:Company Registry----------------------------------Currently the largest online business directory in MontenegroWe collected data of public companies in Montenegro in the form ofadirectory that is published via web / mobile applicationsandAndroid.Data were entered on the web site / application withgeo-location,contact details and photographs of the object desiredclientThe database has over 20 important group activities with over200sub-groupsThat is, find the closest to you: restaurants, bars, hotels,banks,ATMs, real estate, apartments, auto parts, stateinstitutions,lawyers, rent-a-car and travel agencies ... inMontenegroEach client has entered its profile in which to publish:posts,photos, comment, monitor the publication of other profilesthatfollows, send instant messagesMarket----------------------------------Market is a place where owners Premium accounts publishedphotos,prices, descriptions ... theirproducts that are easily searchable by market groups,subgroups,location (nearest products)key-word ...Over 10 Market Group (Fashion / Women / Men, Food,Furniture,household items, appliances,Mobile and photo devices, children and babies, IT equipment ...Find the nearest products around!Events----------------------------------Events are where owners Premium accounts published notice ofitsactivities,promotions, discounts, actions, future events ...All events are in one place, and you easily get theanswers:where to go tonight, wheregood movie, when the promotion or magazine, when and wherethediscounts, rebates, actions, where to go ...Find the closest happenings around you!
Montenegro Guide 1.1
Arbnor Halili
Guide for discovering themostattractivetouristic spots in Montenegro. It is dividedintoseveralcategories and includes also many other featureslikeexploringinteresting places proposed by others, weatherconditionstoseveral cities, radio stations etc. This app isdevelopedforcompetition on a Montenegro Government project.
Montenegro - FREE Guide & Map 21.4.19
Travel Montenegro: IllustratedGuide,Phrasebook and MapsMobileReference guides help you get the most out ofyourvacation. The guides are available for most destinationsworldwideand always include FREE offline GPS maps. Over 3millionMobileReference Travel Guides have been downloaded.The world’s most popular electronic guides developed foryoursmartphone have the following features:✔ GPS map loads to your smartphone memory - no networkaccessneeded once the app is downloaded.✔ GPS map displays your location along with nearby sightsandattractions.✔ MobileReference guides use vector-based maps so they loadquicklyand are easy to zoom and scroll.✔ Unlike other travel guides, GPS coordinates for attractionshavebeen verified by users on the ground.✔ Attraction articles can be accessed from both an alphabeticalanda categorical index.✔ Top 10 attractions article features sights that no visitorshouldmiss.✔ Articles include tips on what to do and see inyourdestination.✔ Articles can be added to a list of favorites.✔ Phrasebooks include list of common words and phrases.✔ The top restaurants have been individually selectedbyMobileReference editors. These restaurants are marked by a starinthe EAT chapter and are plotted on the GPS map.✔ No ads✔ No roaming chargesMobileReference Travel Guides provide detailed,practicalinformation about attractions, landmarks, transportation,culturalvenues, dining, lodging, history and much more. They areindexedalphabetically and by category, making it easier toaccessindividual articles. Attractions can be viewed on an offlineGPSmap along with your current location so that you can easilyfindattractions near you as you explore the city.This fully-functional guide is absolutely free. The fullversion(only $4.99) adds Text-To-Speech and expands articles withmoreinformation about attractions, history, culture,itineraries,phrasebooks and more. Listen to complete articles onthe go withText-To-Speech: double-tap on a word to startText-To-Speech fromthe selected word or select Menu > StartText-To-Speech.TABLE OF CONTENTS:Essentials: Phrasebook | Eat | Drink | Sleep | Stay safe|Respect | Contact | Driving in Europe | Units Conversion1. General: History | Geography | Climate | Government|Demographics | Economy | Culture | Language2. Maps: Montenegro | Regions | Podgorica3. Transport: Get in | Get Around4. By Area: Regions | Cities | Other Destinations5. Attractions: Top 10 | Itinerary | See | Buy6. Podgorica: Eat | Drink | Sleep6.1 General: History | Geography | Climate | Culture | Economy|Neighbourhoods6.2 Transport: Get in | Get Around6.3 Attractions: See | Do | Buy | Get out-MobileReference®. Free maps for worldwide destinations™.