Top 17 Games Similar to Pesca Canaria

Guida alla Pesca
Tiziano Zullo
Guide to Fishing - The largest collection of guides andinformationon fishing
Pesca Brasil 1.0.2
O Pesca Brasil é o aplicativo de pescamaiscompleto do Brasil! Aproveite o universo de informaçõesquedisponibilizamos para você.The Fishing Brazil isthemost complete fishing application Brazil! Enjoy the universeofinformation available to you.
Fishing Day 1.70
Day fishing is a tool for managingthefishing,the outputs and catches. Come to fish !Is designed for sport and recreational fishing. Themainfunctionsare:Management of fishing places:------------------------------The places are where we usually go fishing.The management of places includes the location of the place,giveita real name, a pseudonym, his position on the maps, thekindofplace (beach, sea, river, sea ...), the site ranking,notesandimages.Management of fishing days:-----------------------------------------A fishing day happens in a specific date and atagivenlocation.So each fishing day is assigned a date and start time andaplacewhere we fish.You could also store the types of fishing that we plan todo,rankthe trip, take notes and take pictures of your day.Management of catches:------------------------------The catch is the fish that we caught (fish).The information stored is the time and place of capture,theofficialname, local name, type of fishing, if it is returnedornot, weight,length, photographs, and notes on how wascapture.The 3 concepts (place, fishing day and catches) arelinkedtogetherso that you can browse information in an easyandcomfortable way.We designed the app to allow quick entry ofanydata.This is a first "beta", and although it works fine,therearestill features which will be added. The next are the baitsusedandmeteorological data.Visit us on and give us youropinionandsuggestions for further implementation.Oh ****!, VERY IMPORTANT ****We need your help a little inland fisheries (rivers andlakes).Weonly practice fishing from boat and shore (beach) and forsureweforgot some information that you will need.Send us suggestions at [email protected] or hangyourcommentsat the forum "App" is done between everyone, Thanksforparticipating!(help with the translations will be alsowellcomed!)On permits requested by the app:-------------------------------------------To take pictures in the gallery and to use thephone'svibrationneed "hardware controls, take pictures andvideos,vibrationcontrol and modify or remove content from USBstorage orSD"To use the GPS for maps, advertising and leadmostar(ANONYMOUS)statistics we need, "Network communication (fullaccessto theInternet), specify the location (GPS)"We fully respect your privacy, the application doesnotcollectany personal information or any of the data that youwillwritein.
Pesca Sub 5.9.3
Matteo Boschi
View thousands of videos and images on the world of spearfishing
Carpio - Carp Fishing Tracker
Specially designed for carp anglers andtotallyfree. Keeps track of your carp fishing history and providesusefultools such as rod counters and various statistics aimed toimproveyour fishing experience.Contains a customizable user interface - from simple(allowingtracking of minimal information) to complex (allowingtracking ofthe used bait and usage of rod counters), designed to beusable infishing situations (powerful sun, night fishing).Features:- counter alarm for each rod (Each alarm has a distinct soundwhichcan be configured)- hookbait management (You can define & use your own setofhookbaits in order to obtain statistics regardingtheirsuccess)- minimal interface that allows rapid catch addition- post on facebook (All pictures associated with catches can beinone click posted on facebook)- catches picture gallery (Display catches augmented withcatchinformation: hour, bait, catch type)- trip notes (Allows you to add notes about the fishing spot,tackleyou noticed were missing, weather conditions, etc)- powerful statistics- trip management (Add/delete existing trips and open old tripstosee their recorded data)- powerful settings (customize each option that shall be used inatrip, send trip results by email to your friends)- multi-language support (for now English, German, French,Italian,Spanish, Romanian, Hungarian, Russian)
Trout Fly Fishing - Fly Tying 2.2
Fly tying patterns for trout fishing and step by step tutorialsonfly fishing
Guia de pesca La Rioja 1.0.0
Con guía de pesca La Rioja,no te pierdasunsolo dia de pesca.Entra y descubre todos nuestros cotos y zonas libres detalladasycon fotos reales.Con descripciones hechas por pescadores,si estas en casa y nosabesdonde ir a pescar entra y elige la mejor opcion...BUENAPESCAWith fishing guideLaRioja, do not miss a single day of fishing.Come and discover all our reserves, detailed and real photosfreezones.With descriptions made by fishermen, if you are at home and donotknow where to go fishing in and choose the best option ...GOODFISHING
Calcolatrice Piombini Pesca 1.0
Calculator fillings for fishing line, allows you to calibratethefloat.
Pesca Libre 2.0.0
Juegos Movil
Pesca libre es la aplicación de pescamascompleta del mercado para los amantes de la pesca amateurydeportiva. Aprende hacer nudos de pesca, carnada, lineas depescapara rió, mar y laguna, anzuelos. Consejos para la pesca conmosca.Todo en una sola aplicación.- Guía para preparar tus propias lineas de pesca: pejerrey,lisa,tiburón, trucha, tararira, salmón, raya, entre otras- Guía lunar para saber que día es optimo para el pique- Taller de pesca donde encontraras secretos comoencarnar,anzuelos, entre otros.- Recetas de cocina para preparar ricos pescados.- Nudos de pesca, una gran variedad para aprender hacer elmejornudo- Nudos de pesca, una gran variedad para aprender hacer elmejornudo de pesca.Free fishing is themostcomprehensive application on the market for lovers ofamateurfishing and fishing. Learn to tie knots fishing bait,fishing linesfor river, sea and lagoon, hooks. Tips for flyfishing. All in oneapplication.- Guidelines for preparing your own lines fishingmackerel,mullet, shark, trout, wolf fish, salmon, stripe, amongother- Lunar Guide to find out what day it is optimal for pique- Workshop where you will find fishing secrets as incarnate,hooks,among others.- Recipes for preparing delicious fish.- Fishing Knots, a variety to learn to make the best knot- Fishing Knots, a variety to learn to make the bestfishingknot.
Feder Pesca Revista 7.7.5
Magzter Inc.
Feder Pesca es la revista sobre pesca deportiva líder en quiosco.Enella encontrarás los mejores reportajes y artículos prácticossobrepesca de depredadores y otras especies: Black Bass, lucio,siluros,carpas, truchas, y pesca internacional. Las mejorestécnicas,fotografías y reportajes realizados por los másreputadosprofesionales del mundo del periodismo de la pescadeportiva. Si teapasiona la pesca, tu revista es Feder Pesca.
FishWise: The Fishing App 5.12.22
The best fishing times, custom waypoints, weather, GPSnavigation,and more!
Fischen in Schweiz 3.0
Targeted audiences of Swiss FishingGuideappare passionate domestic anglers as well as those thatarenewcomersto Switzerland. Despite its quite robust design,SwissFishingGuide offers a lot of essential information aboutfishingrules andregulations in Switzerland.Some of the content is listed below:- List of fish living in Switzerland and their habits,- Information about opening and closing of fishingseason,spawningperiods per specimen, per lake etc.,- List of all lakes larger than 1 km2 including fishingrulesandregulations per each canton in Switzerland,- Regional prices of fishing permits, how to obtain it andwhichonefits the best.- Daily weather forecast per lake including weathercondition,airpressure and wind speed,- Fish activity based on weather / solunar calendarandproposedbites per specimen etc.,- GPS functionality based on Google maps which allows youtosearchfor the desired fishing spots in and outsideofSwitzerland.- The same section of Swiss Fishing Guide appoffersthefunctionality to record your catches:- fish you have caught,- weight, length,- bite you have used,-rating the fishing spot...,- RSS feed, offers information about discounts andpricereductionsin your favorite fishing shop throughout Switzerlandandmuchmore,- Fishing system, offers an introduction to the mostpopularfishingsystems.- Tips, section intended for angling beginners. It explainswhentogo fishing, where to look for the fish etc.Swiss Fishing Guide is not a must but essential tohave.Reviewit, rate it and suggest improvements.
Fishing 1.0
If you are new to fishing, want tolearnsomenew fishing games and techniques you are in the bestplace.Fishing application provides you with techniques forcatchingfishinclude hand gathering, spearing, netting,anglingandtrapping...Fish in the ocean or in the fresh water ? Wanting to knowwhenandwhere to go fishing use this application.Enjoy it !
Global Tide 4.2.26
A query software that provides global weather and tide information.
Mundo da Pesca Revista 7.7.5
Magzter Inc.
Mundo da Pesca, a revista sobre pesca líder em Portugal.Nestaencontrará as melhores reportagens e artigos sobrepesca:surfcasting, jigging, spinning, pesca à boia, pesca aoachigã... asmelhores fotografias e reportagens feitas pelosmaioresespecialistas das modalidades. Se é apaixonado por pesca, asuarevista é a Mundo da Pesca.
Caza y Pesca Perú 7.7.5
Magzter Inc.
La primera y única revista de Caza y Pesca del Perú dondepodrásencontrar toda la información sobre pesca y caza en este ladodelMundo Peruvian first hunting and fishing magazine! Find allabouthunting and fishing on this part of the World!
My Fishing Maps -Guía de pesca 30.4.25
My Fishing Maps es una app de pesca (agua dulce) quepermitedescubrir nuevos lugares donde pescar, planificar lassalidas ytener siempre a mano la normativa de pesca de cada tramoAhoratambién información de caudales y nivel de los embalses entiemporeal Incluye más de 17.000 lugares de pesca de Castilla yLeón,Asturias, Galicia, Navarra, La Rioja, Cantabria, CastillalaMancha, Cataluña, Aragón, Álava, Guipúzcoa, Andalucía,Extremadura(embalses) y Madrid que suman más de 150.000 km de ríos,pantanos yembalses, lagos y lagunas. Muy pronto: Vizcaya, Región deMurcia yComunidad Valenciana. En resumen una completa guía de pescaenEspaña ¿Qué mapas de pesca incluye? pesca en Castilla y LeonCarpa,lucio, lucioperca, siluro, barbo, trucha, black bass, hucho,truchaarcoíris pesca del Cangrejo en Castilla y León pesca enAsturias -Trucha, reo y salmón pesca en Galicia - Trucha, reo,salmón,ciprínidos y black bass pesca en Navarra pesca en Cantabria-Trucha, reo, salmón, carpa, black bass, trucha arcoíris pesca enLaRioja pesca en Castilla la Mancha pesca en Catalunya-CataluñaPescaen Aragón Pesca en Madrid Pesca en Andalucía Pesca enExtremadura(Embalses) Pesca en Álava - Araba Pesca en Guipúzcoa -Gipuzkoa¡¡Actualizados con la normativa de pesca 2022!! ¿Qué mapasde pescaincluirán las próximas versiones? Muy pronto incluiremoslos mapasde pesca de todas las regiones de España: • Resto dePaísVasco-Euskadi (Vizcaya-Bizkaia) • Extremadura (ríos ypequeñosembalses) • Comunidad Valenciana • Murcia Incluyetambiéninformación de caudales (aforos) y nivel de los embalses ypantanosen tiempo real. La información se obtiene de lasConfederacionesHidrográficas, de la red SAIH (Sistema Automático deinformaciónHidrológica). Se ofrece información de caudales yniveles de lasestaciones de aforo de las Confederaciones delMiño-Sil,Cantábrico, Duero, Ebro, Tajo, Júcar y Aguas interiores deGalicia¿Qué funciones incluye? • Mapa: Navega por el mapa depesca.Selecciona una región y te aparecerán todos los tramos depesca. •Buscar: Puedes localizar rápidamente el tramo o río dondequieraspescar • Sin Cobertura (mapas offline): próximamente •Favoritos:Guarda esos lugares secretos de pesca para consultarlosrápidamente• Normativa: accede a las normativas de pesca de todaslas CCAA deEspaña para la temporada 2021-22 • Navegación: Elige ellugar dóndequieres ir y tu navegador favorito te indicará la rutaen coche yte guiará mediante GPS • Comentar: envíanoscomentarios,sugerencias con las funciones que te gustaría quetuviera la APP depesca • GPS: Conoce tu posición dentro de lostramos de pesca •Información detallada de cada tramo de pesca •Especies presentes ycalendario con la normativa de pesca ¿Qué tipode tramos incluye MyFishing Maps? • Coto de pesca: cotos de trucha,cotos de salmón,cotos de ciprinidos, cotos intensivos, cotos sinmuerte (captura ysuelta) • Aguas en régimen especial controlado(ARECs) • Tramoslibres de pesca: Únicamente necesaria la licenciade pesca •Escenarios deportivos sociales (EDS): • Escuelas de pesca• Vedadosde pesca ¿A quién está dirigido? A pescadores de España uotrospaíses, de todos los niveles y de todas las modalidades: •Pesca amosca – Flyfishing • Pesca a la leonesa o a boya (buldó) •Pesca allance: pesca a cucharilla o pez artificial - Spinning •Pesca a lainglesa, a la bolognesa o al coup ¿Para qué especies depeces? Paratodas las presentes, especialmente: • Salmón • Trucha •Barbo •Carpa (carpfishing) • Lucioperca • Black bass (percaamericana) •Lucio • Siluro My Fishing Maps (Mapas de pesca) es unaguíacompleta de la pesca en España, una herramienta imprescindibleparael pescador de agua dulce