Top 22 Apps Similar to Algo del Evangelio

Daily Gospel 1.5.1
Get the daily Gospel on your Android device, available onlyinSpanish and English, we'll be adding many more languages soon
Evangelizo - Daily Gospel 3.3.1
The gospel, the readings, the saints, the prayers, in 13 languages
Gospel - Evangelium 10.2
Dev Buzz Team
Daily Gospel just for you! Also beautiful prayers like Jesus,youtake over! 2 on your mobile, the daily Gospel commented every dayin7 languages
Daily Readings 2.3.2
Readings, news of the Catholic Church, Angelus and homilies ofPopeFrancis.
Rezandovoy 4.0.23
Rezandovoy, a prayer proposal, a life program
Daily Gospel 1.5
Get the daily Gospel on your Android device
Evangelio del dia 2017 1.2
El evangelio del día2017explicado,comentado y meditado.La principal función de esta app es acercar el evangeliodiarioatodo el mundo, se presenta de una manera fácil de entenderydeusar. Puedes consultar las lecturas diarias, el evangelioescritooen audio, el santo del día y mucho más contenidopreciosoparaalimentar nuestro amor diario en DIOS.El término evangelio proviene de un vocablo griegoquesignifica“buena nueva” y hace referencia al relato delaexistencia, losmilagros y los postulados de Cristo. Dichahistoriase encuentranarrada en cuatro libros conocidos por elnombre dequienes losnarraron (los evangelistas) y que forman eldenominadoNuevoTestamento.En los Evangelios se narra la vida de Jesús yaquellasenseñanzasque dejó a sus discípulos y en las cuales sebasan lamayoría de lascreencias de la fe católica.En dichas creencias se asume que estos cuatro librosfueronescritospor los evangelistas Mateo, Juan, Lucas y Marcos yseconocen comolos evangelios canónicos.Existen otros escritos, conocidos como evangeliosapócrifos,noreconocidos como canónicos por las iglesias cristianasactuales,demanera que estos evangelios apócrifos no sonaceptadoscomofidedignos, ni como textos inspirados por ladivinidad. Perosífueron considerados «escritura» por algunas de lasfacciones enquese dividió el cristianismo durante los primerossiglos desuhistoria, especialmente por la corriente gnóstica, quefue laqueaportó la mayor parte de estos textos, y porcomunidadescristianasque conservaron una ligazón más estrecha conla tradiciónjudía dela que surgió el cristianismo.Te ofrecemos de manera gratuita más aplicaciones detemáticasmuyinteresantes dentro de la sección " Más Apps " como:- Spurgeon Sermones- Estudios biblicos- Temas Bíblicos para Predicar- Diccionario biblico- Diccionario Hebreo- Diccionario Griego- Evangelio del dia- Teologia biblica- Diccionario Teológico- Biblia de estudios- Como Interpretar la bibliaPara cumplir la normativa de las autoridades de proteccióndedatoscomunicamos:En este sítio se usan identificadores dedispositivoparapersonalizar el contenido y los anuncios, con el findeofreceranuncios de medios y para analizar el tráfico.Ademáscompartimosesos identificadores y otra información deldispositivoconpartners de medios sociales de publicidad y análisisweb.Másdetalles en: Gospel of the day 2017 explained,discussedandmeditated.The main function of this app is to bring the daily gospel toalltheworld, is presented in an easy to understand and use. Youcancheckthe daily readings, the Gospel written or audio, the saintofthe dayand more precious contents to feed our dailyloveGod.The term gospel comes from a Greek word meaning "goodnews"andrefers to the story of the life, miracles and theprinciplesofChrist. This history is told in four known by the nameofthosebooks narrated (the evangelists) and forming theso-calledNewTestament.In the Gospels Jesus' life and teachings those left hisdisciplesandin which most of the beliefs of the Catholic faith arebasedistold.In those beliefs it is assumed that these four books werewrittenbyMatthew, John, Luke and Mark evangelists and are knownasthecanonical Gospels.There are other writings, known as apocryphal gospels,notrecognizedas canonical by current Christian churches, sothatthese apocryphalgospels are not accepted as reliable orasdivinely inspired texts.But they were considered "writing" bysomeof the factions thatChristianity was divided during thefirstcenturies of its history,especially the gnostic stream, whichwasthe one that brought most ofthese texts, and Christiancommunitieswho preserved a closer bondwith the Jewish traditionfrom whichChristianity arose.We offer free way more interesting thematic applicationswithinthe"More Apps" section as:- Spurgeon Sermons- Biblical studies- Bible Topics to Preach- Bible Dictionary- Hebrew Dictionary- Greek Dictionary- Gospel of the day- BIBLICAL THEOLOGY- Theological Dictionary- Bible Study- How to Interpret the BibleTo comply with the rules of the dataprotectionauthoritiescommunicate:On this site device identifiers are used to personalizecontentandads, in order to provide media ads and to analyzetraffic. Wealsoshare those identifiers and other device informationwithpartnerssocial media advertising and web analytics. Moredetailsat:
Messages from Pope Francis
Messages from the Pope is the onlyinstantmessaging app for Catholics that notifies you each time theHolyFather sends a message to the world. Follow the path ofhisHoliness into making the world a better place foreveryone.Pope Francis (Latin: Franciscus; Italian: Francesco; bornJorgeMario Bergoglio, 17 December 1936) is the reigning pope oftheCatholic Church, in which capacity he is both Bishop of Romeandabsolute Sovereign of the Vatican City State.Born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Bergoglio worked briefly asachemical technician and nightclub bouncer before beginningseminarystudies.He was ordained a Catholic priest in 1969 and from1973 to1979 was Argentina's Provincial Superior of the Society ofJesus.He became the Archbishop of Buenos Aires in 1998 and wascreated acardinal in 2001 by Pope John Paul II.Following the resignation of Pope Benedict XVI on 28 February2013,a papal conclave elected Bergoglio as his successor on 13March. Hechose Francis as his papal name in honor of Saint FrancisofAssisi. Francis is the first Jesuit pope, the first fromtheAmericas, the first from the Southern Hemisphere and thefirstnon-European pope since the Syrian Gregory III in 741, 1,272yearsearlier.Throughout his public life, both as an individual and as areligiousleader, Pope Francis has been noted for his humility, hisconcernfor the poor and his commitment to dialogue as a way tobuildbridges between people of all backgrounds, beliefs andfaiths. He isknown for having a simpler and less formal approachto the papacy,most notably by choosing to reside in the DomusSanctae Marthaeguesthouse rather than the papal apartments of theApostolic Palaceused by his predecessors. In addition, due to bothhis Jesuit andIgnatian aesthetic, he is known for favoring simplervestments voidof ornamentation, including refusing the traditionalpapal mozzettacape upon his election, choosing silver instead ofgold for hispiscatory ring, and keeping the same pectoral cross hehad when hewas cardinal.The Pontiff has affirmed Catholic doctrine on abortion,artificialcontraception, and homosexuality. Whilst maintaining theChurch'steaching against homosexual acts, he has said that gaypeopleshould not be marginalized. As a cardinal, he opposedsame-sexmarriage in Argentina. In addition, he maintains that he isa "sonof the Church" regarding loyalty to Church doctrine, and hasspokenagainst abortion as "horrific", suggested that women bevalued notclericalized. Summarily Pope Francis reiterates that "Itis absurdto say you follow Jesus Christ but reject theChurch."Accordingly, he urged Bishop Charles J. Scicluna of Malta tospeakout against adoption by same-sex couples,[17][18] maintainedthatdivorced and re-married Catholics may not receivetheEucharist,[19][20] and excommunicated a former Catholic priestforEucharistic sacrilege and heretical views.[21][22] Furthermore,heemphasized the Christian obligation to assist the poor andtheneedy in an optimistic tone, as well as promotingpeacenegotiations and interfaith dialogue.[23][24][25][26][7]PopeFrancis has also announced a zero-tolerance policy towardssexabuse in the Church, saying that sex abuse was "as badasperforming a satanic mass."[27][28][29]
Catholic Droid 3.1.3
This is an Application to help theCatholics.Contains the Bible(many translations), examination ofconsciencefor confession. the Rosary, Commandments and Prayers.Thanks to Efraín Valcke who made a Full review onSpanishTranslations.Thanks to Matheus D. Pagani who helped with some revisionsandsugestions (like vibrate on Rosary) and giving information abouthedescription of Gifts of the Holy Spirit and SacramentsThere is only need to be online to use the Bible andDailyReading. The goal is to reduce the size of the application sotheuser does not have to download the entire Bible.Please need help to review the translations The Resourcesfilesare at
Devocionales Católicos 1.5
Con esta aplicación recibirás todo los días un devocionalbíblicoque consisten en lecturas breves de versos bíblicosrelacionados,te ayudaran a estar más de cerca de Dios todos losdías. ¡Seasbendecido! ¡Comparte la aplicación con tus amigos!
Misal México y Centroamérica 1.0.8
Para todos los Católicos*, el es la única app que contiene la Santa Misa detodoslos días del mes, sin necesidad de Internet** para poderseguirladesde el teléfono, en cualquier lugar y en cualquiermomento.*Esta app cuenta con el Misal utilizado en México, EstadosUnidos,Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica y Panamá. Siteencuentras en otro país revisa nuestras versiones de tupaís.Próximamente tendremos versiones para todos los paises deAmérica yEspaña.Comparte el Evangelio directo a seres queridos o redes socialesmásfácil que con ninguna otra app.Ajusta el texto al tamaño que más te facilite su lectura.Esta aplicación ha sido descargada por más de 100,000personas.Algunas reseñas son:- "Me parece que es muy buena aplicación, he bajado varias conlaMisa del día y esta es la más apegada a las lecturas"- "Puedo seguir mi Misa diaria ya que coincide perfecto."- "Me es de gran utilidad porque puedo leer el evangelio del día,yestá totalmente sincronizado con el de la Iglesia"La app del Misal cumple 5 años gracias al apoyo de lacomunidadCatólica de Android. Revisa de manera gratuita y parasiempre elcontenido de la Liturgia Cotidiana del día. Adquiereunasubscripción para poder tener el contenido sin necesidaddeInternet y las ventajas adicionales que hacen realidad que estaappcontinue apoyando a cristianizar la vida cotidiana de máspersonasalrededor del mundo.**El contenido del Misal de la Iglesia Católica actualizadosedescarga los primeros días del mes, después de esto ya noesnecesario contar con conexión constante a Internet para verelcontenido de la Misa del día y la eucaristía.El Misal Romano es el texto litúrgico que contiene todaslasoraciones y lecturas, así como la estructura de la celebracióndelrito romano en la Iglesia Católica. El rito romano es elformatoestándar para la celebración de la Misa en la IglesiaCatólicaRomana.El rito romano de la Misa y el Misal adjunto ha sidoformalmenteestandarizado en 1570 por el Papa Pío V. Después delConcilioVaticano II en 1970, se adoptó el Misal Romano en su formaactual.Desde entonces ha sido revisado en dos ocasiones, una en1975 yotra vez en el año 2000 por el Papa Juan Pablo II.El Misal Romano contiene dos partes. La primera parte es laLiturgiade la Palabra, y la segunda parte es la Liturgia de laEucaristía.La Liturgia de la Palabra contiene lecturas de laBiblia y laLiturgia de la Eucaristía contiene las oraciones y lasrespuestasnecesarias para la celebración de la Eucaristía (laceremonia queconmemora la última cena). El Misal contiene tambiénlas oracionesde apertura y conclusión dichas en la misa.Los católicos son llamados a la celebración de la Misa todoslosdomingos y los llamados días de precepto. Las lecturas ylasoraciones que se dicen durante el cambio de masa en un ciclodetres años. Además, hay varias fiestas y celebraciones quetienensus propias lecturas y oraciones.For all Catholics *,theMissal of is the only app that contains the Massforevery day of the month without Internet ** to follow fromthephone, anywhere and anytime.* This app has the Missal used in Mexico, United States,Guatemala,Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Panama. If you are inanothercountry review our versions of your country. We will soonhaveversions for all countries of America and Spain.Share the Gospel live loved ones or social networks easier thanwithany other app.Adjust text size more facilitates you read.This application has been downloaded by more than 100,000people.Some reviews are:- "I think it's very good application, have lowered several withtheMass of the day and this is the more attached to thereadings"- "I continue my daily Mass as it coincides perfect."- "It is very useful because I can read the Gospel of the day,andis fully synchronized with that of the Church"The Missal app turns 5 years thanks to the support of theCatholiccommunity of Android. Check for free and forever thecontent of theLiturgy Daily day. Acquires a subscription to havethe contentwithout Internet and additional advantages that makethis appactually continue supporting Christianize the daily livesof mostpeople around the world.** The content of the Missal of the Catholic Churchupdateddownloads the first day of the month, after it is nolongernecessary to have constant Internet connection to view thecontentsof the Mass of the day and the Eucharist.The Roman Missal is the liturgical text containing all theprayersand readings, as well as the structure of the celebration oftheRoman rite in the Catholic Church. The Roman Rite is thestandardformat for the celebration of Mass in the RomanCatholicChurch.The Roman Rite of the Mass and the attached Missal has beenformallystandardized in 1570 by Pope Pius V. After the SecondVaticanCouncil in 1970, the Roman Missal was adopted in itspresent form.Since then it has been revised twice, once in 1975and again in 2000by Pope John Paul II.The Roman Missal contains two parts. The first part is theLiturgyof the Word, and the second part is the Liturgy of theEucharist.The Liturgy of the Word contains readings from the Bibleand theLiturgy of the Eucharist contains the prayers and responsesneededfor the celebration of the Eucharist (the ceremonycommemoratingthe Last Supper). The missal also contains the openingandconcluding prayers said at Mass.Catholics are called to the celebration of Mass on Sundays andholydays of obligation called. The readings and prayers said duringthemass change in a cycle of three years. In addition, thereareseveral festivals and celebrations that have their own readingsandprayers.
Mis oraciones Joven y Catolico 2.0.0
Nueva app más completa, busca"xacatolicos".Esta app no esta cuidada y desaparecera************¿eres católico? ¡Esta es tu aplicación!¡¡COMENTA PARA DAR A CONOCER!!Aplicación pensada para todo Católico español. Recopilacióndeoraciones pensadas para "tenerlas a mano" encualquiermomento:- Antes de estudiar- Después de comulgar- De los novios- Antes de la confesión- Después de la confesión- Del joven por ella- Angelus- Letanias Rosario- Invocacion al Espiritu Santo- ...muchas másSi quieres que añada alguna en especial solo tienes quepedirmeloen [email protected]ás podrás leer las lecturas y el evangelio de cada díayotras partes de mi web:- Lecturas y Evangelio- Te interesa- Hay que saberlo- OraciónSoy un joven estudiante y en mis "ratos libres" publico laslecturasy evangelios de cada día en mi web. Yo quería teneralgunas cosillasen el móvil para leer o rezar en cualquier parte ehice los deberes.Creo que las nuevas tecnologías son unaherramienta muy potente quedebemos aprovechar para bien. Locomparto con todos vosotros deforma gratuita; sólo pido una cosa acambio: acuérdense de rezar pormi Santidad XD ;)Os dejo estas palabras del Papa Francisco en esta JMJRIO2013:"Chicos y chicas, por favor, no se metan en la cola delahistoria, ¡sean protagonistas! Pateen adelante, construyan unmundomejor. Un mundo de hermanos, un mundo de justicia, de amor, depaz,de fraternidad, de solidaridad. Jueguen adelante siempre."Sugerencias y peticiones por correo electrónico a [email protected].#YoRezo #iamcatholicNew most completeapp,search for "xacatolicos". This app is not maintainedanddisappear************Are you Catholic? This is your app!COMMENT FOR RELEASE !!Application designed for all Spanish Catholic. Collectionofprayers designed to "keep them on hand" at any time:- Before studying- After Communion- Of the groom- Before the Confession- After confession- The young for her- Angelus- Litany Rosario- Invocation to the Holy Spirit- ... Many moreIf you want to add some special just have to ask me in [email protected] you can read the readings and gospel each day andotherparts of my web:- Readings and Gospel- Interested- You have to know- PrayerI am a young student and my public "free time" readings andgospeleach day on my website. I wanted to have some things in thephoneto read or pray anywhere and did homework. I believe thatnewtechnologies are a powerful tool that we use to good. I sharewithyou for free; I only ask one thing in return: remember to prayformy holiness XD;)I leave these words of Pope Francis in this JMJ RIO 2013:"Boys and girls, please do not get into the queue of history,areprotagonists! Kicked forward, build a better world. A worldofbrothers, a world of justice, love, peace, brotherhood,solidarity.Play forward forever. "Suggestions and requests by email to [email protected].#YoRezo #iamcatholic
Imágenes de Dios 1.11.0
Images of God with phrases in categories of blessings and of faith.
Pildora Del Dia 2.0.5
LA PÍLDORA DEL DÍAAsí como a diario debemos consumir alimentos, tambiénesfundamental que alimentemos nuestro espíritu con la palabradeDios, oraciones y reflexiones que nos permitan crecer y abrircadadía más nuestros ojos para poder ver la luz de Jesús.La Píldora del Día contiene el evangelio de cada día ylareflexión y propósito de cada día. De esta forma, paso a pasovamosavanzando en nuestra conversión y alimentando nuestro corazónconverdadero alimento no perecedero.Los invito a leer a diario las píldoras que acá se publican,yverán un verdadero cambio en sus vidas.Próximamente encontrarás píldoras para cada necesidaddelespíritu.Agradezco mucho la colaboración a la comunidad Amor de Diosquehace posible mantener viva esta iniciativa y a la EscuelaBíblicaCatólica YeshuaDAY PILLAs we daily consume foods, it is also essential to nourishourspirit with the Word of God, prayer and reflection that allow ustogrow and open our eyes each day to see the light of Jesus.Day Pill contains the gospel each day of reflection andpurposeevery day. In this way, step by step we move forward inourconversion and fueling our hearts with truenon-perishablefood.I invite you to read daily pills that are published here, andseea real change in their lives.Very soon you will find pills for every need of the spirit.I appreciate the cooperation of the community of God's lovethatmakes it possible to keep this initiative and livingYeshuaCatholic Biblical School
Devocionales Cristianos 1.8
Con esta aplicación recibirás todo los días un devocionalbíblicoque consisten en lecturas breves de versos bíblicosrelacionados,te ayudaran a estar más de cerca de Dios todos losdías. ¡Seasbendecido! ¡Comparte la aplicación con tus amigos!
DezPray: Catholic Prayer/Bible 18.9
Prayers, Songs, Bible, Rosary, Gospel. Liturgy, Novenas,Breviary& Lectionary.
Old-RMA2 5.0
Radio Maria now on your Android smartphone.
Evangelio 2.2.9
Hongin Park
In 2015 we had a bible study with PastorSungKee Ho in Antioch church of Philadelphia. During the biblestudy,Chris Kim and I shared a vision to create an app to havemorechance to read bible and QT. Evangelio is a product of thatbiblestudy.Evangelio contains Pastor Sung Kee Ho's daily QT andSundaysermons.Please contact me for any question.* Korean Search terms: 이반젤리오 and 에반젤리오.
Imágenes cristianas 2.13.0
Christian images with phrases of faith, of God, of prayer,versesand Jesus.
Cursos Biblicos 6.0
Mattias Apps
Want to learn more about the Bible? We offer free home Biblestudy...
Calendario Litúrgico 2016-2017 3.3.9
Calendario Litúrgico 2016-2017, esuncalendario litúrgico de las lecturas de la misa deldía;dependiendo de la fecha seleccionada.LiturgicalCalendar2016-2017, is a liturgical calendar of the readings of theMass ofthe day; depending on the date selected.