Top 20 Apps Similar to Oraciones y frases de Santos

Con El Papa 1.4.0
App oficial de la visita del PapaFranciscoaMéxicoConsulta las noticias, horarios, sedes, documentosyvideosoficiales de la visita del Papa a México. Ademáspodrásformarparte del ramillete espiritual que incluye la app.App official visitofPopeFrancisco to MexicoCheck the news, schedules, venues, official documentsandvideosof the Pope's visit to Mexico. Plus you'll be part ofthespiritualbouquet which includes app.
Milagrosa Virgen de Guadalupe 10.0.0
His ninth and prayers to be blessed and get his miracles,rezalawith Fe
Misericordia - Diócesis Toluca 4.5.0
Bienvenido a la aplicación oficialdelaDiócesis de Toluca, dedicada a informar, comunicar ydifundirtodala información sobre el Año Santo y el Jubileo delaMisericordiaconvocado por el Papa Francisco.Encontrarás además de información, algunas ideas sobrecómoponeren práctica las obras de misericordia en tu vidadiariaeinformaremos sobre las diversas celebraciones yeventosorganizadospor la propia Diócesis así como de losmovimientoscatólicos.Welcome totheofficialimplementation of the Diocese of Toluca, dedicatedtoinform,communicate and disclose all information about the HolyYearandthe Jubilee of Mercy convened by Pope Francisco.You will find further information, some ideas on howtopracticethe works of mercy in your daily life and reportonvariouscelebrations and events organized by the diocese andtheCatholicmovements.
Selecciones en español-México 8.9.1
Selections magazine in Spanish, complete edition.
Frases de religion catolica 4.5
La mejor opcion para compartirfrasesreligiosas! En esta gran aplicacion, Frases de religioncatolicaencontrarás una selección de las mejores frases conimágenesreligiosas que podras descargar y compartirlas con tusseresqueridos a traves de tus redes sociales favoritas.Podras encontrar bonitas imagenes con frases catolicascomoimagenes con oraciones catolicas, fotos con palabras de laiglesiacatolica, imagenes de jesus con citas de la bibliacatolica,imagenes del vaticano con frases del papa, fotos con laletra demusica cristiana, frases cristianas para jovenes, y muchasimagenesmas con frases cortas biblicas!A quien no le gusta recibir frases biblicas de amor? Yrecibirimagenes de dios con reflexiones biblicas sobre elcatolicismo.Animate y regalales un mensaje catolico a tus amigos yfamilia!Estas imagenes con bonitas frases de religion, seactualizanregularmente para que puedas compartir y transmitir fotosa tusamigosAdemas, esta aplicacion te permitira:* Votar tus imagenes preferidas para guardarlas en la seccióndefavoritas* Podrás ver cuales son las imagenes más votadas por el restodelos usuarios, en la sección de más votadas* Conoce la cantidad exacta de votos que tiene cada imagen!* Ahora puedes ordenar las imagenes por numero de vistas onumerode votos!*Influenciar directamente el orden de la seccion "mas votadas"atraves de tus likes a tus fotos preferidas.* Recibir una notificación diaria con una nueva imagen confrasesde religion catolica.----------------------------------------------------------------------------Política de privacidad:Usamos identificadores de dispositivos para personalizarlosanuncios que verás en esta aplicacion y analizar nuestrotráficopara ofrecer un mejor servicio. Tambien compartimosestosidentificadores nuestros partners estratégicos de anunciosyanalytics. Si quieres saber todos los detalles sobre cómofuncionapor favor sigue el siguiente enlace: best option tosharereligious phrases! In this great application, Catholicreligionphrases find a selection of the best quotes with religiousimagesthat can download and share with your loved ones throughyourfavorite social networks.Can find beautiful images with phrases like CatholicCatholicprayers pictures, pictures with words of the Catholicchurch,images of Jesus with quotations from the Catholic Bible,images ofthe Vatican with Pope phrases, pictures with the letterofChristian music, Christian phrases Young and many more imageswithshort biblical phrases!Who does not like receiving biblical words of love? Godandreceive pictures with biblical reflections on Catholicism.Animateand a Catholic message Give them to your friends andfamily!These images with pretty phrases of religion, areupdatedregularly so you can share and stream photos to yourfriendsFurthermore, this application will allow you:* Vote your favorite images to save favorite section* You can see which are the most voted images for the restofusers, most voted section* Know the exact number of votes that each picture!* You can now sort images by number of views or numberofvotes!* Directly influence the order of the "most voted" Throughyourlikes with your favorite photos section.* Receive a daily notification with a new image withphrasesCatholic.----------------------------------------------------------------------------Privacy Policy:Device identifiers used to customize the ads you'll see inthisapplication and analyze our traffic to provide better service.Wealso share our strategic partners such identifiers adsandanalytics. If you want to know all the details about how itworksplease follow the link below:
Virgen de Guadalupe 1.4
Prayer of the Virgin of Guadalupe on your audio Samrtphonewithoutinternet
Imagenes con citas biblicas 4.10
En Imagenes con citas biblicas encontrarásunaselección amplia de los mejores versiculos biblicos ycitasextraidas de la Biblia con imagenes, que podrás compartir contusamigos, familiares y con el amor de tu vida a través de tusredessociales favoritas.Las frases y citas bíblicas se actualizan regularmente paraquepuedas compartir y transmitir el amor a tus seresqueridosenviándoles estas imágenes con citas bíblicas de amor.Ademastambien encontraras, citas biblicas catolicas, de amistad,cortas,cristianas y mucho mas!Ademas, esta aplicacion te permitira:* Votar tus imagenes preferidas para guardarlas en la secciondefavoritas* Podras ver cuales con las imagenes mas votadas por el resto delosusuarios, en la seccion de mas votadas* Recibir una notificacion diaria con una nueva cita biblicaIn Images withbiblicalquotes you'll find a wide selection of the best Bibleverses andBible quotations extracted with pictures, which you canshare withfriends, family and the love of your life through yourfavoritesocial networks. The phrases and biblical quotes are updated regularly so youcanshare and transmit love to your loved ones by sendingthesepictures with biblical quotes of love. In addition you alsofind,Catholic Scripture quotations, friendship, short, Christianandmore! Furthermore, this application will allow you: * Vote your favorite images to keep them in section lightbox* You can see them with the most voted pictures by other users,inthe section of most voted* Receive a daily notification with a new biblical quote
Frases de la Madre Teresa 4.5.1
Frases celebres de la Madre Teresa de Calcula, beata venerada porlaIglesia Católica y fundadora de Misioneras de la Caridad cuyamisiónes ayudar a los más pobres de entre los pobres.
ICONtemplator a
Rohanó világunkban, az elektronikaerdejébenegyre erőteljesebb nehézségekbe, ágas-bogasba ütközik az,akielmélyülne hitében.Az elmélkedésnek nemhogy helyet biztosítana a fejlődő társadalom,atechnológia, hanem kiszorítja azt.Ennek ellensúlyozásaképp, fogadd szeretettel Kedves Testvér,KedvesLetöltő, ezt az alkalmazást, ami ötvözni kívánja amodern(ebb)vívmányokat az örök értékekkel. (A magatökéletlenségével, delegjobb szándékával együtt is.)Magáról a programról (a katolikus keresztényekszámáratestreszabott keretrendszerről, avagy "hogyanműködik"?):Működ(tet)ése roppant egyszerű. A belépést követően azalkalmazás"ikonjára" kell rányomni, ezt követően megkezdődik azelső"kurzus". Előtte (vagy utána) lehetőség nyílik arra is,hogytestreszabjuk a különböző elemeket. Így beállítható, mennyilegyenaz elmélkedések összideje (mennyi részidőre ossza el azalkalmazása teljeset). Ugyanitt, szabályozhatjuk a "zeneialáfestést",kiválaszthatjuk, mely énekek zárják az elmélkedést.Ezen felül,napi figyelmeztető is felvehető, tehát telefonunkállpotsoraértesít, ha esetleg elfeledkeztünk (a nagy rohanásban) azaznapiszemlélődésről (kontemplációról). Ezek az opciók azelmélkedésközben is módosíthatóak (ld. a "CS", azaz "csend"feliratot aképernyő alsó szegletében), ahogyan ún. "Repülőüzemmódba" isállíthatjuk telefonunkat; így sem a bejövőhívások/üzenetek, sem azinternetkapcsolatot használó applikációknem fogják megszakítani azalkalmat. Igaz, az "elmélkedő ablakban"csupán egy körömnyi helyjutott erre, hogy ne zavarjon betúlságosan; a funkcióműködőképességét ez nem befolyásolja.A főoldalon egy sáv és néhány kiírás gondoskodik arról,hogylássuk, mennyit "haladtunk", mennyire"edződtünk" az elmúlt időszakban.Ha a "Maradok" gombra nyomunk az elmélkedés"hivatalos"végeztekor, a zene után (már amennyiben aztbeállítottuk) lehetőségvan a szemlélődés korlátlan folytatására. Hainnen visszalépünk,majd a program újraindítása nélkül az ikonrakoppintunk, (csak) azene lesz újból és újból meghallgatható (vagyaz előbb elvégzett"szint" ismétlődik). A program újraindítása utánfrissül azösszesített státusz és érvénybe lépteti a következő"szintet".Az elmélkedő 3 mód közül választhat:- A "szentképet" figyeli, az "indítja el" (ennek érdekébentávolrahelyezi a telefont)- A szövegen (is) elmélkedik- A zenei aláfestést hallgatja (vagy épp be is kapcsolódik)(S ezek kombinációi.)/Egy egyszerű (s még alpha verziós) Widget(főképernyőrekihelyezhető modul) is kitehető, ez az éppsoronkövetkezőfohász/idézet egy részletét fogja előtárni.Rákoppintva azonnal azalkalmazásba jutunk, ahol kezdődhet is azelmélkedés./A most beépítésre került "ikonok", fotók, festmények ésszövegektárolásán túlmenően szándékunkban áll a későbbiekbenbővülni ésbővíteni; beküldött elmélkedési anyagokból,illusztrációkbólszemezgetni.Kívánjuk, hogy az utazások, a reggeli, éjjeli "rituálé",azIstennel töltendő "szabadidő", vagy akár egyeslelkigyakorlatok,önképzések részévé váljék ez az alkalmazás is,Isten nagyobbdicsőségére.*Amennyiben a "repülő mód" nem aktiválódna gombnyomásra (azúj,4.2+-os Android verziók óta ez előfordulhat), azt(programonkívülről, ) a "Beállítások" menüpont alól vagy a felsősávból lehetmódosítani.*További változatok várhatóak a jövőben (a gyengébbteljesítményűtelefonokhoz, amennyiben széles spektrumú terheltségmutatkoznatöbb készüléktípusnál, pl. a zenefájlok beolvasásaalatt):- Csak ikonok, szöveges kommentár nélkül- Zenék nélküli, ún. "könnyített csomag"*A teljes "újrakezdéshez" az applikáció törlésére ésismételtletöltésére lehet szükség. (Nem minden esetben ajánlja feleztablakos módban.)In our fast-paced worldofelectronics is becoming stronger forest of difficulties,conflictswith the fall-Bogas, who immerse themselves in thefaith.The reflection is not that place would give the developingsociety,technology, but it displaces.This offset accept my love Dear Brother, Dear Downloadthisapplication, which seeks to combine the modern (er)achievements ofeternal values. (For its imperfections, but alsotogether with thebest of intentions.)Himself the program (customized framework for theCatholicChristians, or "how it works"?):Operating (tet) ESE is very simple. Following the entry oftheapplication must be stamped "icon" and this was the first"course"begins. Before (or after) it is possible to customize thedifferentelements. Thus configured, how much is the total timereflections(how much time is allocated in part to the applicationof thecomplete case). At the same place, can be controlled bythe"background music", you can choose one of the ruled reflection.Inaddition, the warning can be worn daily, so állpotsoraphonenotifies you might have forgotten (the rush) for thedayszemlélődésről (kontemplációról). These options can bemodifiedduring the meditation (see. "CS", meaning "silence" appearsin thelower corner of the screen), as called. "Flight mode" can beset toyour phone; so any incoming calls / messages, or applicationsthatuse the Internet connection will not be interrupted bytheoccasion. True, only a fingernail came to this placethe"contemplative window" to interfere in too far;featurefunctionality is not affected.The main page of a band some notice and makes sure that youcansee how much "we were" much"Edződtünk" in the past.If the "Stay" button is pressed the reflection "official"whencompleted, after the music (if it is set) is unlimitedopportunityfor contemplation to continue. If we step back from, andwithoutrestarting the program icon koppintunk, (only) the musicwill beheard again and again (or "level" first performed repeated).Afterrestarting the program status and updates the cumulativeeffectmoves the next "level".You can choose the contemplative three methods:- The "holy pictures" watching the "start" (this puts the phonetofar)- The text (also) reflects on- The background music for listening (or even just linked to)(S combinations thereof.)/ A simple (and even alpha version) Widgets (mainscreenoutsourced module) can be exposed, this is just the nextprayer /quote will be explored in a portion. Tapping immediately toget theapplication, where you can begin the meditation. /Has now been incorporated into the "icons", photos, paintingsandtexts in addition to storing poised to grow and expand inthefuture; materials sent reflection, illustrationfromszemezgetni.We wish to travel in the morning, night "ritual" to befilledwith God "free time" or even individual retreats,self-education tobecome a part of this application is, to thegreater glory ofGod.* If the "flight mode" is not activating button (this canhappensince the new 4.2-inch Android + versions), I (programoutside) orfrom the upper band in the "Settings" menu can bemodified.* Additional variants are expected in the future (thelowerperformance phones where a wide spectrum of load introducemyselfmore device types, for example, in reading the music.)- Only icons, no text commentary- Without music, so-called. "Light package"* The complete "start over" The application may need to deleteandre-download. (Not always offer this in windowed mode.)
Imagens com Mensagens de Deus 7.9
Em imagens com mensagens de Deusvocêencontrará uma excelente coleção com o melhor mensagens de Deusemimagens, que você pode compartilhar com os amigos, a famíliaeoamor de sua vida.Não há melhor maneira de dizer que a pessoa que vocêquertransmitir, com uma imagem, selecione a frase que melhor seadaptaao que você quer transmitir no imagens de Deus e use o botãodecompartilhar.Características:★ Grátis Você pode baixar aplicativo gratuito.★ Velocidade Ele é totalmente otimizado para todasasaplicações funcionem sem problemas.★ Navegação Tudo rápido é intuitivamente posicionados demodoque você pode personalizar o aplicativo como você quermais.★ Compartilhar A função que você gosta, vocêpodecompartilhar via SMS, mensagens multimídia, facebook,twitter,whatsapp, Viber, linha e mais redes sociais com o toque deumbotão.★ Qualidade As imagens são selecionadas para ofereceramelhor qualidade.★ Idioma A aplicação é de 100% em português, esqueçaosaplicativos que estão em outras línguas do que o seu, vocêvaiencontrar tudo aqui no seu idioma.★ Baixar Você pode baixar as imagens que você gostasimples,você só tem que pressionar o botão.★ Intuitiva A fim de mudar para ir de uma imagem para outraéapenas necessário deslizar o dedo você pode acessar todos eles;tudoé posicionado de modo que o aplicativo é fácil de usar tudoque vocêtem a fazer é se divertir.★ Compatível Esta aplicação é compatível com telefonesetablets (responsive); também trabalha com diferentes versõesdoAndroid, você não terá que se preocupar com nada, a aplicaçãoiráse adaptar ao seu dispositivo para lhe dar amelhorexperiência.★ Ajuda a dizer Às vezes não encontramos aspalavrasadequadas para expressar o que queremos transmitirpalavras; Estaaplicação vai ajudá-lo a encontrar a imagem, o textoadequado paraque você possa fazê-lo.Extras:► Com esta aplicação, você pode compartilhar frases com amensagemde que você gosta, como poderia ser: "mensagens deagradecimento aDeus" o "mensagens de Deus para amigos".► Constantemente adicionando novas imagens e melhorias paraoaplicativo, de vez em quando enviamos uma atualização,entãosinta-se livre para atualizar e manter sempre a par comosmelhores.► Esperamos que vocês gostem da aplicação, se há alguma coisaquevocê acha que poderia ser melhorado, sinta-se livre para deixarumcomentário ou envie um e-mail; e se você gostou de comoelefunciona, você pode qualificar-nos para que possamossemprecontinuar trabalhando para oferecer o melhor.In pictureswithmessages from God you will find an excellent collection withthebest God messages in images, which you can share withfriends,family and the love of his life.There is no better way to tell that person that you want toconvey,with an image, select the phrase that best suits what youwant toconvey in images of God and use the share button.Features:★ Free You can download free application.★ Speed ​​ It is fully optimized for all applicationsrunsmoothly.★ Navigation All fast is intuitively positioned so that youcanpersonalize the application as you want more.★ Share The function you like, you can share via SMS,picturemessaging, facebook, twitter, whatsapp, Viber, onlinesocialnetworks and more at the touch of a button.★ Quality The images are selected to offer the best quality.★ Language The application is 100% in Portuguese, forgettheapplications that are in other languages ​​than yours, youwillfind everything here in your language.★ Download You can download the images you like simple, youjusthave to press the button.★ Intuitive In order to change to go from one image to anotherisonly necessary to slide your finger you can access themall;everything is positioned so that the application is easy to useallyou have to do is have fun.★ Compatible This application is compatible with phones andtablets(responsive); also works with different versions of Android,youwill not have to worry about anything, the application willadaptto your device to give you the best experience.★ Help to say Sometimes we do not find the right words toexpresswhat we want to convey words; This application will help youfindthe image, the appropriate text for you to do so.Extras:► With this application you can share phrases with the messagethatyou like, as it could be, "messages of thanks to God" or"God'smessages to friends."► Constantly adding new images and improvements to theapplication,from time to time we send an update, so feel free toupgrade andalways keep abreast with the best.► We hope you like the application, if there is anything youthinkcould be improved, please feel free to leave a comment or sendane-mail; and if you liked how it works, you may qualify us thatwemay always continue working to offer the best.
Frases del Papa Francisco 4.5.1
Una colección de las mejores frases de Francisco, elprimerPapalatinoamericano. Cientos de frases del Papaparaaprender,reflexionar y alimentar la fe. El contenidoesactualizadoperiódicamente para que puedas acceder a los mensajesdeamor yesperanza que Francisco envía a los fieles.
Meditaciones Catolicas 10.0.0
Fine Catholic Meditations you fill the Heart of Spiritual Love
Bellas Frases de Jesucristo 9.0.0
Quotations of Jesus of Nazareth pronounced throughout his life.
Messages from Pope Francis
Messages from the Pope is the onlyinstantmessaging app for Catholics that notifies you each time theHolyFather sends a message to the world. Follow the path ofhisHoliness into making the world a better place foreveryone.Pope Francis (Latin: Franciscus; Italian: Francesco; bornJorgeMario Bergoglio, 17 December 1936) is the reigning pope oftheCatholic Church, in which capacity he is both Bishop of Romeandabsolute Sovereign of the Vatican City State.Born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Bergoglio worked briefly asachemical technician and nightclub bouncer before beginningseminarystudies.He was ordained a Catholic priest in 1969 and from1973 to1979 was Argentina's Provincial Superior of the Society ofJesus.He became the Archbishop of Buenos Aires in 1998 and wascreated acardinal in 2001 by Pope John Paul II.Following the resignation of Pope Benedict XVI on 28 February2013,a papal conclave elected Bergoglio as his successor on 13March. Hechose Francis as his papal name in honor of Saint FrancisofAssisi. Francis is the first Jesuit pope, the first fromtheAmericas, the first from the Southern Hemisphere and thefirstnon-European pope since the Syrian Gregory III in 741, 1,272yearsearlier.Throughout his public life, both as an individual and as areligiousleader, Pope Francis has been noted for his humility, hisconcernfor the poor and his commitment to dialogue as a way tobuildbridges between people of all backgrounds, beliefs andfaiths. He isknown for having a simpler and less formal approachto the papacy,most notably by choosing to reside in the DomusSanctae Marthaeguesthouse rather than the papal apartments of theApostolic Palaceused by his predecessors. In addition, due to bothhis Jesuit andIgnatian aesthetic, he is known for favoring simplervestments voidof ornamentation, including refusing the traditionalpapal mozzettacape upon his election, choosing silver instead ofgold for hispiscatory ring, and keeping the same pectoral cross hehad when hewas cardinal.The Pontiff has affirmed Catholic doctrine on abortion,artificialcontraception, and homosexuality. Whilst maintaining theChurch'steaching against homosexual acts, he has said that gaypeopleshould not be marginalized. As a cardinal, he opposedsame-sexmarriage in Argentina. In addition, he maintains that he isa "sonof the Church" regarding loyalty to Church doctrine, and hasspokenagainst abortion as "horrific", suggested that women bevalued notclericalized. Summarily Pope Francis reiterates that "Itis absurdto say you follow Jesus Christ but reject theChurch."Accordingly, he urged Bishop Charles J. Scicluna of Malta tospeakout against adoption by same-sex couples,[17][18] maintainedthatdivorced and re-married Catholics may not receivetheEucharist,[19][20] and excommunicated a former Catholic priestforEucharistic sacrilege and heretical views.[21][22] Furthermore,heemphasized the Christian obligation to assist the poor andtheneedy in an optimistic tone, as well as promotingpeacenegotiations and interfaith dialogue.[23][24][25][26][7]PopeFrancis has also announced a zero-tolerance policy towardssexabuse in the Church, saying that sex abuse was "as badasperforming a satanic mass."[27][28][29]
Catholic prayers in Spanish 5.7
Large collection of Catholic prayersinSpanishPrayers:1- Padre nuestro2- Ave María3- Gloria4- Credo5- Bajo tu amparo6- Diez mandamientos7- Oración de la mañana8- Ven espíritu santo9- Bendición comida10 - Acto de fe11- Acto de Esperanza12- Yo Confieso13- Regina Coeli14- Cruz de Caravaca15- San Benito16- Trinidad17- San Cipriano (Protección)18- Bendición19- Arcangel Miguel20- Evitar tentaciones21- Espíritu Vencedor22- Santa Catalina23- San Jorge24- Ángel de la guarda25- Escudo de los ángeles26- Te ruego27- San Judas Tadeo28- San Cristobal29- Oración del estudiante30- Oración para el amor31- Signos de tu amor32- Amor y Luz33- Ángel del amor34- Bendita sea35- Virgen de Guadalupe36- Adoro te devote37- Paz y energía38-Luz en la oscuridad39-San Martín caballero40-Memorare41-Sub tuum præsidium42-Magnificat
Christian quotes and Bible 30.0.0
The best and most comprehensive free apponChristian and biblical phrases. Quotes, thoughts, verses,thoughts,phrases .... all that God and Jesus want you to know andremember.You can also enjoy Christian radio, televison channels,spokenprayers, poems dedicated to the Lord .... as you will seewhen thetry is a simple and very complete app that need to carryaround.Enjoy "Christian and Biblical phrases." Reflections andthoughts ofJesus quedarón collected by the apostles and now you canenjoy themand share them with anyone you want on facebook, twitter,telegram,whatsapp, sms and more.Would you like to have some nice Christian images to share withyourfriends? These postcards have words of love, the love of God,Bible,with beautiful and wise quotes from the Bible. Phrases goodmorningand good night. Christian images with reflections, quotesand Bibleverses.Short Christian daily written reflections, love,encouragement,encouragement for youth and adults, based on realexperiences,Bible studies and illustrations that show us aspiritual realityand motivate us to continue along more in the wayof life. Rescuingcore values​​, Christian values​​, values ​​of theBible, God'sword. Jesus expressed and revealed God's kingdomthrough parablesthat taught graficaban stories deep and eternaltruths in a simpleand understandable to all.
Frases Bonitas de Dios 1.0
amor apps
En esta oportunidad tepresentamosunarecopilación de imágenes, fotografías y mensajescristianosparaque puedas compartirlas con amigo, seres queridos ytal vezconaquellas personas que lo necesitan.Es la mejor oportunidad para decirlo con imágenes bonitaslomuchoque Dios ama a cada persona.Las frases de esta aplicación serán una bendición paralaspersonasquienes la reciban, para que su fe no decaiga y másbiensefortalezca.Que importante es saber que Jesús no ama y compartirlo en lawebatravés de tu celular, n o es pesada la aplicaciónfácilmentepuedesdescargártelaPuedes compartir esta aplicación de mensajescristianosenFacebook, Tuenti, Twoo, Twitter, WhatssApp, Line,Viber,Telegram,Weechat, Ozone, WeChat, Linkedln, Badoo,DailyMotion,Flickr, QQ,SinaWeibo, Instagram, Google+, YouTube, VK,Kik, Habbo,Friendster,Ortsbo.Una vez instalada la aplicación y presionando en laimagenquedesee le saldrá un cuadro de opciones tanto comoparacompartirlaen las redes sociales que usted elija. O tambiénpuedeestablecerlacomo: fondo de pantalla, foto de perfil, pantalladeinicio, fotodel contacto y pantalla de bloqueo.Si te gusto la aplicación puede ayudarnos valorándolaconcincoestrellas, dejar un comentario y no olvide pulsar +1.Unavezinstalada no necesita estar conectado al internet paraverlagalería de fotos e imágenesNOTA: Esta aplicación contiene publicidad que nosayudaparamantener los costes de programaciónDios le colme de bendiciones esperamos haya sido desucompletoagrado le invitamos a visitar otrasaplicacionesinteresantes quetenemos en Love AppsThis time wepresentacollection of pictures, photographs and Christian messagessoyoucan share them with friends, loved ones and perhaps thoseinneed.It is the best opportunity to put it pretty pictures howmuchGodloves each person.The phrases of this application will be a blessing forpeoplewhoreceive it, so that your faith may not failandratherstrengthened.How important it is to know that Jesus loves them and shareitonthe web through your phone, the application is not heavyyoucaneasily download itYou can share this application with ChristianmessagesinFacebook, Tuenti, Twoo, Twitter, WhatssApp, Line,Viber,Telegram,weechat, Ozone, WeChat, LinkedIn, Badoo,DailyMotion,Flickr, QQ,SinaWeibo, Instagram, Google+, YouTube, VK,Kik, Habbo,Friendster,Ortsbo.After installing the application and clicking on thedesiredimagewill turn out enough to share on social networks youchooseanoptions box. Or you can set it as wallpaper, profilepicture,screen,contact picture and lock screen.If you liked the app can help valuing five stars, leaveacommentand do not forget to click +1. Once installed need notbeconnectedto the Internet to view gallery photos and imagesNOTE: This app contains advertising that helps ustokeepprogramming costsGod fill you with blessings hope has been to his liking inviteyoutovisit other interesting applications that we Love Apps
San Judas Tadeo 1.8
The prayer of St. Jude available for your smartphone
Imagenes cristianas con frases 14.0.0
✚. Podrás enviar una palabra de aliento,deanimo, de amor a aquellas personas que aprecias..Preciosasimágenescon hermosas fotos y frases de Dios para meditar, dargracias aDios y pedir perdón.Comienza el día con la mejor motivación que solamente lafecristiana puede dar. Las mejores imágenes cristianaslasencontraras en esta sencilla y completa app gratis. Dsifrutadeesta app en Semana Santa, navidades, dia de los santos... entodasaquellas fechas que para ti sea importante recordar al Señoryestar en Paz-- Enormes agradecimientos a Amen - Amen por permitirnos el usodesu gran Biblia On line para el uso y disfrute de los usuariosdeesta app ✚.Para cumplir la normativa de las autoridades de protección dedatoscomunicamos:En este sítio se usan identificadores de dispositivoparapersonalizar el contenido y los anuncios, con el fin deofreceranuncios de medios y para analizar el tráfico. Ademáscompartimosesos identificadores y otra información del dispositivoconpartners de medios sociales de publicidad y análisis web.Másdetalles en:✚. You will be abletosend a word of encouragement, encourage, love thosewhoaprecias..Preciosas images with beautiful photos and phrases ofGodto meditate, to give thanks to God and ask forforgiveness.Start the day with the best motivation that only Christian faithcangive. Best Christian images the find in this simple andcompletelyfree app. Dsifruta this app at Easter, Christmas, AllSaints Day ...on any date that is important for you to rememberthe Lord and be atpeace- Enormous thanks to Amen - Amen for allowing us the use ofhisgreat Bible on-line for the use and enjoyment of users of thisapp✚.To comply with the rules of the data protectionauthoritiescommunicate:On this site device identifiers are used to personalize contentandads, in order to provide media ads and to analyze traffic. Wealsoshare those identifiers and other device information withpartnerssocial media advertising and web analytics. More detailsat:
Un Amanecer Con Dios
Un Amanecer Con Dios de Avanza PorMás.Despiértate cada día con un devocional cristiano de poder juntoauna oración en audio ungida y poderosa. Puede elegir el horarioenque recibes las oraciones. Necesitas conexión a internet paraverlos vídeos, mira el video de bienvenida y espera al otro díapararecibir la siguiente oración luego de instalada. Si quierestenerun adelanto de estas reflexiones y oraciones cristianas, enaudio yvideo visita puedes ir al historial, dentro de la app ytendrásunas diez reflexiones de muestra, también puedes conocerlasen ennuestra página y tener cada día "Un AmanecerConDios".Estas predicaciones cristianas están adaptadas para unformatocondensado en tres minutos de duración aproximadamente. Elformatoes video y necesitas tener conexión wifi paraescucharloscorrectamente. La predica cristiana está también enformato escritoen nuestra web online avanzapormas puedes entrar yver todos losmensajes publicados y oraciones. Además en nuestra webencontrarastestimonios, reflexiones, imágenes, frases de Dioscristianas, deamor, fe motivación, familiar, para jóvenes, mujeresde estudiosbiblicos y devcionales adicionales, también predicas envideogratis, peliculas cristianas y mucho más. Recibe materialadicionalde nuestras otras aplicaciones. Dios te bendiga.A Dawn With God AvanzaForMore. Wake up each day with a Christian devotional power withaprayer anointed and powerful audio. You can choose the timethatyou receive the prayers. You need internet connection towatchvideos, look at the video and hopes to welcome the next daytoreceive the next sentence after installed. If you want to haveataste of these reflections and Christian prayers, audio andvideovisit you can go to history within the app and have tenreflectionssample, you can also meet them in on and haveevery day "A dawn with God. "These Christian preachings are adapted for a condensed formatinapproximately three minutes duration. The format is video andneedto wifi to listen properly. Christian preaching is also inwrittenform on our website online avanzapormas can come and see allthemessages posted and prayers. Also in our site you willfindtestimonies, reflections, images, phrases Christian God,love,faith, motivation, family, youth, women's Bible studiesandadditional devcionales, also preach free video, Christianmoviesand more. Receive additional material of our otherapplications.God bless you.