Top 4 Apps Similar to Rab Island - Reiseführer

Find In - Rab 1.5.1
Find in Rab is a must have app foreverytouristvisiting the island of Rab. Explore everything theislandhas tooffer, see your destination before visiting it, andfind thebest wayto get there. Pick from island's bestrestaurants,bars,accommodation, shops and more, and make sure yourvacation iswellspent.*official Rab tourist app* supported by the tourist board of the island of RabFind in Rab is free and easy to use:-browse through assortment of categories-get fastest routes to your destination-bookmark your favorite destinations for offlineview(NOROAMING)-find best restaurants, accommodation, bars and everythingelsetheisland of Rab has to offer-explore important culture points and structures-know everything about your destination beforevisiting(everyprofile contains pictures, info, description andlocation onthemap)-word search for places you already heard about
Iceland - FREE Travel Guide 21.1.20
Travel Iceland: IllustratedGuide,Phrasebookand Maps. Includes Reykjavik & more. (MobiTravel)MobileReference guides help you get the most out ofyourvacation.The guides are available for most destinationsworldwideand alwaysinclude FREE offline GPS maps. Over 3millionMobileReference TravelGuides have been downloaded.The world’s most popular electronic guides developedforyoursmartphone have the following features:✔ GPS map loads to your smartphone memory - nonetworkaccessneeded once the app is downloaded.✔ GPS map displays your location along with nearbysightsandattractions.✔ MobileReference guides use vector-based maps so theyloadquicklyand are easy to zoom and scroll.✔ Unlike other travel guides, GPS coordinates forattractionshavebeen verified by users on the ground.✔ Attraction articles can be accessed from both an alphabeticalandacategorical index.✔ Top 10 attractions article features sights that novisitorshouldmiss.✔ Articles include tips on what to do and seeinyourdestination.✔ Articles can be added to a list of favorites.✔ Phrasebooks include list of common words and phrases.✔ The top restaurants have been individuallyselectedbyMobileReference editors. These restaurants are marked bya starinthe EAT chapter and are plotted on the GPS map.✔ No ads✔ No roaming chargesTABLE OF CONTENTS:Essentials: Phrasebook | Eat | Drink | Sleep | Stay Healthy|StaySafe | Respect | Units ConversionIceland: Get in | Get around | Geography | Cities |History|Culture | VolcanismMaps: Iceland | ReykjavikAttractions: Top 10 | Itinerary | See & Do | GoldenCircle|Buy | Natural AttractionsReykjavik: History | Geography | Climate | Culture | Eat |Drink|Sleep | Stay safe | Contact | Get in | Get around | See |Top 10| Do| Buildings | Churches | Museums | Buy | Get outSouthwest: Reykjavik | Hafnarfjörður | Keflavík |Glymur|StrokkurSouth: Dyrhólaey | Eyjafjallajökull | Eyrarbakki |Geysir|Gullfoss | Háifoss | Haukadalur | Heimaey | Hekla |Hella|Hveragerði | Jökulsárlón | Kerið |Kirkjubæjarklaustur|Landmannalaugar | Mýrdalsjökull | Selfoss |Seljalandsfoss|Skaftafell | Skógar | Skógafoss | Svartifoss |UpcountryÁrnessýsla| Vatnajökull National Park | Vestmannaeyjar |Vík íMýrdal |Þingvellir National Park | Þjóðveldisbærinn Stöng|ÞórsmörkWest Fjords: Ísafjörður | Súðavík | SuðureyriWest: Borgarnes | Breiðafjörður | Búðardalur |Grundarfjörður|Látrabjarg | Snæfellsjökull National Park |StykkishólmurNorth: Akureyri | Aldeyjarfoss | Askja | Dettifoss |Goðafoss|Húsavík | Hverfjall | Mývatn | Sauðárkrókur |SkagafjörðurEast: Egilsstaðir | Höfn | Seyðisfjörður | VatnajökullMobileReference Travel Guides providedetailed,practicalinformation about attractions, landmarks,transportation,culturalvenues, dining, lodging, history and muchmore. They areindexedalphabetically and by category, making iteasier toaccessindividual articles. Attractions can be viewed on anofflineGPSmap along with your current location so that you caneasilyfindattractions near you as you explore the city.This fully-functional guide is absolutely free. Thefullversion(only $4.99) adds Text-To-Speech and expands articleswithmoreinformation about attractions, history,culture,itineraries,phrasebooks and more. Listen to completearticles onthe go withText-To-Speech: double-tap on a word tostartText-To-Speech fromthe selected word or select Menu >StartText-To-Speech.-MobileReference®. Free maps for worldwide destinations™.
Krk Island - Reiseführer 3.0
Erkunden Sie die goldenen kroatischenInsel:dieInsula Aurea - die Insel Krk, in der Mitte der KvarnerBucht,einerder attraktivsten touristischen Bestimmungsorte -mitmildemediterrane Klima, die günstige geographischeLageundMannigfaltigkeit natürlicher und kultureller Schönheiten.Entdecken Sie Städte Krk, Malinska, Omisalj,Njivice,Punat,Baška, Vrbnik, Dobrinj, Silo, Klimno und SolineBay.DurchreisenSie ihre wunderschönen verschiedenartigen Orte,besuchenSieJahrtausend alte Denkmäler, Museen und Galerien.AtmenSieGesundheit ein während Sie entlang den romantischenSpazierwegenamMeer oder über die wilden Hirtenwege derSteingärtenwandern.Genießen Sie die zauberhaften Geschmäcker derKüche von Krkund densubtilen heimischen Wein.Explore thegoldenCroatianisland: the Insula Aurea - the island of Krk, inthecenter of theKvarner Bay, one of the most attractivetouristdestinations - with amild Mediterranean climate,favorablegeographical location anddiversity of natural andculturalbeauties.Discover cities of Krk, Malinska, Omisalj, Njivice,Punat,Baska,Vrbnik, Dobrinj, Silo, Klimno and Soline Bay. Bytravelingyou hergorgeous various places you visit millennium oldmonuments,museumsand galleries. Breathe Health a while you walkalong theromanticwalks by the sea or on the wild shepherds paths totheRock Garden.Enjoy the magical flavors of the cuisine of Krkandthe subtledomestic wine.
Travel Iceland Guide 1.3
TThis app is your key to finding outeverythingthat you need to know about Iceland!Our Iceland Travel app is the only app that you will need whileinIceland. It will allow you to discover all that Iceland hastooffer from your smartphone/tablet. We have used suggestionsfromlocals, travelers, photographers, techies and artists toinsurethat you can find things that you enjoy doing during yourvisit.The best part is that you can contact the creators of the appforadvice in real time.What you can do with the Iceland Travel Guide app:• Learn background information about Iceland before yourtrip.• Map out your entire trip for 7 up to 12 days.• Book tours inside of the app and receive your vouchersinstantlyto your email address.• Book a car, camper or motorhome inside of the app.• Find out what to eat.• Find travel tips.• Check out hiking trails and camping sites.• Learn about Icelandic music.• Check out museums.• Find out basic information about Iceland.• Look through the Icelandic phrasebook so you know thebasicIcelandic phrases.• The overall design of the application has been changed• NEW Chat• View nearby users and begin chatting• Browse profiles of anyone you are interested in IcelandTestimonials"You do not need to check Lonely Planet anymore. Just downloadthisapp on your phone and you are good to go"."With this app, you are sure to have a blast in Iceland. Youcanplan your entire trip before you even arrive to thecountry".If you have any problems or suggestions we would love to hearfromyou at [email protected] you need a local friend that you can trust to help youexperiencethe best things that Iceland has to offer during yourstay? We havea group of locals who have revealed their favoriteplaces where theylike to hang out. You will be able to have alocal and uniqueexperience, which will make your Iceland tripmemorable. Downloadour free app today and see all that Iceland hasto offer. Weguarantee that it will help you have an authenticexperience.©2017 All Rights Reserved – Scandinavian Travel Services